Slave to Gina

Nicky was a small time petty thief and not a particularly successful one. Mostly dealing with small jobs that barely paid the bills, his heists generally raked in a few hundred here an occasional thousands there, nothing spectacular. Certainly none were large enough to get him out of the huge financial hole he found himself and he was always on the lookout for one big score to finally set himself up in a better position. He had almost given up on ever finding the elusive perfect target until he stumbled on Gina’s huge “security system free” mansion way out in isolation on Long Island. For a B&E man it was like a wet dream, way off the beaten path, no neighbors in sight, no security system of any kind, nothing, just a big old sloppy wet dream just waiting for someone to come in and pick it clean.

Primarily his Specialty was breaking and entering, and Gina’s house seemed like the perfect candidate to finally make the big score he always dreamed of. Being in a wooden area, it hadthe perfect camouflage surrounding it and he had staked out the estate for weeks. If he could pull it off it appeared so lavish the haul might even let him retire entirely from just this one job alone. Obviously the owner was astonishingly loaded as the house was fucking huge, well over 18,000 square feet, and dripping in signs of extreme wealth. The outside of the villa was constructed of all imported Italian marble and the grounds were immaculately maintained; sculptured gardens, well-kept shaped boxeswoods, bronze fountains, the works.

Casing the joint for weeks, Nicky was delighted that there appeared to be no pesky dogs around to cause problems, and even better, other than Gina (who Nicky thought quite hot from his observations) no one else appeared to live there. Servants came and went Throughout the day but were pretty regular so they would be easy to avoid. From his hiding place in the woods he watched the house intensely through his binoculars, looking for the security system he knew just HAD to be there, but also inventorying everything he was going to steal. Each day he came back his smile grow wider as his inventory list got longer as Gina loved to leave all of her curtains open and thus he could see almost everything inside.

He was obviously going to make a mint here as he noticed lots of jewelry around Gina’s lovely neck as well as tons of electronics, gold and fine art everywhere. This, he hoped, would be the big score that would finally give him enough money to finally get out of debt and go legitimate. With the money he would make maybe he could even open up a pizza shop or something and finally turn his life around. He was not a “bad” person at his core, just a complete fuckup and his life of crime was the result of many bad choices he had made over the years. Each night he salivated at the fantastic items he viewed through Gina’s windows, already planning his new and crime free life that their theft would provide.

Over the severalweeks that he had caused house he also had to admit that he had gotten quite smitten with the owner, Gina. She was smolderingly hot and he got very acquainted with her looks by his studies. From his position in the woods he could see everything through the windows, and because the house was so isolated, she NEVER pulled ANY of the shades down. His whole scheme almost ended one night when he nearly fell out of his tree as he saw Gina slowly strip down in her bedroom and prepare to take her bath.

Her long luscious legs and gorgeous top heavy figure were pushing all of his erogenous buttons at once as he was treated to this unexpected show by the dark haired beauty. Unable to believe his luck he found he was able to stare directly into her bathroom and see her lower that fantastic round ass into the tub, which was overflowing with bubbles. Unconsciously Nicky began to stroke his hard cock through his jeans as he enjoyed watching her bath and put on this inadvertent private show justFor him. When she lifted her soapy toes up out of the water and began to lazily wash her inner thigh, he thought for sure he would shoot his load right into his denim.

As he fantasized about Gina, he imagined an alternative reality for himself. In this created reality instead of him being a small time loser and thief with no girlfriend, an old crappy car and no day job; he was a successful businessman who owned this huge house. Each night, as Nicky continued to dream, he would come home from work to this huge mansion and his gorgeous wife would meet him.

Every night in his fantasy she met him at the door naked and on her knees wearing only a smile before completing her welcome with an expert performed blowjob. After she finished her oral hello, they would then go inside to have steaks (he loved Steak) and then afterwards run upstairs to fuck. Once finished and laying peacefully in-between Gina’s impressive cleavage he would flip on the controller to watch the Giants always win on one of those huge flat-screens he had been inventory. Obviously Nicky had a good imagination!

As he snapped back to reality, he planned out his scheme for execution the next day. It was Wednesday, and that was the one day of the week that Gina was out of the house all day. The maid only came on Mondays and Thursdays, and the Gardeners Tuesdays and Fridays, so he would have All day to do what he needed to do. He really wondered what Gina did on Wednesdays as it was obvious that she didn’t work outside of the house any of the rest of the week and was obviously quite wealthy.

“Must be a Trust Fund Babe” he thought to himself.

He also wondered why she almost never went out. Being SUPER HOT and Super Rich, he figured she would be out Partying like Paris Hilton or some other rich bimbo at some super exclusive club every night but no, Gina stayed home almost constantly. It was only on Wednesdays that she left the house and when she did she left promptly at 9 ambefore returning sharply at 6 pm like clockwork.

