Slave Training

About a year after our son was born, my wife started losing interest in sex, to the point that we make love less than once a month. Also, we only do mutual oral sex, because an IUD causes frequent infections and make normal sex uncomfortable, and neither of us want more kids. However, when I got a vasectomy, and we didn’t have the pregnancy risk, she still wasn’t interested in normal lovemaking, and still didn’t want sex more often than we’d been having it. She did become more jealous though, because eliminating the pregnancy trap, made it a lot easier for me to cheat on her. And that jealousy, plus her overhearing only one side of an innocent conversation, caused one of our biggest fights ever. Because while I was giving her the proof that I hadn’t cheated on her, I made it clear that I was very close to doing so. Since she knew I had every reason to cheat, that scared her enough to agree to opening our marriage, with a caveat. That caveat was that all my sex with other women would have to be threesomes with her there to make sure things didn’t get too romantic, and was only sex not love. Like any man would argue with that, especially since she promised they’d be true threesomes and that she’d gladly lick out any sperm I put into the girl’s holes.

However, 6 months passed, and there was no change whatsoever in our sex life, except to get even worse than it had been before. No threesomes with other girls, no starting to let me fuck her in the ass like she’d promised, and a decrease in how often we had sex, not an increase like she swore would happen. Hell, she didn’t even talk about going out and fucking other guys, which had been her side of the open marriage agreement. Then again, if she wasn’t giving me any of the things she’d promised me as part of the agreement, how could she get her side Without causing an even bigger fight than before. And, of course, asking about that subject got nothing except excuses about why she wasn’t ready for any parts of it. The same kinds of excuses I’d been getting for the last 10 years, whenever I’d try to find out how to fix our broken sex life. Which means that the agreement she’d made, to keep me divorcing her, or cheating on her, had just been another one of her endless lies and broken promises. Promises that she made, that I should have already known she had absolutely no intention of keeping when she made them.

To be honest, I actually didn’t expect her to keep her promises about the threesomes or the anal sex, because they were fantasy things not normal sex for us. However, I did expect her to keep her promise about us having sex more often, since that is what brought us to the broke in the first place. Her only wanting sex every couple of months, yet swearing to me that she hadn’t lost interest in it, or in me. As I said though, instead of increasing, our sex life got worse, with us having only made love twice in the 6 months since the agreement. If her proving she’d lied again about wanting to try and fix what was wrong wasn’t enough to piss me off, her wanting us to buy a bigger apartment, and promising our sex life would improve if we did, definitely was. But her response, when I reminded her that she’d never keep a single one of her promises, that it was my fault because I wasn’t man enough to make her keep them, was the final straw. And, I did something I’d never thought I’d do, that was to tell her I was going to keep one of her promises for her, the one about finding another girl to fuck. Although, she shouldn’t wait up for me because I didn’t plan to bring the girl home for a threesome. Then I left the house, slamming the door on anything else she might have to say.

Of course, by the time I got to the car, I had to accept the fact that my wife was right in a way because I didn’t even have enough guts to really do what I’d just told her I was going to do. Instead, I’d just go sit in a bar somewhere and drink until I got bored with drinking, then head back home again. Still, maybe just the fact that I’d stormed out, even though she knew as well as I did that I wouldn’t actually cheat on her, might do some good, since as I said, it was something I’d never done before. Except, the changes came faster than I would ever have expected, in the form of a phone call from our old next door neighbor, and one of my wife’s best friends, less than 5 minutes after I sat down at our favorite bar. Asking me where I was, and if she could come talk to me about the fight my wife and I had just had. That was strange enough, because my wife always kept our problems secret from her friends, that I said why the hell not, then told her where to find me.

