Slave To My Sister-In-Law Pt. 03

I was getting dressed, anxiously, not knowing what to expect next from Becky.

Would she tell Lisa? I could not imagine that happening, since Lisa would probably be equally mad with her. But more and more valuable feelings towards Lisa started racing in my mind. What had I done? How could I have let this happen? I was about to cry out in despair!

On the other hand, I probably would not be able to withstand Becky if she really wanted to seduce me. I could not think rather when she gave me a command. It felt like my mind was going blank whenever she started to open her mouth.

“Serve me another drink, my little slut!” Just by being addressed as her little slut, my semi-erect cock was standing back at attention. I could not explain why she was getting to me like this.

“Yes, Mistress Becky,” I answered, obediently, while getting ready to pour her another glass of Riesling.

She sat down on the sofa, while I was standing in front of her, not knowing what to do with myself.

“Oh, look at you, my little slut, so insecure…” she teased, knowingly. “Not even in your own house, do you dare to sit beside me without me giving you permission,” she giggled, triumphantly.

“So well trained and it did not even take me any effort to get there,” she said, her voice full of mockery. “You may ask for permission to sit next to me,” she added, in a presumptuous voice.

It had started all over again. I wanted to just say, “No, I won’t,” or “Who the hell do you think you are, you arrogant bitch?!” But I did not have the power to withstand her. Becky was in charge.

Instead, I asked her: “May I, please, sit beside you on the sofa, Mistress Becky?”

“Of course you can, this is your sofa, silly, isn’t it?” she added with a smile.

Intimidated by her appearance, and the whole situation, I prepared to place myself on the other end of the sofa, but Becky gestured me to sit right beside her.

When I sat down, she placed her feetright onto my lap. Was this saga ever going to end? This whole story was wearing me out. I was feeling the worst I had ever felt in my whole life. I had never cheated on Lisa. I had not even had any other girlfriend in my life. I used to be the model boyfriend, always caring, always honest. But now it had happened. I had cheated on Lisa, and, to make it even worse, I had done so with her sister.

Moreover, I could not deny that I had ever been more aroused than today. Actually, I still was, and Becky’s feet in my lap did not help.

“Are you day dreaming again, my little foot bitch?” Becky smiled. “Get started and give me a foot massage, while I lay down a little, I’m bored,” she said, humiliating me further.

“Yes, of course, Mistress Becky, I would love to do so!” I said, submissively, while I started to rub her divine feet and her soft soles, feeling humiliated and aroused beyond limit.

Quite soon, Becky did off, but I did not dare to stop massaging her feet while she slept, in fear that it might wake her up.

So, I massed her feet for what must have been hours, my cock still erect and denied a real orgasm. I only stopped when I heard Lisa’s car pulling up in the driveway, which really scared me.

I shook Becky, who was started and shouted at me, “What the fuck, bitch, I was sleep!”

“Please, Becky, Lisa just pulled up in the driveway,” I said, frightened, and ignoring the correct form of address for my mistress.

“Ok, calm the fuck down, will you! God, you’re such a loser! I’m not going to tell on you, OK? At least not for now,” she stated, amused. “Just leave the talking to me, my little cum slut!”

When Lisa entered the door, Becky got up confidently and walked up to the hallway to greet her sister, leaving me feeling anxious about what her plans were.

She flung her arms around Lisa, greeting her joyfully, as if all we had talked about the whole day was the weather.

“Hi, big sister, finally! You look like you’ve had a terrible day at work,” she looked at her focused. “I think Paul should give you a massage, just to relax you a little! You know, he served me well, while you were gone,” she said, while laughing out loud. “Just as always, I kept him on a tight rein, to keep him out of mischief,” she added, while giving me an evil smile over Lisa’s back while she hugged her.

Lisa looked at me and frowned, “I just hope she wasn’t too bad towards you, honey,” she said, while kissing me. I felt my stomach drop, and I almost wanted to throw up, feeling so sick after Becky’s utterances.

Becky had me on the ropes, right where she wanted me. One word from her and I would have lost everything that means anything to me. And the worst thing about it–I still felt aroused. The way she confidently talked about the day and her dominance over me, made my cock rock hard.

“You married such a good service,” she added, continuing my torque.

“OK, it’s enough now, Beck,” Lisa smiled and added, “Honey, you should not let her get away with that,” while brushing through my hair.

