I remember the grass tickling my back and my ass, as I waited for Ray to return with the clamp and weights for my clip. This was going to hurt, for sure! I had never had a clamp on my clip, but I knew it wouldn’t be a good feeling, based on how my nipples hurt when clamped.
I heard footsteps, and then felt fingers playing with my clip. Maybe if it didn’t get hard, he wouldn’t be able to clamp it. I tried to think of something that would divert my mind from what he was doing. It’ didn’t work. The little man in the boat, stood at attention in a matter of mere seconds! The little traitor had betrayed me.
“Now, this is going to hurt.” He said, as he started tightening the screw on the clamp. “You can tell me when it’s tight enough, but keep in mind, that you have, oh, at least six More laps to go, and if the weights fall off, I will punish you. So… Tell me when you think it’s tight enough…”
Slowly he turned the screw, and I tried to judge just how tight it should be. This was tough! It was really hurting now, but I was sure it would fall off if the weights were too heavy. He hadn’t shown them to me, so all I could do was guess how heavy they were. He kept tightening, until finally, I said, “Your slave thinks that should be good Master.”
“Are you sure? Just so you know, your punishment will be the bull whip, and it will be used on Your cunt. Now… I ask again… Are you sure?” he said.
“Master your slave thinks that a few more turns would be better.”
The pain was incredible. When I rose to my feet, I looked at my clip. The tip was bright white, and it was almost smoked in half, near the base. The color began to change before my eyes, to shades of red, growing darker by the minute. My mind kicked into gear, and told me to get moving and end this torture, so I started cutting as fast as I could go. The clamp made it difficult to walk, as it was rubbing against my legs, pulling on my clip with each step I took.
Strangely,I forgot all about my nipples. My new focus was on my clip, and the pain it was in. When I reached the end of my current lap, I hollered at the top of my lungs, “May this slave have more weight!”
I was surprised, when Ray removed a weight from each nipple, and hung it on the clip clamp. Somehow, I didn’t feel much relief in my nipples, and my clip throbbed and ached even more. Stupidly, I started out the next lap, going as fast as I could, almost jogging. That was a very bad mistake, because the weights flailed about, and I thought my clip was being ripped off. Immediately, I slowed back to my normal pace, and continued.
Each lap was an exorcize in determination. I was determined to finish this task, and get some relief in my aching nipples and clip. When I finished the last lap, Ray began removing the clamps. I was now smoking profusely. I had started out, with twelve weights, and to my horror, there were only eleven. Somewhere, I had lost one, and I began to cry as Ray held the weights up for me to count.
Immediately, I begged, “Your slave is so sorry master. Your slave begs for mercy. Your slave will do anything for forgiveness. Please be merciful this one time Master. Your slave begs you!”
“I am sorry slave, but you were aware of the rules and the consequences of breaking them. Losing a weight is clearly a mistake… You will have to be punished. However, I am in a forgiving mood, and will forgo the whip… this time. I have something else in mind. Now… get on your knees and follow me.”
With the nipple and clip clamps still in place, I crawled to where I had started cutting the grass. Ray told me to assume the offer cunt position, and wait. It seemed like a long time before he returned, and when he did, he was pulling, what looked like a child’s metal toy wagon. There was about six feet of chain attached to where the handle of the wagon would be, with a pair of clamps at the end. The wagon was pulled up behind me, and I felt himPull the chain between my legs. He pulled my labia lips out, and attached a clamp to each of them. The clamps were the type that got tighter, the more you pulled on them. I was very happy that he hadn’t attached the wagon chain to my clip!
“You will pull the wagon, on hands and knees, until you find the lost weight. After every two unsuccessful laps, a brick will be added to the wagon.” He pointed at a large pile of bricks. “We have plenty of bricks, and you will be out here, until you find the lost weight. I don’t care how long it takes, or how many bricks we need. Now get moving before I change my mind and use the whip.”
“Thank you for not using the whip Master. Your slave will find the weight she lost.”
How much more could my poor, tortured body take. The wagon was old, and the wheels didn’t turn too well. One of them didn’t turn at all, and it was very tough dragging it behind me. At the end of the second lap, he motioned me over to the brick pile, and I dragged that miserable wagon behind me. He wasn’t gentle about putting the brick in the wagon, and it made a loud bang when it hit the metal bottom. By this time, the sun was getting low, and it was becoming difficult to see. I had to find the fuckin weight before it got dark! I had no doubt I’d be out here searching by the light of the moon, if it wasn’t found soon.
