It was 10.25 pm, Monday, and like the proverbial memorable night in a movie, it was dark and stormy. Thunder and lightning rattled in the distance and the sound of rain falling constantly was ever present at the windows. Meanwhile, as my parents slept soundly in their room, I tiptoed my way quietly towards the servants’ quarters.
You would think I would be terrified of Mondays and Thursdays. Those were the nights when I would report to my maid Rashida’s room, where she would record what I had done wrong during the last few days, and then punish me for it. By the time she was done, I was usually a blubbering mess with a sore bottom and an equally bruised ego. But I also looked forward to these nights. I was in a relationship – a strange one, and a one sided one, I admit – but a relationship nonetheless with my beloved. The nature of that relationship wasn’t decided, yet, but for some reason, I felt like this was something that had been missing in my life all this time. I lovedthe fact that finally there was someone I could absolutely surrender and submit myself to. Even if that someone was my lowly maid service.
It was humiliating when my maid service would pull down my pants, put me over her lap and spank me, yes, but in a way I also found it fulfilling.
Right now, I was hoping I could get to Rashida’s room without any one seeing me. The last few times I had been lucky – Rubina, our other, younger maid, had gone to bed and the house had been eerily quiet and silent as I had made my way to Rashida’s room for my spankings. I wondered how long this luck would continue. Although how I loved this type of relationship, I did not want anyone to know. This was India. When simply being in love with one’s maid can be scandalous, imagine if anyone knew what she did to me!
I stood outside by Rashida’s room and paused. The door was of course shut. I would knock for permission to enter, but at exactly 10.30 pm. There were still a couple of minutes left.
“Baba!” Suddenly I heard a voice that made me turn around. It was Rubina!
She had just emerged from her room. Most likely she was going to the washroom, and had now seen me standing outside Rashida’s room, poised to knock on the door! She was dressed in a simple blue sari hugging her young, thin, curvaceous figure.
“Er … Rubina.” I acknowledged the young girl. Her eyes was big, open and inquisitive.
“It’s late at night,baba.” She told me, rather pointedly. “And you are … here … in the servants’ quarters,baba?”
The tone was respectful, deferential, but also a little curious. And pointed. Her curiosity was warranted. Even though Rubina was my age, she was a service and I was the son of the master of the house. I really shouldn’t be in the servants’ quarters at this time of the night. Or ever.
“I … er …” I tried to think of the excuses I had made up in my mind for such a scenario. “I had something I wanted to discuss withbua.”
Rubina walked closed to me until she was standing inches away from me.
“At this time of the night,baba?”
“Er … yes.”
“How do you know Rashidaapa is up at this time of the night,baba?” Rubina asked. “She could be sleep.”
“Oh, I knowbua is up.” I told her. Immediately I realized my mistake.
“Oh, so you KNOW she is not sleep,baba? Is she expecting you?” Rubina’s eyes bored into mine. “Don’t you think,baba, if it came to be known that you were going to a maid service’s room at this time of the night, people will get ideas,baba?”
“Er … what are you trying to say, Rubina?”
Rubina grinned and didn’t answer the question. Her eyes pointedly looked at me, then travelled down to look at my rapidly hardening crotch, and then back up again.
“You respect Rashidaapaa lot, don’t you,baba?”
It was a statement, not a question.
“Yes, of course Rubina.Buahas been like … like … like a second mother to me.”
“Bua. You call herbua now, never Rashida.” Rubina noted. “You never take her name any more, and she even scolds you … and you just listen,baba. And you even apologize! To a maid serving!”
“Er … yes, of course Rubina. As I said,bua… she’s like my second mother.”
“But she’s your maid servant,baba. Yet she berates you and mocks you, and you just stand there and listen,baba. She gives you no respect, yet you meekly accept your scolding from her! Have you no sense of self respect?”
“Er … no, Rubina. It’s not like that.” I tried to defend myself. “She is like my second mother andIrespecther. She has full right to scold and punishment me.”
Punishme? Why the hell did I say that?
“Hmm.” Rubina bit her lip. “I didn’t know you suddenly respected your maid servants this much,baba. Do … er …I have the right to scold … and …hehe … punish you,baba?”
“I … er …” For a moment I was at a loss for words.
“Maybe,” Rubina reached out and lightly stroked my cheek with her hand. “If I scold and punish you,baba, maybe you too will visit my room at night?”