As he watched her black Mercedes roll out of the long driveway and turn onto the main road, he got his bag and jumped down from his hiding place in the woods. All of his tools were in the bag; lock pick, glass cutter, crowd bar, all the accoutrements of his trade. Going around to the back of the house he spied what he was looking for, the back door to the kitchen with the large plane glass window. He took out his cutter and suction cup and within seconds he was inside the house.

He didn’t particularly feel rushed as he knew that since it was just 9:20 he had all day to work so he could take his time. The first place he went to was Gina’s bedroom, a place he had long studied through the open window and also a location, in his imagination at least, of many erotic imagination escapades.

Nicky was a thief no doubt, but in a weird way, he was a polite thief. When he robbed a house he tried hard not to be randomly destructive but only stole what he came for while leaving the other items and the rest of the house as undamaged as possible. As he began to open various drawers looking for jewelry he grinned as he stumbled over Gina’s underwear drawer. Nicky lightly ran his fingers over the panties, all silky and slick feeling against his powerful hands and as he fondled the fabric he felt himself harden a bit in his jeans. Shaking himself back to reality, he refocused on the job at hand.

Rooting around the bedroom he finally discovered the cache of those jewels he had been spying and it was a haul beyond his wildest dreams. Opening the cabinet in her walk in close his eyes gleamed as he spied the countless Diamond earrings, pearl necklaces, Ruby rings, and emeralds come into view.

Thinking to himself “Jesus, this girl obviously loves her Jewelry” he began stuffing his bag with the colorful baubles while calculating his profits in his head. Being that he had stolen Jewelry a few times in the past he estimated that there was at least 200-300 thousands dollars’ worth of jewels here so this job was going to set him up for quite some time.

As he prepared to move on to the next room he noticed a big black album under her bed that was obviously meant to stay hidden. Curiosity overcoming him, he reached down and snagged it and lifted it up to his eyes to read His eyes grow wide and his smile almost cracked his face as he read the words.

On the cover, in pure gold, was printed “Private Photos”.

“Holy fuck I hit the Jackpot!” Nicky thought as he began slowly flipping through the book and realized these were all nude photos of Gina that she had taken of herself on her tri-pod.

She was obviously quite the talented photographer, as the art all over the house had indicated, and now that he had her private stash, he realized just how good a photographer she was. His mouth watered over each shot of her as he slowly thumbed his way through the book. She was even more gorgeous up close, and now that he did not have to look at her body through his binoculars from a distance, but able to see her artistic nude self-photography show off her gorgeous form perfectly, he drooled. With spectacular tits to die for and a pussy that craved the feel of his face planning in her lap, he found himself getting extremely hard as he flipped through the pages. She was spectacular, and the erotic sights had him savoring and drooling over every private image as his imagination went crazy with the porn movie he was directing in his mind. When he got to the last page of photos he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back and then everything went black.

Time passed, and how much time was not immediately obvious to Nicky as he groggily awoke, but it must have been a while as it was night now. His back still throbbed in burning Agony from the stun gun that Gina had hit him with that morning and his head remained in a fog. As he slowly began to regain consciousness he quickly realized he was in serious trouble as he was now naked and handcuffed behind his back to the leg of an incredibly heavy iron table in the kitchen. As he looked down at his exposed cock and balls he noticed a stainless steel device had been placed on the base of his package. To his alarm this was obviously no normal device. It had glowing lights all over the top of its silvery rings and felt slightly warm on his exposed scrotum. As could be imagined, seeing this, he grew very worried and started to profusely sweat.

When he saw Gina enter the room his worry rapidly turned to panic as he realized he had been caught red handed, the fog finally lifting completely from his mind. Pulling up a chair over him she bent down to speak and giggled as she saw him struggle to get loose from the manacles around the heavy iron table leg.

“Welcome to the world of the living sleepy head” she smiled. “Or shall we be more formal, welcome, Nicky Panagopolus, former petty thief living at 766 StuartAvenue, Apt C Brooklyn New York!”

Nicky really panicked now. How did she know his name and address? He had no ID on him as he may not be bright, but he certainly is not THAT stupid. Smiling, Gina continued.

“It only seems fair that since I know your name you learn mine, since we are going to spend a LOT OF TIME together from now on. My name is Gina Caporette.”

Nicky’s face frozen and instantly betrayed his fear and Gina grinned as she saw that he obviously recognized her name. Gina Caporette was the only daughter of the late head of the Mafia in New York, Tony Caporette. The Caporette family ran all of the other mob families in New York and it was well known that after Tony died he had left his entire vast empire to his only daughter. No one had ever seen her as it was well known that she was intensely private, but, in criminal circles her name was still feared as she had the ultimate power in the New York underworld.

