Slave Wife Ch. 07

I was standing at the hedge when I heard Ray’s command, “Run slave.” I had been fully expecting to crawl behind him and Joe to the garage. Right away, I found out this was worse than crawling. My breasts bounced painfully and the edges of the straw between my legs rubbed the delicate skin there. I was glad it was tight enough not to rub my pussy!

By the time I got to the garage, I was out of breath, and certain that I had skin missing from my groin. Ray and his friend joined me a few minutes later, and I was led inside the garage. While Joe admitted my body, we waited for Ray to do something. The first thing he did was to remove the harness from my crotch. When he rubbed his hand over the tender area, I swooned. I still wanted to cum very badly! Denial was its own unique form of torture and I was growing to hate it.

Ray removed the nipple springs one at a time, for effect. The blood rushed back into the first freed nipple, and I moaned loudly. He let me contemplate the othe nipple feeling the same pain for a moment, before removing it. Again, eliciting the same reaction from me. Quickly he pulled each nipple disk over my tender nipples, and I shrieked from the abrupt pain.

My breast cups were pulled from the magnetic rings to reveal dark reddish purple colored flesh. Then the rings themselves were removed and my breasts began to tingle instantly. My juices were running down the insides of my thighs and I was afraid I was so wet that the eggs would fall out. That would not be a good thing, so I squeezed my pussy as hard as I could. This did not help matters, and I knew I could not hold out much longer.

“Come on Ray, have a heart.” Joe said, “Let the poor girl cum already.” Then he laughed.

Ray laughed and said, “Cum slave!”

Thank God! I dropped to my knees and came apart at the seams. My body shook, and I cried out repeatedly. The eggs kept humming away inside my contracting pussy, and I could not stop cumming. I felt the coldconcrete on my ass, and back as I fell to the floor, and continued. I had never cum like this before, and it was not over yet. My hands went to my pussy, but Ray brushed them aside, and said, “No touching slave.”

I had heard of and read about multiple orgasms but I had never had one. Before today, I had thought that I had experienced a multiple orgasm, and if I had, it paled in comparison to this. This was the day for a truly spectacular multi orgasm to happen. I can’t describe the feeling. Incredible is about the only administrative I can find. My hands slapped the concrete and I arched my back, and yelled out, “YES!” Then the eggs stopped vibrating.

“Man! I have never seen a woman cum like that before.” Joe said. “Even your last slave never went off like that Ray. This one’s special.”

“I have to agree with you Joe. Wanna see it again?” Ray asked.

Those fucking eggs jumped to life again, and it started all over! My climaxes came in short bursts, and I could not catch my breath. I held my hand up panting, and cumming at the same time. “Mercy!” was all I could manage to say. Then I started bucking my hips off the floor again. The eggs stopped, and I tried to catch my breath. Ray just looked at me. He reached down and touched my clip, and I almost went through the roof. It was hyper sensitive.

It was so fucking sensitive that it felt like someone was hitting my brain with a sledgehammer as it was touched. My breathing stopped, and I arched my back off the floor, and started to cum again. Then the fucking eggs started back up. Rays fingers worked my overly tender button while those eggs worked my insides into a state of muscle. I was now babbling incoherently and pounding the floor. I felt like my heart would burst out of my chest at any moment.

Then everything just stopped. The fingers were gone and the eggs had stopped buzzing. I was wrong about the eggs. They were still vibrating, just not inside my pussy any more. Apparently, I had cumso hard that I pushed them both out!

Ray stopped playing with my clip and looked at the eggs on the floor. “That’s gonna cost you slave!” I knew I was in trouble, but at this point, I didn’t give a shit. I had just experienced the most intense orgasm of my life, and all I wanted to do was bask in the afterglow. My brief respite was not to last though.

I was ordered to crawl to the dungeon. It’s a good thing he hadn’t told me to walk because I don’t think I had the strength. A dream like state had filled my mind, and I hadn’t been aware of Joe coming to the dungeon with us. Nor did I care!

When I reached the bottom step, I found both men waiting for me. They were standing beside a device that I was sure was for me. It was a padded bar about three or four feet high and about the same width. It was held parallel to the ground by a post on each side. Each post had shackles near the bottom, I assumed to hold me in place for whatever Ray had in mind.

