Sitting topless in a crowded club, with clamps and weights attached to my nipples was very unnerving. Having my husband openly playing with my pussy under the table had me on the verge of climax. Making eye contact with people who noticed what was going on, added to my heightened state of arousal. My body was on fire and I could feel every nerve ending in it.
When I feel Ray’s fingers on my tortured nipples, I looked down. He had lifted the weights, and without warning, looked into my eyes, and let them drop. They pulled viciously at my nipples, and bright lights went off behind my eyes. I thought for a moment that I would pass out. Meanwhile, my husband had my clip so sensitive, that my body was shaking nonstop. Then, I felt Ray adding more weights! I didn’t think I could take much more.
My nipples were searing with pain, and when I looked at them, they were an angry reddish color. “Shake your tits slut.” Was Rays command.
I pleaded with my eyes, not to have to dothat. I knew it would hurt… a lot! Ray just looked at me, with a stern look. Then my husband’s fingers left my pussy. He told me to follow orders, or I would not be allowed to cum tonight. I closed my eyes, and as gently as I could, shook my breasts from side to side, for just a few seconds. As anticipated, the pain was intense, and I felt my eyes welling up with tears.
“When I tell you to shake your tits slut, you do it vigorously, and you don’t stop until I tell you to. Now… Shake your tits, and do it right, or be punished for it!” Ray said. “And don’t you dare cum without permission slut!” I didn’t think there was any danger of that, due to the constant pain I was in!
I realized that the band was now on a break as it was quieter. A small group of people had gathered at our table to watch the fun. My face turned red, and I began to move my shoulders from side to side. The weights swung freely, and smoked into my flesh, sending extreme sensings through my body. I had never felt anything like it. Pain was mixed with pleasure, as Bills fingers were working their magic on my hot pussy again. Although being exhibited like this, or perhaps because of it, I felt myself building to a very powerful climax.
“Stop!” Ray ordered. “Do you want to cum slave?”
“Yes Master! Please!” I managed to say. My breathing was ragged, and my heart pounded in my chest.
There were more people watching me now than before, and I heard Ray says, “Louder slave, and beg for it!”
“Please Master! I want to cum! I’m begging you! Please let me cum!” I shouted. This attracted more unwanted attention, and even more people came to see what was going on. I was beyond caring about the people watching me. I just wanted to cum soon!
“That was very well said slave. What do you folks think? Should the slut be allowed to cum?” Ray asked.
I heard some whistles, and cheers from my audience, and then chanting. “Cum… cum… cum.”
My husband workedthree fingers into my pussy, while continuing his assault on my clip. I felt Ray’s fingers holding onto my nipple clamps, and then it hit me. The only way I can describe it, is like a one hundred foot tidal wave destroying a shoreline, and small village. At the exact moment of my release, Ray removed the clamps from my nipples. The combination of the blood rushing back into my poor nipples, along with my husband’s fingers, caused me to blackout for an instant. But my orgasm kept going strong.
My body left the booth, and I floated several feet above the table. Time seemed to stop, and the room spun around. There seemed to be a thick fog surrounding me. Then I felt another spectacular wave crash through my body. My husband had never stopped what he was doing, and Ray was now playing with my nipples. Pulling at them, pinching them, and rolling them between his fingers. Orgasms were now ripping through my body, one after another, and I was aware of someone screaming… It was me. Mybody was shaking, like I was having a seizure, and I was still floating in the air. Multiple orgasms were hitting me hard, and fast.
When it finally ended, and I had come back to earth, people were applauding, and whistling their approval. Now, I was aware of how exposed I was, and I slumped down, trying to hide from their prying eyes. “Sit up straight slut, and thank these nice people for watching you.”
Very timing, I sat up, and quietly said, “Thank you.”
“That’s not how you properly thank someone slut. Try again.”
“Thank you for watching me cum.” I said humbly.
“Much better.” Ray said.
I was allowed to rest, but wasn’t offered any way to cover up, or hide my breasts. My husband told me how proud he was of me, and that he loved me more than anything. I turned to him, and kissed him hard on the mouth. I ran my fingers up his leg, and found a nice hard cock straining against the fabric of his pants. I kissed him again, and felt him stiffen, as I rubbed his erection. After all I had been through; I needed a hard cock in me!
“I think your husband needs some relief.” Ray said.
There were still a few people watching… mostly guys at this point, and I think they were surprised, when I slide under the table. I pulled my husband’s zipper down, and freed his cock. I kissed the head, and then swirled my tongue around it, tasting the precum on it. Then, I swallowed him to the balls, which caused him to swear out loud. Time after time, I took him as deep in my mouth as I could, to the point of gagging.