The woman, who we’ll call Y, is about halfway between my wife’s age and my own, making her about 45 or so. She’s shorter than either one of us, and while not fat, she’s heavy bonded which means she’s not the kind of girl I’d drool over. Still, she has a nice face and a very down to earth personality, whichh, after my wife joked about me fucking her, when our so called agreement was new, made me actually fantasize about doing it. The reason I bring that up, is because that was one of the first things she said to me when she sat down at my table. That my wife hadn’t sent her to try and talk me out of doing what I planned to do, because she knew I had every right to cheat on her. Instead, my wife had called her and asked if she was interested in being the girl I slept with, since she’d be a lot safer than some random bar slut. Maybe what I said next will sound stupid to you, but I told her she didn’t need to sacrifice herself like that and I wouldn’t have really done what I said because I didn’t want the fight we’d have when I got home. Y put her hand on mine and said it wouldn’t be a sacrifice because she wasn’t getting what she needed at home either, and it was about time she started cheating too. As for a fight, she didn’t think there would be one, because my wife had told her she coulddo this if she wanted. And she did want it, if I did, or else she wouldn’t be here right now, would she? Although she wouldn’t mind if I bought her a couple of drinks first, because she’d never done this before and was nervous as hell.

Ok, she wasn’t my dream date, and I might have found something better by the end of the night. But, she was already willing without me having to work all night to convince her, and we supposedly had my wife’s permission as long as I only did it with her. Besides, I might not get lucky at all otherwise, and I had fantasized about fucking her a few times. So, I called the waitress over to take her drink order, then moved to her side of the table and put my arm around her to let her know I was accepting her offer. It took two drinks, and a little bit of me running my hand up and down her back, before she relaxed enough to start leaning into the arm that was around her. When the third drink came, she turned to give me a quick kiss and say we could leaveve after we finished this one. And when I put my other hand on her leg, under the table, she leaned even harder into me, then turned to give me an even longer kiss than the first one.

It wasn’t until we got to the car though, that she expressed her remaining doubt about what was happening, by asking if I was sure I wanted to make love to her, as if my touches hadn’t already shown her that. So, this time it was me who did the kissing, a real kiss, not the quick kisses she’d given me, while moving my hand up to cares one of her tits through her shirt, to show that I definitely did want to. Then, when that kiss broke, it was now her hand on my leg as she told me she’d have to give me directions to where we were going, since we couldn’t go to her house, and we sure could’t go to mine. Then she laughed and said that When her friend gave her the key to her spare apartment, she’d told her she’d never have a reason to use it. Now she was glad her friend had forced her to take it anyway, and would thank her for it later.

Since the ice was broken, and her hand was already on my leg, I thought she might not mind my hand back on her leg while I drove. Although she did jump a little when I slip it into the space between, she quickly let me know my hand was more than welcome there by spreading her legs and moving her hips forward to give me better access. And she started moving her own hand in Small circles near my rapidly hardening dick, as she held my arm with the other, and lay her head fully against my shoulder. By the time we arrived at our destination, she was beginning to moan and her breathing had become ragged. But, rather than let me finish what I’d started in the car, she pulled my hand away and said she wanted me to wait until we were both naked to continue that. Then she took me by the hand and led me to the elevator, where she proceeded to show me how hot I’d made her.

Once inside the apartment, she went back to kissing me like she had in the elevator, at the same time she was working on getting my shirt off over my head. Then, when my top half was done, she grabbed my hand and guided it to the buttons on her blouse, while she started unbuckling my belt. By the time I got her blouse off, my pants were already down around my ankles and she was rubbing my cock through my underwear and telling me she couldn’t wait to have it inside her. When I went to work on her pants Though, she told me I’d have to take them off in the bedroom because they were too tight to get off while standing up. Then, after quickly popping the clap on her bra, she sort of ran down the hall, waving it as a flag for me to follow. And once we got there we fell onto the bed together and went back to kissing and I started massaging her now bare tits.

I need to stop here to say that I’d been unfair in my assessment of her when she had her clothes on, because her body looked a lot better naked than I thought it would. I know I said before that she was on the heavyset side without actually being fat. But even that was unfair, because what she really is is struggle with a solid frame and without even a trace of cellulite on either her legs or her ass. In other words, had her bone structure been lighter, she could have easily had a bikini body. And, even with her heavier bones, her body was nothing to be ashamed of, and in better shape than either mine or my wife’s bodies. It’s only society’s standards of beauty, and my having grown up believe those standards, that made her seem less attractive to me when she was wearing clothes. Seeing her fully exposed though, gave me a much better appreciation for what she had to offer, and I vowed to make sure I showed her that for the rest of the night.