Finally! Half way through lap number five, I found the fuckin thing! I was elated. “Master! Master!” I yelled, “Your slave has found the weight she lost!”
“Well done slave! Now, bring it to me.” He said.
The first thing that crossed my mind, was; if I carry it in my hand, I take the chance of losing it again. I could attach it to one of my clamps, but that’s how it had been lost in the first place. I knew that putting it in the wagon wasn’t correct, so I put it in my mouth, and crawled to where he stood. By now, I hated that miserable wagon, and cursed myself for losing the weight in the first place.
When Ireached him, I pulled the weight out of my mouth, and handed it to him. He laughed, “Well, I have to give you credit for thinking outside the box slave. As I promised earlier, your nipple clamps will come off early. Are you ready for them to be removed slut?”
“Yes Master, your slut is ready, but this sluts Master is welcome to leave them on if it pleases him.”
“No. Nevertheless, Thank you for the kind offer. Since you have been so thoughtful, I will also remove your clip clamp.”
From past experience, I knew how much it would hurt having the clamps removed. MY nipples and clip were pretty numb by now, and I dreaded the blood rushing back into them. The nipple clamps were removed first, and as anticipated an ensuring fire spread through them. Ray massed my nipples, and They felt better. When he removed the clip clamp, it too burned like fire, and he rubbed my poor tortured nub. Then something unexpected happened… I had an orgasm while he rubbed my clip.
Ray smidle, as I cried out as another orgasm hit me. He kept rubbing, until I couldn’t take it any more, and begged him to stop. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were enjoying yourself slave!” He laughed. “Now, go find a spot in the yard, and do your business before we go into the house.”
At this point, I wasn’t taking any chances on mistakes, so when I found a spot to pee, I asked, “Master, may your slave be allowed to piss here?”
“Yes, of course slave.”
This was the first time, since this morning that I had saved my bladder, and it felt wonderful. Once I finished, I moved a few feet away, and asked, “Master, may your slave be allowed to shit here?”
“Yes you may.” he answered. “I think you’re getting the hang of This slave.”
When we entered the house, Ray told me to get cleaned up for dinner. I could take a shower or another bubble bath if I wanted, and take as long as I wanted. I stayed in that tub for a long, long time. When I got out, I felt completeely refreshed, with the exception of my still tender clip, and nipples. It was only Tuesday, and I was beginning to have doubts about making it through the rest of the week, without having to use my safe word.
After dinner, he invited me to sit with him in the sitting room. He even had a nice glass of wine waiting for me! He asked me how I felt about my time here at the farm so far. I told him I hated it, but that I intended to get through it without losing my mind, or my will. I told him I hated the whip, and I also hated mowing the lawn. Being punished for losing the weight, was also unpleasant for me, but preferable to the whip. On the other side of the coin, I had enjoyed the bubble bath, and his lunches. Being taught the positions wasn’t bad either, but the humiliation I felt when I had to relieve myself was Very upsetting to me. I had definitely felt humiliated, and I knew I would feel the same, if I had to ask permission every time I went to the bathroom in the future.
“I’m not trying to break you, or change who you are, and I believe it would be a good idea to have a timeout word for you. There will be times going forward that you will want or need to step out of your role as a slave. For instance; family gatherings, holidays, social functions, and sometimes just to take a break to catch your breath.” He said. “This is just a game for you and Bill, and I’m happy to be included in it. Did you think I mean that you should be a fulltime slave, when I approached you about it?”
“I wasn’t completely sure. On one hand, I thought it would be fun to be someone’s total and complete slave 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” I said. “I was still thinking that, when you brought me here, but now, I’m not sure I’d ever want that. Most of what I’ve been through here has not been any fun at all.”
“I know, and I apologize for that. I needed to understand what you could and couldn’t take, so I could set boundaries for you. That assessment was necessary forhow you will be treated going forward. I will tell you right now, that I will never, ever use the bullwhip on you again. That was clearly too much for you to handle. On the other hand, I do think you are into pain on some level. Your orgasm when I took the clamps off of you today signed that, and we may explore that more. If that happens, I promise, it will be gradually, and not all at once.” he said.
