My Master sat comfortably on our couch. He was talking to a friend from work, Mr. Webber. He was in his mid 20’s like my Master and fairly attractive. While they talked in the living room I watched from the dining room, listening intently to their conversation.
“I’ve never really thought about it.” replied Webber, “I don’t think I’d be able to.”
My Master smiled. He played Absently with his gold ring, twisting it as he did when he was amused. He eyed the man before him and lowered his eyes to the floor, thinking.
“It’s not for everyone.”
Webber seemed to think about his words and nodded.
They lowered their voices and I had to lean closer to hear them. I opened the door a bit wider. A mistake I soon regretted. The hinges made a loud squeak and the two men turned to the intrusion. I backed up quickly, but not quick enough.
“Stephanie. Come here.”
My Master’s voice rang with irritation. I clinched my teeth and stood straight. My Master demandedgood posture as it made me more distinguished. The thought of such a regular presence serving his every whim excited him and indulged his fansies. As well, he did not want guests to know that I was his possession, and I took the role of his quiet wife when someone was in the house.
I straightened my collar under the turtleneck and walked casually into the sitting room.
The men’s eyes followed me and I sat gracefully at my Master’s side as a polite housewife would. My Master seemed to be leaning his temperature but I could see he wanted to say something.
Instead he said, “Steph, why don’t you go put on something .. more comfortable.”
I wasn’t aware of what he meant, and stared at him questioningly.
His temperature flared as he stole a glance at Webber. Through clenched teeth he slapped my cheek enough to make me flush. I sat back shocked. I looked over at Webber who seemed just as taken back as myself.
“Now,” My Master carefully spoke, controlling his tone, “I told you to change, slut.”
My eyes widened and I stared at him. We had a guest. He never let others know of my submission, but from his temperature I dare not refuse him. Before he spoke another word I leave from the couch and fled to the bedroom.
I changed into one of his favourite outfits; a mesh camisole with delicate lace thong and bra set. My collar was easily visible and accessible just as my Master wished it.
As I walked back to the room I could hear my Master apologizing to Webber about my behavior and informing him that he would see the advantages of owning a slave.
I carefully stood at the entrance, my eyes lowered, awaiting permission to enter the dimly lit room. My Master turned his attention to me and gestured for me to enter. I decided the “good wife” act was not appropriate by my Master’s casual reference to my possession. I swiftly made my way to his side and knelt silently. I bowed my head and placed my hands in my lap as I was taught.
I could see from the corner of my eye that Mr. Webber was studying my new apparel. He smiled as his eyes glided over my curves and stopped at specific intervals for a closer analysis.
Nothing was spoken for a long time, until finally my Master witnessed and looked down at me.
“What were you doing before I called you in here, Love?”
I licked my lips and kept my eyes on the floor ahead of me.
“I was standing at the door, listening to your conversation with Mr. Webber.”
Another pause.
“You know that my privacy is important, especially when I’m with those I work with. Don’t you?” He was watching me intently.
“Yes.” I stated quietly.
The open palm hit my face with a great smack, forcing me to close my eyes and bite my lip.
“I am your Master, slave. Give me my due respect.”
“Yes Master” I corrected myself.
My lips trembled as I spoke, “I’m sorry Master. I mean no disrespect. I am just .. with our guest present .. I didn’t.. ” I was close to tears. He had never hit me with such viscous force.
He held his hand to stop me and I was grateful to sit quietly on my heels.
He rapped his fingers against the arm of the couch.
“Steven this is Stephanie. She is usually better behaved for her Master. Aren’t you slave?”
“Yes Master” I replied.
He smiled at my quick response and Webber looked from both of us, trying to keep his eyes from my breasts. My Master watched him carefully examining me.
I looked up at him through my eyesashes. “Yes Master?”
“You have been a bad girl. Mr. Webber came to see what a slave could offer and instead you have disgraced me. We can’t have that. You will have to be punished.”
I winced at the word ‘punished’ and sat quietly, in fear another word would make my current situation far worse than it had become.
My Master smiled and looked to his friend.
“Steven, my slave is very sorry for her rudeness and misbehavior. She is greatly ashamed. So ashamed she will have to service both of us tonight.”
My eyes shot up at him. He knew how I felt about that. He glared at me and stopped my protest. I was in no position to argue. I had already over stepped my bounds. Master grinned with my submission.
“Now, let’s see. You have much to be punished for. Why don’t we start with a small striptease for our guest, and then we will go from there.”
I looked at him desperately trying to get out of this. My desperation went unheeded as he sat back awaiting the show.
I got up from my knees and lowered my eyes. I bit the wall of my cheek trying to control my emotions. I was furious, but fearful, and my fear overpowered all other thoughts. I ran my hands down the slick contours of the camisole and began my intricate dance of seduction.
My hand grazed by my leather collar and across my lace-covered breasts. I tilted my head to its side and groaned sexually. I kept my mouth open seductively, inviting,but too far to reach. My open palm graced my moistened pussy and tugged through the material.
I could see the interest on Mr. Webber’s eyes as they followed my hands. I smiled and turned around so he could see my shaped butt through the sheer material. I ran my hands down my thighs and spread my legs. I played with the thong straps and flicked them against my body.
