I pull into the driveway, hoping that you aren’t going to be very upset that I’m so late. We were supposed to go out to dinner this evening; I had to call and tell you I had a meeting and wouldn’t be home in time to go. You didn’t sound upset; I was glad about that. I open the door, expecting you to be sitting in the living room watching TV, or else in the computer room. I go from room to room, Not finding you. Hmm…that’s odd.
Your truck and your Harley are both in the driveway; I know you must be here somewhere. Oh well. I walk into the bedroom and kick my shoes into the closet..it’s been a long day, and I just want a shower and a chance to sit down and relax. As I turn, I catch a glimpse of you thru the doorway. You’re standing in the master bathroom, combining your hair. Looks like you just got out of the shower. “Hi Babe” I say, coming toward you to give you a kiss. You walk out of the bathroom and put your hand out to stop me.
“I am very displeased with you” you say. I stop. So many years of living with you; so many years of hearing that tone of voice; of knowing what that tone means. I immediately drop to my knees and put my head down, looking at the floor; not speaking. “Why were you not here when I wished for you to be?” you ask. “I am sorry, Master. Your slave has no excuse for causing you displeasure, Sir.” I answer.
Although you knew I had the meeting, I had called you, I would never argue or debate that point with you now; being your slave, I could not. What had started out many years ago as a “game” with us had become something more than that. It had become a way of life that we both seemed to very much enjoy. True, we didn’t always interact in this way; but more and more we do.
And we both seem to get something vital from our roles….you perhaps get the control that you’ve always wanted, and I get to relinquish responsibility that sometimes I don’t like. Besides that, I admit to finding it irresistibly erotic; and I thinkyou do too. “Get ready, slave; we’re going out” you tell me. “Master? It’s very late…” I began, questioningly. “Surely you are not arguing with me” you say. “No, Master” I answer. You leave the room then. When you are gone, I rise from the floor and walk into the bathroom to shower. When I come out, I see that you have laid out clothes that you wish me to Wear. I carefully dress, knowing that you will inspect what I have put on before we leave. I slip the black stockings over my legs, adjusting them so that the lace tops are exactly perfect and even.
Next I put on the black leather skirt that you’ve laid out, which covers the tops of the stockings by very few inches. I put on the black lace bra, hooking it in the front, and finally a black silk shirt, tucking it in and buttoning it as I slip into my shoes. I notice that you haven’t laid out panties for this outfit…I suppose that was an oversight on your part. I go to my dresser and select a pair of black lace ones that match the rest of the outfit. I walk quickly into the bathroom and spray on some perfume….I’m ready to go. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long. I walk downstairs and over to where you are standing. I drop to my knees and await instructions. “Get up, slave. Let me look at you” you tell me. I stand, keeping my eyes cast downward, as you walk all the way around me, inspecting. I feel you slide your hand under my skirt from behind. You take the material of my panties in your hand a pull it roughly, saying “What is this?? Did I tell you to wear these?”
“No, Master. I assumed you had been occupied with other things and simply forget to lay them out” I answer. “Take them off” you tell me. I slip them down over my legs and hand them to you. You tell me to reach out and lean on the table in front of me, which I do. Then I feel you push my skirt up over my hips, revealing my bare ass to you. I can hear the familiar noise; you’re taking your belt out of the loops. Within a few seconds,I feel the leather singing against my ass. “You have not followed your orders, slave” You tell me as you bring your belt into contact with my skin 4,5,6 times. I stay in that position until I hear you putting your belt back on. Then I knee once again and say “Thank you Master, for teaching your slave the proper behavior to please you.”
I can feel your eyes looking at me as you say, “You know, slave. I am tiring of your bad behavior. Perhaps I should ride myself of you and get a better trained slave.” I lower my head even further, so that it is nearly touching the floor, saying “Please, No, Master. Please do not send your slave away. I will do better, Sir. Please do not abandon me.”
“We’ll see, slave. Get up, we’re leaving” you answer, heading for the door. We don’t speak as we get into the car and you drive towards Columbus. I am rather confused. We had dinner reservations in Columbus this evening, but it seems very late to be going now. You drive to a part of town that I’m not familiar with, and pull into the parking lot of a bar/club. We get out of the car and go inside. It’s very dark, yet cozy.
As we sit down at a table, you go to the bar and bring back drinks. I sip my drink as I look around the room. Hmmm…under normal circumstances, this seems like it would be ‘my kind of place’…there’s a lot of very sexy behavior going on. At a table near the wall, There’s a couple (must not be married) who are doing some serious touching/feeling. At another is two females kissing. I wonder where you came to know that this place was here; but I don’t ask. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that one young female in a group at the next table has completely unbuttoned her shirt. I see you watching her; I see the enjoyment on your face as you look at her body. One of the men in the group gets up to go to the bar and grabs her tits on the way past and she laughs. Cool place.
When you come back from the bar with more drinks, you tell me to get up andwe move to a table in the back corner. It’s very dark here; I rather like it that way. Plus it gives me the advantage of being able to see the whole room. I’m going to have to remember where this place is, I rather like it. There’s a middle-aged, attractive female, quite drunk, who’s showing off her panties to anyone who cares to look. The bartenders are taking all of this in with sly smiles. When it’s time for Another round, you walk to the bar once again. This time, I see you talking to a man who’s standing at the bar waiting for his drink. When you come back, he follows you. He sits down and the two of you are talking. About this place, about bikes, just general conversation. Then he gestures towards me and asks you if I am your wife. “That’s my slave” you answer. My face turns bright red.
