Slave To Passion Ch. 2

Tina slowly replaced her senses. Her last clear thought was of the warm concrete against her ravaged body as she lost consciousness. She knew that Matt must have carried her inside, as she found herself laying on her back in the middle of his large, comfortable bed.

Her arms, held over her head were becoming uncomfortable and she tried to move them to her sides. She realized then that her arms were bound. She found her legs also bound, spread wide. She began to take stock of her situation.

She was naked, spread eagle on the bed. Her ass hurt, from the hard fuck Matt had given her. Her nipples also hurt; looking down she found the reason for that pain. Each nipple was pinched into a clamp, the two clamps connected by a small chain. She was aware of a very slight violation in her belly and knew that came from a dildo, turned on very low. The feeling was pleasant rather than pounding. She felt her clip began to react to the buzzing.

The room was dark, telling her thatshe had been out for quite some time. Straining her ears, she could hear movement coming from the kitchen area. Must be Matt getting something to eat, she thought. She stretched languidly as her body began to come alive. And then it hit her!

She was with her Master! Not just fooling around with her ex-husband, but back in the loving world of her one and only Master! She grinned in spite of her predicament. This is where her body had wanted to be all along. This was where she was most alive! Not with the silly assed bastard she had left here for two years ago, never had he made her feel alive. He made her feel used. He screwed her for his own pleasure, never caring if she was satisfied or not.

Master Matt took care of her, know better than she what she needed and gave it to her. He loved her. He had shown her Just how much when he disciplined her for leaving and sleeping with another without permission.

Her thoughts were disrupted as Master Matt came into the room. “Isee that you are awake, Little One. How do you feel?”

“More alive, more loved than I have in a long time, Master. Have I pleased you, Sir?”

“You have done well, slave. But, do not think that you are out of the woods yet. You ran away from me and stayed away for two years, your punishment will last for a time. Do you understand Why?”

“When my mind was not clear, I should have asked you to help me find my way, I should never have runaway! Please forgive me, Sir.” Her blue eyes pleased with him for understanding. “I know now that I was very wrong to hurt you like that, and I understand that I need to feel pain because of it.” She stretched, trying to touch her breast to his arm and not quite reaching him. “Will you hurt me, Master? Will you teach me to serve you again, please? I know that here is where I belong. I’ll never leave again, if you can find a way to trust me again.”

Matt knew that he was going to own her again, he loved her too much to let her go! Still, there was a part of his heart that had closed off when she left. He had tried to train another to take her place, but the girl was just not willing. He had freed her rather that cause real damage to her young body.

With Tina, he knew what she needed, knew how much pain to give her and still give her ultimate pleasure. Maybe Susan, the other girl, had just been to young, to immature to understand. She had asked to be freed almost before her training had begun.

“I will sleep tonight on my decision. I may let you return to me, or I may tell you to leave. Whatever my decision, I will take in to account your needs.” He kissed her gently on the forehead and pulled the chain between her nipples at the same time. The pain made her involuntarily suck in a deep breath.

She gasped at the painful pleasure passing between her breasts. As he pulled his lips away from her forehead, he let the chain slip from his fingers.

“I need to see how bad you were hurt this afternoon. I’m going to release your ankles and roll you over. Are you ready?” As he explained what he was doing, he unclasped the buckles the held her legs spread. With the vibrator still firmly imbedded in her pussy, he gently brought her legs together, and rolled her on to her stomach.

He once again spread her legs and secured them. He turned on the light and began his inspection. Carefully, he spread the globes of her ass, stopping when she turned in pain. “Are you tender, Little One?”

“A little, Sir, but I can take it. Thank you for your concern, Sir.”

He touched the controls on the vibrator, turning it up a notch. “Maybe this will help you ignore what I am doing. I’ll put some salve on your pumpered hole, but it may hurt a little.”

While Master went to retrieve the cream, Tina relaxed and let the toy excited her. It feel a little more urgent now, and lying as she was, it was pressed tighter against her clip. Master would be upset if she let herself climax, so she concentrated on keeping the pressure just right to let her float right below her threshold.

Master returned in a few minutes, and sat beside her on the bed. “Try to think of something else, slave, this may hurt.”

