I was sitting at the kitchen table, nervously awaiting my husband’s arrival. I was a bundle of nerves. In the ten years that we had been married, I was never this worried about him coming home. I was tearing my hands, and they felt cold and clammy. My mind was going a million miles an hour, and my heart was pounding loudly in my chest. I had no idea how my husband would take the news I was about to give him. I was on my second glass of wine in hopes that it would calm my nerves. It wasn’t working… somehow, I had to get through this.
I thought back to when it started, almost eight months ago. We both had a hand in the events that happened. Me, for letting it happen, and my husband for being away from home so much. I
know it isn’t really fair to blow him like that, but it’s how I feel in my heart. Hell! I did blow him for being away so much! He knew how much I hated it when he traveled for work, but he just kept doing it, saying he had no choice, and that someday soonhe wouldn’t have to. I had begged him to find a different job, but he loved the one he had.
It was really an accidental meeting. It wasn’t anything that was planned it just happened. I had been shopping at a bookstore that I liked downtown and I accidentally bumped into a man. I didn’t think anything of it. We exchanged or apologies, and we each went our separate ways. Then, about a week later, I ran into him again. This time he invited me to have a cup of coffee, and seeing nothing wrong with that, I accepted his offer.
It was really nice to have somebody to talk to, seeing as how my husband was out of town again. This man had deep brown eyes, and he was really quite handsome. A person could get lost in those eyes. I could tell from his eyes, that he was checking me out as well. His focus seemed to linger on my 36D breasts, and the cleavage that my bloom was showing. I hadn’t dressed sexy, or any different than I usually did, it just happened that this blouse enhanced mybosom.
I really liked this man, and we quickly formed a connection, that I just knew was wrong, but I didn’t care. Finally, I had someone to talk to and spend time with. Yes. I know. It should’ve been my husband, and it certainly would’ve been, if he were here with me.
Our meetings for coffee, and lunch became more frequent, and on several occasions, I contemplated stopping it. I knew, at the very least, that the right thing would be for me to tell my husband about my new friend, but I always chickened out. Looking back, I have to admit that the secret of what I was doing, added to the thrill of this new “friendship”.
It seemed like I could share anything with this man. Things that never should’ve been shared. I just couldn’t help opening up to him, almost like a Girl friend, if that makes any sense. When our talks became more intimate, I knew I should end it, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. And, when we started talking about my sex life with my husband, I defInitely knew I should end our friend. It just felt good, finally having someone to talk to about it. I had tried, many times to talk to my husband about my concerns and needs, but he never seemed to have the time.
“Have you and your husband tried talking to a marriage counselor?” He asked.
“I’ve thought about that, but Bill doesn’t even have the time to talk to me, let alone, going to someone. I really am lost.” I replied.
“Have you tried seducing him, when he is home with you?”
“Of course, I’ve tried that. One night, I wore a see through teddy, with garter belt and stockings, and met him at the door when he got home from work. He just kissed me, and told me he had a last minute report to finish, and rushed into his home office.”
“Wow! I’ll bet that was rough on you.” he said.
“I went upstairs, and cried myself to sleep that night.”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you Linda.”
“Thanks, but it’s OK… I’ve learned to live with disappointments like that. Life goes on you know…”
“Forgive me, if I’m out of line here, but if you were my wife, I would never ignore you like that!” He said.
“Thanks… You’re so sweet Ray.”
At that point, I should’ve known I had crossed a line, because our conversations after that, were all about my marriage, and sex. I felt guilty, but the more we talked, the less precious feelings I had. It got to the point that I wished he was my husband and not Bill. I was falling in love with Ray, and I liked how that made me feel inside. I liked the tingle, and wetness in my pussy most of all.
Three months after our first meeting, it happened. “Linda… We’ve got pretty close, and I would never attempt to come between a husband and wife, but I get the feeling that you would like us to be more than just friends.” He said.
I hung my head, and quietly said, “Yes. I would.”