Although I am accustomed to this lifestyle at home, with you, you have never (to my knowledge) told anyone about it or taken our ‘game’ outside our own house. He smiles; saying “Really? Thatmust be nice.”
“It is” you tell him. Turning to me, you put your hand on me and start playing with my nipples until they are very hard; which is obvious thru my thin shirt. Normally, I would protest that behavior in public, but I realize that I am to be the slave, even in public, tonight. You move your chair very close to me, and he moves his chair very close on the other side, apparently enjoying watching you. You put your hand on my leg and slowly begin to slide it upward. I look at you in alarm, knowing that I’m not wearing panties; and if you keep going, my skirt is going to be pushed up ‘too high’.
“Do you have a problem with my behavior, slave” you ask challengingly. “No Master” I answer, looking at the table. I can tell his gaze has intensified when he heard the way that I answered you. “Touch me, slave” you command. I know what you mean. I take my hand and place it on your hard cock; feeling the heat of you even thru your jeans. I rub my hand against the huge bulgein your jeans, wanting you even here, like this. Your hand has made it’s way completely up my thigh, and you are staking my wet pussy. I know that this man can see what you are doing, but there’s nothing I can do about that. I could not complain to my Master, especially after having upset you so much already this evening. He’s obviously getting into the mood of things, because he asks you “Does your slave like to be fucked?”
“Oh yes. My little slave especially likes having my cock in her ass” you answer. My face flames in embarrassment; the two of you continue to talk about me as if I were not there. Then you turn to me and ask “Do you find him attractive, slave?”
“Yes, Sir. However, he is nothing compared to you, Master” I answer. You touch my hair, smiling, “That was a very good answer, slave.” Then your smile disappears as you say, “Do you remember when I told you that I should get rid of you slave? Perhaps I will just give you to him.” I feel panic and tears rising asI say “No Master, No. Please don’t do that. Your slave loves you so much, Master. Please, Please give your unworthy slave another chance to please you!!.” You put your lips very close to my ear and whisper, “I will give you ONE more chance, my slave. Will you promise to do EXACTLY as I tell you?”
“Oh, yes Master. I swear I will.” I answer. Still whispering in my ear, you say “Touch him, slave.” I jerk my head up, looking at you in disbelief. “DO NOT look at me, slave!” you hiss in my ear. “Do As You Are Told, or you will be gone” you say slowly. Hands shaking, I reach over very tenatively and place my hand on his leg, moving it so slowly upward, hoping you will change your mind. He moans softly and moves his hips forward, against my hand. But you don’t stop me; you don’t change your mind. Finally my hand reaches his cock and I begin to rub it slowly. “That’s good, slave” I hear you say. He reaches under the table and unfastens the button and zipper on his jeans. I stop, not knowing what to do. “Keep going, slave.” you tell me. I reach inside and touch the warm skin, struggling his cock with my hand; it’s so hard. While I’m doing this, I can feel your fingers sliding in and out of my pussy; I’m so wet. You say to me “You’re so wet, slave. Does he turn you on?”
“No Master. It is your touch that makes me that way” I answer. You laugh loudly, saying “Another good answer.” Then, abruptly, you take your hand away, saying “Come, slave. We’re going outside.” I straighten my skirt as I get up, following you out of the club. I can tell that he is following also. You walk thru the parking lot and stop beside the car. The three of us are standing there. You say nothing for a few moments, I stand beside you, not knowing what you want me to do. “I’m waiting, slave” you say. Then I understand what you want. I knee in front of you, the hard surface of the parking lot hurting my legs; head down, not speaking. “Oh, that’s nice” I hear the man says behind me. I give no regard to his comments; only wanting to make you happy and pleased with your slave. I hear him walk around me to stand beside you. Then you say, “head up, slave.” I raise my head and see that he has once again unfasted his pants. “Suck him, slave” you tell me. I look at you questioningly.
“Master?..” I begin. You pull me to my feet by the hair and I hear your voice in my ear, saying “Slave, if you defy me ONE MORE TIME, I will send you with him and never give you another thought. You will never again see the Master that you say you love so much. I sink back to my knees and slowly take his cock in my mouth. Not wanting to do it, but wanting SO MUCH to please you. I suck and lick his hard cock, teasing it with my tongue. It only takes a few moments before I feel the cum shot into my mouth. I don’t want to swallow it; I don’t want anyone except you. But I know that is what you want, so I do. Then you tell me to get in the car, which I do. You talk to him for a moment, and I hear yousay “By the way, did you get that last email I sent you about the bike? Ok, I’ll talk to you this week.”
When you get in the car, I say “You know him, don’t you? I mean, you know him before tonight?” You give me that evil smile, saying “Yeah, I did. I’ve been working on this for quite a while. When you called and said you were going to be late, I thought that was the perfect opportunity.” I look at you for a minute and say “So, Master, Did your slave please you this evening?” You lean over and kiss me, saying “Yes, my little slave. You pleased me very much. And I hope you enjoyed it also.”
“Yes, actually, I did” I answer.
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