Slave to the Ouija Ch. 05

Mistress Rina sat and contemplated the coming week while she hand-fed and watered her pets. She would have to initiate a ceremony so they could question the Others on the upcoming slave auctions as they had the last say on the arrangements and the attending guests.

Finished their allocated food, she washed the bowl and tipped the remainder of their water out.

She had promised them a surprise, and they would hate her for the new humiliation she had planned for them. She would have a cup of coffee and let them worry about something they couldn’t stop.

Fifi and Gigi had fought their rising fear since she had said of a surprise, and it intensified as they heard her enter her room.

“You can go first,” Fifi’s terror escalated as she reached into his cage and fastened his wrists behind him as he heard the door slide open.

“Back up.” Her voice critically demanded.

He first moved one leg back, then wriggled so he could do the same with his other leg. MistressRina ordered him to stop, with his head and shoulders still in the cage.

Mistress Rina bent down behind him to spread his legs and pulled his arse cheese apart. Touching the opening, he flinched.

“Stay. Don’t you dare think of moving,” she grew menacingly.

She continued running her finger around his arse hole. She giggled, watching as it contracted and relaxed as she poked her finger around the opening and played with him.

Fifi silently waited on his knees shade flooded him while Mistress Rina stroked his arse hole with her fingers.

“Okay, time for your surprise. Blindfolded, his Mistress led him to his surprise. He didn’t want her fucking surprise and was fighting panic, and his fear pumped adrenaline through him. She bent him forward, sitting his neck in a half circle and locked them together as the top half enclosed his neck.

Bent over, his head in a stock, she untied his wrists and enclosed them on either side of him.

He couldn’t believee what was happening to him.

“Silence,” she commanded before she removed his gag.

As he waited silently, he heard her prepare something. He didn’t mean to, but he whimpered, the noise breaking the silence.

Mistress Rina returned and grabbed Fifi’s balls, squeezing as she told him.

“Shut the fuck up.” tightening her grip slowly as he silently stood till she was satisfied he Understand her.

His body shook, and he was beginning to lose it as she released his balls.

Please, God, make her stop. He silently prayed as Mistress Rina looked at him, smiling as she picked up her tools and went to him.

Standing in front of him, she demanded his name.

“Fifi,” he mechanically replied.

“What are you?”

“A slave,” he replied to her question.

“And, whose pet slave are you?”

“Your Mistress’s.”

She replaced his gag, telling him she would prefer to shut him up for the moment as she didn’t feel like listening to him.

She wasboasting and feeling incredibly proud of herself as she placed a steel nose ring into the holder and ensured it was open. She then pierced between his nostrils with it and clamped it shut.

Fifi’s reaction was intense, and he tried to rip his head away. He pulled enthusiastly at the heavy wooden stock bolted to the floor.

His face was in dreadful pain, and he could feel the slight weight pulling on his nose as it hung downward.

The level of emotion that hit him when she clipped the ring was undeniable. He wanted to put his hands around her throat and watch the life fade from the gloating bitch, and he wished he could hurt her like she was him and the other poor man.

“All done,” she said, checking her handy work before she told him he would be thanking her later for her surprise. She bent and whispered softly and sweetly into his ear as he stood, utterly starting to shatter.

Going behind him, she grasped his cock and placed it into the machine, and he thought he would die of fright.

“Maybe later.” She laughed as she took off the apparatus and patted his arse cheeses.

Fifi could hear her cruelty as she laughed at his despair.

One at a time, she tied his wrists to his collar behind his neck. She didn’t need him to try and remove the ring. She flicked the ring in his nose a few times, pleased with how it looked before she clipped his lean onto it and led him around. She prayed him for how well he had behaved. He might get a reward for being a good pet. She would think about it.

Mistress Rina know the psychological effects of this worked in her favour. The mental impact of having a nose ring and being led around would destroy their self-esteem and pride. Plus, she kept them both guessing and confused, making it easier for her to manipulate them.

She clipped his lean to a wall and took the pliers and the nosering for Gigi to the table. He flinched as the cold steel pliers sat on his chest.

“Don’t move!” Mistress Rina hissed at him as he flinched again. Holding him under the chin, she pulled his head back, pierced his nose with the ring, clamped it shut, flicked it a few times, and then clipped his lean onto it.

