Slave Spalding


Spalding Tyll walked home disconsolately, his knapsack hanging off his arm. It had now been 103 days since Mother had allowed him to masturbate, and it was hanging heavy on his young balls.

Spalding had asked his Mom to dominate him when he finished his first year of college, at age nineteen…

Yes and she’d put him in chatity…although he’d had a permissive youth, being a sub was better…sort of!

At school, the girls purchased past him; many of them were his good friends and gave him friendly hugs, which made Spal just crazy with lust.

He wasn’t grounded, after all, and he’d actually been on a few dates where there had been lots of necking in Dad’s 2005 Acura…

Oh, and when Jennifer had wanted to go further, Spal had of course had to demur.

Shit, he couldn’t remove his pants, right?

He couldn’t let the young people of Buttermilk Falls know that he was in a chatity belt.

Jennifer was a hottie, but she was also a powerful gossip, and that would ruin whatever “rep” Spal had, and all his lucky he’d gathered from being a point guard on the college basketball team.

Or for playing bass guitar in his band “The Animal Keepers”, from being tall and handsome, all that shit would be irrelevant!

But Mom was adamant.

She wasn’t going to let Spalding masturbate unless he did it in front of Whitney Ponds, the hot Cheerleader that Spal had all those pictures of…

Right, the girl he would NEVER have a chance in hell of going out with…but he’d always lost after.

And all this because Spal had had the nervous to try and break into his chatity belt with a bobby pin, because he was so desperate to masturbate.

It wasn’t like he had a chance in hell—the damn belt was really secure, but Mom was so insulted that Spal would even try…

“I am so disappointed in you, Spalding” she’d said grimly.

Mother had made Spal strip naked and she’d bound him over a hassock and whipped his buttocks with her wooden spoon and then the lead tipped flogger that she used on Dad.

Spal’s sister Maisie had watched with amused contempt, and then when Mother’s arm had gotten tired, Maisie had taken over and used the flogger until Spal had been weeping bitter tears.

Maisie was a beautiful girl—she had rich russet curls and full breasts under her snug pink cashmere sweater…

But Masie was a bitch on wheels, and many times Spal had had to bribe her with his allowance and the money he made mowing laws to keep her from telling the kids at school about the way their family “operated”.

Maisie was his twin sister, but she had a later bedtime and no curfew…and he’d never seen HER naked, but he was routinely striped for discipline and punishment, had been his whole life, and she’d seen it all!

She’d seen it when Mother dressed Spal in a pink dress and high heels and made him parade with a parasol in front of the house after she’d found his computer porn, inhis sophomore year in college.

and Masie had seen it w he Mother had used a stick-on dildo on Spal, to cure him of “attitude problems”.

And Maisie had found it hilarian that Spal was so horny. After 103 days of not getting to jerk his dick—nearly four months! She was always tantalizing him by walking around in tiny little tops and short-shorts, and sometimes she’d climb on his lap and kiss His neck when he was trying to do homework or program his mp3 player.

It was absolutely hell. And Spal knew that he would only get a brief jack-off period, even if he did agree to humiliate himself in front of Whitney, it would only be a brief spurt.

Yes, and then Mother would probably go back to the old rule—that Spal could next jack off when he got his quarterly report card, and showed up at least a B average!

This had spurred Spal to take summer courses—while his friends were surfing and getting drunk on Buttermilk Beach, Spal was in class—just so he could jerk off in September, instead of waiting for the November report card!

One of Spal’s buddies, Nick had pointed out that Spal now had more than enough credits to graduate early, and get away from his strict family, but the truth was, Spalding loved his Mom, and loved Maisie as well. He was planning actually to attend Buttermilk State, and live at home.

“You don’t have to, dear” Mother had told Spalding. “I’ll give you your keys if you really want to go off to college, but I’m going to supervise you as long as you live here at home.” She had been pleased when Spal had told her that he really wanted to live with her…he had been locked up in chatity since seventh grade, and didn’t know what he’d do if he had unlimited orgasms!

One orgasm every academic quarter, usually jerking off in front of the laughing Maisie (who did give him occasionally tit-flashes) and Mother…

he’d actually probably not jerked off more than thirty times since Mother began training him for3er he’d begged her to, when he turned 19.

She’d just ignored his latest report card, which had been very good, and told him,

“You lost your chance to onanize dear, when you violent my trust by attempting to break into your belt.

