Slave Wager

Furiously, she stared at the short, buxom blonde fastened to the post on the other side of the game board. What could Master even want with a little slut like that? There was no need for another slave in the house, even if it was just for a week. She squirmed angrily, her hands held over her head by the steel restraints.

Master and his opponent were both seated at the chessboard between the two chained, naked Girls. Master moved one of the black pieces to a central square, studying the board intently. The tall brunette mistress immediately captured the piece with one of her own. Master sipped at his drink as he considered his next move.

Robin and the other slave had both been commanded to silence. It was infuriating, not being allowed to speak, but she knew she would be disciplined if she dared to utter even a word. The metal cuffs, closely grazing her small wrists, were attached to the post above her head. Already, it had been more than an hour that she had been forced to stand there, configured against the wooden beam, and her arms were beginning to ache from the position she was compelled to maintain.

Master’s opponent, the mistress named Victoria, was a tall, voluptuous brunette with curly hair, olive skin, and dark, slanted eyes. Robin shivered. Evil eyes. The woman looked so elegant, sitting there with her purple velvety dress and high boots. Dozens of bracelets adorned her wrists, and they made a noise every time she moved. Robin shifted uneasily again, rather ashamed of her nudity. It was very hard to appear sophisticated, naked and chained to a post! She knew she looked like what she was, a slave girl, just a meaningless little pleasure slut.

She didn’t play chess, but she understands enough about the game to tell that Master was having a difficult time. Already, he had lost one of his little castle pieces, and both horses, as well as several pawns. The mistress, playing white, had only lost a castle, one of her pointy-headed pieces, and three pawns. A prickle of appreciation went through her restrained body as she considered what might happen if Master lost; she glanced fearfully at the brunette mistress, leaning back in her chair, a slight smile on her lips.

At a play party the week before, Master had first met the dark haired mistress Victoria; Robin could tell immediately that he was intrigued. Apparently, she had just moved to the area from California. Master had spent most of the evening talking with her, laughing and exchanging jokes, while Robin knelt by his chair, annoyed. She remembered watching absolutely as other slave girls were bound and played with, tied and teased for the amusement of the party guests. Master had hardly paid her any attention the entire evening!

He was in a very good mood as he drove home from the party that night. “She plays chess,” he had confirmed to Robin, a sparkle in his eye. “She’s coming over next week for dinner, and we’re going to play a game or two.”

At that time, Robin had no idea of ​​the stakes of the game, or how it might affect her. Master loved games: chess, backgammon, poker, dominoes, anything with cards or dice, chance or luck. He gambled frequently; Robin relished the twice-yearly trips to Vegas, spending time with him in the casino and watching all the people. He was so smart! He knew all the rules, and he knew the exact odds of winning each game. An avid chess player, he had won several local tournaments, and was considered as quite skilled. He was also very competitive, and never backed down from a challenge. Robin shuddered again. Although she loved the firey, aggressive side of his personality, she wished he had not accepted Victoria’s terms for the match.

Victoria moved her large white queen out to the middle of the board, and Master moved Another piece to block the line of attack. Robin could see that the white pieces controlled most of the board; Master seemed to be playing defensively, trying to withstand the assault. She glanced at the other slave, chained to the post across the board. The little blonde smirked at her, then stuck out her tongue. Little bitch! Robin glared away angrily, trepidation stirring in her belly. Master had to win!

A thin, pretty redhead, Robin stood a little under five and a half feet tall. Large protruding nipples accentuated her small breasts; exposed to the air, they were stiff and hard, little brown pencil erasers. Master was very proud of her, and enjoyed the compliments he received about his beautiful auburn-haired slave girl. How could he do this to her? Didn’t he love her?

She loved Master, loved him with an all-consuming password that she would have never thought possible. He completely controlled her, forcing her body to experience things that she hadn’t dreamed of. Even the sound of his voice made her wet. Obeying his commands and serving his pleasure brought such an indescribable thrill of excitement that she sometimes wanted to scream from the emotions well inside her. It was a dark, turbulent whirlwind that enveloped her and threatened to sweep her away. The smallest thing, like kneeling on the floor as she waited for him to return from the store, aroused her incredibly.

