As the week wore on, it became increasingly difficult to obey Master’s command that I not touch myself. It was amazing, as I had never had much deSire to masturbate before, suddenly I found myself constantly craving a touch between my legs. Briefly, I even considered making an appointment to see a doctor, hoping that he or she would touch me the way Mistress had, but somehow I knew that real exams were not quite like that. Surprisingly, it did not occur to me to disregard Master’s order, no matter how difficult I found restraint. I suppose it was this fact, more than anything else, that made me sure of my decision to accept their offer.
I spent most of my time packing up my apartment. I hadn’t been living alone long enough to collect much stuff, so it didn’t take long. I quit my job, but keep working until Friday so that I wouldn’t have too much spare time to just sit around and think; also if I stayed busy, I wouldn’t think so much about how I wasn’t allowed to touch myself in any way that might displease my Master and Mistress.
I did have to take an afternoon to shop for a dress. I did not have anything that I thought would meet the requirements set forth by my mistress. I felt naughty as I tried on the dresses, just knowing the reason I was there and imagining wearing one without anything beneath it.
On Friday night, I could hardly rest at all, I was so nervous About the next day. When I finally did fall asleep, it was only for a few hours. I was up early on Saturday morning, so I spent my time trying to make myself as beautiful as possible. I held my legs and my underarms and considered my public hair. Mistress had said that it had to go, so I spread shaving cream over my mound and started shaving it off. My inexperience hampered me, I had not thought to cut it shorter first and my safety razor was quickly clogged with coarse curls. Eventually, I was smooth. It had taken a long time to muddle through, but that was good; it gave me less timeto worry about the day ahead.
I put on makeup and dressed, then left my apartment. I was in the parking garage before I realized that I had put on panties and a bra without even thinking about it. Cursing myself for being so stupid, I looked around and, seeing nobody around, I slipped off my forbidden panties. I then unhooked my bra and pulled it out through a sleepe. I had not realized how much my maneuvering would raise my dress until I felt a cool breeze directly on my newly naked pussy. I shivered and tugged my skirt down to make sure I was covered. When I turned around, I saw one of my neighbors staring at me.
Mr. Swanson lived on a different floor. I rarely saw him, but whenever I did, he seemed to be leering at me. This time was no different. I could almost swear I saw drool forming at the corner of his sixty-year-old mouth; I knew then that I had flashed him and I was humiliated, although a tiny flicker of arousal also took root at the thought. He started moving toward me and I hurried for my car, leaving my undergarments in a pile on the garage floor.
It was 8:45 when I arrived at the home of my master and mistress. I sat in the car for a while, trying to calm my breathing, but eventually could not take it anymore and made my way up to the house.
I rang the doorbell with one of my trembling fingers, and it was opened promptly, as if someone had been waiting just on the other side.
“You’re early.” Mistress’s voice was disapproving. “What if we had been sleeping?”
Her query made no sense, they were expecting me in seven minutes. I opened my mouth to say as much, but then realized that her anger was a tactic, something to make me remember my place, so I only apologized and stood, silently on the porch, until she invited me inside a few minutes later.
Fortunately it was not cold out, but there was an early morning breeze and I could feel it every once in a while lifting my skirt a bit as I stood on the porch, being watched intently by Mistress. When I was allowed into the house, Master held his hand out expected and I placed my driver’s license and keys in it. He placed the items on a shelf without a word. It was inconveniently high, but not entirely inaccessible. I felt a small measure of relief at the idea that I was not to be held unwillingly as a prisoner.
“Undress.” Mistress commanded me. I had expected that directive and choose a knit dress without closings for exploration. In only a few seconds, I managed to remove it and was standing before my hosts naked, with my fists clenched at my sides to prevent me from giving in to my instincts and covering my body.
Both Master and Mistress starred at me for long moments. Just when I felt that I might scream with the anticipation of it all, Master finally spoke. “You quit your job?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“You gave up your apartment?”
“I gave notice, Sir, but I have three months left on my lease. I did not have the ready cash to payfor it in advance.”