Gigi’s muffled cries of pain and protest made her snicker at him as she sat him up. She told him to be careful, and she would change his name to Sissy if he didn’t stop being such a soook. She tied his wrists behind his neck and then released his ankles.

“Off,” she ordered, giving his lean a tug which he followed instantly. The pain in his nose and face increased, and he could feel the weight as it hung from his nose. This was what they controlled animals with, and she put a fucking nose ring on me. His brain couldn’t begin to fathom or rationalize what was occurring.

“Thank me for your surprise,” came the curt command as she removed his gag.

He thanked her, his voice cracking in pain and mortification before she replaced it

Gigi followed as Mistress Rina paraded him around. Insulted beyond words, he could not believe the depravity of the woman he was supposed to call Mistress, and he was generally terrified

of her.

After teaching him what the nose ring did, she clipped his lean to the wall.

She took Fifi to the kitchen, telling him to get on his hands and knees, threaded his lean through the table ring and pulled it until his head was against it. She locked his ankle to the short chain, bolted to the floor and left him as she prepared herself a drink.

Mistress Rina placed her drink on the table and repositioned Fifi’s body away from it. She stepped around him and sat using his back as a seat.

Fifi, she knew, wasn’t prepared for her to sit on him and buckled till he could clench his body to hold her weight.

Picking up her drink, she stroked Fifi’s buttocks and leaned down to his balls, rolling them between her fingers as she watched Fifi as she kept struggling his arse cheeses.

She liked how painful continuous stroking on a sensitive area could be.

Fifi struggled to support her, and he felt so bad he wished he could crawl under a rock and disappear.

“Let me fall, and you will be punished!’ the warning was all too clear as she used him for her chair.

Sighing, she told him what a hassle he and Gigi were to keep. She had to feed them, water them, and she couldn’t leave for too long or find enough time to play.

“Do you know how much time I waste between you and Gigi?” She asked him as she ticked his arse chefs lightly with her fingers.

The pain of her struggling was becoming unbearable, and he struggled to support her and stay silent as she continued the stroke.

Finishing her drink, she undid the leash, put his leg slightly behind the other, and told him to stretch out as she held his head up, posing him. Fifi knelt as she told him to raise onto his fingers, forcing him to stay while she examined him.

She giggled and told him to walkbeside her on his hands and feet like a monkey. He barely raised himself as his arms trembled from the strain of what she had him do.

“Now, not tomorrow!’ Mistress Rina gave a quick tug on the leash, and Fifi stood beside her, his hands on the floor and his head pointed to the floor, his arse pointed up.

“Hold,” she ordered as she got her camera and took photos of him from all angles. His arms and legs ached, and the pressure forming in his head had caused it to ache, but his gaze did not move from the floor.

“Heel,” she ordered him, giving his lean another pull. On all fours, he slowly learned to heel in the exact position she required.

She took him back to her room and fastened his ankle to her bed.

Fifi’s face pounded, and jolts of pain shot through him with the nosering, and he desperately wanted to rip it out. He miserably realized he was resisting less and despised himself for being weak and not fighting more, but how could he? Others also lived here, and escape was impossible.

How could he? He didn’t even know where he was,

“Bed,” he quickly rose, getting onto the bed. She pushed him onto his back, fastened his arms to the bedhead, and chained his other leg to the corner.

She collected the arse lift, raised Fifi’s groin, and led Gigi to the bed. She removed his gag and positioned him between Fifi’s spread legs. His balls hung exposed to whatever she wanted Gigi to do with them.

She had to make sure Gigi had actually understood and learned his lesson as she looked at Fifi spread on her bed, waiting for Gigi to practice on him.

Oh God, she loved this, watching as they learned the art of giving pleasure to others while being denied any type of pleasure themselves.

Mistress Rina didn’t care if the slaves were male or female, This was one of her favourite pastimes. The subscription of others below her gave her a thrill beyond anything she had ever experienced,

Slaves gave sexual pleasure butWe were forbidden to receive it. Watching them strive for sexual release and orgasm was entertaining. Unless the Master/owner of the slave in training exclusively permitted release, she denied it.