It didn’t take long, before I felt his cum exploiting into my mouth, and I swallowed every drop. When he finished, I kept sucking, trying to get as much as I could out of him. He pushed my head away, and said one word, “Ray.”
I moved to my left, and opened Ray’s pants. I was surprised at the size of it. He was bigger around, and slightly longer than my husband. Before I did anything more, I looked up at my husband, andhe nodded that I should continue. This was something that we had never done before. Uncharted territory. I licked my lips, and then kissed the head of my Masters cock. Ray moaned, when I started licking it like an ice cream cone. The pain that he had put me through was fresh in mind, and I was going to drag this out as long as I could. He needed to suffer too! I wanted him to know how it felt, being kept on edge, wanting and needing to cum.
I’m not exactly sure how long it took, but to me, it felt like hours. In reality, it was probably more like twenty minutes, before I was rewarded with a mouthful of cum. Ray came a lot! More than my husband did, and I had a hard time swallowing it all. This was the first time a man other than my husband, had cum in my mouth. Well, one that I swallowed Anyway. Oh sure, I had sucked guys off, while dating, before I got married, but I rarely let them finish in my mouth, and those few who did… I spit out. I wasn’t a swallow. I was never a bigfan of the taste of cum but tonight, it was delicious!
After putting Rays cock away, I crawled out from under the booth, and took my seat. Some cum had escaped my hungry lips, and ran down from the corner of my mouth. I wiped it up with my fingers, looked at the men still watching, and then made a show of licking my fingers clean. It felt so sexy to behave like a wanton slut in front of a group of people I didn’t Know.
The men, who were still there, were asking for the same thing my husband and Ray had just received. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that yet, and was relieved, when Ray said, “Maybe next time.” It still would’ve been nice to have a hard cock in me though. I wondered what Ray’s would feel like.
We stayed for another set from the band, and I was topless the entire time. It was amazing, how many guys came over requesting dances with me. All were turned down by my husband and my Master. I did dance with both of them though, and still had an appreciated audience every time I was on the dance floor. It’s worth noting here, that I hadn’t been allowed alcohol, since the beginning of the bands first set, and I was sober as a judge. Clearly, they wanted me to remember everything that happened this night. I was glad of that. This was one hell of an experience for me!
As our evening wore on, I became more comfortable with being topless, and having people look at me. Not completely, but enough that I could enjoy the music, and dancing. My pussy was still wet, and I was horny, and aching for a fuck. Occasionally, my husband would run his fingers through my wet folds, and I expected Ray to do the same. He never touched me though. Apparently, we were still taking things slowly and one step at a time. Tonight was my first experience at being completely topless in front of a group of people, and also having a public orgasm, and the evening wasn’t over yet. This had been a giant first step! I eagerly anticipated the next one!
About ten minuts into the bands final set, my husband resumed teasing me, and building me towards another climax. The sensitivity in my clip had calmed down somewhat from my first orgasm, but it still felt like electricity when I was touched. My breathing had become ragged, and I could hear my heart pounding above the loud music. Once again, I was on the verge of an orgasm.
“Do you want to cum again slut?” Ray shouted in my ear.
I looked at him, and nodded my desire to cum, which caused him to smile. When the song that was being played ended, Ray told my husband of my wish. I’m sure Bill was well aware of it on his own! My pussy was flowing like a river, and making clutching and contracting motions on his fingers. I’m sure he felt like his fingers had been in a bowl of warm melted ice cream for the last hour or so!
Bill smiled, and said, “Take off your skirt, and I’ll let you cum.”
My eyes grew wide, and I looked at him in disbelief. Did he really say what I thought I heardd him says? His fingers left my wanting pussy, and he repeated his instructions to me. Wow! If I wanted another orgasm, I would have to be completely naked in public! Was this really happening? How could I must up the courage to do this? My need and desire to cum won the battle over any shred of remaining modesty in my brain, and I lifted my ass up to remove my last bit of clothing.
“No… Not like that.” Ray said, “Stand in front of the table, and do it. Show everyone what a wanton slut you are. Then maybe we’ll let you have what you want.”
Holy shit! Everybody who had been watching me through the evening would have a clear view of my completely naked body. I was so turned on! Confidently, I got out of the booth, looked around for a second, and then slid the garment down my long, toned legs. Appause erupted as I stepped out of the skirt, picked it up, and laid it on the table in front of my husband, and my Master. That in itself was almost enough to make me climax, but II didn’t hesitate a bit! I climbed up on the table, as instructed. “Spread your legs and let them see your slut cunt.” Bill said to me.
