I wrote this for my Master, Sir S, and he encouraged me to submit it. This combines a lot of my real experiences in an online M/s relationship, with some fantasy thrown in.
I had my instructions: place the call to my Master on Skype at precisely 10:00 am, go stand in the corner with my nose touching the wall, wearing nothing except my collar, hands behind my back and legs spread, and don’t move a muscle Until I am told. I was to have all my toys and various pain implements available. I had been told to expect a long day of “attitude correction” and to be honest I was excited.
While I had some dread about what was to come, I knew I needed it badly and my Master knew this as well. My brattiness had completely gotten out of control. An online BDSM relationship was no easy feat to maintain and we had been doing it for over a year, however busy schedules and life circumstances had combined to have me feeling like a neglected needy sub who was resorting to brattiness to get whatat she wanted and my Master was about to fix that, whether I wanted it or not.
I set up the phone approximately, hit the call button and went straight to the corner to assume the position. I heard the call answered and could hear background noise but Master said nothing. I knew he was watching and perhaps testing me but, as any sub can tell you, 10 minutes in the corner can feel like an hour and, as I was still in my brat mode, I eventually dropped my arms to stretch them out and made a show of moving around.
“Did I tell you to move, slut?” my Master’s voice came into the room firmly and in control. As it seemed a rhetorical question to me in my present mood I didn’t answer. That was a mistake. “If I ask you a question, I expect an answer, whore. Now tell me…did I instruct you to move from your position?”
“No,” I hesitantly responded.
“You will answer me appropriately or you will have way bigger problems than what you’re already facing today,” Master commanded.
“No, Master,” I answered with a little more conviction.
“Since you aren’t able to speak properly, you will not be speaking at all. I don’t want to hear a single word or noise out of that mouth. Go get your dildo and place it on the wall. You’re going to get back in position with that slutty mouth on the dildo and you’re going to stand like that as long as Master wants you to. Stand up straighter too, don’t be lazy, slave. You do not get to decide when you move, you move when Master tells you to,” he ordered. I curried to grab my dildo and took as much as I could into my mouth, straining to balance breathing through my nose and keeping the dildo from falling, standing in the corner with my arms back behind me and legs spread. Except this time I could feel my pussy becoming wet and aching to be touched.
“Master has some things to do. You’re going to be there for my entertainment just like that anytime I choose to look at you. And if I choose not to look at you, you will still be there exactly as you are because I said so. You seem to have forgotten you are solely here for my pleasure and entertainment. That mouth is just a hole for a cock or whatever else Master wants in it. That cunt, ass, and those tits are toys for Master’s pleasure. As slutty as you are I’m sure you’re aching to have something in your other holes right now but you will wait until it Pleases ME to do so. You WILL remember your place. You are the slave and I am your Master. The slave does as she is told when she is told without hesitation. I have been extremely disappointed in your service to me lately. Today you will learn the consequences of failing to keep your obedience.” It’s as if Master’s words went straight through my ears into my cunt. If I wasn’t aching before I certainly was now.
My shoulders were beginning to get sore from holding my arms behind me but most of all my jaw was getting an odd workout and I knew it would be sore later. I had no idea how much more was in store for me. Every now and then I heard a noise or two from the television or whatnot, once even Master made a phone call while I was just there as his “eye candy,” as he liked to call me sometimes. I knew Master was watching and checking on me but being left there to wait in the corner like a bad girl while Master did whatever he wanted was the perfect humiliation.
If I had to guess really, I would say Maybe 45 minutes had gone by while I had been holding my position in the corner before I finally heard my Master address me. He instructed me to insert my large butt plug and get my thickest paddle along with my extra large dildo ready and come and knee in front of the camera. Inserting the plug into my ass made me even more aware of how empty my cunt was and god how it ached to be filled. I hoped it’s time was coming soon.
I knelt in front of Master and tried to be patient but as he was so quiet I eventually wondered if we perhaps had gotten disconnected andlooked up at the camera. “You know better than that, slut. You keep your eyes down when you are serving me unless I tell you otherwise,” Master corrected me in his firm strong voice. “You really seem to have forgotten the basics, slut. I thought I had trained you much better than this. I’m so disappointed in you.”