Mistress Rina lowered Gigi’s head and explained how he was to feather Fifi’s balls with his tongue. Repulsion for what she ordered rose as bile as his moist tongue flicked across Fifi’s balls. He had tried to think of something else but feared missing her orders, knowing what would happen.

She sat and filmed, and her excitement growing watching his disgust with increasing pleasure. She told him to perform for her, posing in different positions with Fifi’s cock because she hadn’t finished her filming yet.

Nauseated, Gigi did as his guts churned. He would never be able to see his friends or family again.

“Hold,” Gigi stopped and waited as a thin strap was used to restrain Fifi’s balls. His eyes watered as he instantly felt the pain of the constriction as she tightened it.

“Begin,” She held Gigi’s head and lowered it till he could continue. He took Fifi’s balls in his mouth, his hot wet tongue rolling over the soft skin as she ordered him to improve or else. He was petrified of her and began working his tongue quicker as it traced patterns around Fifi’s balls.

Mistress Rina felt her pleasure rise as she photographed her pets playing together, knowing they despised what they were doing.

She didn’t give a fuck about their feelings. They’d get over it. She was their Mistress, the owner-trainer. If she wanted something, they would comply. They had no say whatsoever in her actions regarding them.

She told him to lick Fifi’s cock shake because Fifi likes that so much.

Gigi performed as she got excellent close-up footage for her training manual.

“Keep that tongue busy,” she scolded as she reached between Gigi’s legs and played with his balls and cock. His heart raced as he wondered what she would do next. He flicked Fifi’s cockshake with his tongue as she watched.

“Suck Fifi’s cock,” Gigi closed his mouth over Fifi’s cock head as the urge to vomit well again.

Hot tears of humiliation ran into his hood as she angrily commanded him to gobble Fifi’s fucking cock.

She was pleased, as he didn’t try to lift his head this time, but he did need to improve. Maybe she should take them to the stables, and Grigor could work They there for her.

She decided to take them down to the stables for a few days. It would be much easier for her.

She finished filming and grew tired of watching them, so she led Gigi to his cage and locked him in.

Mistress Rina always looked forward to using the ice as she carried it to Fifi.

She reset her camera and placed a piece of ice onto his balls.

He fight against his bonds as eye-watering abnormal ripped through him and arched against the chains’ restraint. His muffled cries of squealing abnormal and protests were annoying.

‘Silence!’ she angrily ordered as he lay back on the arse lifter.

He realized with horror that this was what Gigi had gone through when he heard the agoized muffled screams.

Laying tied to her bed, Fifi waited for the burning cold and the unbearable pain but wasn’t ready for it. He again arched against his restraints as she held the ice against his balls, loving every minute of the performance of pain Fifi had given her.

“You will remain silent when I remove your gag,” Mistress Rina informed him.

Fifi could only nod, terrified of what she would do if he didn’t obey her.

She removed the gag and waited, but he remained silent.

“You are learning,” she said as she laid down beside him and cuddled into him. He desperately wanted to move away from her but stayed still and silent as she Absently played with his cock.

She rolled to face him and turned his head to her, tracing her fingers softly around his lips. She slide a finger into his mouth and explored the insideas Fifi sucked on it.

“You will not escape.” Mistress Rina stated as she inserted another finger into his mouth, sliding them slowly in, opening his mouth by lightly pushing against his teeth.

“Hold,” he kept his mouth open as she lifted his lips and checked his teeth. She inserted her finger into his mouth as he held it open.

She told him of the influenced people she had known and those she now knew while he sucked and licked her proved hand.

Some of the people she had spoken of had been dead for centuries. What the fuck was she on? His mind jumped from one jumbled thought to another as he tried to make sense of what she was saying.

Then he remembered the terrified screams and shrieks of the two people he had heard after he was brought here. The grating voices savagely grown, speaking a foreign language, while Mistress Rina chatted with them.

Who were they? They had not sounded human, and he shuddered as a cold chill passed through him.

The worst, he recalled, was the deafening silence after the ear-piercing screams ceased. What had happened to them? He shivered as he lay chained beside his torqueor.

His fear of her escalated further as he wondered who she really was.