“Thank you. That would be very much appreciated!” I said. “I agree about the timeout word. I think it’s a good idea. You’re right about the family gatherings. I think I may use a timeout, when my Mom or my sister comes to visit. They think I’ve already lost my mind!” We both laughed at that.
While we sat and talked, I had forgotten About my nakedness. I was completely comfortable being naked with this man. I even remembered to keep my legs open, and it still feel natural for me to be sitting like that. From time to time, I glanced at his crotch, and noticed the bulge. Somehow, I was horny, even in this absurd situation.
“I think a good word for timeout would be ‘cigar’. It’s not something that you would normally say.” He said. “If you need a timeout, just ask Bill or me for a cigar, and we’ll know what you need. From time to time, we will ask if you might need a break, and we will offer you a cigar. If you want a break, Just say yes. If not, then decline the offer as a slave would. For example; Thank you master, but your slave would not like a cigar. OK?”
That sounded reasonable to me, and I agreed. He told me I had one last task for the day, and he looked down at his crotch. My guess was, he wanted a blowjob. Given that I had already sucked his cock with my husband present, I thought that it would be OK to do it again, and that it was something that was now permitted by Bill. I was looking forward to having a cock in my mouth.
I looked down, and said, “Please Master… May this slave have the honor of sucking your cock, if it pleases you?”
“You may.” he said.
I got on my hands and knees, and crawled to him. My fingers opened his trousers, and I pulled out his hardening cock. I looked at it, and then ran my tongue up the underside, and swirled it around the head. Gently I kissed the head of it, and once it had grown to its full length, I sucked the head into my warm mouth.
His precum had a pleasant taste, and I Savored every drop. This was going to be the very best blowjob I had ever given. At least, that was my goal. I wanted it to last as long as possible, and to give him as much pleasure as I could. My fingers lightly caresed his balls, and I slid him in further. Fighting off my gag reflex, I felt his hard cock hitting the back of my throat. I did everything possible, to deep throat him, even though I still wasn’t very good at that.
I worked on him for a very long time, bringing him to the compromise, several times, before holding his climax off. My efforts had a prominent effect on him, and I could feel him tense up, yet again. His cock seemed to grow harder, and this time, I let him finish. He yelled out as his cum filled my mouth. His hands held my head, as stream after stream hit the back of my throat. I stopped and just held him in my mouth, and I swallowed his offering.
When he calmed down a bit, I began sucking again. “Whoa! I can’t take any more of that! My dick’s too sensitive right now. That was amazing. Very well done slave.”
I pulled my lips from his softening member, and licked it, making sure there was no residue of cum on it. Then I smiled at him and said, “Your slave thanks her Master for the privilege of pleasure him.”
After thinking for a moment, I said, “Master, may your slave ask a question?”
“May this slave be allowed to sleep somewhere other than the basement tonight?” I asked politely.
He thought for a moment, and then said, “I think something can be arranged.” Then he left the room. He went into the dining room, and dragged a dog cage back with him. “I thought you might ask that. You may sleep here tonight, but you must still be caged. It’s a matter of principal, and discipline.”
Happily, I crawled into the cage, and curled up in a ball. After locking the cage, he said, “We will be leaving here tomorrow, and going to my home.” Then, he left the room.
“Slave…” I heard. “Slave… Time to wake up.” I opened my eyes, and found Ray standing over my cage. He had already unlocked the door, and had a cup of coffee in his hand.
“Would you like to relieve yourself first, or have a cup of coffee?” He asked.
This was different, and not what I was expecting. I was being given a choice, and I wasn’t sure if I should be in slave mode, or just be me, so I asked him, in slave mode of course… “Thank you Master. Your slave would be very grateful for a cup of coffee.” I answered.
“Would you like cream and sugar?”
“No thank you Master. Your slave will drink black coffee.”
I was surprised to find that he had made bacon and eggs for us, and we had a nice breakfast. He started telling me about this farm, “This place has been in my family for generations. My great, great grandparents built the place after the civil war. I inherited it, when both of my parents passed away a little over six years ago. I don’t come here too often. I pay a man to keep up with the yard, and to make sure the place looks lived in. He will be coming, sometimes today. Maybe someday, I’ll sell it, but for now, it’s a nice place to get away from the rest of the world… and for slave training and games.”