You can only masturbate now if you do it in front of the Ponds girl.”

And Maisie had thought this was HILARIOUS.

She constantly teased poor Spal about it, coming in his room and laughing.

“What’s Whitney going to do when she sees what a pathetic little perv you are, Spal?

She’s gonna tell the whole school about it…you’ll be in the Friend Zone, if that, for every girl at Buttermilk Falls High!”

Maisie was so cruel too—just last night she’d sneaked into Spal’s room wearing Only a little T-shirt, no bra, and panties.

She’d ordered Spal to take off his clothes, and she’d tied his hands to the bedposts.

Then she’d taken the chatity belt key, which she’d filched from Mother’s keyring, and she’d unlocked Spal’s belt.

Masie then played with his penis, running her long purple nails up and down his stiff dick for an hour and a half.

This wasn’t Maisie’s first visit—she’d done this a number of times…

Mother probably knew about it, and didn’t mind, because after all, Maisie didn’t let Spalding cum! She just teased him, and sat on his chest, and then would pull back and rub her little crotch up and down over Spal’s stiff, suffering cock…

Oh, he was so young, and so full of semen, and SHE KNEW IT!

“It must be hard…get it?” Maisie had said as she rubbed her little panty covered crotch against Spal’s throbbing erection.

“I know you just want to fuck me, your little sister, and isn’t that forbidden…forbidden by the Church?”

Maisie was a Virtue Girl, in the choir at the Buttermilk Falls Salvation Temple…they had a virginity mission!

Then Maisie had lay down next to Spal and just casually rubbed his hard penis and whispered in his ear.

“What ahard life it’s been for you, Spal—I’ve watched while Mother gave you cold shows, and paid you by tying a pink ribbon to your dick and made you walk around with a book on your head so you’d learn to be a lady…

Yup, just so you’d give up your testosterone drive password…but does it work, no…”

“Please, Maisie, can’t you just let me jerk off? Mom will never know.” Spal had pleaded with her, but his little sister had just laughed in his face as she’d continued to stroke his desperately bloated penis.

“How much would you give me, Spal?” Maisie asked, as one of her adorable russet curls fell over her shoulder. Spal looked at her nipples coming through the tight Hannah Montana T-shirt she was using as a nightie.

Spalding rolled his eyes.

“I’ll give you twenty-five bucks, okay? I don’t have a lot, but I’ve been working part time at the Quik-Mart, saving for a new electric guitar…I can give you twenty-five, I think.”

Maisie had laughed. “No no…that’s not enough. And you have more money than that. Uncle Howard gave you your Christmas money late, and I know Dad has been slipping you money, because he feels bad about your chatity…one slave to another…

Yup, you want to cum, you’d better give me more money.”

So finally Spal had confessed that he had about one hundred fifty dollars hidden in his sock drawer, and Maisie had taken it and tucked it in her panties…

Yes, and then she’d called down the hall,

“Mother, Spalding is trying to bribe me to let him cum! He got me to take off his chatity belt and I feel so guilty!”

Maisie had given Spalding a wicked smile, and Mother had come into the room, and took a wire coat hanger out of Spalding’s closet.

“You just can’t Keep your filthy mind off your penis’s satisfaction can you?” Mother had asked, with gritted teeth.

SMACK! TWACK! WHACK! The coat hanger had come down quite painfully on Spal’s thick cock until it was bleeding and tiny. The Mother had spun Spal over and whipped his ass with her trusty lead-tipped flogger until he was sobbing in his pillow.

Mother and Maisie had derided Spal for being a “crybaby” before he’d been locked back up again…he was still covered with welts the next day…

Dad was in trouble for something else, and that morning the two of them had been forced to eat out of dog dishes while croouching naked while the rest of the family, fully clothed, had sat at the table.

Now Spalding crossed the street to his house, and he saw Darrell Plunkett posting a letter in the mailbox.

He recognized Mr. Plunkett from his ChasteBois support group and indeed, he’d mowed the guy’s lawn.

“Hey Mr. Plunkett, how’s it going?”

Spalding asked in a friendly voice. Darrell looked up and grinned.

“How’s it going, Spalding? You missed the last Chastebois meeting.”

Darrell lowered his voice when he said this, although the streets in their suburban neighborhood were deserted.

“Yeah, we had an away game, and didn’t get back on the bus until seven Sunday night. Hey, it’s none of my business, but how did it go with your secretary?”

