Slave Shopping

Master William called me on the mobile he bought me the day before last while I was out shopping for a new outfit for one of our future play sessions.

He simply adored seeing me in black lace and just the sight of my firm and toned body presented to him in tight black lace would get him hard as nails in next to no time. However, my outfits never lasted long with Master William as he had a habit of tearing then to shreds over the course of a session; so I would spend more and more time searching for ever tighter outfits to please him.

The phone continued to ring as I searched in my bag for it. The phone was our version of a “vanilla” collar. We’d chose it together the day after our first session. Master William insisted we go out, as he wanted to show off his new slave to the world. This was despite the fact that I could barely walk I was so sore and I spent most of the trip with my arm wrapped around him leaning against his firm, muscle body for support. Only my Master had the phone number and no other; while I was expected to carry it with me at all times so that Master could command me whenever he so desired. It was an arrangement I was extremely happy with. No matter where I was I knew I was an owned slave and property of Master William.

I delved deeper into my bag; past the fresh panties and mini vibrator I now also carried with me to find the phone.

“Hello Master.” I whispered

I was stood in the middle of a large department store checking out a black Chinese halter-top but despite my delight at being my Master’s slave I still wasn’t quite ready for the whole world to know.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

“Hello Master, Sir.” I croaked trying to speak up, still worried about being overheard.

“Are you ashamed of me slave?”

“No Sir.”

“Are you ashamed of who you are?”

Again I replied “No Sir.”

“Then you’ll greet me in the proper manner next time or suffer the consequences”

With that Master William hung-up the phone.

My mood sank quicker than a lead balloon and I just stood there staring blankly at my phone, hoping it would ring again, but nothing. It was such a trivial matter and I just didn’t guess that I could fail my Master so easily but it was the little things that continued to elude me. I so desperately wanted to hear my Master’s voice again that I Nearly jumped out of my skin when the phone rang again just a few short minutes later. I wouldn’t fail again.

“Hello Master Sir!” I answered in the most confident and exuberant voice I could muster.

I quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard me but everyone seemed to be going about their daily business completely ignorant of me. I breathed a huge sight of relief.

“How is my horny little slave today?” inquired Master

“I’m just fine Sir, Thank you.”

“Just fine?” he grewled

I took a deep breath and replied, “My pussy aches for you Sir and my ass stillBears the marks from the last time we met”

“Go on.”

“If I close my eyes I can still feel the nipple clamps biting deep into my tender flesh. When you pulled on the chain joining them I thought I couldn’t endure the pain, but you knew better and the clamp you placed on my clip took me to a level I never thought possible”

“Good slave, very good”

I slowly opened my eyes to find my free hand had involuntarily worked its way between my legs and my pussy was beginning to moisten. Still nobody had noticed so I didn’t stop, couldn’t stop, wouldn’t stop now. Master William knew me better than anyone and only he could have aroused me so easily.


“Sir, yes Sir, what Sir” his order freed me from my desire

“Did I give you permission to pleasure yourself?”

His question was loud, brash and I’d obviously overstepped the mark once more

“No Sir. I truly am sorry Sir. Punish me for being a bad slave.”

I didn’t care who heard me now. I was property and here I was affirming it to the whole world.

“You wish me to punish you?” he said

Master sounded almost as if he was happy; like this was what he had been waiting for but I didn’t dare second-guess him

“I beg you to punish me for failing you Sir. I’m not worthy of being your slave and I beg with all my heart that you treat me harshly and without mercy”

A woman walked passed pushing a child in a pram as I spoke those words. She looked me straight in the eye with disgust and I felt myself go bright red. My shame was complete or so I thought now that the world really did know I was a slave. I felt my legs weaken and all I wanted was to curl up into a little ball right there and then to hide my shame but Master had other ideas.

“Go to the lingerie section and pick out a red Basque, panties and stockings. Take them to the men’s changing rooms then call me when you have then on” Master hung up the phone.

Wasn’t it enough that he had made meadmit my position as a slave in front of complete strangers in public without forcing me to do this too? I feel a shiver of pleasure run from my now soaking wet pussy and radiate all the way through my body as a trickle of my juices slowly worked its way down my thigh. My nipples had become puffy and engorged and my breathing shallow. The excitement of the unknown was really having an effect on me and once again Master William had proved how much better he knows my body than I know it myself. The first step was the hardest. I hadn’t realized how wet I’d become and I let out little moans as I made my way over to the lingerie section of the store and picked out the outfit Master had requested. That was the easy part.

With my heart racing I gingerly stepped across the store to the men’s changing rooms where a quite burly, middle aged man was watching the entrance, then watching me approach. He smiled as I looked up into his eyes and I felt another trickle of moisture run down my thgh. I held my legs as tightly together as I could then tried to speak but my mouth was so dry with nervousness no words came out. Luckily the man gave me a ticket and I rushed inside to a cubicle at the rear and quickly drew the curve.

I throw my chosen outfit to the floor, pressed my back against the wall and tore at the fasting to my skirt, fumbling with the zip as I raced to free myself. As quickly as it fell to the floor I’d pulled my panties to one side and as I was so wet quickly inserted two fingers deep inside me and had them rushing in and out of my hole like never before. My other hand tore at the fabric of my top in the way Master does when he wants me quickly naked and the smell of my sex permeated the entire cubicle, so much so that anyone close by would have discovered me.