I was in a daze. Rubina was frightfully bold. Her hand lingered for a moment on my cheeks before withdrawing.
“Ok, never mind,baba.” Rubina gave a little smile and twirled around. “I have to go to the bathroom now. I need to pee,baba. I need to pee badly. I am burning here.”
“Er … ok, Rubina. Um … why are you telling me this? Just go to the washroom!”
“I almost pissed in my panties,baba.” Rubina told me, smiling. “Even Now my panties have a dampness to them,baba.”
This was getting very weird. Why was she telling me about her panties? Suddenly a realization dawned on me. Could it be … that … she knew about … what I did? I shook my head. It wasn’t likely.
“I wouldn’t want to keep you from your … er … punishment … with Rashidaapa, baba!” Rubina broke my chain of thought. “I am sure you will have a lot to … discuss! And maybe she will punish you again,baba!”
Laughing, she headed for the washroom.
Rubina hardly ever even talked with me. She was always deferential, and maintained a respectful silence around me, ever ready to rush to obey whatever command I issued. She was a maid after all.
Here … she was positively teasing me. Touching me. Stroking my cheek. Her sly laughter, her twirl, her shake of the head, her grin, the slight jiggle of her butts … what did she know about what happened with me on the other side of that door?
The door!
Shit! It was 10.40 pm! I was ten minutes late! Hastily I knocked on Rashida’s door.
“Enter,baba!” Rashida’s authoritative voice beckoned.
Rashida was lying down in her bed, her heads propped up by pillows, resting. She was reading a book. I gently shut the door, and made my way to the corner.
“You know what to do,baba.” Rashida said, hardly ever looking up from her book.
“Yes,bua.” I respectfully replied.
Once in the corner, I started to undress. After completely striping off all of my clothes, I folded them and placed them on a counter table. Naked as the day I was born, I then deeply pressed my face against the wall, in the corner, my back to Rashida, and stood there in a “dunce” position for a while. I was naked, vulnerable, and had completely surrendered myself to my maid service. I was presenting myself to her, placing myself completely at her mercy.
After some time, I heard a rustling sound from the bed. My chubby maid service was getting up. I could hear Rashida walk towards me, and sensed her standing right behind me. I feel her hand on my shoulder, and then my back. She then cared my butt and squeezed a butt chef. My cock twitched slightly as her hand rested on thesmall of my back. I loved the feeling of her hand on my skin. I knew that soon my maid service would be beating me, but for a moment, her hand radiated nothing but love.
I stood there silently, my face pressed against the corner, as my older maid service groped and pinched my bottom at will. I felt like I was there for her amusement. Her hands moved all over my butt, patting it, squeezing it, poking it. After About two minutes, Rashida then pressed herself against my back, pushing my face against the wall.
“Your behavior this week had some disgraceful moments,baba.”
“I … er … I am sorry,bua, for whatever I did.”
“Oh, you WILL be sorry, young man.” Rashida told me. “I have some plans for you tonight. First, though, you will learn how to serve me. Orally. Sexually.”
“Er … yes,bua.”
Sexually? What did she have in mind for me? My penis tingled in anticipation.
“Second, you will be punished.” Rashida then pinched me sharply on my buttocks. “When I have finished blistering your disrespectful little behind, you will not be able to sit down for a day!”
I gulped.
“I am really sorry,bua. Please forgive me.”
“For what,baba?”
“I don’t know,bua. But I am sure it was wrong, whatever I did.”
“Look at you!” Rashida laughed. “Apologizing to your maid service, and you don’t even know what you did.”
“Bua, I love you.” I said. “And I trust you, my dearbua. If you said I did something wrong, I must have. I am truly sorry,bua, and please, please forgive me.”
“I admire your devotion to me, Tarek. You are such a pathetic person,baba. Plus, you are late. You were supposed to be here sharp at 10.30. You were ten minutes late!”
“Yes,bua. I am sorry,bua. I … I got spotted by Rubina, and she started to ask me questions.”
“Enough, Tarek!” Rashida scolded. “I don’t need excuses.”
“Er … yes,bua. Iam sorry,bua. I won’t be late again, I promise, my dearbua.”
Still with her hands on my buttocks, Rashida gave it a couple of pats and then said, “Ok,baba. Follow me.”