Spalding was a little afraid to ask this out in the public, but he had to know, as he had a relevant problem.

“I ended up doing as I was told!” Darrell said, smiling.

“I really feel better now, and I have a new friend with my secretary. She has keys to my belt, and we sometimes have a few sessions over lunch hour.

Matter of fact, Thelma is currently indoctriining her own boyfriend in our little lifestyle.”

Spalding surprised.

“I’m still holding out, but I don’t know how much longer I can. I think I’d die if Whitney Ponds, the cheerleader found out that I was a naked slave boy at home…

But you know, I love my mom and I know she knows what’s best for me, and I’m like, dying to pound my pud, Mr. Plunkett.”

Darrell smiled.

“I know. It’s hard to do the right thing, Spalding. But remember, your parents love you and know what’s best. And you love them…

I remember you telling the group that you’re going to stay here to go to school because you realize that your mother’s chatity training and her physical discipline is good for you. And that’s important. You’re a very mature young man.”

“So are you saying I SHOULD masturbate in front of Whitney?” Spal said, confused. “I don’t get what you think I should do.”

Darrell smiled as he turned away.

“You’re a smart kid, Spalding. I can’t tell you what you should do. I know that the decision I made to expose my submissive status to my work inferior did me a lot of good as a slave male. I love my wife and I’ll do anything she asks of me.

I hope you can make the decision on your own.”

Then Darrell stopped and smiled. “But you are twenty years old, Spalding. If you like, I’ll take you down to Buttermilk Falls Hardware and we’ll buy a bolt cutter and cut the belt off. I’m sureYour parents would understand if you want a different life.

If you’re afraid of your mother’s retribution, I’ll even help you get an apartment and you can screw girls night and day, but is that really what you want?”

Spalding looked terrified. “No no…Although I get tempted, I’d never want to rebel to that extent.

My folks, except around chatity and Discipline are really great people, and I know Mother has my best interests at heart. I think I’d better just do what she wants.”

Darrell Plunkett grinned as he watched the boy walk off. That’s a kid with a good head on his shoulders!


“So you’re excited about your birthday?” Maisie Tyll asked as she stroked her brother’s cock.

Spalding and Maisie had a nightly ritual—they’d watch TV together, and she’d tease Spal’s dick as he sat next to her, but just during commercials.

Then, of course while they were watching “American Idol” and the commercial wasn’t on, he was totally focused on her putting her nasty little hand on his dick again.

Spalding was so out of it, man.

His twenty-third birthday should have been a time of great celebration—you’re an adult, and all that good shit.

But in his family, life was a little different.

Spal had grown up watching his dad obeying Mom like a robot…and when he didn’t, like when she found out he was participating in a Fantasy Baseball League at work (there was no hope of going to games with his office mates) Mom thrashed Dad until he was howling like a stick pig!

His twenty-five year old brother, Searcy was trapped in a crib with a top upstairs, in diamonds, as Mother had caught him texting a girl she didn’t approve of.

Potter, the oldest was locked in a chatity belt even though he was hot shit at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.

Really…Pots had won the Bronze Star, the Service Medal and two Purple Hearts, but his greatest reward had been coming home to Mother, who’d allowed him tojerk off as soon as he’d stripped off his cammies…Mother’s hero boy!

Boswell, next oldest, lived with his dominant wife in Bethesda, Maryland, which was quite near the air force base, and Boz’s wife held the key for Potter’s chatity belt!

Perkins, Spal’s younger brother by a year was a counselor at Boy Scout Camp, but finding a way to bathe in a nearby creek so the other guys didn’t see HIS belt,

Yes, and Treadway, was being punished by Mom for some youthful rebellion.

He’d becomes a drummer in the local band “Mthadone Maintenance” and inadvertently set fire to a hotel room by having to wear dresses and work at Natasha’s Armoire, a teen girls clothing store at Buttermilk Falls Mall, three days a week.

24-year-old Tread had to wear very heavy makeup and minidresses, and help girls he knew from school (who blessedly didn’t recognize him, and thought “she” went to school out of town) buy clothes.

“Trianne” got to keep all the money “She” made fromThis part-time job, but looked wildly across the mall floor at where the boys got to work at guy places like Radio Shack and the Sunglass Hut.