Obviously no one had ever shown her the type of appreciation I planned to start with, because she tried to stop me when I began kissing my way lower than her tits. After I told her I couldn’t make love without that, and that it was something evenMy wife enjoyed, she said she’d let me do it this once, since it was our first time together. But I needed to get it over with quickly, and she’d show me later that real men didn’t need to do things like that to make a woman happy in bed. Yeah like I could get it over with quickly, once her legs locked around my head, and her hands started trying to force my mouth even tighter against her pussy than it already was. And when she finally let me go, about 5 orgasms later, she told me to just shut up and fuck her, before plastering her mouth to mine to keep me from saying I told her so.

As she quickly learned, it takes me a long time to cum from fucking, at least 30 minutes if the girl’s pussy doesn’t squeeze me too much when she cums. And about halfway through she told me she didn’t understand what my wife was complaining about, since the way I was fucking her was perfectly fine. I told her that as far as I knew it was because she wanted it harder and rougher than I did it, kind oflike the way they did it in porn films. You know, with the guy slamming the girl onto the bed and slapping her ass or pulling her hair while he fucked her. She said the only time she’d liked that was when her husband was fucking her ass, back when he used to have sex with her, not when he was making love to her, although she wouldn’t mind me pulling her hair a little while I was kissing her. Or, if we slid down a little, so I could fuck her without needing to hold myself up with my hands, maybe squeezing her tits and pulling her nipples while we fucked. Of course, since she’d suggested it, we immediately put the sliding down part into action, and the nipple pulling definitely made her orgasms bigger. As for the hair pulling, I did a little of that too, when I got close to my own orgasm, to make sure we were kissing hard when I flooded her cunt with my cock cream.

We went back to slightly romantic kissing after that, to kill the time until my dick was hard enough to fuck her some more. Then, as I was slowly fucking her doggie style, while opening her asshole with my thumb, she said we should have done this right after I licked her, instead of the normal fucking, because her asshole had been really relaxed back then, and we wouldn’t have to get it ready again like we were now. And, that’s definitely how we were going to do it whenever we got together from now on. When I reminded her that she’d said me licking her tonight was a one time only thing, she said I was just being a smart ass, because I already knew I’d won that battle and she’d never say no to it again. But, just because she’d let me lick her, didn’t mean that she’d do the same thing to me. Then when I told her she’d do it eventually, she asked if I was planning to blackmail her by refusing to lick her unless she did the same to me, and I said I’d never do that. I did what I did because I enjoyed doing it and loved how it drove women crazy, not to get something from somebody. And when she finally didit to me, it would be for the same reason, that she wanted to drive me as crazy as I drive her. Then she asked me what made me so sure she’d want to do that, and I told her that her talking about it right now was all the proof I needed. She was obviously already thinking about it, and maybe even hoped I would blackmail her to give her the guts to try it. But I wasn’t going to try to force her to do anything she didn’t really want to do, she’d have to do it all by herself. When her curiosity about how my cock would feel in her mouth, and how my sperm would taste when I came there, got to be too much, she’d ask me to let her try it, and beg me to teach her how to do it right. And the cute way she shuddered when I said that, told us both it wouldn’t take very long for that to happen.

By this time, Her asshole was more than ready for my cock, and she wasted no time pushing herself back against me once I got everything lined up. Then she showed me the pace she wanted me to fuck her at, before turning control over to me and concentrated on teaching me about spanking her ass while I fucked her. She said the whole point of it was to set up violences in her ass cheats, that I could feel on my dick, that and using the slaps to punctuate my dirty talk, especially when telling her that her asshole belonged to me now. And as she smiled over her shoulder at me, she said it really was mine now, along with her pussy, Since her husband was no longer interested in fucking either one of them. Then, to show that she definitely was still thinking about it, she said she supposed her mouth would belong to me too, once I started cumming in it. When I did smack her ass, she told me I was doing it too softly, because it needed to sting without leaving a bruise, in order to show that I owned her and could do whatever I wanted to her. Then she told me that the hair pulling, during this kind of fucking, was to tell her to fuck back against me harder, so I could get my cock deeper inside her. Although, if I was holding her hips the way I was now, I could get that without pulling her hair, by just slamming our bodies together harder. Then she had me practice the spanking and hip pulling, while giving me suggestions on things I could say to make them both more exciting.

