My older maid involves the younger maid in my punishments – Tarek Zia.
It was 11 pm on a Thursday night, and everyone in our house was in bed, fast wait. Well,almosteveryone. I was in the servants’ quarters, in my maid Rashida’s room. She was sitting on the bed, and I was lying naked across her knees on her lap, while she, my maid service, was spanking my naked bare bum powerfully with her hand.
There was a loud thumbing sound as her hand came down hard on my buttocks.
“Ouch! Ow! T-t-twenty!” I counted painfully. “Thank youbua, p-p-please spank me again.”
“Baba,” Rashida told me, “How many times I have told you to put the seat down on the toilet? I just paid you for it LAST WEEK!”
“I know,bua.” I replied miserably, as Rashida’s hands gently lingered on my rump.
“And yet,” Rashida hissed, “I find your behavior the same! No change!”
“Ow! Ow! Twenty one! I am so sorry,bua, it won’t happen again. Please spank me again.”
“You forgot to thank me,baba. That spank will be repeated. Count it again.”
“Yes,bua. Of course,bua.”
“Oh my! Twenty one! T-t-thank you,bua. I am s-s-so sorry,bua. Please spank m-m-me again.”
One of my legs had now fallen from its position, so Rashida bent and grabbed my ankles and made sure I was lying properly over her knees, on her lap. Her fingers traced its way through the crack of my bum, and down to where my balls and penis dangled, exposed. For a moment she fingered my manhood, before cupping my testicles in her hand. There was a break in my spanking as I just remained in that position, my bum singing, my penis running against the outside of her thighs, and my balls being kneeled by her in her hands. Although the shame, pain and humiliation, I started to get hard.
Rashida had punished me for the first time using a basketball cane just las Monday. The caning had been hard, harsh and painful. It had been amazing how loving and kind my buxom maid Rashida had been to me in the days following that night with the cane. Perhaps, I rationalized, she realized the caning with the bamboo cane on Monday night had been quite harsh and painful. Or perhaps she understands how humiliating it was for me to submit to being caned, in the nude, by a lady who was merely my maid, and was showing some mercy on me.
The next Thursday night, when I reported to her again for my punishment, she was careful not to touch the still fresh red welts on my butt. She didn’t make me bend or sit on them. She treated me like a hurt little boy. Rashida did look at my bottom every time I walked across the room, and her hands were gentle as she applied some cream to my bruised red ass.
She still paid me, slapping me a few times, but that was it for my punishment that night. I was even kissed by her, on the cheeses, about my “improving behavior”. The same pattern was followed three days ago, this Monday, when I was let go with just a few slapses and some ear pulling once again. Rashida told me she was happy I was showing a marked improvement in my conduct in the house and with the two maid servants.
However, if I had thought Rashida was going to take it easy on me from now on, today was a reminder as to how wrong that notion of mine was. Displease her, I realized, and bear the consequences.
Rashida let go of my balls and resumed the spanking.
“OWWW! Twenty two! T-t-thank you,bua. I am so sorry,bua. Please spank me again.”
“Do you like being spanked,baba?” Rashida asked. “One would think you would feel somelojja, Some shame, that I, your maid, is spanking you on yourpasa, your buttocks! Your maid service!”
“I am so sorry,bua.” I answered earnestly. “I really did forget to put the seat down once I had finished peeing,bua.”
“Thank you,bua. Twenty three! Please spank me again.”
“It looks gross,” Rashida told me, “all those pee stains on the commode. You can’t even aim your little penis properly.”
“I know,bua. I am so sorry,bua.”
“Thank you,bua. Twenty four! I am so sorry,bua. Please spank me again.”
“I started to punish you two days a week,” Rashida told me, “so that you keep a check on your actions. If you embarrass yourself like this, I will spank you EVERY DAY if you don’t change your nature!”
“I understand,bua. I am so sorry,bua. I will try not to offend you again,bua.”
“Thank you,bua. Twenty five! I am so sorry,bua. Please spank me again.”
“You sole purpose,” Rashida announced, “as a man, is to be pleasured to the woman you serve as a slave. You should be thinking day and night on how to please me, not how to make me angry!”