I turned around. Rashida was dressed as usual in a simple silk sari that clung to her chubby frame. Her huge tummy and wait was exposed. Her gigantic boobs wanted to burst out of her small bloom. As she turned around with her back to me, I could see that the sari had gone deep into the crack of her anus. Her large shaped round buttocks jiggled as she walked to her bed.
I followed her until we both were standing beside her bed. Rashida turned to face me.
“Tarek.” She said. “Tell me why you were sniffing through our panties the other day.”
I gasped. So she knew. I wondered how.
“I … er …bua,” I mumbled. “I was just going to my room from here last Thursday …”
“When you saw our laundry basket by our washroom. The maids’ washroom.” Rashida interrupted me. “And, despite HAVING JUST BEEN SPANKED for insolence, you couldn’t stop yourself from picking out our panties from the basket and sniffing them.”
I hung my head. What could I say?
“Rubina saw you do it.” Rashida said. “When she told me, I couldn’t believe it. I just could not believe it, Tarek! I told her I will deal with you properly.”
So that’s how Rashida knew, I realized. And that’s why Rubina was mischievously talking about her damp panties just a moment ago. Rubina knew Rashida was going to scold, and maybe punishment, me for doing that.
“Baba.” Rashida reached and started to twist my right ear. “When will you stop objectifying us?”
“Ow! Ow!” I squealed as Rashida pulled my ear sharply. “My dearbua, can I say something, please?”
Rashida stopped twisting my ear. “What?”
“Bua.” I tried to have a very deferential tone. “I want to humbly say … with all due respect,bua… I cannot stop… thinking about you, and Rubina, in a sexual manner. I am a young man … and you two are very, very beautiful women, and very desirable women, and I am very attracted to both of you! And … I see you all the time! Please understand it from my point of view,bua, and please forgive me. I am a young man and you are a beautiful woman,bua.”
“I am beautiful?” Rashida laughed. Her hand, still on my ear, gave it a gentle twist. “I am an old lady, Tarek!”
“No! No!” I protested. I also decided to be a little bold. “You are in fact more beautiful than Rubina. You are a truedesiwoman! You have a very nice broad buttocks, nice freshy chefs, big breasts … you are curvaceous and voluptuous and any man would be lucky to have you,bua!”
Rashida said nothing for a while. Then a small smile crept to the corner of her lips. She twisted my early gently again.
“You flatter me, Tarek. And I suppose you dream of being that man, Tarek? The man to …haveme?”
I said nothing, but nodded meekly. My dick, having a mind of its own, was slowly getting excited as well.
Rashida laughed. “I don’t mind you fantasizing about me,baba. I have come to expect that. You are a pervert. What Idomind is when this leads you to do shameful acts.”
“I am sorry,bua.”
“You are a boy with a small penis,baba, so you should keep that in mind. Your behavior has to be submissive to us maids, not insulting.”
Rashida then started to sharply pinch my ear and twist it again.
“What Idomind, Tarek,” Rashida continued, pulling on my ear painfully, “Is your despicable behavior when you objectify us and ignore our dignity. You canthink about us, sexually, but there is no need to invade our privacy and sniff our panties, is there?”
“Er… yes,bua. I mean no,bua. I am sorry,bua. That will never happen again,bua.”
“And that time you were trying to catcha peek of Rubina in the shower.” Rashida reminded me, angrily twisting my ear. “Again, despicable behavior because you were objectifying us, and ignoring Rubina’s dignity.”
“Yes,bua. I am so ashamed of my behavior,bua.”
“I let you masturbate when you ask for permission,baba.” Rashida told me. “You are an inferior man,baba, and this is why you masturbate. That’s fine … as long as I give you permission … but then why would you go and try to sniff my panties,baba?”
“I… I… I am so sorry,bua.”
Letting go of my ear, and raising that hand, Rashida abruptly slapped me.
It was a loud, powerful and humiliating slap from my maid service that left a red mark on my cheek.
“One. I am sorry,bua, please forgive me. I really shouldn’t have done that.”
I was waiting for another slap, but Rashida sat down on the bed. Her right leg was crossed over the left. She reached out to her rightfoot and pulled her sandal off. This was achappal, an Indian flip flop made of a rubbery material.
Rashida then uncrossed her legs. Holding the sandal in her right hand she shifted back on the bed and then beckoned forward to me. “Over my lap,baba. Now.”