Master’s words felt like a stall in my heart but at the same time he He knew they were words I needed to hear. My fear of disappointing my Master was usually something that had kept me in check over the last year but recently I had strayed from what I knew I should be doing. After a time of kneeing at Master’s feet he instructed me to stand up and place a foot on a neary chair and to begin to fuck myself. I was surprised Master was letting me enjoy this pleasure so soon but i was Also so happy. My largest dildo is such a tight fit it takes a few strokes to really be able to take much of it, and that’s without a plug in my ass. Add in having my ass plugged and it made it almost too much to take but Master wasn’t having any of that.
“You’re going to take that entire cock in that wet needy cunt. I can see from here how filthy wet you are so don’t act like you can’t take it,” Master’s voice directed me and coated my cunt into opening even farther. The stretching and fullness was exhaust. I started speeding up, every stroke hitting just the right spot and could start to feel my climax coming closer and closer until I heard a single commanding word from Master, “STOP.”
In complete frustration I couldn’t help but yell, “Master! No! Please!!!”
“Did I just hear you tell me no? Did I give you permission to speak, whore?”
“Master, I’m sor–,” I started to apologize but Master cut me off and I realized with regret I’d disobeyed again. “Since you can’t seem to learn that your mouth is simply a hole for a cock, go get your penis gag and put it in NOW. Slut seems to need a constant reminder.”
I ran to put the penis gag in my mouth andhumiliation took over…I was stuffed in my ass with a butt plug, my mouth was filled with the shape of a cock and feeling the head of it against my tongue had me reflexively sucking on it to wishing for more cock in my mouth, I was holding a soaking wet giant dildo in my hand, dying to fuck myself with it in front of my Master, and finally, I felt my Master’s collar against my throat like a pet. And I loved all of it.
I was broken out of my reverie by my Master’s voice, “Put the dildo down you needy slut and pick up the paddle. You’re going to bend over the chair and paddle your ass, each side 50 strokes at a time and switch back and forth until I tell you to stop. Once again, I don’t want to hear a single fucking sound except that paddle hitting that ass. This is to remind you that your ass belongs to me. It will be spanked when and how I want it to be.”
The first few strokes stung like crazy and soon I was relishing the pain as the paddle hit my plugged ass over and over. I ended up with a couple hundreds spankings to each ass cheek when Master had me stand at attention. “I’m disappointed slut, I know you weren’t doing those as hard as you could,” Master chided me. I felt the urge to argue because I really thought I had been but by now know much better than that, and there was the small matter of having my mouth gagged anyway, so instead I took the correction like a good slave should. “You’re going to spank your tits ten times each with your paddle so you don’t forget next time that you are to give all spankings your best effort,” Master ordered. Master knew I could take a lot when it came to spanking my ass but the title spankings hurt so much more to me.
After the ten strikes to each tit I had hoped I was done but Master commanded, “Now ten more directly on each nipple…” I wanted to scream inside..I didn’t see how much more my tits could take…but Master continued, “and right after that go put the nipple clamps on. This is your reminder thatThose tits are mine. I will play with them as I please.” As much as I didn’t think I could take this, I followed the instructions exactly to avoid further punishment. My nipples felt like they were on fire and I had to focus on my breathing.
Soon enough Master allowed a distraction from the pain in my tits as he had me stand and fuck myself the same as before. Even though this time I had the resolve to Make no noise as Master directed, he could tell as I got closer and closer to cumming. Right when I thought I couldn’t take any more without going over the edge, Master ordered me to stop and go straight back over the chair and start spanking my ass until he wanted more fucking. He allowed me no protest each time he took me to the edge, stopped me, and sent me back to the pain. This went on for about an hour….fucking and spanking, fucking and spanking. By this time I had juices running down my legs and tears running down my face, the frustration from the repeated edging with norelease driving me almost to my breaking point.
“It’s time for my slut to take a break. Take out the gag and plug, take the clamps off, and come knee in front of Master,” he said, his voice slightly softer but with a calm, confident firmness that soothed the frustration that had been bubbleing up inside me. I followed his commands and came over to take my spot at his feet so to speak in our virtual way.
