My younger maid has me all to herself for her fun and enjoyment — Tarek
I would like to thank Ms. AT Khan for discussing some scene ideas with me. – Tarek
It was 10.20 pm, Monday night. I was seated at the main dining table downstairs, studying. For some reason, I wasn’t in my room, but felt it would be easier to study at the big table with books all over the giant table. It was unusually cold for November in India, so I remember wearing a cardigan over my T-shirt. As I glanced at my watch, I felt a soft presence behind me.
“Studying, baba?” It was the gentle voice of Rubina, the younger maidservant in my house. Her hand found my left ear and gently tugged at it.
“Er … yes, choto bua.” I replied.
I was also a bit puzzled. Should I stand up to show my respect to my younger maid? I was going to her room anyways at 10.30 pm. And here she was, her hands slowly but firmly twisting my ear.
“Good.” She said, pulling my ear. “It’s nice to see you studying for once, and not trying to watch a porno movie late in the night, and do your disgusting masturbating that Rashida apa caught you doing long time ago.”
“Er … yes, choto bua.” I answered, even as she painfully twisted my ear. I was sure my ear was already starting to go red by now as my maid service pinched my earlobe.
“Stand up, Tarek.” Rubina ordered. “That should come naturally to you by now.”
“I am sorry, choto bua. I will stand up at once.”
Immediately I pushed my chair back and clumsily stood up. I was tall, almost six feet, and Rubina was quite a few inches shorter than me. Yet her hand was reaching up and she was twisting my ear. I felt like an errant schoolboy being punished by his beautiful teacher. Even though I was in my house, and the lady punishing me was in reality my maid service. A poor girl from a poor family who worked in our house as a mere domestic help. A girlwho was younger than me in age, shorter than me in height and lower than me in social standing, and yet here she was, her dainty fingers pinching my earlyobe with impunity.
“Baba.” She laughed slightly. “Didn’t I say I wanted you to call me something affectionate in addition to ‘choto bua‘?”
Rubina had been aware of her growing beauty. Her youth was now blooming, her breasts were beginning to bud nicely, and she was aware of the animal lust she evoked in men around her, especially me. So recently every time she punished me, she made fun of my attention to her by asking me to call her not only with respect, but also with affect. An affect that she assured me was not mutual.
“Er … of course, my … shundor chocolate bua. My beautiful choto bua.” I stammered. “I am sorry, my dear choto bua. My priyo chocolate bua.”
“Hmm.” Rubina continued to twist my ear and give me a proper kaan dola. “Tarek! My dearbaba. Ready to go to my room and get your big buttocks — your big pasa — properly spanked?”
“Yes, my beloved choto bua.” I replied.
“Well.” Rubina laughed again. “We all know it’s really Rashida apa — the senior maid of this house — that’s your beloved bua, but I will let it pass, since she is not here.”
“Er … Thank you, my sexy choto bua.”
“Tell me what we are going to do now, Tarek.”
“Er … yes, choto bua. You are now going to spank my pasa.”
“Er … yes, choto bua.”
“Er … yes, choto bua.”
Rubina let go of my now very red and singing left ear, and then ordered me to turn around and face her. I acquired.
She was wearing a blue sari that clung tightly to her young, shaped figure. Her beauty was flowering now, and her blouse failed to properly hide her ripe melons, nor did her sari completely cover her dainty waist and the successful navel.Whenever she turned around I was consciousness of her firm, athletic, bodacious buttocks. Unlike Rashida, who was plump and had lots of meat everywhere on her, Rubina was slim, slender, and had a sashaying figure that made men ooze with lust after her. Men like me.
“Baba.” Her hand slightly made its way to the front of my pajamas. She placed her hand on the tent that was forming in there and gently stroked me, feeling my rising bulge. “Your tiny penis — your choto, picchi nunu — seem to be excited?”
I couldn’t deny that I had a small tent in my pants. I was always excited when it was Mondays or Thursdays. It was the nights my maids called me to their room and had their “fun” with me.