“It will be taken care of, slut. Kneel.” I did so and he continued. “You will obey us in every way at all times. You will be punished both for correction and our pleasure. In exchange, we will keep you safe. You will not be permanently marked unless, in the case of something like a piercing or tattoo, you have vividly agreed to it.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“You may be loaned out to others or made to service guests in our home,” a chill ran through me, “but I promise that any partners you have at our command will be safe and disease free.”
I tried to thank him again, but I could not find my voice. He looked at me expectedly and eventually I managed to whisper words of gratitude.
“Your safe word is ‘chicken wings’.” He smiled at the reference to my former employee. You will not be punished for using the safe word, but there are consequences. The first time you use it, you will be set aside for one day; the second time, for one week; and the third time you use it, you will leave us forever. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir.” I was beginning to get overwhelmed and although I had used the bathroom just before I left, I felt the urgent need to pee again. I suppose I had a nervous bladder. I wanted to say something, but the intense looks on both the faces that loomed above, frightened me out of speaking out.
“At the conclusion of every week you spend with us, five hundred dollars will be deposited into your savings account. I will take care of the taxes so that you always receive the full amount. For legal purposes, your title is housekeeper, and you will be expected to perform some domestic duties as well as sexual ones”
“Yes, Sir.” He looked at me in silence and it seemed the rules were over.
Mistress then stepped forward. “Follow me to the basement.”
I rose to do so, and managed to find my voice. “May I use the restroom, please?”
Mistress did not respond, but moved towards the basementdoor, so I followed. Once we had reached the bottom of the stairs, she turned to me and spoke. “To prevent your body functions from being an inconvenience to us, you will be trained to a schedule.”
‘Trained,’ I thought to myself, ‘like a dog?’ I did not say as much because I realized that was exactly what she meant.
“You will be permitted to use the toilet now so that you do not make a message on our equipment, but over the next two weeks, your body will learn that you may move your bowels only in the morning and urinate then and once in the evening.”
It sounded crazy, surely my body couldn’t be made to adhere to her schedule. Still, I responded with the expected “yes, Ma’am.”
There was a bathroom in the corner of the enclosed but brightly lit room and she pointed me in its direction. I entered and moved to close the door, only to find there wasn’t one. I did not know how to phrase my question, but fortunately, Mistress anticipated it.
“You are allowed no privacy as our slave. While your waste disposal gives neither of us any pleasure to observe, you may not do it, nor anything else, behind a closed door.” I was a little appalled, but appreciated her frankness.
I sat on the toilet, feeling an intensity urge to void my bladder, but unable to make it respond to me while under the other woman’s gaze. Her stare became more intensity and disapproving as I tried to force myself to pee, relaxing in tiny increments as I reminded myself that at least Master was not there to see me. Finally the urine came, there was not much, but I felt great relief. It was as I was wiping myself clean that Master appeared. I flushed the toilet and stood to wash my hands, trying to ignore the obviousness of my nudity and the fact that I was being watched.
Once out in the main room, I was told to knee again. It was more uncomfortable here on the concrete floor than it had been upstairs on carpeting, but I pressed my lips shut; I knew I was not to complain.Master stepped forward and fastened something about my neck, it was not until he had buckled it that I realized what it was: a leather collar, like a dog would wear, complete with a D-ring for a leash. I supposed this was for the training Mistress had mentioned earlier.
“Thank you, Master.” I managed to croak. The collar was not so tight so as to restrict my breathing, but I could feel it acutely When I swallowed.
“Get on the exam table!” Mistress commanded.
I scrambled to do so, unsure of what other parts of me she could examine. Again, she locked my legs into place. I kept my arms at my sides, not covering any part of my body, which seemed to be acceptable as nobody made any move to restrain them.
Standing between my legs, Mistress grabbed one of my labia in each hand and pulled them apart, barking in laughter as she did so. “Doug, come check this out!”
I wondered what she saw. Could it be that she knew I was a bit aggressive with my loofah there last night, that I had found it felt good to wash in that area but had justified the small amount of self-touching by calling it cleanliness?