My legs opened, amidst cat calls, and whistles. My fingers dove into the willing, wet folds of my played pussy, and I began rubbing myself. Two fingers, then three, and then four slide in and out of my dripping pussy. My other hand furiously worked on my hard clip. My chest heaved, and I arched my back off the table, as I nearly released. People, mostly women, were calling me all kinds of filterthy rotten names, but that didn’t stop me. I was a woman on a mission, and the culmination of that mission was at hand… or fingers as the case may be.
My orgasm swept over me as powerful as the first one had been. Shrill screams of pExplore split the air, and people cheered me on. The contracts I was feeling in my pussy were strong, and more than one person commented on how hungry it looked. One guy said it looked like a mouth eating food! Another compared it to the feeding frenzy of a shark.
Once again, my body was transported off the table, and I floated amid the crowd of strangers, who were egging me on. Fingers squeezed and pulled at my breasts and nipples, but I had no idea who they belonged to, nor did I care at that moment. Later, I learned that the fingers belonged to my husband and my Master.
Reluctantly, I pulled my wet fingers away from my still spasming pussy. Ray’s voice had commanded me to stop what I was doing, and I reluctantly obeyed my Master. My body settled back down on the table. My legs fell to the sides, allowing people to look at my hungry, quivering pussy. At that point, I was too tired to care who saw it. When I looked at Bill, he had the biggest grin on his face that I hadever seen him have. Never in my life would I have expected him to get into this as much as he was, and I smiled at him.
He leaned down and kissed me, and said, “That was spectacular baby! You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever met, and I’m proud of you. I love you so much! I can’t wait to fuck you!”
I hadn’t noticed Ray leave, until my body had calmed down, and I was More cognizant of my surroundings. “Where is my Master?” I asked.
“He’ll be back in a minute. He had to step out.” Bill answered. Even then, I didn’t move off of the table, or try to hide my nakedness from anyone. Feeling exhausted, and thoroughly satisfied was the extent of what I could, or wanted to do. That old saying, “Rode hard and put away wet” came to mind as I lay there on the table. It certainly applied to me!
After a few minutes, Ray appeared at my side, and he was holding something in his hand. He tossed it to me, and told me to put it on. It was an old, hurt out T-shirt that was way too bigfor me. The thing hung on me like a dress, although it wasn’t nearly long enough to cover any of my private parts. Given the fact that I had just masturbated in front of the world, I guess there was no need or pretense of modesty expected of me. The sleepes had been removed at some point, and in their place, were two gaping holes for my arms. Half or most of the sides of my breasts were hanging out, but hey… why should I care now?
While I was standing with my husband, feeling more exposed than ever, in this ridiculous shirt, Ray fastened a collar around my neck. A quick tug to my neck, told me there was a leash attached to the collar. My Master led me through the crowd of people like a dog on a leash. More than one set of hands grabbed a handful of my ass as we left the building. Again… why should I care Now?
Once we got to where our car was parked, Ray handed my husband the leash, and thanked him for a great evening, saying we would do it again soon. Bill pulled me behind the car, bent me over the trunk, and rammed his hard cock into my still dripping wet pussy. All I could do was moan my encouragement to him, and he pounded me for all he was worth.
“You liked acting like a slut in front of all those people, didn’t you slut?” He asked.
“Yes sir… I uh… uh… did! Please fuck me harder!” I begged.
“I’ll fuck you! Fuck you like the dirty slut you are!”
My orgasm came quickly. My pussy gripped my husband’s invading cock, and he rewarded it with a river of cum. My orgasm never stopped, and it continued throughout his climax. We weren’t even out of the parking lot, before I fell asleep in my seat. Bill must’ve carried me inside, when we got home, because I didn’t remember walking into the house or getting in bed that night.
The Thursday night following my club adventure, Bill told me he had to go out of town for work the following week. He would be flying out late Sunday afternoon, and returning a week from Monday.”I don’t want you sitting around the house, getting lonely, or into trouble, so I think you should spend the week with Ray.”
“Are you sure you want me to do that dear?” I asked.
“Yes. I’m sure. I want you to spend some quality time with him. Don’t worry. He and I have already discussed it, and I approve of the plans he has for you. So there is no reason for you not to go. You should go and enjoy what he has planned for you.”
The issue was settled, without any input from me, not that I had a say in it anyway! Sunday afternoon, I kissed and hugged my husband as he left for the airport. I was already missing him. As always I was naked, and absentmindedly roamed through the house, wondering when and how my Master would collect me. Perhaps, I was going to take a cab, or the bus. Maybe he would pick me up at the house… Maybe I would be required to be naked for the entire week… So many maybes. I was looking forward to the coming week.
The phone rang… Four timesbefore I picked it up. It was Ray… he was outside the front door. When I opened the door, my world went black.
To be continued…
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