As my heart rate and breathing calmed and the pain in my tits and ass started to subside I heard Master says, “pet, in a moment you will go fill your water bowl and get an extra bottle of water. Bring it back here and set it down. Then get your quake, large dildo and bag of clothespins ready. Right now I want to look at my holes. Turn around and put your face to the floor and your hands at your side.”
I lie there with my cunt and ass completely open and exposed to Master, feeling vulnerable and embarrassed yet somehow deliciously owned and calm. Subspace enveloped me and I felt like I was floating. Master and I were the only two people in the world at that moment. Master made small comments here and there remarking on how much he loved owning such slutty holes and things to that effect. Every word he spoke somehow increased my arousal even more. My cunt ached and burned with its need for release.
After the short break Master told me to go carry out my instructions. I returned with all the supplies Master had ordered and he then told me to place my water bowl on the floor and drink. After that was finished he had me refill the bowl and drink all of that as well. “pet has been working hard. We can’t have her getting dehydrated,” he commented.
“It’s time for my slave to do a little work to please Master,” he said with a mischievous sound I hadn’t often heard. “Put the large dildo on the chair and sit on it. I’m going to speak and you will listen. During this I want you to put the clothespins on your tits, one at a time, slowly. Do not stop until you have them all attached. Start now.”
One at a time I began placing the clothespins on the tender flesh of my tits while Master spoke, “whore, I’m going to make sure it gets into your head that all of you belongs to me. I will use you when I want, only when I want, and how I want. You think you can act up and be bratty and Master will give you what you need. I have trained you better than that you bad slut. I know you need to be put in your place but Master has been busy and in the future you will be patient and wait for when Master decides it is time to use you and when it is time to punish you. You know you may respectfully ask if you have a need but after you ask you will wait for my response, as long as that may be. You will not whine or complain or act up.”
By this time each of my tits were now covered by the clothespins. Master ordered me to put my hands up behind my head which made each of my tits and the clothespins stand up and out. “Start fucking yourself,whore,” Master commanded. “And keep your arms up and your legs spread.”
I only thought I felt humiliated before. Here I was completely bared to Master fucking myself on a dildo sitting on a chair with my tits covered with clothespins. Every bounce made my tits jump up and down and the clothespins stretched and pulled with every move. The pain was balanced out by the pleasure of my cunt being completely stuffed. I couldn’t help but focus on the pain in my tits, my tighs from awkwardly riding the dildo in this position, my arms burning from holding them above my head.
Thankfully Master distracted me from the pain by asking, “who owns those tits, slut?”
“Master does!” I almost yelled in response.
“Who owns that cunt?” Master demanded from me.
“Master owns my cunt!” I squealed out as I rode the cock harder and harder.
“Who owns all of you and decides what you do and when you do it?” Master asked with full confidence in the answer.
“You do, Master!! You own all of me!!” I screamed. I was so close to orgasm I couldn’t take it anymore. “Please let me cum Master!!!”
Master simply ignored my pleasures and answered, “Stop fucking yourself, slut. Take off the clothespins and stand up next to the chair.”
I could barely follow the directions. Taking the clothespins off and not being allowed to cum all caught up to me and I could barely stand. “God, you’re such a filter slut. Look at the mess you made all over that dildo. Good slaves clean up their messes. You know what to do, whore.”
Master’s words lit a fire in my cunt and I practically fell to my knees and licked all over the cock until every trace of my juices was gone. Knowing what Master would want next, I took as much of the cock into my mouth as I could while holding my hands behind my back. I did it just as Master liked it, long slow strokes, stopping near the base to take it all before slowly going back to the tip, my mouth never coming off the cock. I began to hear Master’s breath quicken and I realized he was struggling his cock which made me want to work even harder. “Good girl,” Master breathed. “Be a good cocksucker for Master and make me cum.”
Hearing that, I couldn’t contain my moans around the cock. “Hush slut, good girls don’t talk with their mouth full. Focus on your job and be quiet,” Master chided me, only making me more desperate to suck.
I sucked and sucked until I heard Master’s sounds of release and listened so closely as his breathing slowed. I slowed down on the sucking but didn’t dare take my mouth off the cock until I was told to do so.
