Slave Shorts: Broken

There is a difference between breaking household/office slaves, and heavy usage slaves. The difference stems from the type of the male used. Household/office slaves tend to snap earlier. They tend to be level one slaves and are not as physically imposing or have that aggressive or masculine, macho mindset. Having said that, the training is different after the initial breaking.

Level one slaves tend to be ‘broken’ within the first day of slavery. The initial enslavement in the court room and the first part of processing is usually enough for them to begin to crumble. Most slaves visit the brothers at that point and often stay for a few nights. That breaks them further. Then they will be taken to slave training facilities to learn the basics of looking after the free population. That can take months.

Regarding level two and three slaves they tend to best be used for heavy duty as a rule. Some slaves are used as urinals in both public and private sectors in which they willbegin their job with immediate effect, other slaves are morphed into pets or sexual objects such as fresh lights and again they take no training.

Pony slaves are the opposite to household/office slaves. They tend to take a little more breaking and less training before they are ready for the road. This is because they tend to have more defiant natures. Level one slaves by nature are sweet little pretty boys at the Very least. Level two and three are protestors to slavery, sexual predators, thieves. These are slaves that have been defiant to the world.

My name is Lewis Walker. I am the Head Stable Master at the Pony stables at Manfred’s Farm. I have about twenty slave hands under me and couple of specialised breakers. It is my job to manage the running of the stables here. To train the ponies in their initial posts of pony slaves. It is my job to recognize the talent of the slaves. It is also my job to recognize who needs to be sent for further breaking down.

We have aSpecialised team that break slaves further if required but usually what happens to them in the first day or so breaks most quickly. The enslavement laws are designed that way. The process begins with a no-holds-barred striping in the courthouse, if not beforehand upon initial arrest by the slave police. The slave is then taken to a facility within the courthouse where they are taken to a small 2×2 square room with three solid brick walls and a plexiglass wall that faces a public viewing gallery. Several cells are lined up next to one another, the slaves cannot hear one another through the walls.

The slave is attended by two staff appointed by the courthouse dressed in protective rubber gear and wear full gas masks. Their identities are never revealed to the slaves, or to the public. These attendants douse the slave in a chemical that permanently Removes all body hair from the jaw down with no hope of regrowth ever. All the noses and crannies of a slave are doubled in this chemistryl, from their pits to their taint and hole, and on and around their cock and balls, right down to their fingertips and toes, there is not a hair left on their body once this chemical take effect.

This chemical is applied to the slave before they are forcibly sat in a cold metal chair with a large hole under their arses. Restraints are placed around wrists, ankles, chest, and legs as the chemical gets to work soaking into the skin.

The slave is then given a number one held crop of any hair on their head. The next part is messy, so a bucket is placed under the slave’s arse, and a tube strapped around the slave’s chin that finishes at the bucket under them. An attendant injects the slave with a medicine that will make them violently sick from both ends. The slave is left restrained to the chair as they empty everything out of their system from both ends to the bucket below them.

Once the attendant believe they have finished, they are given several enemies. This degrading and humiliating act of emptying oneself is watched by anyone who wishes to view the process via the public viewing galleries on the other side of the plexiglass wall.

These acts of emptying oneself in front of the public, and the two attendants tend to break the weakest of slave minds very quickly as they realize there is no escape, if there was, they would never have their dignity back no matter what.

Once the slaves have finished Their cleaning out from both ends, the attendants leave the cells with the waste buckets and tubing to be distributed of in a waste facility beneath the courthouse. The slaves are then sprayed with icy water from a sprinkler above them that sprays the room. The chemical they have been doubled in, as well as their hair, is washed off to the drains beneath the metal chair. The attendants return and later that day the slave is then marched Through the streets naked and hairless and empty, not knowing what will happen next.

The slaves on Manfred’s Farm usually come straight here and not start at the brothers. This is simply because we break them sexually here too. Of because we own them outright and not wards of court, like most companies who specialise in training deal with. Part of our stables are open to the public and people come from all over to fuck our ponies constantly.

Recently we had a slave come to us directly from the courts. Its former name was Edward. Its former father was a politician, and it was enslaved for protesting, along with about forty other students. It was a star athlete fresh-faced and new to the world as an adult.

So our talent scouts that sit at the courthouses waiting for prized slaves flagged him as one when visiting the local courthouses, it was brought here within hours. I remember the look on its face when it walked into the stables Here. Seeing all the other slaves, hundreds of them. All setting down for the night. I know by the look of its face, the way his body was shaking that it would be fully compliant within a day and half, with our breaking methods. I also knew that it could get to the speeds we require it to be able to be with another five ponies pulling a four-seater carriage. I also had an idea that it would make a good high speed rickshaw pony too, eventually.