“I … I …” I didn’t know what to say. Rashida was visiting her mother and younger sister for two whole weeks, and Rubina had me at her complete mercy. Last Thursday night she had spanked me for almost an hour straight. I could hardly sit on my ass on Friday.
“DYou find me attractive?” Rubina’s sudden question throw me off, if only for a moment.
“Er … of course, choto bua.” I said. “You are definitely a beautiful young woman, ama adorer chocolate bua. You are very pretty, and have a nice figure.”
Rubina grinned. She reached up and gently tweaked her big breasts through her blouse.
“And what about These, Tarek. Do you find my breasts — my doodhs — attractive?”
“You have very nice breasts, choto bua.” I replied honestly. “Very sexy.”
Rubina laughed. Her hands went back down to the tent in my pajamas. She continued to stroke me again.
“And what about my pussy — my choot? Do you think about my choot, Tarek?”
“Er … yes, my adorer chocolate bua. I love to lick it and give you pleasure when you want me to.”
Rubina laughed, and continued to rub me.
“Do you masturbate to thoughts of me, Tarek? Do you dream sometimes of fucking my choot with your tiny nunu? Does that thought make you cum quickly?”
I blushed.
“Sometimes, choto bua.” I was honest. “With your permission, or Rashida apa‘s, of course.”
“Of course.” Rubina laughed, and then swung around. “Alright, let’s go to my room. All day I have been working and your mother’s parties don’t make it easy, especially with Rashida apa being away. I want to get your spanking over with.”
“Yes, bua.”
I followed Rubina all the way to her room. Her tight saree had a habit of clinging to her ass, or even going into the butt crack. As she walked, one butt chef went up, while the other went down. And then the other went up, while the one that had been up came down. It was lovely to watch, her hips swaying gently from one side to the other. Her ass was mesmerizing. Oh, how I wish I was banging that ass!
Instead, I reflected, my own ass was the one likely to be thrashed in a few minutes. MyVery desire to be submissive to powerful women, and my attention to what is now called “femdom” had made me a slave to my own housemaids.
Rubina shut the door to her room when I was inside and snapped her fingers. She pointed at her right cheek.
I knew what I had to do. I had to kiss my maid on her cheek in a way that it was a respectful peck. If she felt it was more than that, it was grounds for further spanking. Meekly I put my hands behind my back, walked up to her and bent my head slightly down. I pressed my lips softly against her cheeks, feeling her smooth skin, before lifting my head again. I repeated the action on her other cheek. It was, I thought, a pair of proper homage kisses, not lustful ones.
Rubina seemed to agree, thankfully. She then pointed at the corner of the room; I knew the drill.
I undressed, taking off my cardigan and the T-shirt. For a moment I shivered in the cold, but Rubina had switched on a small electric heater in her room and mybody adjusted quickly. I folded my T-shirt and cardigan and placed it on a chest of drawers in her room. It was then time to be fully naked.
I stepped out of my pajamas, and then folded that up and placed it with my other clothes. Standing there, fully naked, I faced the corner of the wall, with my back to the rest of the room and of course to Rubina.
There were a few positions that I assumed when Standing in the corner. Rubina sometimes wanted me to place me hands on the wall, and press myself against the corner. Other times she wanted my hands claped behind me back, just above my buttocks, standing when facing the wall. When she said nothing, like today, I simply stood there, hands by my side, my face pressed against the corner.
I stood there for what must have been at least fifteen minutes. I didn’t know what Rubina was doing in the meanwhile. I heard her go out of the room, and I heard her use the maids’ bathroom, probably to relieve herself. When she came back IHear her rummage in her cupboard for something. Finally I heard her drag a chair across the floor to the centre of the room.
“Baba.” She suddenly ordered. “Come here.”
“Yes, ama ruposhi chocolate bua.” I answered, and turned around. Bengali wasn’t my mother tongue, but I was trying to use whatever words I knew meant beautiful, young, or pretty to describe and address her, as she had instructed. I was hoping those words would make her cane me less, spank me less, slap me less or punishment me more mercifully. With Rashida, sweet words didn’t have much effect, as she would punish me for what I deserve, and she saw it as her duty to correct me thus. With Rubina, who just liked to punish me for fun, sweet words sometimes lessened the punishments.