“I would too, but I won’t be the man who puts an end to your marriage. That doesn’t mean that weCouldn’t have a little fun though. I mean, innocent fun… Not fooling around fun… If you’re game. It may kick start your love life, and add that missing spark to your marriage.” He said.
“I don’t know… What do you have in mind? I certainly don’t want to do anything that would jeopardize my marriage.”
“That will not happen, unless you decide to take it there. You will have complete control over everything, until you say differently. I need to make this perfectly clear… You won’t do anything that you don’t want to. OK? My intention is for this to help your relationship with Bill.”
“Well… I guess it won’t hurt to hear some of your ideas.” I replied.
“Good. Let’s start with something simple, to get his attention, and then go from there.” He said.
His suggestion was for me to stop wearing a bra around the house, and giving my husband a chance to peek at my breasts more than usual. It didn’t work. Bill hardly noticed me, and I was very upset about it.I actually tried going an entire weekend topless, which resulted in unsatisfying sex with my husband. He got off, and I was left frustrated, and horny as hell.
Rays next idea didn’t fare much better. I stayed naked all weekend long for Bill. I did everything he liked, and we had lots of sex. Three times, which was a lot for us, and I was more frustrated than before. It was as if Bill was tone deaf to my needs. Wearing sexy negligees’ and baby doll nights had the same results. I was at my wits end, and Ray knew it.
When my husband left for another business trip, I called Ray on the phone. “I just don’t know what else I can do. I tried everything, and I’m sure Bill is enjoying it, but I’m so damn frustrated, I could scream!”
“You deserve some relief too, Linda.”
“I know, but the only thing left for me, is to take care of it myself, and that has never been very appealing to me. Even when I was a teenager.” I said.
“Do you trust me, Linda?”
“Yes, but… I still want my marriage to work, and I won’t do anything to harm that.” I said.
“Of course not dear. I just thought you might like to try something that would excite you, and help satisfy you.”
“OK. What did you have in mind?”
“How daring are you?” He asked.
“When you say daring, just exactly what do you mean by that?”
“Like showing a little more skin, or flashing. Have you ever done that?”
“No. I’ve always been pretty conservative with the way I dress in public.”
“OK… Tomorrow, when we meet for lunch, I want you to wear a button down blouse, with no bra. You can button as many buttons as you like.” He said.
“OK, but I don’t think that going braless is that daring.” I replied.
“Just trust me.” He said. “I’ll meet you at noon… The usual spot.”
The next day, I had chosen a white bloom with tan buttons, and no bra underneath. I had all but the top button closed, and had to admit, that I was consciousness of the missing undergarmment, with every step I took. I could feel my breasts jiggling, and moving freely. I liked the feeling of freedom it gave me. I also noticed several men do a double take when I walked by.
Ray smiled, and pulled out my chair for me, and said, “You look great! But, how do you feel?”
“It feels good. I feel free, and sexy.”
Just then, a waiter came up to our table for our drink order, and to give us menus. I ordered a diet Coke, and so did Ray. When the waiter went for our drinks, Ray said, “If you’re up for a challenge, and want to push your limits, I have a proposal for you.”
“OK… Go for it!” I boldly replied.
“For the duration of our lunch, every time the waiter comes to our table… open a button on your blouse, and leave it that way. Since he’s already been here once, you owe me a button!”
“I can’t do that! If he’s a good waiter, I could have every button opened by the end of lunch!” I exclaimed.
“It’s up to you Linda. This could be the excitement that you need. If you don’t want to do it, then no harm no foul. We’ll just have a nice lunch, and talk.” He said.
I looked at him, and calmly opened the next button on my blouse. Ray smiled.
Just then, the waiter returned with our drinks. I was about to order, when Ray asked if we could have a few more minutes. Immediately, I realized this was just to get More buttons open, and I gave him a dirty look. As the waiter walked away, I opened another button, and Ray smiled again. The next button was between my breasts, at about the same level as my hardening nipples, and I knew this one would be opened after we placed our order.