She especially loved it when he bound or restrained her, the ropes and metal placed on her body emphasizing the hold he had over her. Even more powerful, he controlled her mind; she was positive he always know what she was thinking or feeling, and she had long ago given up any notions of hiding anything from him. He could tell immediately. He knew, surely, that she didn’t want to leave him, if only for a weekend; yet, he had decided to play this stupid game and risk losing her. Her will mean nothing to him. A possession was what she was; a cherished, treasured possession, it was true, but Only one of his many toys. She squirmed again, knowing that being owned by him so totally was what she desperately craved and desired.

Robin and the large-breasted blonde were the prizes in the game going on in front of them. If Master won, he would get to keep the other girl for the weekend; if Victoria won, Robin would be her price. Having never been with a woman, let alone dominated by one, Robin was very nervous. Who knew what might await her if Master lost the game? He had to win!

As the chess match continued, it became apparent that Victoria was Steadily gaining the upper hand. Master lost several more pieces, forced to defend himself against the relentless attacks of the white army. Finally, he shook his head, and ruefully asked, “Mate in four, isn’t it?” He tipped his king, conceding the game.

Robin was shocked, staring at the little piece rolling on its side on the checked squares. A squeamish tentacle of fear curled its way up her spine. She tugged endlessly against the metal restraints holding her in position. The post was firm against her back, her body stretched and displayed. She felt so helpless!

Victoria stood up and shook hands with Master, thanking him for the game. “I’m hosting a party this weekend,” she told him. “Your little redhead will be one of the attractions. I’d be delighted if you could make it.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” replied Master, somewhat gruffly. Robin knew he was annoyed at having lost the game, perhaps more annoyed than losing her for the weekend. This wasn’t supposed to happen! How could Master just gamble her away like this? She looked at him wildly, then at Victoria.

The dark haired mistress stepped in front of Robin, gently caresing her cheek. “I’ll enjoy playing with you, my little pretty,” she said softly. “We’ll have some fun, won’t we?”

Trying to meet her gaze, Robin trembled. “Yes, Mistress,” she whispered, terrified.

At the front door, Master helped her on with her full-length coat. Other than his metal collar locked around her throat, she was naked underneath. Tears running down her face, she looked at him. “Please, Master,” she begged. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

“Of course you can, slave,” he said, tenderly wiping her cheek. “It’s what I want. I have to pay my debt, she won the fighter. It was the decision I made. You do want to please me, don’t you?”

“Yes, Master,” she answered miserably, “you know I do.”

“Then you’ll do this, for no other reason than I told you to.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll come and get you Monday. Obey her as you would obey me.”

Mistress Victoria had a large, spraying house in the footballs outside of the city. There was an amazing array of bondage furniture in the main room, all dark wood and padded leather. Robin shivered, looking at the large sinister X-cross, the spanking benches, the array of whips and paddles on the wall. She knew that Victoria was a professional mistress, and men paid quite well to undergo her particular ministries of discipline and humiliation. She also knew that, sexually, Victoria preferred women; in fact, the buxom blonde (enigmatically called “M”) was Victoria’s personal slave.

Robin was commanded to knee in the middle of the large Oriental rug that covered most of the floor. The blonde slave M tied her hands together tightly behind her back. “You’ll be pleasing the Mistress tonight,” she whispered in Robin’s ear. “Be sure you do a good job, or you’ll be severely punished.”

Heart racing, Robin tugged at the tight cords holding her wrists together. How was she supposed to do this? Apprehensively she knelt there for more than an hour, alone in the room. Feeling very small and female, she fearfully looked at the diabolic toys and furniture around her.

Robin gasped as Mistress Victoria entered the room. Her only garment was a pair of high-heeled boots, glossy black, which came up to mid-thigh. She was an incredibly beautiful woman. Victoria twirled slowly in front of the kneeling slave girl, enjoying the attention.

She strolled gracefully to a high armchair, almost athrone, in the corner of the room. “Get over here,” she commanded imperiously, pointing at a spot on the floor. Clumsily, with her hands bound, Robin scrambled to the spot that the mistress had indicated. Her fear and anxiety were, inexplicably, arousing her; she felt the tingling heat and dampness between her legs as she moved. She saw that M had also entered the room, standing in the corner with her arms crossed, a small smile on her face.