Master’s rougher fingerprints brushed between my lips and he laughed. “First time shaving your pussy, was it slut?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Well, you did a terrible job, you’ve got a whole line of hairs on each side here that was hidden by your fat cunt lips.” I cringed a bit at his coache language, which was strange because of the manner in which I had allowed him to touch me, carte blanche, with much embarrassment but no hesitation.
My throat went dry, I had displeased them already and I was less than an hour into my first day here. “I – I’m sorry, Master.”
“We’ll just have to take care of it for you, I guess.” I noticed then that Mistress was no longer standing beside him and heard some noises coming from the vague direction of the bathroom. There was silence for a bit as Master ran his hands over my body, raising goosebumps.
Eventually, Mistress came back into my view, carrying a small plastic tub, which she placed on a table near the bottom of the exam table. From it, she drew a wet washcloth, which she placed over my pussy. It was very hot against my sensitive skin and my involuntary reaction was to try to pull my pelvis away. Suddenly, there was an audible crack and pain in my left breast as Master slapped me.
“Be still!” He commanded. I bit back my cry of pain and mumbled an apology. When Mistress put the clothes back over my pussy the next time, I remained still. She pressed it between my pussy lips and the heat became more intense, reaching my clip. I tensed, it was both painful and arousing, like so much of what had been done to me by this couple.
Mistress removed the washcloth and tossed it into the tub, pulling out a can of shaving cream and a terrifying looking straight razor. I wanted so badly to move away, to close my legs and not let her anywhere near me with that thing, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t only that the straws on my legs physically restrained me, but also that I wanted to be here. I wanted so badly to please this woman whom I had met barely a week ago and her husband whom I had not known very much longer.
She spread the cream around my pussy, working it thoroughly between my lips where I had neglected to shake. Then, she handed the straight razor to her husband and stepped aside. As uncomfortable as I had been with a woman touching my pussy, I was even more so with a man and I had to close my eyes to keep from trying to pull away again.
I felt the rasp of the razor against some of my most sensitive parts and tried to calm myself with deep breaths, trying not to think about how shiny and sharp it looked. It did not take long before he finished there, but apparently he was not completely done.
Master unfasted my legs, then told me to turn over. I wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted, so I lay down on my belly, awkwardly letting my legs stickout off the end of the table. He scratched my ass sharply and had me get up on all fours, which I did as quickly as possible. Mistress came to stand beside me and held my ass cheats open. I was so embarrassed, I had to put my head down, folding my arms to do so. Consequently, my ass was raised further in the air, which seemed to please Master because he did not scold me for moving.
The next thing I felt was a hot washcloth in the crack of my ass. I could not believe he was going to shake me there, I hadn’t even realized I had hair in that area. I must have though, because next came the shaving cream. Finally, there was the frightening feeling of the straight razor scraping against my skin as Mistress continued to hold me open and exposed.
When Master had finished shaving me, he used a wet wipe to clean my entire pussy and ass Area, all the while lecturing me about hygiene and how I needed to make sure I was always clean and prepared for them. After he had finished, he helpedme down from the table so that I was standing before them, more naked than ever now that my public hair had been fully removed.
Mistress attached a leash to my collar, which I had nearly forgotten about during the whole shaving business, and led me to a comfortable-looking chair a few feet away. I prepared to sit down, but she yanked sharply at the leash and pointed to the square of carpet located in front of the chair. When I did not do as she wished right away, she grabbed my shoulder and pushed me down so that I was kneeling before it.
“Are you ready to begin serving your master?”
I responded yes, although I wondered what I had been doing up until now, if it was not that.
Master stepped around me and sat in the chair, he looked at me as if assessing my position, then opened his pants. His cock sprang out, unencumbered by briefs, already mostly hard.
I swallowed back a gasp of surprise. I knew what a penis looked like in theory, but had never actually encountered one in real life. Were they always this big? I wondered. I know what he wanted, where he planned to put it and I just knew it wouldn’t fit. Hadn’t just his finger felt so like too much inside me? I almost said as much, but controlled myself, I knew that I had not been granted permission to speak.