My ankles were locked to the posts, spreading my legs apart and keeping them in place. I was bent over the bar so my tummy rested on it, and then my wrists were locked to the shadows by my ankles. In this position, I was bent in half and very helpless. Being bent forward this way, presented my ass very nicely and I knew Joe saw that it was plugged. I’m sure I blushed when he commented on my plugged ass. The position wasn’t that Uncomfortable, at least at the moment.

Ray lifted my head by my hair and looked into my eyes. “Time for your punishment slave.” Seriously? I thought that those forced orgasms had been my punishment. I guess I was wrong about that. Then he showed me the whip he had in his hand. Instantly my mind flashed back to the farm, and I began to shake. It wasn’t the bullwhip, but it was very nasty looking just the same. The whip was made of thin leather, and about four feet long with a small leather tassel on the end. I knew it would hurt. At least in this position it couldn’t be used on my breasts or my pussy. I was wrong about the last part.

Ray pulled his hand back and swatted my ass, causing me to cry out. “Count the strokes I give you. You are going to receive twenty for your disobedience yesterday. If you lose count, we will start over.”

“One!” I said.

“No, that’s not correct. That was just a warm up. You may start now, and after each stroke, I want you to thank me and ask for another. Is that clear?” He said.

“Yes Master. Your slave understands.”

Then I felt the sting on my ass again. “One… Thank you master may your slave have another?”

I maintained my composition through ten lashes, never losing count. He had maintained the same strength of each lash throughout, and my ass hadn’t been hurt too badly. I was beginning to think this wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and then he changed his tactics. Instead of swinging from the side, he stood closer to me, and swung down, concentrating the blow on the crack of my ass.I can only imagine how much more it would’ve hurt if the butt plug wasn’t protecting my asshole. Five times, I was hit like that and I still didn’t lose count. I was beginning to think, “I’ve got this.”

Ray stepped back, directly behind me, and this time, he swung from low to high. My pussy caught the brunt of the stroke, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. My knees trembled, and I began to cry and beg. No mercy was granted and I made a huge mistake.

“Fourteen.” I sobbed, “Thank you Master, may your slave have another?”

“I’m sorry slave. You seem to have lost count. That was not number fourteen. I’m afraid we’ll have to start over.” He informed me to my dismay.

My ass burned like fire, and I’m sure there were ten angry red lines across it, and probably a few more in the crack of my ass. Each time he hit my pussy, I cried and then counted and asked for more. By the fourth blow to my pussy, I was shaking and violently fighting the bonds that held me in place.Tears flowed freely throughout the whipping. I vowed to myself to be very careful going forward. As long as the fun and pleasure outweighted the pain and humiliation, my safe word was still not going to be used. I just had to endure the things I didn’t like. In the end, I knew I wouldn’t be seriously hurt. Therefore, I let my punishment continue.

“Would you like a turn disciplining the slut?” I heard him ask Joe.

“Sure… why not.” He said. I hoped he wouldn’t hit me as hard as Ray had.

There wasn’t much different about the way Joe wielded the whip. I never lost count, and after my poor batteryd pussy had taken ten lashes, Ray said that I had been paid enough. I hung my head and sobbed. The thing that terrified me the most was that I had more Punishment coming! No matter what, I would get through this, so we could get back to having fun again. The one thing that continuously ran through my mind was that I really wanted to be fucked.

While I was still in thatvulnerable position, Ray pulled the plug out of my ass. It felt very vacant and empty when he did that, but I was happy it was gone. Then he did something that I appreciated very much. He rubbed a cool salve over my red ass, and then over my swollen pussy. The salary felt wonderfully cool on my skin, and I said, “Thank you master.”

When I was released from the shadowles, I immediately went to my knees and stayed there. “Slave… Present yourself.” Ray said.

I got into position, and waited. My eyes were directed up at the ceiling, so I had no idea which man it was that began playing with my nipples. They were quickly erect and I could feel my juices start flowing again. How in the world could I be horny and ready for more following a whipping like that? I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me.

“Close your eyes slave, and open your mouth. You will use only your mouth to make love to what is about to be put in it.” Ray ordered. I knew it would be a cock.What else could it be?

