Chapter 07
Invading my maids’ intimates has its consequences — Tarek.
It was raining when I finally got home in the evening. The rain had been a welcome respite from the usual October heat we had been experience lately. I had spent the whole day with my friends. It was our mid semester break. Early this August we had all gone to different universities. I was studying right here, of course, but others had gone to Delhi, Mumbai, and some even US and Canada. The ones who had remained in India had headed back to the City of Joy for this week, so we were making the most of our time together.
Right before I was about to leave the fathering, my older maid Rashida had called me.
“Baba.” Her voice was harried, as if she was in the middle of a dozen things. “I need you to get certain things from the shobji market.”
“Now, bua?” I made a little irritated sound. “I will have to take a taxi from the mall, and thenAnother …”
“Baba.” Rashida’s voice suddenly developed a little steel. “Are you going to disobey me? It’s Thursday. When you report to my room tonight, I will remember this little incident.”
“Yes, bua. I am sorry, bua.” Immediately I acquired. “Please tell me what you need, and I will bring it.”
“That’s more like it, baba.” Rashida gave a little snicker. “Remember that even though I am your maid service, and you are my employer, you are still my little bitch slave boy, and you better act like one.”
“Yes, bua.”
The maids and I have an interesting, if complicated, relationship. For the most part, they did leave me alone. They did all of their duties as the maids. They even cleaned my room. This despite the fact that I was repeatedly getting my ass reddened by them. I knew I had willingly surrendered myself as a slave to them, for them to slap, spank, cane and enjoy. But at least I had maids.
Lately thoughh, I had noticed that Rashida was starting to give me some of the housework that was part of their duties. Nothing major, just little bits here and there. She would ask me to make my bed some mornings, for example, or take out the trash. Or like today, she wanted me to get some stuff from the market. I was also judged on these tasks, so if I failed to do them to her satisfaction, I was severely punished as a result.
Right now I made a mental list of the things Rashida wanted. After our adda ended, I headed for the market. When I got home later that evening, the door was opened by Rubina, the younger maid.
“Choto bua.” I greeted her. I leaned in to give her a kiss — a respectful peck on her cheeks.
Rashida had made some rules on how I was to greet the maids when I would come home, if my parents were not in the house. With Rubina, I was to give her a respectful kiss on each of her cheeses. With Rashida, I was to knee, bend down and kiss her outstretched feet. After that, I was to stand up and if she wanted, give her a peck on her cheeks as well. If I ever forgot this little greeting, I was immediately summoned and slapped. This was one instruction though, that I followed to the letter. After all, which red blooded Indian man would refuse to kiss a lady, even if it was a platonic peck on the cheeks? Especially if those plump cheeks belonged to my shaped maid Rashida.
Currently my parents were visiting relatives in Hyderabad and were scheduled to return tomorrow morning, along with a bunch of some of my cousins. Hence my maids had been busy preparing for that visit with cooking and cleaning, which was also why I was ordered by Rashida to pick up some groceries.
“Choto bua, here are the groceries bua wanted.” I told Rubina after greeting her. Perhaps My lips lingered on her cheeses for just a moment longer.
“You can put them in the kitchen.” Rubina replied, latching the door.
For a moment, just a moment, I watched Rubina as she had her back to me while shutting the door. Her sari wrapped around her body, hugging it tightly. Her thin wait could be seen. Her hair was loose and fell to her waist. Her bum jiggled slightly as she went on her toes to fasten the door lock. She really had a nice figure. A young, firm and fit body, that of a woman in the prime of her youth.
I feel a stirring in my loins. I knew for some time now that I had a lust for Rubina. With Rashida, my older maid, it was pure love. I loved her. I loved her plump figure. I loved her fat thighs. I loved her Rubenesque body. I would do anything for her. With Rubina, the younger maid, it was pure lust. I would love to spend ten minutes with her just banging that tight body.
Alas, that would never be, I told myself. I had been humiliated and disgraced too much in her eyes to ever cherish any hope that she would even think of entertaining me in her bed. In her eyes, I was not fit to be a man. She was mymaid, but she had nothing but scorn for me.
Hastily I put all thoughts of a nubile young Rubina from my mind and made my way to the kitchen.