Rubina was seated on the chair, one of her legs crossed above the other, looking completely regular and in command. I noticed a small bag on the floor to one side of her. I walked and stood respectfully beside her onThe other side, my head bent down looking meekly at the floor.
“Baba.” Rubina reached up and gently cupped one of my testicles. “Your balls seem to be full of cum.”
She kneaded my ball for a minute and then stroked my dick.
“How long has it been since you have cum, baba?”
“Er … almost two weeks, choto bua.” I told her. It was Surreal, standing fully nude in my maid’s presence as she examined my scrotum, but such was life now.
“Hmm.” Rubina absent mindedly gave me a couple of strokes before looking at my face. “And really, two weeks? That was when you masturbated last, right?”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“Pity.” Rubina snickered. “That’s all you can do. Masturbate. Do you Know why, baba? You are an inferior specimen. You are a piss-poor excuse for a man. As a man, you are a complete and utter failure. Do you understand?”
“Yes, choto bua. I am sorry, my pretty choto bua.”
“What are you sorry about?” Rubina throw her head back and laughed. Her hands held my penis firmly. “You think that does anything about my opinion of you? Why do you think I punish you so much? I have nothing but contempt for a weak, pitiful, inferior excuse for a man like you. You dream when you are masturbating that you are fucking a woman like me? Hah! You don’t deserve to fuck me or ANY other woman. You are a loser. Look at that twig you call a penis!”
My face flushed a bright beetroot red with embarrassment as Rubina continued to mock me.
“So tonight, after I am done with you, you may crawl to your room in shade and masturbate. Masturbate like the loser you are. Remember what I always tell you. Winners fuck. Losers masturbate.”
“Er … thank you, my dear choto bua.” I said. Mentally, I was relieved. My balls had been aching for some relief for the last two days. Even as she was taunting me now, Rubina had just given me permission to masturbate and relieve myselftonight.
My diminutive maid service continued to stroke me. I was now very hard. She then stopped touching my penis, and gently cupped my balls in her hand and looked at me again.
“Think about me while you masturbate tonight, Tarek. Think about my ripe breasts and my cunt — my hairy choot. If you were a proper man, you could be having sex with a woman like me. A maid like me would have been lying in bed, naked, sweaty, dishheveled, having just been fucked silly by her master. Instead, I will be lying in my own bed, smiling with glee at the thought of you — an innocent loser who can’t get laid but gets his relief by fantasizing about his maid while he masturbates, his big fat pasa all laal — red — from being spanked by her.”
“Um … yes, choto bua.”
“You know …” Rubina softly cared my testicles, leading me to moan. “I really thought of having mercy on you today and rubbing you till you would cum. But after what you did …”
Suddenly she grabbed my balls hard and looked up at me sharply. “You know what you did, right, baba?”
A sudden chill enveloped me. I gulped and then shook my head. Rubina snickered.
“I had to work hard all day for your mother.” Rubina told me. “And I had to go to the market to get some groceries for dinner. Remember what I told you before I left?”
“I … I … my elegant choto bua, I know you did tell me something…” I began.
“Stop!” Rubina held up her hand. “Tarek, knee down!”
I, the master of the house, was now completely naked, on my knees, kneeing humbly before my maid service Rubina, who continued to be royally seated on the chair in the middle of her room. She now bent forward slightly and took hold of my right ear in her hand.
“I told you, baba, nicely, SO nicely,” She hissed, twisting my right ear painfully, “that I wanted the kitchen swept BEFORE I came back.”
“Yes, my sweet,mishti choto bua.” I replied, keeping my eyes on the ground. I now remember. I hadn’t really done it because what if my mother had seen me help out the maids? I thought Rubina would understand.
“I don’t usually ask you to do my maid duties.” Rubina said, continuing to hold my earlobe between her fingers and pinching it sharply. “Yet the one time I ask you to do ONE thing, I return and see you haven’t done it.”
“I am sorry, choto bua.” I meekly apologized. “My mother was constantly around at the beginning and then it slipped my mind.”