The waiter returned, and we ordered our lunch. As he was walking away, my trembling hands opened that button. I Now had to be more careful in how I sat. If I leaned over the table, there was going to be a whole lot of cleavage showing! I was actually dreading getting our food! That was going to cost me another button. A funny thing struckme… My pussy was getting wet! Very wet!
Ray and I made small talk, until our food arrived, and just as the waiter turned to leave, I opened another button. My blossom was now open, almost to my naval! I was very nervous, but at the same time, I felt more alive than I could remember. I sat very still, trying not to move much, so my breasts wouldn’t make their public debt. Two buttons left… for now.
“You’re doing great Linda! How does this make you feel?”
“Holy shit!” I said. “If you haven’t noticed, I can hardly breathe! My heart’s beating so hard, I thought you’d be able to hear it!”
Ray smiled. “How many buttons do you have left?”
“Only two!” I whispered.
“You do realize that our waiter will be back to check on us, and then for the check… right? That means, no buttons left for you at the end of lunch.”
I couldn’t speak. I just nodded, while he continued. “Do you have the courage to leave all of those buttons open, when we leave here?”
I was shocked! I hadn’t thought of that. There was just no way I could walk out of here with my blouse completely open! Ray saw the terror in my eyes, and then throw down another challenge. “I know leaving all you buttons open is a lot for your first time, so I have proposal for you. Reach under the table and tie the ends of your shirt together… This time.”
And, that was exactly what I had done. Looking back, I can remember how turned on I had been that day, and how I had to stop on my way home, and rub my pussy. My orgasm was a pretty powerful one, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. Little did I know, that I was in for many more just like it.
Our games continued like that, over the next few weeks. Ray had remained a gentleman, and even Though I was exposing a lot more of me, he never once benefitted from my shows. However, that all changed a few weeks ago. I had begun to feel guilty, that I was having so much fun, and getting off, and that Ray seemed to be leftout, more or less. I got bolder.
“I feel bad about you getting nothing out of this Ray.” I said while we had coffee one morning.
“Nonsense, Linda. I’m enjoying you having fun, and the excitement this has brought to you, even if it hasn’t had the positive effect on your marriage that we hoped it would.”
“Yeah… I’m not sure there’s much hope there any.” I said. “I just don’t know how to get him back. All he sees is business. I’ve tried playing these flashing games with him, and all he did was tell me to cover up, and act respectable! It’s infuriating! At least, I still have you for fun…”
Ray looked down at his coffee, and then said, “Would you like to explore something else?”
“I’m open to suggestions.” I said.
“I have an idea… Something that will shock Bill to his core.”
“Go on…”
“When will he be home again?”
“Two weeks.” I replied.
He took a deep breath, and said, “Become my slave.”
“Huh? What was that? I don’t’t think I heard you correctly!” I stammered.
He sipped his coffee, and calmly said, “In the next two weeks, you will become my slave. You will do everything, and anything I tell you to. When Bill returns, you will tell him that another man has enslaved you, and that you will not resist it. Tell him everything we have done, especially how close we have become. That will hit him like a ton of bricks.”
“Oh… I don’t know. What if he gets angry, or wants a dividend? I don’t know if I could take that Ray.”
“Linda… From what you’ve been telling me all this time, I think you’ve already considered leaving him. At the very least, I know you’ve felt that your marriage was dead. At this point, do you really have much to lose, by trying it?”
“Can I have some time to think about it?” I asked.
“Of course.” He replied. “I will give you ten minutes!”
I almost dropped my coffee. I looked at my watch, and five minutes later I agreed.
He smiled, and said, “I knew you would. There was something about you, that first time I bumped into you that told me all I needed to know. There will be rules for you…”
I remember them all. How could I forget? Each and every rule was etched in my brain. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me. Here I was, a married 32 year old woman, sitting in a café, agreeing to become a slave for a man, that was not my husband. It seemed like a long time ago… Much longer than eight months!
I just heard my husband’s car pull into the driveway. It’s only a matter of minutes, before the shit hits the fan. This could be very bad, and I’m having second thoughts about all of it. I took another big gulp of wine, and watched my husband walk into the house.
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