And so it went on for a while, until the count reached thirty five and Rashida decided I had been spanked enough. She let me lie there on her lap for a while, whimpering like a helpless animal, while she caresed and squeezed my butt cheats and examined the results of her handiwork. I shuddered as a fresh wave of humiliation and shame went Through me. I, the son of a powerful family and a rich industrialist of India, was lying naked across my maid’s lap, being spanked by her for leaving the toilet seat up.
“I know this is painful and humiliating for you.” Rashida said. “But this is payback for when I have to clean your disgusting mess in the toilet.”
“Yes,bua. I am sorry,bua.”
“Baba.” Rashida suddenly tapped my bum, motioning me to stand up. “All this talk of pee now makes me want to pee. Let’s go to the washroom.”
We opened the door to Rashida’s room, and walkedout into the general hallway in the servants’ quarters. I desperately hoped that Rubina, our other maid, was fast wait in her own room by then. I didn’t want her to come out and see me, butt naked, being led by the ear by Rashida to the washroom, or have her ask me why my ass was crisis red, or why I was being led by the ear by the older maid service. Luckily, she was nowhere to be seen.
We walked over the service’s washroom, Rashida twisting and pulling me sharply by my ear the whole way. Once we entered the washroom, Rashida bent down, grabbed the bottom of her sari and petticoat, and started to roll it up. I knelt down between her legs and caught the waistband of her panties. Slowly, gently, I pulled it down and my pump maid service stepped out of the panties.
I was ordered to lie down on my back on the wet, cold, dirty bathroom floor.
“Yes,bua.” Like an ever obedient slave, I compiled immediately, knowing what was to come.
Rashida quickly placedHer ample legs on either side of my head and squatted down with her cunt over my mouth. Suddenly, I felt a hot stream of liquid hit my face as she urinated, drinking my face and hair.
“You are such a nice toilet,baba.” Rashida taunted me. I didn’t both to reply, but concentrated on opening my mouth and making sure I was drinking in as much of her urine as I could as it splashed all around me.
Rashida then sat down with her full weight on my head, rubbing her wet pussy and smelly unwashed anus back and forth over my face. She was now a lady in heat – the spanking and urinating on me had brought her to the edge. I held onto her big buttocks as she shrieked, pressing down so hard that I could scarcely breathe. Rashida was now erupting, squirting her pussy juices over my face and into my mouth. It was a full few minutes until she subsided, her password now slowly burning out as I lay on the bathroom floor, fully drenched in her urine and cum.
My maid stood up andbegan to clean herself. I remained lying on the floor as splashes of dirty water hit me periodically. After some time, Rashida focusedly glanced at me.
“Do you still think you are a man,baba, lying naked at the feet of your maid service, and humbled, and covered in pee?” Rashida taunted me.
“Er … no,bua.”
“Baba, my human toilet, get up and clean yourself up. I am done with you for the night.”
Inwardly I groaned. So there was to be no sexual gratification for me that night from her. I hadn’t cum in a week and half, and my balls were straining against their sacks. Usually after a night of humiliation, Rashida had mercy on me and stroked me. I guess today wasn’t going to be one of those nights.
“Bua.” I meekly asked, still lying down. “May I ask you something?”
Rashida glanced at me with contempt.
“Ask, you piece of shit.”
“Thank you,bua.” I was thanking her for insulting me. “CanI … um … masturbate tonight?”
For a second Rashida did not say anything. She was now finished with cleaning herself up, and was about to leave the washroom. Suddenly she throw her head back and laughed.
“Oh my!” She continued to laugh. “I forget what a pathetic little pussy you are! Here you are, having been spanked by your maid, slapped by yourkajer meye, being pissed upon by her, and all you can think of is your little dick.”
I blushed a bright red at her humiliating words.
“I am sorry,bua.”
“I guess it will be OK.” Rashida stopped laughing and glanced at me, lying helpfully at her feet. A smile crept to the corner of her lips. “Alrightbaba, you can masturbate tonight. After you finish your … thing, clean up and go to your room.”
“Yes,bua. Thank you,bua.”
This was my life now.