After we finished this time, and she was lying in my arms, she asked if I’d enjoyed making love to her enough to keep seeing each other every week. I told her the honest truth, that I’d definitely enjoyed it, but I still wasn’t sure there wouldn’t be a fight when I got home, so I couldn’t make her any promises about seeing her again. She said not to worry about that part of it, because she’d told my wife she wasn’t interested in making love to me if it was only going to be a one time thing, and my wife had assured her it wouldn’t be. She said it would be up to us, as long as we agreed to abide by her rules, and the rules of the agreement my wife and I had. I told her I didn’t think my wife had told her what our agreement was, because she might not be so enthusiastic if she knew. And she wasn’t, after I explained that it said all my nights with other girls were supposed to be threesomes, where the girl would have to make love to my wife too. She said she hoped that wasn’t what my wife means, and that she only wanted her to keep me happy. Because, while she could accept my wife wanting her to start letting me cum in her mouth, she didn’t think she could do any of that lesbian stuff.

Then she said that speaking of sucking my cock, she wished she didn’t have to go home right now, because I was right that she was thinking about it. But, she’d promised my wife she’d have me home by 3:00 and it was almost 2:30 now. And she wanted to try it when we’d have enough time for me to reward her by using my tongue on her too, so we’d have to wait until our next date. And she wasn’t just saying that to get me to talk my wife into letting us see each other again. She just wanted me to be tHinking of what her tongue was going to do to me next time, because she’d definitely be thinking about mine. Then she kissed me softly before getting up to get dressed, and telling me that I needed to get dressed too. When I pulled up in front of her house, she told me that one way or another, she’d see me next Friday, then gave me a quick kiss before getting out of the car to walk to her door. And, even though I wasn’t sure what she meant by “one way or another”, I did hope she was right, and that we’d be doing this again soon.

Y was right that there wasn’t a fight when I got home, although there probably would have been if I’d spent the night with someone besides her. I mean, my wife was tense when she asked who I’d gone home with, and she obviously relaxed when I said it was Y, so I don’t think that’s a wrong conclusion to make. Then she really surprised me, by telling me she was sorry she said what she did, and that the fight was her fault and could have been avoided if she’d been honest with me from the start. Whether I believed her or not, she hadn’t lied to me when we made our agreement, and she really did want the things we’d agreed on. But, she hadn’t been able to find any girls who were willing to have a threesome with us, and she’d been afraid to tell me because I’d think it was another lie. Y was the closest she’d come to finding a girl, at least one who was interested in fucking me. Y hadn’t been into the threesome side of it though, and there were other things she didn’t do, like any kind of oral sex. And my wife had been too hung up on the threesome part of our deal, to offer her to me until she got scared that I would cheat on her. Especially since she didn’t suck cock, and probably wouldn’t let me eat her pussy either, even though she would let me fuck her in the ass.

Now that I’d fucked her though, she wanted to know if Y would be acceptable, until she did find a threesome girl, and if we’d be able to start doing the rest of the things. When I said yes, she grabbed my hand to lead me to the bedroom, saying she wanted one of them right away, and that was for me to tell her all the dirty details, while she gave me the slow sexy blowjob I hadn’t gotten from Y. My wife wasn’t surprised when I told her about eating Y’s pussy, since she’d been sure I’d find a way to convince her, and Y’s reaction wasn’t a shock at all. She was surprised though about Y wanting to try sucking my cock on our next date, although she thought it might be that she was afraid I wouldn’t lick her anymore if she didn’t. Or maybe, now that she’d found out how good my tongue felt, she wasn’t as against the idea of ​​oral sex as she used to be. Then after hearing the rest of what we’d done, she said she wanted to talk to Y about making a slight change. And that was for us to meet here, instead of using her friend’s place, because it would be too easy for us to start thinking of this as an affair if we always did it somewhere else. Doing it in our bed thoughh, would remind us that we were fucking each other with her permission, and that it could easily change if things got out of hand. Then she said there was another benefit too, that Y could come over earlier, and we could start as soon as the kids were both in bed.


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