Was she even human? Fifi started to think she was a reincarnation from hell, and how do you fight the devil?

“Tongue without closing your face hole slut.” Her voice broke Through his thoughts as his aching jaw licked her thumb as she ordered.

He had to concentrate on what he was doing, and if she wasn’t pleased, she punished him.

Sitting on the bed, she introduced Fifi to her new mouthpiece, telling him it was because he made so much fucking noise. This one would work better. He didn’t want her to make him wear it but lay passively and submitted as she fitted it over his head, pushed the ball into his mouth, adjusting it to fit him.

“Much better,” his Mistress smiled, pleased with herself as she took more film of herself proudly posed beside him before turning her light off, lying beside him. Thinking of how the Others would be satisfied, and fell into a deep contented sleep.

Fifi could hear her even breathing as she slept. He didn’t know what to think or do. His grandiose plans for escape were pipe dreams, like the smoke from a fire it had blown away. He was much larger and stronger than her, but it made no difference as he lay silently, his tears refused to stop, satisfying the inside of the hood as he sobbed into his gag, praying he wouldn’t wake her.

He knew he was losing the battle to retain some remaining human dignity, as each day, his Mistress would take just a little more from him and remind him of what he was.

Faint voices raised in a chant as he tried to focus through a haze of confusion. Groggy, he could vaguely detect Mistress Rina’s voice but couldn’t make out her words. Everything sounded so far away, foreign and vague.

She must have drugged him, he assumed.He tried to open his eyes, but they remained closed no matter how hard he strained.

Harsh male voices that he recognized instantly terrified him as he floated in and out of consciousness in a fog of drug-fuelled incomprehension. He listened to the excited breathing of the people who surrounded him, feeling their hands on him as they pinched and produced him. He comprehensive less and fell into a fitful sleep.

Terrifying nightmares of him and others kneeling to a monster waiting to serve horned men and women. Eyes blazed yellow, and their tails and cloven hoofs invaded his sleep. He women covered in sweat and shaking in torque and terror as he lay beside the person he hated so intensely he wanted to kill her.

Fifi wondered how long he had been here, chained, gagged and blindfolded. His family and friends must be frantic, and he feel so guilty. A night out had turned into a living nightmare that was all his fault. He had willingly chosen to go with that fucking whore, andthe thought wrapped him with shame and guilt.

How could he have let himself get caught? How had she drugged him? He had watched her, and it wasn’t possible.

He wondered vaguely if the barman had known her and slipped something into his drink.

His reflections took him back to what had happened since, and

after what he had done here, he knew he would never return home. He Couldn’t face the humiliation of telling anyone what had happened to him.

He must have been dozing, waking and wondered if he was alone as he woke and strained to hear.

Paranoia was setting in as he wondered if they were still here watching him or if he was alone.

Why didn’t the police come and save them from this fucking hell?

“What was her thing anyway? Why did she want him and the other panicked people he had heard?

He was isolated and gagged in a dark cocoon, and questions swirled through his brain as he lay, praying for her to let him move.

Mistress RinaWatched him knowing the sensing deprivation was driving him crazy, waiting on the one person he feared and hated the most to free him. He should be willing and happy to perform, she believed. To lie in the same position, unable to see, and robbed of their senses became the incentive for her pets to improve, and most did as the level of deprivation became intolerable.

They had no idea what would happen next until a touch or word returned them to her.

Fifi’s nose had healed, but the weight of the ring was painful as it swung when he moved. A constant reminder of what she had started to mould him into, burning tears of rage and mortification stung his eyes, and humiliation flooded him as he retired what had happened to him. How long ago? he wondered.

He lay prone and attempted to escape through his mind, but that just hurt emotionally as he

He Felt her unclip the steps of his gag as she warned him to be silent. The instant relief was still painful as he moved hisjaw to ease the stiffness. She didn’t reprimand him as he stretched and rotated it.

She unfasted his hands and sat him up.

“Hands behind,” came the snapped order.

He compiled instantly, allowing her to secure his wrists behind his back.

She unchained his legs, clipped his lean to his nose ring, and led him to the kitchen, secure him to the table. She hand-fed him, making him wait, then allowed him to eat and let him lap from his water bowl before tipping out the remainder.


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