After, I cleaned up the dishes, and went outside to do my business, Ray had me take a quick shower, and put on some makeup. He clipped a lean to my collar, and led me outside. I had seen the van he transported me in, while I cut the grass the day before, and that’s where he took me. When he opened the door, he explained how I would ride. On the floor, near the center, was a thick spring, with a large dildo attached at the top. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where that would go. There were eyesbolts in the ceiling, and a pad had been thrown on each side of the spring-loaded dildo.
Leather cuffs were buckled around my ankles and wrists, and he helped me into the van. “Suck on the dildo and get it as wet as you can… Otherwise, it’s going to hurt when it goes in your cunt.” He instructed. I slobbered all over the dildo making sure it was very wet, then, I lowered myself on to it. My feet were pulled out in front of me and to the sides, which left me sitting on the phallus, and it went deep!
He lifted me up, and hooked my wrist cuffs to two of the eyesbolts in the ceiling. Then, he took strraps, ran them under my shoulders, and attached them to another pair of eyesbolts, leaving me suspended in mid air. A pair of nipple clamps was attached to me, and he added two weights to each nipple. My lean was left to dangle between my breasts. Then he covered my head with the hood, without the gag or earplugs. This was going to be a very interesting ride.
Ray closed the door, and started the van, and we were on our way. Right away, I found out how rough the dirt road was, leading away from the farm. I was bounced and jostled all over the place. My nipples bounced, and the weights swung violently. I was sure Ray was hitting Every bump, rock, and pothole in the road! The first orgasm I had to fight off came about fifteen minutes or so into the ride, and it was followed by several more, before I felt the road, even out and I stopped bouncing all over the place. It was a relief not to be fighting against my body.
We drove on the paved road for a long time. My nipples had stopped being yanked at by the clamps, and the dildo wasn’t fucking me as it had been. My arms ached, and I was starting to cramp up, when the van slowed, and then stopped.
Ray climbed into the back, and pulled the hood off of me. When my eyes adjusted to the light, it appeared that we were at a roadside rest. He released my bonds, and helped me off of the dildo. “Do you need to save yourself?” He asked.
Thingking over my options, I didn’t answer right away. Did he intend for me to go into the restroom naked… or did he intended for me to find a place in the grass, out in the open? I chose the safest option, “Your slave is fine, thank you Master for asking.”
“OK. Well, from here on, you’ll be riding upfront with me. We have a stop to make before we head to my place. The area we’re going to is very popular, and I’m going to give you a choice. One; you ride there naked, without the nipple clamps, or two; the clamps stay on, and you are allowed clothes. It’s your choice slave.”
MY nipples Really hurt, and I wanted the clamps off, but I also didn’t want to ride naked. I was between a rock and a hard place. “Master, if it would please you, your slave would like to have the clamps off, thank you.”
Fire erupted in my nipples when he took the clamps off, and as before, he gently rubbed them. I had to be helped into the front seat, due to the cramping in my legs, and it felt really good to be sitting on something soft. I was surprised to find that a wet spot formed on the seat under my ass, and I was still horny.
We pulled out of the rest stop and onto an interstate highway. There was no doubt, that more than One person saw my naked breasts. Some even honked their horns, and gave me thumbs up. Ray laughed when that happened. I wondered what they might be thinking of the leash and collar I wore. I hadn’t been paying attention to road signs, until a big one got my attention… Greensboro 30 miles. We were a long way from our home in Wilmington!
Ray expertly navigated the city streets, until finally, Pulling onto a small, secondary street, and then into an alley. The alley led straight to a building with an overhead garage door, and ray pulled up to it. He pushed a button on the intercom and said his name. In a few minutes, the door went up, and we drove in, with the door closing behind us.
He led me by my lean out of the garage area, and through a door, which led into what looked like a backroom of a store. There were boxes, and bags and loose packing material everywhere. We were greeted by a young woman, and I blushed deep red. She appeared to be early to mid twenties and quite attractive. She didn’t seem put out by my nudity, or the fact that I wore a collar, and leash. Something told me I wasn’t the first woman she had seen like this.
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