I was proven right that it would not take much breaking when the boy’s bladder burst twice on its first night After witnessing a few incidents. When looking for my boss who had been fucking a slave boy close by it, I noticed that it was shaking and in tears. It had been forced to clean the estate owners cock off. It was sobbing. I whipped him with a stiff cane to teach it to be seen not heard. I find it amusing now watching it hum and push its arse back onto Manfred’s enormous cock. The slave formally known as Edward is a cock-whore.

The following day it was placed at the front of a six pony with a cart moving supplies through the estate. It had no choice but move fast and obey. Bythe end of the day, it had become compliant. At the end of the week, it had become good enough to place on a four-pony cart with the same weight. It had become compliant, even to the extent of pushing itself without the aid of Overseers and whips.

It would become a good pony in no time at all and would be allowed in public shortly without much breaking.

Some slaves are different, some slaves do not settle straight away and need attention. Only a week ago I had an incident with two new slaves. You could tell they were defiant. I also pride myself on my choice of staff. However, occasionally I, like everyone else, is disappointed in my staff. One boy stood out. I know Master Manfred reported on more than one occasion that he was not up to scratch. Not doing his job properly and laughing inappropriately at him fucking slaves. Not being on time and forgetting to do things.

How difficult is it to tie two new slaves up to a trap? You ensure that you have all the locks you rEquire on your work belt, and you take them into the courtyard and begin to work. He had been to training college too. He knew the rules. What I understand is that he forget to fetch the locks from storage. He returned and they were running across the field towards the forest. The rest was a mess, as we do not normally have this issue. We were not prepared to capture runaways. It took two days to catch them. We almost had to declare them bolted, but the two slaves were captured within the legal timeframe. Slaves must be reported escaped to the slave police within 56 hours of fleeing. Manfred ordered the slaves to be punished and then sent to our very own twins to break them fully. He also sent a detriment of property claim to the courts. More about that another day.

Whilst waiting for their true punishment to be assigned somewhere within the stables I decided it was only appropriate to assign them to our public toilets within the part of the stables that is open to the public. Our toilets are different to others that you may have been aware of for human urinals.

The setup is similar, although the toilets are a very modern design, none of that Victorian era lavish design crap. Although the drainage is set up through their chattity cages, we keep up with the times here at Manfred’s Farm. The slave is chained behind glass to concrete walls. Their arseholes are pushed down on a round metal ball. A comparable size to a golf ball. The ball is charged to allow an electric shock throughout the body if the slave moves too much, or is not obedient to basic rules. Its tits are heavily ringed and chained above the urinal, as our urinals are more open and have only a small glass front rather than a full-length glass window. A Freeman can pull on the chains or lean over and spit on the slave. The urinal trough has a sensor that if it becomes too full the slave will receive an electric shock. The pipe that leads to the slave’s mouth does not connect in the same way asthe other Victorian era style urinals. The slave must keep its lips around the piping and volunteer sip down the man piss. The pipe is more static and the slave as to work at it. Again because of sensors if they do not obey the slave will receive an electric shock. The more mistakes they allow to happen the greater the shock will become. After a while, typically a few days, the slave becomes more responsive. Eventually they comply more. It is ideal for non-compliant slaves like this.

In the meantime, preparations are made for their punishment.

It is important that this is done Infront of as many slaves as possible, it sends a message to all slaves. There is an arena that will hold up to one thousand slaves. All slaves are chained on their hands and knees ready to watch the show. They look like bitches in heat with their heads facing forward and their legs spread a little so an Overseer could cane their balls if they are caught not watching.

After two or three days within the toilet environment both defiant slaves are cleaned completely, inside, and out. Whilst the other slaves looked on, they were whipped and could all night. Pissed on by all the staff and left until mid-day the following day.

Manfred, the owner of the estate watched from a stand in the arena. He invited majority of the industries staff as he was determined that this incident would not be repeated. He wanted his staff to be affected by it. He had invited the slave hand who fucked up and caused these events to sit at the side of him. Every so often Manfred would grope the boy’s body, despite him being a Freeman. It is nowadays seen as an act of disrespect; it is as though the person touching the other person viewed them as nothing more than a slave. Afterwards he informed the slave-hand that he was suspended for one week and then needed to report to him on his return. The stable hand was nervous but no real idea of ​​the state of his future.

You could see them begin to breakas they were led to the breaking sheds. Our best breakers the twins greeted them. Two evil looking Nordic devil gods. Both preferred dense wood canes. Usually, they have all their attention on one boy. Although the fact they were overworked breaking them it did not stop the screams being head in the main stables. Only two days later the slaves emerged ready to be trained and fearing the breaking shed again.

Pony boys are easily broken. Training takes a little longer.


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