Nicky felt sick and suddenly lightheaded ashe realized that he had been incredibly stupid and cursed with such unbelievable shitty bad luck to choose HER house to rob. Seeing this unguarded security free estate out on Long Island seemed like such a plum, just ripe for picking, but now it all made sense. What fucking moron on earth would rob HER, unless of course that fucking moron was named Nick Panagoplous. His blood running cold, he knew it was just a matter of time before he would be taking up residence in his new home at the bottom of the East River.

“Oh, Nicky Nicky Nicky” Gina cooed as she ran her stocking clad foot up his bare chest seeing him tremble. “If I had wanted to kill you, you would already be dead, trust me.”

“I see you recognize who I am so you must know just how much shit you are in. Well Nicky, this might be your lucky day, or unlucky day, it is up to you. I am not going to kill you, but, your life is going to change pretty dramatically from now on.”

Hearing these words, he finally startedbreathing again. He was convinced he was chained up naked just so he could be tortured for a while before being killed, but now there appeared to be hope. That hope faded fast though as she continued to speak.”

“While you were out, I made a few calls, and you have now been “disappeared”. No one is going to miss old fuckup low rent petty thief Nicky, trust me. Nope, your old life is over now. Your apartment has been emptied and all of your belongings have been sold off, including that crappy car of yours. You now have NOTHING! Not even a pair of boxer shorts to call you own!” As she spoke she ran her gaze down his chest to his crotch and the sinister looking device attached.

Nicky gulped as he realized he was 100% totally fucked, he was alive, but still fucked. That car, and the stuff in his apartment was everything he had in the world so when she said he had nothing, he really DID have NOTHING.

Smiling at his increasing panic, Gina continued to rub her stocking foot over his handsome tattooed bare chest as she watched his mind race and weight his dwindling options. His brain was in overdrive as he desperately tried to think of a way out of this situation, but as she kept stroking him with her stocking foot, and her toes walked down his body to his caged meat, he grew insanely hard. It was highly arousing to have woman of his dreams, and now nightmares, start to up her torque as her stocking toes began to play with his balls.

As she continued, she ran her foot down his chest and over his balls, flicking the steel ring of his device with her toes and watching him start to get hard and flinch.

“I bet you are wondering what THIS is aren’t you?” she said as she ran her large toe around the steel ring again for emphasis. “Well, this is my insurance policy. You see Nicky, it was fortuitous for me that you picked the wrong house, as I was getting a bit lonely here.”

Hearing this Nick could not believe his ears. How on earth could a woman like her be lonely as she was an absolute Goddess. Thinking it through though, he felt slightly sick as her next words were spoken.

“I have exotic tastes, VERY EXOTIC, and you are going to be quite the amusement for me. I am rich, as you know, and because of my “business” I could have any guy I want, but what I REALLY want is a slave.”

Nicky continued his silence realizing that the less he said the better, but his cock reacted to that last statement and began to harden even more. Gina smiled as she saw it start to grow again and placed her toes right over the head and began to swirl them around the top. The feeling of her silk stockings on his swollen glans caused him to shift and squirm, growing hornier and hornier as she continued to stroke.

“I don’t want a FAKE slave, all oh “Mistress So and So Beat me like a worm crap”. That fake bullshit makes me nauseous. No Nicky, what I want a real bonified slave. Someone who REALLY is here against his will and trapped intomy service and your foolish stunt has provided me with just that opportunity. The steel band around your balls are tied to the security system in the house, the one you never could find by the way, and I can zap you into a eunuch in about 45 second merely at the touch of a button. I assume that you understand what it means to your manhood if you try to escape, so I assume I won’t have any problems from you Now will I?”

Nicky quickly shook his head no indicating he would comply.

“It won’t be such a bad life for you as it is quite obvious you find me attractive” Gina laughed as it was now apparent that Nicky had a full on erection as she continued to run her silky toes up and down his exposed shake.

“And if you serve me well, I may even reward you with an opportunity to shoot your spunk out every couple of months or so” she cached noticing the horror in Nicky’s face as the words “couple of months” came out of her mouth.

“Each morning you will prepare my bath andmake my breakfast. Each afternoon you will clean my house and do my laundry. I am going to save a FORTUNE on servants! You won’t have much laundry to do for yourself since I burned all of your clothes. Each evening you will worship my body and keep me 100% fully satisfied if you know what is good for you. Think that is such a bad deal Nicky?”

As she explained the new setup to Nicky, she continued rubbing her gorgeous feet all over his stomach, penis and balls. He was going crazy by the feel of her silky feet on his flesh and he vigorously nodded his agreement. This was going to be a good gig, and she wouldn’t have any trouble from him as he was hooked.

“Good, I figured you would see it my way. Now, show me you understand by thanking my toes, which have obviously gotten you quite hard.”

As she lifted her foot up to his mouth, his head spinning in lust, Nicky closed his eyes and passwordately kissed them. His new life as her slave was just beginning.


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