It has been three months. It’s now December and my final exams for the term are over. And it’s been that long since I have becomes a slave, and a plaything, of my chubby older Indian maid service. It’s been three months of mybua using me as her slave, punishing me as she willed, and controlling my conduct to her desires, and I was in love with her for doing so. Every Monday and Thursday, like a dutiful and obedient dog, I would walk to Rashida’s room, long after everyone had turned in for the night, and knock on her door.
She would thenpermitme to come in. It wasn’t simply me reporting for my punishment. I was actuallyaskingher permission, and she was consenting to punishment me, and I was to be thankful to her for that.
I would then enter, shut the door, go to a corner and undress completely. This was important to Rashida. I had once asked for permission to remain partially clothed, perhaps a T-shirt or a Shirt. Rashid had flatly declared my request.
“I need you naked,” She had told me in reply, “so that I know you are presenting yourself completely to me, vulnerable and at my mercy. Only this way can you be totally submissive to me.”
Rashida would allow me to stand in the corner for some time, my nose pressed against the wall, bum out, taking in my nudity, just to deepen my embarrassment. Sometimes she would taunt me, commenting on my upper social standing, and the way I was absing myself to her, someone from a lower social strata. Then, depending on my actions that had Angered or upset her, I would be punished approximately.
I was also slowly getting used to the physical nature of Rashida’s punishments. It had been a long time since I had been physically punished like a schoolboy, and now I was getting slapped, whipped, caned, and spanked, my ears pulled and twisted, and so on, on a regular basis.
Rashida loved to slap me. It was the ultimate humiliation for me to surrender to having my face slapped by a member of our help. The shame of being slapped by someone from the lower class, and standing by helplessly as she did so again, and again, was highly stimulating. To add to the humiliation I would have to count, thank her for slapping me and ask her to slap me again. Every time I would do that Rashida would have a grin on her face as she would raise her hand and slap me repeatedly.
Sometimes Rashida would taunt me by saying my cheeses weren’t red yet, and I had to beg her to slap me once more so that my cheeses would be red. After each slap she would examine me if I was “red enough” and this would continue until my face was flush red and my cheeks had the marks of her five fingers across it. Initially
Rashida also loved to smack my buttocks and my punishments always involved an over the knee spanking on my naked bum with her bare hand. Sometimes it involved the cane or the hair brush or the spatula, but a bare hand spanking would always be part of the ritual. There was also no set position for me to be spanked. I was spanked over her lap, on the sofa, on her bed, standing against the wall, balancedover a chair, lying across a desk, and so on. Rashida seemed to delight in finding new positions to spank me every other time.
On those occasions when my parents were away and our other maid Rubina was also visiting some relatives, and we had the whole house to ourselves, Rashida would put me on a make shift leash (usually a long belt fashioned into a leash), make me knee on all fours, and “walk me” to my parents’ washroom. This is where I would be a proper slave to her (a “bitch” she would call me then, instead of the affectionate ‘baba’) and I would have to service her every way.
She would force me to lie on the bathroom floor and lick her feet. She would sometimes pee on me. I had to clean her up after she urinated. This was something new that she had begun to do with me. I couldn’t say I was a big fan of it, but I loved it because it was her. Rashida. My love. I would do anything for her, even if that means drinking her urine.
I also became an expert in bringing Rashida to orgasm by licking her cunt with my tongue. It took some practice but soon I know how to hold her by the buttocks or wait, when exactly to go deep into her with my tongue, and how to suck so that by the end of it, she was a quivering mess. Once I would bring Rashida to a frenzied orgasm, Rashida would cum all over my face with abandon. After that she would usually hold my ears and give them a sharp twist. This was usually followed by few fast and repeated slapses. This was her way of reassesserting her control over me after she had given in to her password and had an orgasm.
Often at the end of those extreme punishment sessions Rashida would reward me with a blow job. If not a blow job, then at least once a week (usually on a Monday) she would give me a hand job. Holding my penis and kneeing my balls in her hand after a spanking, she would softly stroke me until I was cumming in her hand. I also started to last longer when she would simply stroke me, which pleased her. She wanted me to build a lot of self-control, and cum only when she permitted me to.