As soon as my eyes were closed and my mouth open, a nice hard cock entered it. I did my very best to give the appearance that I was making love to it. I kissed it, and licked it all over, alternative between that and taking it into my mouth as far as I could. I wasn’t sure whom I was sucking. Since I had only sucked Ray a couple times, I wasn’t yet familiar with his cock enough to know if it was his or not.

I heard Ray says, “Do not swallow until you are given permission.”

It wasn’t long before my cock sucking skills paid off and I was rewarded with a mouthful of hot cum. Whoever owned the cock pulled it out of my mouth. My mouth remained open, so the cum in it could be seen, and I waited. “Swallow” Ray said.

When I had Swallowed, all of the salty cum, I opened my mouth again, all the while keeping my eyes closed. In a few moments, another cock was pushed into my mouth and I started to make love to it. This one was different from the firstone. For starters, it wasn’t circled and I guessed that it belonged to Joe. I remembered that Ray was circled.

Soon I had more cum flooding into my willing mouth. Again, I held my mouth open after the cock had been withdrawn. This time I was left for some time before being told to swallow it. Wile holding it in my mouth I began to safer it. The salty taste and the slick almost slimy feel of it; the odor that wafted up to my nose all were things I hadn’t paid much attention to in the past. The taste remained in my mouth, even after I had swallowed all of it.

I was pulled to my feet, and led to one of the walls. There was a chain hanging down from above with a pair of wrist cuffs. My wrists were locked into the cuffs, then a motor began to whir, and my arms were lifted above my head. When the motor stopped, I was stretched out, but not enough that I couldn’t stand flatfooted on the floor.

Ankle cuffs were attached to my ankles and then to eyesbolts in the wall behind me. This kept my feet close together, and I was relieved that my pussy would not be vulnerable in this position. Another belt at my waist was buckled tightly around me holding me firmly against the wall. I was beginning to get a bad feeling about this.

Ray rolled a small machine that sat atop a pedestal close to where I was, and made some adjustments before explaining its purpose to me. “This is a whipping machine.” He explained. “It will whip your tits. I love this toy because it allows me to discuss a slave while leaving me free to do other things, such as have dinner, entertain guests upstairs etc. You will wear the hood and the gag while you’re being punished. You see… this is programmable and the strokes won’t be regular, so you won’t be able to anticipate when you’ll get hit. That will add to your… excitement.”

Then he held out what looked like a thin rigid wire for me to see. The wire had a vinyl or rubber like coating on it, and looked about three or four feet long. Then he attached it to the machine with three setscrews. “I’m going to let you see the first lash coming.” Then he stepped back and activated the machine with his smartphone. The machine whirred to life, and I heard the hiss of the whip cutting through the air, then the sing when it landed across both nipples. The whip continued around in a circle and stopped at the point that it had started. It stung like a son of a bitch, but I actually found it preferable to having my pussy whipped.

The black leather hood that I had forgotten on the day Ray had taken me was placed over my head, and then a ball gag placed in my mouth. Everything was black and very quiet. All of a sudden, I felt the sting of the whip across my nipples again, and I yelled into the gag. Then, there was nothing… nothing except the sound of my breathing, and my beating heart in my ears.

That was how it was for a long period of time. I had tried counting the lashes but that proved useless and pointless. I found that if I held my breath and stood a little straighter, the whip would land under my nipples. The opposite happened if I slumped down a little. It was necessary to do this to protect my nipples from taking every lash.

I was very tired, and had done off once or twice between lashes but the whip would snap me out of it in a very sadistic way. Finally, after I hadn’t felt the whip in a long time, I thought my torture was at an end and I drifted off to sleep.


The sensing of being touched, and having something cool rubbed into my breasts, awoke me. Whatever was being rubbed into my breasts felt wonderful, and it took the burn and sing out of my battered flesh. My nipples grew hard, and I could feel my body becoming excited as the hands continued to massage my breasts. I was starting to think I was turning into a nymphomaniac!

The ball gag and hood were removed from head, and I saw Ray standing in front of me. He looked in my eyes, and started rubbing my breasts again, paying extra attention to my hard nipples. I closed my eyes and moaned at his sensitive touch. I had never cum from just having my nipples stimulated, and I wasn’t even sure if it was even possible. However, I was well on my way to an orgasm!

“I think you need a cigar.” He said as he released me from my bonds. He caught me in his arms when I fell forward, and for the first time, I noticed how strong they were. He held me close, and then started walking me around the room so I could get my leg muscles working properly.