“Slipped your mind?” Rubina pulled my ear. “Or you got lazy, you fat fuck!”
I said nothing as Rubina continued to twist my ear.
“ONE thing you are given to do. ONE THING! And baba, you are a failure!”
“Yes, my luscious choto bua.”
“You have big ears.” Rubina told me suddenly, even as she pulled my right ear hard.
I gulped. Whenever Rubina said that, I knew I wasin for a good spanking.
“I thought … if I come home and you had done it … I would have given you a treatment.” Rubina continued, while still twisting my ear. “Real…”
She let go of my now singing right ear, pointed at her feet and snapped her fingers. Once again I knew the drill — I was very well trained by now.
Still on my knees, I prostrated so my head was on the floor, at her feet, and started to kiss her toes.
“Do you like kissing my feet?” She asked me, as I placed small pecks on her big toe of her right foot.
“Um … yes, choto bua.” I replied, keeping my head down, and kissing her middle toe now. I wasn’t lying. Submitting to my maids was now my way of life, and kissing their feet was an important part of this submission.
“Does the sweat on my foot taste good?” Rubina asked again, as I kissed her left foot.
“Um … yes choto bua.”
Rubina snickered, and then snapped her fingers again.
“Raise your head, Tarek. Let me give you something else that tastes good.”
As I raised my head and looked at my maid, Rubina held my chin in her hands, and asked me to open my mouth. She then leaned in very close. I could feel the warmth of her breath on me.
My maid spit into my open mouth. I gulped and swallowed her sputum, which had landed right smack in the middle of my tongue.
Rubina laughed, and then raised her hand.
She then nudged herself close to me, even as my cheeks started to redden with shame, and asked, “So tell me, baba, how good was that?”
“Uh, yes, very good, my adorer choto bua.”
“Open your mouth again, baba.”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“Now get ready to be slapped. You have no shame — no lojja, you shameless imbecile.”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“Now open your mouth. You are good to swallow my spit.”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“Aw … you got a little bit on your cheek.” Rubina said. “Let me clean that.”
The slapses were hard and fast. Rubina would raise her right hand and smack my left cheek, and then bring the hand back and slap my other chef with the back of that same hand.
I was aware of my chefs heating up. By now, the pain of slapping bothed me less; what made me blush every time was the shame of being slapped by my own maid service.
“Wow.” Rubina patted my chefs as I remained in my kneeing position. “You can take slaps Now very well. I don’t even see your cheats reddening that much, or you even squirming now.”
I remained silent as Rubina patted my cheat.
“Open your mouth, baba.”
“Good, you know how to swallow. Now … open!”
“Good … Open!”
Rubina continued to spit into my mouth several more times as I swallowed each time.
“Good! Now lick my feet again.”
“Yes, my choto bua.”
“Now tell me, Tarek,” Rubina asked, after I had slobbered over her feet for a while. “Which tastes better, my spit or my toes?”
“Um … your toes, choto bua.”
“Hmm.” Rubina leaned in, a mischievous grin on her face. She then raised her hand again.
“Look up, Tarek. Now, come close to me. Yes… show me your cheese.”
“The right …”
“… answer …”
“… is everything!”
“Everything tastes good.”
“I taste good.”
“Everything of mine tastes good.”
“My spit tastes good!”
“My foot tastes good!”
“My foot tastes good!”
“My sweat tastes good!”
“My piss tastes good!”
“My fart tastes good!”
“My bum hole tastes good!”
“Do you understand, baba?”
I fervently nodded.
“Yes, amara chocolate bua. I am sorry. I should have thought before answering, my choto bua.”
“Once again, Tarek, let me clarify, EVERYTHING of mine tastes good.”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“I taste good.”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“My thuthu — my spit tastes good!”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“My foot tastes good!”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“My piss — amar peshaab — my sweat tastes good!”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“My piss — amamar peshaab — tastes good!”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“My fart tastes good!”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“Do you understand, Tarek?”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“Will you THINK before answering next time, baba?”
“Yes, choto bua.”
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