I stayed status still with my mouth on the cock for just a moment before Master told me, “good job slut. Master’s done using you as a slut. I think I’ll use you as my sex doll for a bit. Go put the quake in and lie down on the floor with your legs spread.”
Master turned on the long distance remote-controlled vibe and began playing with my cunt. Instantly I was ready to orgasm and couldn’t help but understand on the floor, my body screaming for release. “Don’t you dare move,” Master corrected me, “sex dolls don’t move and they don’t talk. Lay there like a good toy perfectly still and let Master play with his toys. This isn’t about your pleasure.”
I could have screamed! I didn’t know how I was going to keep from cumming and I was terrified of displeasing Master. I spent all my energy focusing on breathing in and out and, by some miracle, held back until Master was finished playing. Master kindly let me catch my breath for a moment before he spoke again, “relax, slut. Master is very proud of you for not cumming. Take some deep breaths.”
A short time later Master spoke, “sit up and look at me slave.” I turned around to the camera and sat back on my heels, my arms resting on my thighs and shyly looked up at Master. He had turned his camera on so and I could finally see my Master. “I’m giving my property a chance to speak for a moment. Is there anything my slut wants to say?”
Master hardly had the sentence out before I began begging, “Master, please may I cum??! Please, Master! I need it so badly. Please allow your slut an orgasm!”
Master humored my begging for a moment but crushed my hopes when he replied, “oh my poor, poor slut, I think you must have forgotten today is punishment day. You know better than to think you will get to cum when you are being paid. You may be getting some pleasure out of today but it is only because it pleases me. You’ve been taking your punishment well but I need to make sure to teach you a lesson you won’t forget anytime soon. I’m not done with you yet and you won’t be cumming today. Not just because you are being paid but because I don’t want you to today. Who controls your orgasms slut?”
“You do, Master,” I said sadly. I couldn’t help but answer a little dejected.
“Who’s pleasure is important here?” Master asked.
“You do, Master,” I answere, more confidently now. I knew deep down that Master wanted his slut satisfied and content and this was another way he did that. He knew I needed this, these reminders, these words, these lessons, and I loved him for giving it all to me.
“Alright slut. Now that we have that settled is there anything else my slut would like to say while I’m allowing her to speak?”
I suddenly realized I was starting to need to pee. The two bowls of water had caught up to me and, now that I wasn’t distracted by all the pain and pleasure, my bladder was getting my attention. “Yes Master. May I please take a restroom break? Slut needs to pee.”
“Not right now. Master has a couple things to do and then I’ll take my pet out. You’ll have to wait,” Master replied.
I didn’t Know what to think. Master had never made me wait for a break during our cam times as long as I asked nicely and I certainly didn’t know what he meant by taking his pet “out.” I didn’t think it was the time to question him but I couldn’t control my face enough to stop an eye roll and a pout from sneaking out.
“Ok, slut. I saw that. It’s about time I take care of that bratty steak right once and for all. If you want to act like a pouty child you will be treated like a child. You’re going to turn off the cam in a few minutes when I release you and go sit in your corner with your notebook. I want 150 sentences that read: ‘I will respect my Master and obey him in all things.’ You will send me pictures of the sentences after you have finished. I should be done with my errands by then and we will be back on cam. Oh and before you go, put the hush in and the clamps back on your nipples. Master might want to play a little while he does his errands. Go now slut and get to work. You’re dismissed.” With that, Master disconnected and I got to work following his directions.
The hush butt plug was an evil little (not so little!) thing and I groaned inwardly at the command. Master hardly ever usedit on me because it was so large for my ass and it required a lot of work and disappoint to get in. But Master loved controlling the toy and turning the violences on and off in my ass with his app. Once the hush was in I sat in the corner with my pen and paper. I felt like a scolded child writing my sentences over and over. Master knew part of me liked doing sentences but that only lasted for the first few and by about 50 in I was always Regretting having earned them. But there was zero enjoyment today. My full bladder, burning nipples and overly stuffed ass randomly going off and on were making me miserable. I wanted to cry but I tried my best to just get through the sentences as fast as I could. I was starting to really really need to pee and couldn’t wait to be done.
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