Mistress, still holding me by the supposed, pushed me forward until Master’s penis hit me in the nose. Against all my consciousness inclinations, I could not help but recoil slightly at the contact.. Master did not speak, but used his large hand to grap my jaw, pulling it open. Then, he shoved his cock inside my mouth.
I immediately gagged, unable to take the large and sudden intrusion. The next thing I knew, my mouth was empty, and Mistress was holding me upright by the hair while Master berated me.
“You stupid slut! Did I tell you to bite me?”
I was not aware that I had done so, but Master was living, so I must have. He continued to hurl insults in my directionas he fumbled about for something beside the chair. Suddenly, there was a pain on the side of my left breast. I looked up to see Master holding a riding crop. He hit my right breast, then the left again as I cried out in pain. Several strokes later, he put down the implementation of torture and grabbed my chin in his hand, tilting my head up to look at him.
“Listen, slut, you will learn like any other pet. You did something wrong and were corrected. Do you understand what you did wrong?”
“I – I bit you, Sir.”
“Yes, you used your teeth on me, which you are not to do. Cover your teeth with your lips.” I did so and he patted my cheek. “That’s a good girl. This first time won’t be much more than a face fucking, but you’ll learn to please me. Do you want that?”
“Yes, Sir, very much.”
“Now, move your tongue around, if you can, and suck. That’s all you need to do for now.” He lined my mouth up again with his still hard cock. “Remember to always cover your teeth.”
I might have tried to say “Yes, Sir” again, but my mouth was full before I could even begin forming the words. He did not push his cock in too deeply at first and I was able to move my tongue against it a bit. Soon though, he began thrusting, grabbing two handsfuls of my hair to give himself leverage. I did my best to suck on his cock, but every time he thrust in, it felt like I couldn’t breathe and I panicked a little bit. After some time of thrusting, he stopped, leaving only a few inches in my mouth and loudly commanded me to suck.
I did as he said and was soon rewarded with an emission in my mouth. It was a strange feeling, I hadn’t experienced anything before to which it could be compared. The taste was strange; kind of bitter, a little earthy, but mostly salty.
When Master drew his softening cock from my mouth, I wanted very much to spit out what he had left in it, but he stopped me from doing so with a look and a word.
I knelt there, the taste permeating my tongue as I wondered what to do. Mistress gave me the answer.
They both watched me intently as the load in my mouth made its way down my throat and into my stomach.
“Now thank your master.”
‘Thank him for what?’ I wanted to ask, but thought better of it and did as she commanded.
Master responded by patting me on the head like a dog. He then tucked his soft cock, which was less frightening now, back into his pants and stood up. Mistress sat down in his place.
“Well slut, that was acceptable, if not good. You will learn, through plenty of practice, how to suck cock properly.”
“Thank you, Master.” I said again, thinking that was probably the best response.
Looking back to the chair before me, I saw that Mistress had hiked up her skirt and was bare beneath. She had no hair on her labia, but unlike me, she had a neatly trimmed triangle of hair at the top of her mound. I realized I was staring when I felt a tug on the leash that I realized Mistress was holding in one fist. “Now, you take care of me.”
I looked from her exposed pussy to her face, unsure of what she means. As I knelt there, confused, Mistress pulled one leg up over each arm of the chair, which caused her to open up, exposing to me her cliporis and vaginal opening. I inched forward, but did not know how to start.
She witnessed, as if impatient, and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me down so that my face was against her naked lips. “Kiss me.” She commanded, so I did so, pumping my lips and pressing kisses along her open slit.
“With your tongue!” She shouted, exasperated at what I assumed was my inability to read her mind. I opened my mouth and let my tongue touch her tenatively. The taste wasn’t bad. In fact, it was better than Master. I moved my tongue forward and found her opening. Nervously, I pushed it inside, It was so strange and counter-intuitive for me to be doing such a thing. I had never been attracted to women,I had never considered, before last week, that I might be in any way sexually attracted to one. Actually, I didn’t quite feel attracted to Mistress even now, it was something more, like a magnetic force I just couldn’t resist pulled me towards her.
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