Tread’s worst day was when one of “her” male customers began stalking “her” and when the guy showed up at the house, Mother threatened “Trianne” with a cattle prod.

Yes, and so Tread had to go out with the guy a couple of times and let him cum in “her” mouth and in “her” ass, keeping “her” panties on in front so the guy wouldn’t see “her” dick!

Mather, who was just graduating high school had also raised Mother’s ire, and she’d assigned him a “summer job” sucking off degenerates for ten-spots at the truck stop between Buttermilk Parkway and Highway 66.

As for other siblings, Spalding’s oldest sister Fawn, a law student at Buttermilk U. Law Center, was guaranteed straight A’s by her Comparative Corporate Governance professor, who Fawn regularly took over her knee and whipped during “office hours”.

Tania, the artistic sister had a sculptor boyfriend in chatty lockdown in Santa Clara, California…

Yes, it was a very committed femdom family.

Spalding realized that twenty-two marked three years since he’d been put in chatity. He’d gotten glimpses of Dad’s chatty belt…

Yes, he’d asked Pops, “Daddy, why do you never use the urinal in public rest rooms?” And Dad shamefully had revealed the secret to Spal when he was about nineteen…and then a week later, Mother locked him up!

She’d smiled about it, but it was a cruel smile, as she’d taken him through the Junior Belts at the PainCafe’s Dungeonpolis Gift Shop.

“You’ve been spending a lot of time in Ian Zama’s tree house, darling.

You aren’t smoking marijuana quite yet, but I know the other attention for boys your age…nasty magazines, right?”

Spalding had nodded, what could he do?

What Mom didn’t know was Ian also had porn movies on his laptop, no cord needed, up there in the tree house.

He’d cried bitterly when Mom tried out the different belts on him in the changing room…

“Don’t worry, dear. I’m not going to put one on that punishes your erections…you can have all you want.

Daddy’s of course is too small to let him get excited, but I understand a growing boy’s needs.

But this way, you can concentrate more on school and sports, which seems to have slacked off a bit.

You’ve also gotten a bit of a mouth on you, which comes with adolescent rebellion, but as you can imagine, I’m not much in favor of that.”

It was true…

Spalding had endured, along with his brothers, extensive corporate punishment as well as “clothing restrictions” being made to wander the house naked when they’d behaved badly, but Spalding had no idea that Potter Junior, Boswell, and Searcy had been locked in chatity belts in college.

But it made sense. They were drug free boys, very respectful to Mom (though not Dad) and although they dated and had normal tenage social lives, his brothers had always been home by eleven…even when they were visiting on term break from college!

Spalding’s sisters on the other hand had raised hell, been in and out of rehab, and sometimes had boys in their bedrooms…his parents were very easy going about that sort of thing, for the girls.

He’d never seen his sisters naked, but they’d seen it all…

And Spalding had to admit, being in chatity had done him good.

He’d lost interest in the dirty magazines, and the disturbing circle-jerks his male friends were into in the tree house.

This means iningenuity in finding places to show alone at the school gym or when he was traveling with the basketball team.

He had been an ace point guard for the Embezzlers, a team undefeated), and he couldn’t go skinny dipping with his friends on Senior Skip Day…so he decided to go to class…alone.

Mother had intimated that if Spalding did well in college , at least a 3.8 average, thathe’d get to be unlocked on report card day.

Yes and this kept his nose in the books.

She also gave him a nice half hour without the belt when Spal got his Eagle Scout, and when he got the Richard Berendzen Physics Medal his junior year of university…and for three years for getting the Buttermilk County Christian Athlete Award…and also when he won Golden Gloves.

Spalding had gotten a report with the girls he took out as a gentleman…

Yes, one who loved necking and “feeling up” but stopped before home base, even when girls begged him, in the back seat of his Dad’s 2005 Acura. “I respect you” he’d tell them lamely.

There was a time where his reputation was in dire jeopardy…

Mom had caught Spalding attempting to break into his chatity belt on his junior year in college, and she’d told him that he couldn’t jerk off no matter what his grades were that reporting period, and that he’d only be able to, if he wanked his willy in front of Whitney Ponds, his big crush at school.

Spalding had been cutely unhappy about this, but he’d gone through with it, and miraculously, Whitney, though repelled by the humiliated Spalding, had said nothing to the kids at school. It had been a miracle!

Now he was about to graduate from college with a double major in American History and Management Information Systems, and his future was bright.


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