I positioned myself over my voluptuous maid service’s lap. She pulled me in tight to her, my prick rubbing against the rough material of hersarion her legs.
“You were ten minutes late today,baba. Two for each minute. Twenty hits from my slipper. Does it sound fair, Tarek Zia?”
Suddenly, without warning, she struck me, hard. Her hand was gripping the bottom of thechappal, so the front part, where you would put your toes in, bent around and hit my buttocks like a whip.
“Awww!” I cried out. “One! Oh,bua. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! I am so sorry. Please spank me again. Please forgive me.”
Rashida’s hand stroked my tendererass.
“Next time,baba,” She said. “Don’t be late.”
“Baba, did you ever think last year that you will be naked, lying on my lap, getting an ass whooping from me, your maid?”
“Er … no,bua.”
“Yousay you love to submit to me,baba, but still you do things that make me unhappy.”
“I am so sorry about that,bua.”
“Do you love me, Tarek?”
“Oh, yes,bua! I love you with all of my heart,bua.”
“Even though you are now lying naked, on my lap, getting a beating with your maid’schappal?”
The next few blows stung like hell. Rashida spanked me hard and fast, alternating, one on each chef, in a quick rapid fire style. I was biting my lip as my buttocks started to sting. She would hit me with a quick stroke, cares my bottom and sometimes finger my asshole. Then she would once again bring down her slipper on the other ass cheek with equal force, and repeat all over again.
“I don’t want your excuses,baba, and I’m tired of your cowardly whimpering.”
“I am sorry,bua.”
“What I need,baba, is a boy who knows his place. And your place, Tarek, is to serve me and obey me and never make me angry.”
“Yes,bua. I will always serve you,bua. You are my mistress and I will be your slave,bua.”
Finally, after twenty hits to my butt, Rashida commanded, “Stand up!”
I stood there, humiliated, with my hands at my side, staring shamefully at the floor, my eyes unable to meet Rashida’s. A dull, singing pain spread through my ass cheats, but I didn’t move or rub my bottom. I didn’t want to get punished for doing that. Instead, I remained standing there as Rashida reached out and cupped my balls with one hand.
“So full of cum, aren’t you,baba?” She asked me, gently shaking my testicles. I didn’t say anything as Rashida moved her hand around and rubbed a couple of fingers along my penis. Although the pain in my buttocks, I was definitely getting hard now.
“Baba.” Rashida suddenly pointed a finger at her right cheek. “Kiss me.”
“Huh?” For a second I was puzzled. What? Did my maid, my mistress, my beloved, just ask me to kiss her chef?
“Tarek!” Rashida was amused. “Can you not hear? I said kiss me … here.” She once again tapped her right chef.
Since she was seated, I bent down and wrapped my arms around her in a hug, and gave her a kiss on her chef. I pressed my lips against the soft flesh of her chef, and for those ten seconds I was in a bliss. After the kiss, I once again stood to her side.
“Hmm, you see,baba?” Rashida looked up at me. “You don’t think with your head. You think with your small cock. I asked you to kiss me. I didn’t ask youto wrap your arms around me! All you needed to do was bend down and give me a small peck on the cheese.”
“Oh … I am so sorry,bua, I didn’t realize …”
“It’s OK.” Rashida cut me off. “Let’s try again, shall we?”
This time I kissed her properly as she wanted me to.
“That’s better.” Rashida said. “Looks like I will have to train you each and every little thing. Remember,baba, you will get lots of instructions to serve me. You can’t rush at it based on how your dick feels.”
“Now … for example.” Rashida laid down on her bed. “I am going to ask you to massage my feet … it’s been a long day. You may get to touch my feet, touch my tights … and you may even get to see my pussy. But that doesn’t mean you will again start behaving disgracefully because your dick gets hard. Do you understand?”
For the next ten minutes I dutifully massed her feet and legs. I used to do it for my mother and my aunts, so I was good at it. I pulled her toes, pressed her heels and calendar and rubbed her ankles and tighs. Rashida was lying back, and her eyes were shut. It was clear that she was enjoying what I was doing.
“Go up more.” She instructed. “Roll up my sari.”
I was now massaging her inner thighs. Her sari was rolled up to expose her legs, Almost to her hips. As my hands moved upwards, I smelled a certain arca. Suddenly I realized that Rashida wasn’t wearing any panties, and the smell I was smelling was her feminine region. She was in heat and she was getting wet.
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