Swiveling my hips I Pulled the camisole over my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I stood with my back to them, dancing radically to the music in my head. When I turned around my Master was smoking, encouraging this display and I let myself go. It was arousing to be on display and I lost the fear of the stranger watching me.
My palms traveled my breasts to my sides, down my inner thighs and rubbed quickly. I was becoming excited and it was clearly evident of my urgency. I fell to my knees, spread them and arched my back. Slowly wrapping my arms behind my back I unfasted my bra, exposing my upperbody completely.
I moaned and ran my hands rapidly over my silky skin.
“Good girl,” my Master said, “Take pleasure in your punishment. Play with yourself.”
I winced. I had hoped he wouldn’t ask me to do that infront of Mr. Webber, but my excitement was mounting and if he would not offer himself for relief I would have no choice.
I decided I had better finish my striptease before following his next order. I straightened by back and stared severely forward. A sly smile crossed my lips as I saw Mr. Webber’s attentive glare. I looked at my master and locked eyes. He was amused and individualized, but collected and unwilling to show his arousal.
Mr. Webber was not so composed.
I cupped my breast with my left hand and squeezed the nipple. With my right hand I slid my hand under the lace thong. I felt the slick, clean-shaven pussy with my fingers and ticckled gently, sharpening my lust. I moaned with both stimuli and imagined my Masters hard cock in place of my delicate fingers. I reclined back against my heels and lifted my torso off the floor. I slide the lace over my hips and down until they rested on the floor with my bra.
I was now naked.
As I began to touch myself as my Master had previously instructed he quickly snapped his fingers. I opened my eyes to question this. He just smiled and cocked his head sideways.
“You are lovely. Don’t you agree Steve?”
He turned to the man. Without looking away, he nodded slowly. I watched his eyes travel my body. I was happy he enjoyed me so much. My Master also noted his interest and began again, “Maybe you should have a few .. mements?”
At this, Webber turned to him curiously, but Master only smiled. He got up quickly and went to the bookshelf. I He returned with a Polaroid camera and handed it to Webber. He gripped it tightly as if it would shatter if he dropped it.
“Stand up Stephanie.” My Master cooed.
I did as instructed and held my hands cupped infront of me, awaiting his next instructions. He held his chin while considering the positions he could place me into. He showed and looked to Webber.
“What do you think?”
Webber was speechless. He stared at my breasts and licked his lips. A chill ran down my spine and I was painfully aware that this was still only the beginning. Finally Master broke the silence.
“Lay on the couch strictly for us.”
Quick to please, I posed before the men several times. Changing as the camera flashed. I made sure to expose as much of my flesh as possible for each shot, and my Master inspired me from time to time. Webber also requested a few specific poses and I responded as instructed.
When the shoot was over both men returned to their seats and had me collected the photos from the floor. I began to hand them to my Master when he pointed to Webber. I glanced over and presented him with the stack, which he took, smileng.
At this point I still had not cum, and I was growing desperate with need, but as I have been taught, I kept a neutral appearance. Webber thumbed through the Polaroids and grinned happy.
My Master noticed his excitement, “So what do you think now Steven?”
The man looked up at him with a warm, appreciated smile.
“You were right,” he looked back at the photos, “I would be very interested to try this myself.”
A sly smile crossed Master’s face and I knew he had an idea. He turned to me, and I knew.
“Steph, you have been highly complimented. Your punishment will have to wait. I think you should thank Steven here.”
Webber looked at him quizzically, unaware of what a thank you entitled. My Master Always did love to code our rituals.
I nodded and smiled, aware of what was expected of me. As I crawled towards Mr. Webber I saw his eyes widen. I batted my eyes playfully and placed my hands between my thighs. I knelt before him and bowed my head.
“Thank you master Steven,” I said. It was my fashion to address any male that knew of my submission by such a title.
When he did not move I took it upon myself to properly show him what my Master had implied. I ran my hands along his thighs and knelt close to his crotch. He jerked slightly as my face stopped an inch from him. I unzipped his fly and tugged enough material to expose his Now swollen cock. I licked it softly and heard him gasp as the moisture caressed his throbbing organ. The Polaroid’s dropped to the floor, fluttering and twirling before landing around my leg.
I opened my mouth and suckled the end of his cock gently. His head rolled back and his hands dug into my scalp as I took him in as far as I could. Having experience with my Master’s much larger cock; this was easy to accomplish. He moaned and bit his lip as my tongue swirled and danced along his shaft. I squeezed his thighs and licked quickly. Through the corner of my eye I could see my Master watching, impressed. He twisted his golden ring and appreciated the sight of his slave at her best.
His adoration excited me and I took him in my mouth again. Sucking hard until I could feel his need rising. He moaned and began to grip the arms of the chair.
“Swallow.” I heard my Master says in the background and as if instructed by his command, Webber came. I did as instructed and released the man’s now limp cock from my mouth. He panted and I caught my breath, this experience only increasing my lust and desire. This was only my gratitude; I had yet to be punished. I had only begun.