At first the pain was terrible, causing her to bite her bottom lip and moan to keep from screaming. Then, slowly, the pain became bearable as Master gently rubbed the ointment into her soreness. Tina eventually began to enjoy the heat produced by the slave. That, combined with the tingling in her cunt was becoming too much. She stopped moving so as to lessen the pleasure course through her body. “Ohhhhh.” She whispered, hoping Master wouldn’t notice her state. But, it was to late, Master had a very good vantage point from which to see her excitement.

“Do not climax, slave! Grit your teeth and hold it!”

She did as he ordered, bringing herself back under control. “I am very sorry, Master, I almost lost control, for that I have no excuse. Please forgive me.”

Matt pulled the dildo out of her juicy cunt, leaving her feeling empty. “I think you need to be taught a lesson. There was a time when you had better control, I won’t tolerate back sliding now.” Tina turned her head trying to see what Matt was doing.

She watched him go to a chest in the corner and rummage through it for a minute. When he straightened up, she saw the whip. She closed her eyes, willing her body to be still. She knew that he would use the whip until she begged him to stop!

“Open your eyes, slave.” She did, her eyes wide with fear and password. “You know what this is, don’t you?”

“Yes, Master. It is a riding crop, used to spur on horses or to punish unworthy slaves.”

“And, which are you?” He asked, bringing the whip down hard on the full ass.

Tina shrieked as the leather bit her flesh! “Oh! Gawd! Master, I am an unworthy slave, Sir! Please punish me!”

Matt worked the buckles again and turned Tina onto her back. This time, he shortened the restraining straps, forcing her legs far apart. She felt her pussy lips pull open. “I will give you five stripes with the whip, to help you learn control again. I expect you to count each one and tell me where you were struck. Do you understand?”

Tina tasted cold fear in her mouth. Master had taught her control in this way before, the pain went far beyond pleasure! She knew that her skin would tear with each strike! She wanted to beg Matt not to do this, but she couldn’t. If she did, he would stop. Then he would send her on her way, and that was too painful to even think about!

The leather came down across her left title, splitting her delicate skin. Pain sered her brain! “Master! Oh Gawd Master! I’m so sorry, please, Sir!” She drew a shaky breath, to try to calm down. “That was my left title Sir, thank you for teaching me!”

The leather bit her again. She couldn’t stand the old, tears streamed down her face! “Two! Oh Sir, Please help me to get better! That was my right title.”

Matt struck her three more times, once on her stromach and twice between her legs. By the last strike, Tina was beyond words, her pain had reduced her to a quivering mass of tears. She begged Matt to end the pain, begged him to make her a better service for him. She was all but incoherent as he released her bonds and gathered her lovingly in his strong arms. He spoke softly, telling her how proud he was, how much he loved her. He kissed her softly to ease her pain. “It’s over Love, you did well. Rest here in my arms until the pain subsides.” After what seemed like hours, but was in fact no more than thirty minutes, the pain had subsided enough to let Tina breathe normally again. “Hold me, Master.” She said lovingly to Matt. “Please love me and let me serve you.”

“Time out, Tina. Let’s talk. It hurt like hell when you left, are you sure you want to come back and are you sure you want to stay?”

“Matt,” She looked deeply into his eyes, “I am never so alive as when you own me. Sure the pain hurts, but damn! It feels real good too. I don’t know what I was thinking when I left here. I guess I thought I wanted a normal life, but I’m not normal, Matt, and neither are you. If you will take me back, there are no limits to what I will do.”

Matt was thoughtful as he helped her stand and make her way to the bathtub. Neither of them spoke as he lovingly washed the blood and sweat from her tormented body.

All of her injuries, while painful, were minor; she would be as good as new in a few days. He shunted her dry, and then helped her back to bed. As he restrained her once again on her back, she asked if he were pleased so far. He had not ended their time out, so she felt safe as he gazed into her eyes.

“Slave,” he started, letting her know by his words that she was once again under his control, “I am very pleased. I will reward you for your suffering. For the rest of our time tonight, you may cum as often as you like.” With that, heblindfolded her.

This was a treatment for Tina. She loved to be pleasant unexpectedly, without the use of her sight everything was unexpected!


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