Rashida was nowhere to be seen, so I placed the groceries on a table there and went to my room. I took some time to change, and then went to the bathroom to freshen up, before heading back to my room to chill. It was still a couple of hours to 10.30, which is when I was to report to Rashida’s room.
Suddenly the door to my room opened. It was Rashida.
“Ras… bua!” I have clearly corrected myself. I had almost taken her name by mistake! Immediately I stood up from my chair.
Rashida had sweat on her forehead. Her hair was matted and stuck to her head and shoulders. Her sari clung to her big body. I could see her navel and wait. She was panting slightly. My guess was she had been mopping and cleaning the guest quarters. I could see a slight dampness in her blouse, just under the arms. This was the woman I loveddeeply, and yet she didn’t love me that way. To her I have surrendered myself, yet that has only resulted in her contempt for me. Rashida’s chest heaved as she breathed and I could see her big boobs rise and fall under the tight blouse. The sight of my buxom maid, hot and sweaty, was turning me on, but I remembered my instructions.
Prostrating myself, I immediately kissed her right foot. I pressed my lips to her ankles, and then kissed the area just above the toes, and then kissed her big toe. I repeated the action with her left foot. I then stood up, waiting to see, hopefully, if she would beckon me to kiss her cheeks. Instead, she raised her right hand and caught my left ear in a vice like grip.
I stood there as my maid service paid me by pulling my ear.
“Baba.” Rashida remarked, somewhat sadly, as she twisted my ear. “Why do you do this?”
“Bua… I … OW!” I yelped as my maid service pinched my earlobes before tugging my ear.
“You did notbring everything I asked for,” Rashida calmly continued to bend my ear. “When I tell you something, HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TOLD YOU, you pathetic fuck, that I want things to be obeyed properly! YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTTION, you fucking piece of fuck!”
“I am sorry, bua, I … OW”
Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Rubina enter the room, grinning. She was enjoying my punishment. Me? I was wondering what I did. What I missed. And how my voluptuous older maid service was punishing me, the son of her employer, and my other, younger, maid service was watching, grinning.
“Don’t you feel ashamed, baba,” Rashida scolded me as she held my earlobe between her finger tips, “getting a kaan dola from your maid? Your kaajer meye? Where’s your sense of self respect?”
“I … I am sorry, bua.” I mumbled. Rashida never punished me unless I deserved it, so I wondered what I had done.
“Rubina.” Rashida let go of my burning ear and turned to the younger maid. “Baba ke nangta koro. Strip him.”
“Yes, apa.”
Rubina stood behind me. I could feel her hands on my buttocks, feeling me up through my pajamas. This is what men usually do to women on crowded Indian public buses. Place a hand on their buttocks and cares them through their clothes and later claim it’s an accident (of course nowadays the public will beat you up if you try this). Rubina was now caressing and cupping my butt cheats. Suddenly, in a swift motion, she pulled down my pajamas which fell to my ankles, exposing my bare genitals.
“Look at his pathetic nunu,” Rashida said, reaching out and gently struggling my manhood. “It’s trying to get erect, even as he knows we, his maid servants, will punish him.”
Rubina stripped me off my T-shirt as Rashida continued to play with my balls and penis. I stood there awkwardly, now completely naked. Rashida’s gentle touches on my cock was having its affect, even though I knew I was in for some serious spanking. Rashida then let go of my balls, raised her hand and once again caught hold of my ear.
“Come, Tarek.” Rashida told me in a soft voice.
“Yes, bua.”
Rashida led me by the ear to the drawing room. It was painful. Rashida was a big, powerful lady, and she kept a strong hold on my ear as we walked, twisting and pulling it, and occasionally sharply pinching the earlobe.
“Get in here Tarek.” She told me, dragging me by the ear. I stumbled and followed her into the drawing room, even as she kept tearing my ear. If anyone could see me now, naked, being led around the house by my ear, by my own maid service woman!
“Oh, my God, I can’t believe you are such an embarrassment to me, Tarek.” Rashida gave my ear a final twist and then pointed to the floor. “Kneel! Get down on your knees, baba.”
“Yes, bua.” I meekly went down on my knees onto the floor. My cock rubbed against the inner sides of my thighs. Rashida looked at me with disgust and nodded to Rubina.
Rubina now came around Rashida from behind her and stood directly in front of me. My younger maid, who was of my age, reached out and cupped my chin, forcing me to look up at her.