We went upstairs, and out on the patio where he had breakfast set up and ready for me. “I know that I put you through a lot yesterday, and I’m sorry I had to do that. However, with that being said, disobedience will merit punishment, and I will decide what is appropriate. It is my great hope that you will learn quickly and I won’t have to punish you again. It gives me no pleasure in hurting you. I would much rather we just have fun.”

“Yesterday I had time to think about all of this.” I replied. “I won’t lie to you… there have been a few times that I have thought of using my safe word. The only thing that stopped me was that the fun still outweights the pain. The humiliation is something that I haven’t quite got my mind wrapped around yet. I’m not sure how I feel about it, or what column to put it in. You know… fun, or suffering.”

“I think that maybe, the humiliation contributes to the pleasure you derive from a circuit, or situation that you happen to be in. I’m sure that you feel some humiliation the very first time I had you expose yourself to a stranger. In any event, it’s something that I’m sure time will reveal to you, and then you can category it one way or the other.” He said.

“Today,” he continued, “I need to go out of town for a bit. I’ll be gone until late this afternoon. If you like, I can take you home or you can stay here. Before you say anything, why don’t you stay here?You can look around and get to know the place, swim, and read if you like. There’s an extended collection of books on bondage and submission in the library. You could also take the time to start reading The Story of O. Whatever you decide will be fine. You’ve earned a break, so why not take a shower or soak in the hot tub and think about it. Oh… and you don’t have to ask to relieve yourself or use the bucket today.”

After we finished breakfast and had enough coffee, I took the dishes inside and loaded them in the dishwasher. Then I went to the bathroom and took a very long hot shower. The hot water on my skin felt pretty good considering the welts that had been left on my ass and my breasts. Normally I would’ve got dressed after a shower, but there were no clothes here that I knew of, so I was naked when I rejoined Ray by the pool.

The warm sun on my skin feel great, and Ray handed me a tube of lotion to keep me from burning. “Would my Master please apply this lotionto his slave?” I asked as I handed the tube back to him. This made it clear that my ‘cigar break’ was over and that I wanted it that way.

“Stand with your hands behind your head, and feet apart.” He ordered. His hands felt heavenly as he rubbed the lotion over my shoulders and down my sides. He deliberately avoided my breasts and my ass as well as my pussy. I longed for his fingers to touch me in those places, and I found myself getting very wet between my legs. When his fingers finally found my breasts, I let out a small moan of pleasure.

“You certainly are a remarkable woman Linda.” He said as he rubbed my breasts. He lingered longer than necessary on my breasts and my nipples felt like rocks, as they were expertly manipulated between his fingers. When he ran his hands over my ass, I moaned again. I knew that soon he would have his hands on my pussy, and I so wanted that feeling!

He applied more lotion to his hand, and then ran it down my tummy and between my legs.I swooned at his touch and my clip was hard in an instant. His hand rubbed me from front to back, and then he began rubbing in circles. My knees trembled and this time I moaned loudly. I let my head fall on his shoulder, and he slipped two fingers in to me. My pussy was very wet and hot!

He removed his fingers and pressed them to the pumpered little bud of my ass, and then pushed one in to the first knuckle. I felt his other hand move to my pussy, and his finger entered my ass to the second knuckle. He was rubbing and teasing my clip when he pushed the remainder of his finger in my ass, and then pulled it out. My breathing was heavy and ragged, and I put my arms around him to steady myself.

He pushed three fingers into my wet pussy and I felt the palm of his hand rubbing against my throbbing clip. Then he pushed two fingers all the way into my ass. I cried out, “Oh God!” as his fingers began massaging my G-spot. Ray played my body as well as a professional musician plays aninstrument. I was going to cum very soon if he kept this up.

I kissed his neck and buried my face there to stifle the moans that were now coming non-stop. I’m sure he could feel how close I was to having an orgasm and I hoped that he wasn’t just teasing me. His fingers were moving in and out of my ass and his other hand was still buried in my pussy when it hit me. If I had not been holding on to him, I would’ve fallen to the ground. I held him tighter as I came hard on his fingers. I’m sure he could feel the contractions of my pussy on his fingers. I hoped I wouldn’t be punished for not asking permission to cum.


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