“Yeah, why do you let me get away with that, Paul? It’s almost as if you were enjoying it,” she said coyly, smiling at Lisa. “Do you think he enjoys it, Lisa?” She looked from Lisa to me and back, smiling.

“I… no, no, Becky, I do not enjoy it, why would I enjoy it?” I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

“Yeah, why would he enjoy it, Beck, it’s not as if he is some weirdo, who gets off on it! He’s my loving husband.” Lisa stepped to my side, smiling. I felt my stomach drop another notch, if that were possible.

“Of course he is, Lisa! I’m only joking! You’ve married the best husband in the world!” She gave Lisa a kiss on her cheek, while steeling a glance at me.

“But I have to go, now, as Dave is waiting for me, sorry, sis.”

“We’ll have to repeat this, Paul, don’t you think?”

I could not believe what an actress she was. It seemed likeall of life was only a game to her.

“I… yeah, sure, it was fun!” I tried to laugh off my insecurity.

Lisa went to take off her shoes while Becky gave me hug and slightly brushed across my crotch with her hand. Shivers were running down my spine. I was totally wasted.

“B-bye, Becky,” I spluttered.

“Don’t forget how to address me properly, my slut,” she whispered in my ear, while gripping my balls tightly, almost sending me over the top.

“Yes, Mistress Becky, goodbye,” I whispered, aroused from the pain she caused me.

“Well then, I guess it’s goodbye for tonight,” she said lightly, while releasing my balls.

I was lost for words, she was such a bitch, but I was helpless against her, and I knew I did not stand a chance.

The girls gave each other a farewell hug while I was standing in the living room, totally lost.

Lisa stepped towards me and gave me big hug. “I hope she wasn’t too hard on you,” she smiled at me, giving me a kiss.

“I-no… I guess not. Not a lot worse than usual,” I lied, trying to play it off with a smile.

She looked me up and down a bit. “Are you all right, hun?” she asked me, critically.

“Yeah, it’s just been a long day, I guess, and somehow I’m not feeling so well,” I answered, not daring to look her in the eyes as my guilt and shame almost drive me crazy.

“Oh, my poor honey, my strong man!” She gestured me mockingly towards the sofa. “Lay down a bit. I’ll get you a beer and join you,” she smiled at me.

When she sat beside me on the sofa, I laid my head onto her shoulder. She gently stroked my hair.

“Are you sure you’re all right, hun? You’re acting kind of lost,” she looked slightly amused at me. Lisa was such a strong woman, she was my anchor.

Looking back, I probably should have told her about the whole day and Becky torqueing me, right there, but it did not seem an option to me back then.

“No, I’m really fine, babe. How was your day at work?”I tried to pull myself together.

“Oh, it was a mess. Their offer for a large project in Brazil was way off, so we would have actually worked for free on this one. I had to get in contact with Brazil to get it all worked out. As I said, it was a mess.”

“I love it, how good you are at your job,” I smiled, glad at the change of subject.

“Yeah, Josh was also impressed,” she answered, kind of proud of her boss’s compliment.

“He made me an offer,” she added, hesitantly.

“You don’t seem too convinced, by the sound of your voice,” I reasoned.

“No, the offer is a really good chance, but…” She stopped for a moment, obviously uncertain how to continue. “He asked me to supervise the setup of our new office in China,” she continued, looking at me out of her beautiful brown eyes.

“Are you telling me that you want to go to China?” I was kind of shocked.

“No, it’s only an offer, but I mean it is a once in a lifetime chance.” She looked at me, her eyespleading, but steady. I could tell that she really wanted this.

“For how long is this, babe? I mean, we’re surely not talking about only four weeks or so, right?”

“Well, no…” she hesitated again. “It’s nine months full time, and then two weeks a month for another year. I would have to start in four weeks,” she almost hushed.

“What… what do you think?” she continue.

This was too much for me. The whole day, with Becky’s tormenting me, and now Lisa wanting to leave me for more than a year.

“Wow, that’s, that’s quite some time, babe!” I could still sense how much she wanted this, and asked myself if I could actually deny her that wish and destroy this once in a lifetime chance.

“I guess, it really is a great chance for you and your career,” I started. “And, after all, you worked so hard, to get a chance like this, how… how could I ever be in your way.” I gave her a sad smile.

She stroked my hair, generating a loving feeling in my stomach asOnly she could. “I love you so much, honey,” she answered with a warm smile.

“I bet the time will fly by, and you can visit me in between, and we can have some trips. I know how you have always wanted to see the Great Wall,” she added, enthusiastically.