I opened my eyes to check but only the image in the mirror of a half naked slut, furiously fingering herself greeted me. It was hypntic. I turned to face the mirror then lifted one legup onto the stool so I could get a better view of my shaken pussy lips poking out the side of my panties. I traced the outline of them in the mirror then brought my fingers up to my mouth to taste my own juices in a way I’d seen before in so many porn movies. I delved into my pussy once more then smelled the juices across my lips so I could savour the taste of myself.

For the first time I sought out my clip and almost came on the spot as my finger brushed across it. I lurched forward pressing my hand against the mirror and smearing it with my cunt juices when all of a sudden a strange man appeared through the curve, grinning, leering at me.

I was powerless to move. If this man was about to fuck me then there wasn’t a thing I could do to stop it and I watched in the mirror as he reached down to unzip his flies and reached in to pull out his cock. I panicked as fear combined with pleasure but I was so damm horny I wouldn’t have stopped him for all the tea in china or as Master would say “all the cum you can eat”.

He pulled out a thick seven-inch cock and as I was already bent over in front of him with my cunt juices pouring down my legs I was his for the taking. I had got myself into such a prediction I was about to let this complete stranger fuck me in any way he wanted.

As he positioned himself behind me the curtain swung open and the big burly guy who let me in appeared. I was totally dumbstruck now. Surely I wasn’t about to take two complete strangers.

Before I had a chance to do anything the guard grabbed the guy behind me who now had his cock poised at the entrance to my overflowing pussy and roughly throw him out of the cubicle as he hastily tried to get his cock back in his pants. I hadn’t moved during all this and I was still bent over with my pussy and asshole in full view watching the guard in the mirror as he took a step forward and roughly drew a thick finger through my pussy lips, scooping out my juices before savouring the taste in his mouth.

“Could you get dressed please miss” he ordered, “You have some explaining to do.”

Five minutes later, fully dressed, I stepped out of the cubicle to be met by the guard once more. I really didn’t know what to say to him so I just blurted out “thank you” and shrugged my shoulders. The guard took me by the wrist pulling me to the rear of the store and I meekly Followed. Once in the back he led me to an office door that had security written on it and again my heart sank. What was my Master going to say when he found out? I was his property and I’d just almost let two complete strangers fuck me.

The guard seeing my hesitation pointed to the door and accepting my fate I opened the door.

Imagine my surprise when as I stepped into the office, there sat in front of all the security monitors was Master William.

As he stood I ran to him, wrapping my arms around him and burying my head in his chest. I had never been so happy to see anyone in my entire life.

We embedded like this for minutes with his hand slowly struggling my hair. I never wanted it to end.

Finally we parted and Master William took out his wallet and handed the guard some notes, thanking him for his help. Turning to me he looked at me thoughtfully before suggesting….

“Seeing as your such a slut these days why don’t you give Frank here those panties you soaked without my permission. I’m sure he’ll find better use for them than you did”

Looking him in the eye I knew better than to disobey. Besides they were soaking and I was glad to remove them. I watched them both watch me as I stepped out of my panties before handing them over to Frank.

“While you’re at it gives him your fresh set as well. Sluts don’t wear panties and you’ll never wear any again without my express permission is that understand?”

“Yes Sir.” I obeyed without question and handed Frank the spa pair from my bag

“Thank you for looking after me” I said to Frank but strangely he just laughed at me, nodded to Master and left the room laughing to himself.

I turned to survey my Master’s strong features.

“On your knees.” He commanded and I obeyed

Standing before me he tugged at the belt of his trousers letting them fall to the floor and immediately his hard 8-inch cock sprung out. I needed no more invitation and wrapped my lips around his cock head sucking it between my lips and running my tongue across the slit. I wrapped one hand around his shake and the other I used to cares his balls, slowly working up a good rhythm. This was Master’s favourite way for me to suck his cock and over the month’s I had got plenty of practice.

I ran my tongue down from his cock head, down his shake to his balls, always keeping eye contact. Softly I placed first one ball then the other inside my mouth, licking around it, feeling it move inside my mouth and knowing now that he wasn’t far from Cumming I moved back to the head of his cock and deep thrown him sliding all the way down his length coating his cock in my saliva.

Master began to grunt and little twitches of his hips told me he was about to cum when suddenly he grabbed my head and forced the last couple of inches into my mouth. This was new and unexpected from him. I gagged at the pressure of his cock against my throat but still he pressed in and I felt the first of his cum shot not into my mouth but straight down my throat. He continued, oblivious, as he shot load after load of cum into my mouth and throat. I tried to push away but Master’s firm hands held me tight, filling me with his cum.

Finally when he released me I fell backwards cought and spluttering, trying to catch my breath.

“Get back on your knees.” Master William ordered which I did as quickly as I could.

He wiped his cock around my face covering me with his sticky cum then I used my mouth on him once more to clean the last from him.

“Don’t swallow that bitch. Holdit in until I tell you to swallow”

I nodded.

Within two minutes Master had pulled up his trousers and dragged me back out into the store and there I stood dishevelled, my pantieless pussy had creamed down my thigh’s and I had my master’s cum on my face and still in my mouth. If I wasn’t before this day I truly was now my Master’s slave and slut. Shocked faces gasped at the sight I presented them and I turned to my Master who looked down at me and smiled. He pressed his thumb to my chin opening my mouth and I stuck my cum covered tongue out to prove I hadn’t yet swallowed, drawing more gasps from those watching. Master smiled at me again as he bent down to kiss me and together we shared my release in one earth shattering kiss as my orgasm explored through my entire body.

Master William took me home and that night I was too receive my punishment.


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