“Lick my boot, slut,” Victoria said, stretching her long, graceful leg in front of her. Desperately, Robin bent down and began to run her tongue over the shiny, cool surface. She felt so humiliated, awkwardly kneeing naked on the floor in front of this elegant, stunning woman.

“Slower,” Victoria ordered sternly. “More sensitively. Use your lips, take your time. I like to watch your mouth.”

Closing her eyes, Robin licked and kissed at the smooth vinyl, feeling the curves of Victoria’s foot and ankle underneath. It was such a submissive posture, on her knees with her ass in the air, licking this woman’s booted foot, and she felt another embarrassing ticket of excitement between her tights. How could this be turning her on? Slowly she licked her way up the other woman’s calm and leg, getting ever closer to the tanned, exciting curve of her upper thigh. Robin could tell the mistress was getting aroused. The excitement churned inside her; suddenly eager, she continued her efforts, longing to taste this exhaust, beautiful female.

Victoria chuckled. “My, you’re enjoying this after all,” she said softly. She stretched her other leg out so she was sitting spread-legged in the chair. “Now, the other one.”

Robin bent down again and slowly ran her tongue across the slick black surface. The feel of the woman’s body beneath the smooth dark vinyl was intoxicating. Her lips and mouth, the only point of contact, became her erogenous zone; pleasure raced through her tingling body. Robin worked her way up the curvedexpand of Victoria’s leg and tigh. Submissively she looked up, meeting the mistress’ eyes, her lips and tongue pressed to the sleep blackness.

Victoria moved forward on the chair, the hot wet folds of her open and accessible. Robin licked and teased the warm, smooth skin of Victoria’s inner thigh, marveling at the sensing. Gently biting and nibbling, she edged closer, the musky, aroused scent of the other woman’s excitement enveloping her. Teasingly, she licked softly, using her warm breath and closeness to arouse Victoria even further.

“Oh, God, yes,” Victoria moaned, her hands in Robin’s hair, pulling her head forward. Robin began licking at the moist, female crevices, using her lips, her mouth, her teeth. A surge of power coursed through her and she suddenly had a sense of what Master must feel When he did this to her. She wanted to tease and arouse this woman, make the sensings build inside her until she could barely stand it. Gently kissing and licking Victoria’s swollen clip, she pulled it delicately into her mouth, feeling the other woman twitch involuntarily.

“Fuck, yes!” Victoria gasped. “Fuck me with your tongue, slut! Fuck me!” Robin felt the other woman’s hands tighten in her red hair as she was pulled even further forward, her face buried between the other woman’s tanned, beautiful legs. She began pumping her tongue into Victoria’s tight, swollen fissure. Robin felt her own orgasm approaching and her fists clinched, bound behind her. Continuing to aroom the other woman, barely able to breathe, she desperately shoved her tongue deeper, hearing the cries of pleasure from above her, until Victoria climaxed explosively. Her fists clamped in Robin’s hair as her entire body shook; she twisted on the chair, holding Robin’s mouth and tongue against her, as she shuddered uncontrollably.

Finally, the tight hold on Robin’s hair released and she fell back, her face and mouth drenched from her exercises. Her thighs were wet from herown excitement; she was unbelievably turned on. Futilely she squirmed in the tight ropes, wishing she could touch herself. She wanted to come so badly it was almost painful. Helplessly she looked up at the mistress, seeing her reclined on the chair, eyes half closed.

Victoria opened her eyes and looked down at the redheaded slave girl on the floor. “Very nice,” she said, a smile on her face. “Your master told me you’d never been with another woman. I’m impressed.”

Robin struggled to her knees, her hands twisting in the restraints. “Please, Mistress,” she stammered, “please until me. Please, can I come now?”

Victoria’s blue eyes flashed ice cold. “No, you may not. You’re here for my pleasure, not yours.” She stood up. “Insolent bitch. Turn around, and put your face on the floor, your ass in the air.”

With fear in her belly, Robin did as she had been commanded, her cheek against the brained surface of the rug. She closed her eyes as she felt the leather blade of ariding crop cares the back of her thighs.

“Open your legs, slut,” Victoria ordered from behind her.

The crop slapped menacingly between Robin’s spread thighs, and she trembled. Her excitement and arousal were quite obvious. She squirmed helpfully, knowing how her body was betraying her.