I gave her a hug and tried to put as much love as possible into it.

The next four weeks passed by in a hurry. Lisa had so much to prepare in advance, at work but also at home, and I tried to be the most supported husband possible.

I only met Becky three or four times during this period, but every time I was wasted afterwards. She made sure to always wear flip flops or open heels when we were scheduled to meet, playing seductively with them. Once she placed her bare feet on the sofa, wiggling her toes, only inches from me. Her evil smile told me that she did not think she was finished with me. My cock probably felt the same way, always standing at attention when I saw her. My desire to repeat our encounter was too obvious, but I managed to commit myself, that I was married to Lisa and that my loyalty lay with her.

The last Saturday, before Lisa left, we were planning some sort of farewell party, with all of our friends and some people from Lisa’s work, including Josh, her boss. He was a very handsome guy, 6′ 4″, all muscle, always a winning smile on his lips.

I was standing beside Dave, when I realized how Becky was starting to talk to Josh, which she did in quite a flirty way.

Dave glanced over to Becky but kept on talking to me as if nothing had happened.

I did not want to leave it that way.

“Doesn’t it makes you jealous when Becky talks to another guy like that?” I asked frankly, maybe indicating to myself that I wanted to be in Josh’s place.

Dave turned a slight shade of red. He obviously did not feel comfortable being asked about this situation.

“You know, it’s no big deal–she’s just talking,” he stated, though a little uncertain. At that very moment, Becky put her hand onto Josh’s, giggling, and Josh seemed to enjoy the attention he got from her. I did not want to push it further and dropped the case, hoping it was only what Dave means it to be.

The day Lisa left for China, I took her to the airport. I was really feeling down, I did not want her to leave, but I also did not want to get into the way of her successful career. She insisted on me just dropping her off at the airport because she said she could not take a heart-breaking goodbye scene, although I was probably worse at that. Becky was always the strong part in our relationship. Granting her this wish, I just got her suitcases out of the trunk and gave her a kiss.

“Goodbye, hun, I’ll Skype with you when I reach the apartment.” She hugged me tight. “Got to go! I love you so much!”

I wanted to scream, please don’t go, instead I just kissed her back and said, “I love you so much, you are the love of my life. Have a safe trip, I’ll go now–” I broke off.

On my way back home, I felt lonely. When I arrived home, I first started to clean the kitchen and then watched some television, when the doorbell rang.

As I opened up the door, my cock started. Becky leaned into the doorway, with a mischievous smile. Once again, she looked absolutely stunning to me. Nothing overdone, just some business suit and open high heels. But she radiated pure superiority.

“Hi, my little slut.” Her index finger moved teasingly from my chest downwards.

“Have you been missing your mistress?” she added, in a sultry voice. Her finger stopped right at my belt as she gave a knowing look towards my rising member.

“So easy to seduce, my little slut.” She brushed slightly over my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. She then Just walked by me, leaving me standing at the door like a little schoolboy.

It had only been seconds, but I already felt helpless again.

“Why don’t you greet your mistress the way she deserves it? Like theslave, the foot bitch that you are.” Saliva dribbled off her full lips, onto her heels.

I had to make a decision. Would I give in and become her little pet to humiliate and play with, or would I stand strong and tell her to get the fuck out of my house.

I would stay strong! My loving wife had just left, and I would not disappoint her again.

“I, I… won’t, Becky. I, I… just can’t.”

“Oh, so sweet, my little slut. Do you really think you can withstand me. Let’s not go through all of this again,” she stated, amused.

“Do you remember what it felt like to give in to me, to surrender?” She paused and let her fingers go through my hair. “To lick that precum off my soft soles,” she continued, while still gently stroking my hair.

“To suck on my toes and to beg for it in the first place. To totally give in to your mistress. To let me boss you around and humiliate you.” She paused dramatically to let the words sink in.

“I can see your resistance fadingalready,” she said, smiling, while her fingers kept struggling softly through my hair.

My mind started to go blank again. I was on the verge of tears, her absolute development, toying with my mind, while gently struggling my hair, made me crack. It had been perfectly orchestrated to lure me in.

“I, I… Becky, please, no, please,” I started one last fee attempt to withstand her.

First, her stunningly clear blue eyes looked straight into mine, making crystal clear who was in charge. Then her hands moved from my head towards my shoulders, while whispering in my ear, “You know your place, my little slut.” She then gently pushed me to my knees.


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