“Apa said,” Rubina pointed at Rashida, “She wanted four bags of sugar. FOUR! And what did you get us?”
She let go of my chin. I kept my eyes fixed on the floor in shame.
“Look at me when I am talking to you!” Rubina yelled at me, as she raised her hand to strike me again. “You pathetic loser!”
I immediately looked up at my younger maid as she commanded. My right cheek was getting instantly warm where Rubina had slapped me.
“I am sorry, choto bua.” I looked up at her, my cheeks singing as she hit me on the other cheek with the back of her hand now.
“Answer the question.”
One again Rubina struck me powerfully acrossmy face.
“How many bags did you get us?”
“Er … one, choto bua.” I answered. “I am so sorry, I didn’t hear …”
“One bag.” Rubina said. “That’s what you got.”
“Er… yes, chocolate bua. I’m very sorry, it completely slipped my mind that bua had told me to bring four. We usually just get one at a time.”
Rubina, remaining bent over so she could peer into my eyes, gently rubbed my cheeks with her dainty hands.
“How does it feel, baba, to get slapped by me?” She giggled. “The usually brash and loud young man, now meekly kneeing on the floor, at the mercy of his little maid.”
“You could have avoided this whole embarrassing situation, baba, had you simply paid attention.”
“Yes, choto bua.”
“One bag! You didn’t pay attention to what Rashida apa said, baba.”
“Er … yes,choto bua. I’m sorry, choto bua.”
Rubina paused slapping me and looked Rashida. Rashida thought for a moment and then stepped forward. Rubina left me alone and walked back. Rashida now stood in front of me and caught hold of my ear once again.
“Baba.” Rashida spoke slowly, yet her voice was angry as she twirled my ear. “Please stand up.”
“Yes, bua.”
Rashida hauled me to my feet by the ear. Her fingers were now slowly caresing my ear.
“Baba. I am once again giving you a kaan dola. One would have thought you should be ashamed of getting your ears pulled by your maid servants by now.”
“I am sorry, bua.”
Rashida then gently patted my cheeses.
“Your young maid servant, one who is your age, really, just slapped you for being careless and making mistakes in the shopping.” Rashida lovingly stroked my cheek. “Do you like getting slapped by young women, baba?”
I keep myeyes cast down in shame, and my mouth shut. What could I say? As a result, I never realized Rashida had now raised her hand, or foresaw the slap until she had hit me.
“And how, baba …”
“… are we to make a cake …”
“… with ONE …”
“… bag of sugar?”
“I … I am so sorry, bua.” I mumbled, my cheeks now sporting bright red marks as Rashida slapped me again, and again. Whereas Rubina’s slapsed had been strong, Rashida’s were fast and furious.
“Baba.” Rashida paused in her slapping. She had now raised her hands and was tying her hair back in a bun. The way her arms were raised and bent allowed me to look at her arm pits. To my delight, there was a wetness in the blouse right where her arm pits were supposed to be. Oh, how I longed to bury my nose there and sniff her there! However I didn’t say anything as Rashida looked first at me, then at Rubina.
“Rubina,” She finally said. “I’m going next door. I want to see if Farida has some extra sugar I can take.”
Farida was the maid of the house next door. Though she was much older than Rashida, the two were firm friends.
“Yes, apa.” Rubina replied, then she had a suggestion. “Why don’t you call Zarine, apa?”
Zarine was the daughter of the paanwala who had a stall down the street. He also sold a few groceries. I knew Zarine also worked as a part time maid on one of the houses down the street.
“I tried calling Zarine already.” Rashida replied. “She’s not answering. I think they closed early due to the weather.”
Rashida walked around me until she was standing behind me. Her hands lovingly patted my bare bum.
“Rubina.” Rashida instructed, cupping my butt cheats in her hands. “Spank baba properly. Punish him for everything he did this week and keep punishing him until I return.”
“Yes, apa.” Rubina answered. Usually Rashida was the one who took care of punishing me properly. Rubina then asked, “Are you going anywhere for long, apa?”
“Just Farida’s,” Rashida replied. “But I will chit chat and talk with her for some time before coming back.”
Rashida then groped my behind.
“Baba,” She told me. “We know what you did yesterday afternoon.”