The long-handled disciplined device hissed and cracked down against the curved surface of her ass, the hot burst of pain tearing through her. She gasped in agony as another impact painfully seared her exposed skin. Quickly and brutally, Victoria punished her with the crop, branding her repeatedly with fire strokes of the flat leather blade. Finally, Robin fell to her side, unable to take any more, her ass and legs on fire. “Please, Mistress!”

Mercifully, Victoria refused. She pushed her Helpless captive over with a booted foot, the point of the high heel on her chest. The riding crop stung Robin’s face and she cried out, turning her head to the side.

“Who is the Mistress?” demanded Victoria, the sharp point of her heel pressing into Robin’s soft flesh.

“You are, Mistress!” cried Robin fearfully, winning.

“Who is the slave?”

“I am, Mistress!” Robin wept. “Please forgive me, Mistress!”

Victoria stepped back. “M, take this one to her kennel,” she commanded. “Cuff her hands together outside the bars. I don’t want her playing with herself tonight.”

“Yes, Mistress,” said the naked blonde. She croouched down and clipped a lean to Robin’s collar. “Stand up, slut. Follow me.”

Awkwardly, Robin staggered to her feet, tears running down her face. The welts from the riding crop still stung terribly, and heat emanated from her ass and the backs of her thighs. The blonde tugged on the leash and led her from the room.

Thankfully, the small cage was carpeted, and lengthy enough to lay down flat. Robin twisted around, her backside still burning from the kiss of the crop. Small steel restraints tightly clapped her slim wrists, holding them together outside of the cage. At least M had thrown a blanket over her before leaving the room. The cage was tiny, only about two feet wide. Robin hated being confined, and she fought the claustrophobia welling inside her. It was impossible to sleep. The smell and taste of the mistress was still evident on her face, and the maddening, throbbing desire pulsing between her legs would not go away.

It had been hours since she had been left like this. She missed Master desperately, longed to feel his warm hands on her body, to hear his voice. Although he occasionally chained her to the foot of the bed as a discipline measure, he generally allowed her to sleep with him, his large form and strong arms holding her as she slept. Because of his stupid game, here she was, sleeping on the floor, confined in a cage like a pretty little animal. She wanted to scream out with rage. How could he have done this to her?

The door opened and the short, busty slave M entered, carring a candle. She croouched down beside the cage, the light flickering over the curves of her naked body. “You’d better get some sleep,” she told Robin softly. “There’s lots of work to do tomorrow. Mistress is having a party.”

“I know,” whispered Robin, shifting position nervously. “What did she mean when she told Master I would be one of the attractions?”

The blonde smiled. “You’ll find out.” She reached between the bars, underneath the blanket, running her hand up and down Robin’s naked torso. “You have such soft, smooth skin,” she whispered huskily.

“Oh,” gasped Robin, flinching, the slight contact making her body flush with arousal again, her need and desire surging within her. M teased and pinched Robin’s nipples gently and they stiffened immediately. She tickled Robin’s belly lightly, making her twitch involuntarily. Her hand crept lower, feeling the heat of Robin’s excitement.

“Oh, yes. Oh my God. Please,” Robin groaned almost incoherently, rolling toher back, eagerly spreading her thighs, as the other girl deliciously felt between her legs. The gentle, tantalizing touch was almost painful. The stimulation danced through her, making her toes curl. M maddeningly stroked her with excite softness, her fingertips barely grazing Robin’s swollen hot flesh.

The blonde chuckled. “This is torture, isn’t it?” she whispered teasingly, continuing her gentle, infuriating caresses. “I bet you’re about ready to exploit . . . this must be driving you insane.”

“Yes! Please! Please!” Robin begged wildly, lifting her hips, trying desperately for some slight increase in pressure. So close! She cried out in disappointment as M pulled her hand away.

“Naughty slut,” chided the blonde playfully, “you know you’re not allowed to come. You can watch me, however.” She placed the candle on the floor and knelt by the cage, her legs spread wide. Her eyes locked with Robin’s as she began to masturbate, rubbing her clip with firm, circular motions, her other hand pinching her nipples.

Helplessly, Robin was forced to watch the blonde slave outside the cage bring herself to orgasm. Within a few moments, eyes closed, her heavy breasts bouncing, M gasped and shuddered, the spasms course through her body. Robin clenched her fists, the intense craving pulsing inside her. She wanted to weep with frustration.


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