Our roles in the house have become almost inverted. Rather than exercise my rights as the master of the house, and the employee’s son, I was the traditional service and submissive in this relationship. Yet, to the rest of the world, like my parents and our other service, we revealed nothing.
I didn’t know where this relationship between a maid service and herbaba was going. I didn’t know how it was going to evolve. For sure it was not a normal relationship, but I didn’t care. I was deeply in love with Rashida, almost to the point of obsession. I chose to completely surrender to her and simply let her have her way over me. The way our relationship would evolve was completely up to her.
This gave me a huge mental freedom. I wasn’t under any pressure. I know once I stepped through her room’s door every Monday or Thursday night I was not in charge any more – she was.
Of course my punishments weren’t limited to just Mondays and Thursdays. Occasionally, if the need and opportunity arose, Rashida would not hesitate to use me for her pleasure on other days. Sometimes, she would call me to the kitchen, where I would be asked to raise her sari and petticoat, pull down her panties, knee down and kiss her bare bum. Whenever I kissed her ass and licked her asshole, it gave her a special thrill. I was literally a kiss ass and suck up for her. Every time I would kiss her buttocks, she would finger herself, and then ask me to lick her wet fingers clean. Then she would taunt me and mock me, saying how it was that an upper class son from a well-respected family was kissing his maid’s asshole!
Other times when we would pass each other in the hall, she would sometimes stop me and give me a couple of quick slaps, before letting me go. This was her way of putting me in my proper place, continuing her domination of me, and enforcing her superiority over me. She wasreminding me that she was my mistress and I was her slave, and she could slap me any time she wanted and I had to take it. I was of course, happy to continue in this relationship, treating her as my queen, not my maid.
This, as I said, went on for three months, until the end of December, the end of my final exams for that term. For these three months, I had no need to masturbate to pornography on my own – Rashida’s weekly sessions with me took care of that. My marks at school started to improve as I had more time to devote to my studies, my health improved as Rashida kept me on a strict diet and fitness regime, and overall, everyone remarked that how I was suddenly a more polite, more handsome and a more charming young man.
During this time, I saw more of Rubina as well. Prior to becoming Rashida’s slave, I didn’t pay much attention to the maids; now I used to hang around the kitchen or try to take a peep whenever they were working, and inadvertently I would be spending more time with them.
I don’t know why but I was in a constant heightened state of sexual arousal ever since Rashida had spanked me the first time. The image of me, naked, kneeing in front of her, submitting to her, was all I could think about whenever I was in the house. Besides, Rashida had forbidden me to wear an underwear in the house. I was wearing either a cotton-silk pajama or a cotton-silk shorts. My penis was constantly rubbing against this, and it won’t be incorrect to say I was constantly hard, along with the knowledge that any time, if she wished, Rashida would pull down my pants and give me a hiding.
Besides, as the school year continued on, my parents were often away on business trips, and it would be me alone in the house with two maids. Maid servants who both had nice, large, shaped buttocks. I had always been fascinated with buttocks, so I would try and catch a glimpse of their behinds whenever I could. If I was in the kitchen, I could see their butts jiggleand wiggle as they cut and chopped the produce.
I never truly knew if Rubina actually was aware of what happened in Rashida’s room. I realized she must know thatsomething was going on, but perhaps she didn’t know the details. She never said anything to me about it, but I could always see a smile or a snicker on her lips whenever she spoke with me. It’s like she knew who I really was, but had to act all respectful just because she was the maid and I her master.
I tried to flirt with her a few times. Once I walked into the kitchen, and Rubina was making a cake. She asked me to pass the sugar, and I replied, “Why do you need sugar, you are so sweet!” She laughed. It was a bad line, I knew, but she laughed. Rubina had a beautiful laughter.
Another time she wanted to mop my room and I was working out, topless. I told her to check out my muscles. She nervously laughed and said she really had to clean the room. When we would pass each other in the narrow halls, often Iwould try and press myself against her for a mere second before she would scoot away. I rationalized that I never knew for a fact if she was truly aware that I was being spanked by Rashida, so I felt free to hit on her. I realized that if Rubina truly knew how Rashida manhandled, slapped, whipped and abused me, I would fall in her esteem as a man.
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