A chill went through me. It seemed Rashida had her eyes on me at all times. I didn’t have any secrets in my own house.
“I am sorry, bua …” I started to say, but Rashida shushed me silent.
“Don’t apologize now.” She laughed, and patted my bum again. “Apologize when Rubina is whacking your butt.”
So saying, Rashida left. I heard the main door open and then shut. Rubina came and stood near me. She slowly raised her hand.
“Come.” Rubina told me, holding me by the ear. “Baba, you have a lot to be punished for tonight.”
I, naked as the day I was born, was standing in my living room while my fully clothed young maid service was twisting my ear angrily.
“Yes, choto bua.” I replied, my face penitent. “I am sorry, choto bua.”
Rubina led me, by the ear, through the house, from the living room in one end of our mansion to her room in the servants’ quarters. Along the way she gave me a mouthful.
“It’s October Now, baba.” She told me, giving my ear a painful twist. “It’s been more than a year since Rashida apa started to punish you. And still your behavior leaves much to be desired.”
“I am really sorry, choto bua.” I told her, fully repentant. “It won’t happen again.”
“Tsk tsk.” She replied, pulling my ear painfully. “And look at your little nunu! It’s erect! You actually like it when we punish you, don’t you, baba.”
“No, no, choto bua.” I lied, although my manhood gave it away. “I honestly don’t like to be punished.”
“Well, we will see about that. By the time I am done with you tonight, baba, you will wish you spoke the truth!”
We reached the door to her room. Rubina let go of my ear to unlock and open her door. I stood there, naked, a cool breeze flowing through the hallway and making me shiver, watching the young maid take the key from the pile of keys tied to her sari at the waist, select one and open the door. As soon as the door was open, she turned back to me.
“Tonight it’s just you and me, baba.” She told me. “Rashida apa has gone to visit Farida, and your parents are away till tomorrow. I really didn’t want to punish you without apa being present, but now I have to, it seems.”
“Yes, choto bua, I understand.” My eyes were now cast down at the floor in shade.
“Come here.” Rubina led me inside and pointed to the bed. There was a pillow in the middle of the bed. Rubina put another pillow beside it.
“Get on the bed,” She commandd, “And get on your haunches. I want your tummy resting on these pillows. Your little penis should be between the two pillows. You should be on your haunches, prostrated, so your pasa, your bum, should be high up in the air.”
“Yes, my choto bua.”
I did as she instructed. I climbed on the bed, on the soft mattress, and placed my legs on either side of the pillows and knelt down, before placing my palms on the mattress. I was now on my haunches, prostrated, on all fours like a dog, with my ass sticking out. My position left every part of me badly unprotected. My legs were spread apart, with my balls hanging in between, completely visible. My penis was touching the space between the two pillows. My bum was humiliatingly exposed to my young maid service girl. It was embarrassing that Rubina, if she wanted to, could peer into my asshole.
I shuddered slightly as Rubina placed a hand on my back. Slowly she rubbed my back until her palm rested on my left butt cheese.
“What a nice big pasa you have, baba.” She taunted, patting my bum. “How many times have you been spanked on this bum in the last year, Tarek?”
I realized just how comfortable Rubina had become in calling me by my name. A year ago she would have trembled in fear if I had just called her, and rushed in, eager to please. Now here she was, patting my behind, getting ready to spank me.
“So, Tarek,” Rubina giggled, “Do you even know how many times Rashida apa has whacked your big fat pasa?”
It was a rhetorical question, so I chose not to answer. Rubina laughed, and patted my other butt chef.
“I could swear,” She said, her forefinger slowly tracing a circle around my sphincter. “That Both Rashida apa and I have spanked you multiple times for sniffing our panties from the laundry basket.”
“Yes, choto bua.” I replied.
I was ashamed, not only because I was being punished, but because once again Rashida seemed to know that yesterday afternoon I had been doing something so perverted, so dirty, like sniffing the maids’ unwashed panties from the laundry basket.
Rubina’s hands snaked its way across my buttocks and went downwards. I gasped as she grabbed my nuts and gave them a light squeeze.
“I am going to punish you, baba, in a way that you will not do this again.” Rubina told me ominously. “I hate punishing you for the same thing again and again, Tarek. Unlike Rashida apa, both my patience with you, and my love for you, is non-existent.”
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