Slave Sasha

Setting down her fork and delicately dabbing at her mouth with the linen napkin Sasha smiled at her date. Things weren’t going all that well and she had decided to go to the washroom and made a call to a friend to arrange an “emergency”. She was also going to have to eat some humble pie and after the meal she had just endured, sorry “shared” with her blind date she really wasn’t sure she could fit it in. Her friend had asked if she wanted a “safe call” at a certain time but Sasha had laughed off the offer. Why would she need one of those she had asked. Her friend, a vegetable of blind dates, had just shaken her head and told her to suit herself. The same friend Sasha was now about to call in order to escape from her date.

Excusing herself, Sasha rose from her chair and smiled briefly before making her way through the dining area to the ladies room. She looked around as she walked, admiring the style of the restaurant, noting that there were bouquets of flowers adorning every table along with the candles designed to create an intimate atmosphere. Sasha walked between the tables reflecting that, as she heard the low hum of muted conversation and soft classical music, this was exactly the kind of restaurant she most enjoyed, yet this evening was not one she was enjoying.

It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with her date per se. It was just that Lewis wasn’t Sasha’s type. She had always gone for tall, dark haired, slim built men who were at ease in suits. Men who were suave and sophisticated. Men who flattered with fancy words. Men who knew about wine. Men who took care of their appearance and knew the difference between dry and combination skin. Metro sexual men in short.

Lewis was handsome, in a rugged, outdoors way. He was tall, with short spiky blond hair and whilst he looked attractive in the dark suit he was wearing Sasha was certain it wasn’t his usual day to day attire. The conversation had been interesting enough, as they talked about current affairs and his love of football and hers of all things celebration. There had even been some light-hearted teasing as he accused her of being shallow when she became excited while telling him of her chance encounter with a B list actor and she had yawned teasingly as he outlined in great detail a play in the latest game. But this was going nowhere; Sasha knew that they didn’t have enough in common to allow a relationship. And whilst she enjoyed dating she was now at a time in her life when she was looking for something more than occasional dates.

Now, in the washroom, mirrors covering the wall in front of her, Sasha looked herself over critically. She wasn’t a raving beauty, she knew that. But she had a sexuality that oozed out, no matter what she wore. And she had chosen this simple, bias cut dress purposely to emphasise her feminine shape.

She had tried for years to tone it down. She recalled how when she was still in school, and had to read a poem in their family church, her mother had flushed with embarrassment when comments were made on Sasha’s appearance and sexuality rather than her reading. She remembered how her mother had scolded her about how she stood, how she looked out from under her thick, black eyeshes in what her mother had described as a “coquettish” way.

Sasha had been confused. She had been wearing her school uniform, and was the only girl she knew who didn’t roll the waistband of the navy skirt up to shorten the skirt. She had forgotten the skirt at the regulation length, just below her knee, so that only a single inch of her legs were visible above the long grey socks. Her skirt had been topped with the plain white shirt and school tie that was mandated. She had even been wearing the royal blue cardigan over her shirt so she knew that there was nothing wrong with her dress. And as to looking out from under her eyeshes, she had been nervous at standing before everyone to read!

But in response to her mother’s continuedpleas Sasha tried to tone down whatever it was everyone but she saw. She dressed in jeans and baggy sweaters for many years. She had watched longingly as her friends w fashionable little skirts and tight fitting tops, but to placate her mother she had remained covered up. Little did she know that her natural movements, olive skin and curtain of glossy black hair caused more heads to turn, more eyes to rove and more minds to wonder exactly what was under those loose fitting clothes than any revealing outfit would have attracted.

Sasha had matured earlier than most of her friends. She had achieved her full height of 5′ 5″ while in her early teens meaning she had at first towered over her schoolmates and then watched as they overtook her. She had also been teased by the boys in her class who found great pleasure in admiring her ripening breasts. To combat their interest, which grow in direct proportion to the size of her breasts, she had spent most of her days with her arms wrapped protectedly around her chest and her hair hanging loose around her face in an attempt to hide. She had tried to melt into the background, but failed miserably despite her best efforts.

That had been years before, now Sasha was 25 and lived in an apartment in the city, miles from her parents and her mother’s concerned criticisms. She was no longer the shy girl she once had been and now, with her hard earned Self confidence, Sasha dressed how she wanted. She no longer wore only black; instead she wore colours and styles to suit her sultry colouring and curvy figure. And when her parents visited, Sasha pulled out some of her dowdiest clothes and everyone was happy.

Sasha pulled her cute pink cell phone from her tiny beaded purse and hit speed dial. As she listened to the purring of the ringtone she looked back to the mirrors. She saw a pretty girl, 5′ 5″, with long black hair and deep brown eyes. Her eyesashes were long and luxurious. As she listened to the soft purring inHer ear she smiled as she recalled how a poetic date had once referred to them as “the wings of butterflies”. Becoming more impatient with ring Sasha tilted her head to hold the phone in place as she took a tube of lip gloss from her pursuit and smelled the shiny goo over her full lips.

She pouted at her reflection, she hated her nose. A cute, button nose her mother had called it, but Sasha hated it. It had always been one of the Reasons Sasha was mistaken for years younger than her actual age. And that had been another problem for her growing up. When she had become twenty one she had wanted to go out with her friends to celebrate. The group of friends had chosen a club and had spent several enjoyable hours styling their hair and applying their makeup before putting on dresses chosen to attract male admission. They had giggled and chattered their way through a bottle of champione before clambering into their taxi. The admiring glances from the driver during their journey causingMore giggles and posing.

They had arrived at the club and one by one Sasha’s friends had paid their entrance fee and sashayed past the leering doormen. Until Sasha. One of the doormen had stepped in front of her and demanded proof of age. She had been so embarrassed, her friends teasing her, causing her olive skin to flush. Even the overheard compliments from the doormen as they had finally allowed her to pass had not soothed her blushes. It had been a night to remember though, and Sasha smiled now as she recalled how they had laughed and danced the night away. Each one of them never sitting and never dancing with the same partner twice.

The click of the phone as her friend’s voice mail kicked in brought Sasha back to the present. Back to her current dilemma. She told as she listened to the message telling her that Tanya was “too busy having fun to talk right now”, looking up to smile unseeingly to the woman who was entering the room. She listened to the beeps, and thenleft a brief message asking Tanya to call her urgently, that she needed an excuse to leave and that if she ever heard Sasha mention the words “blind” and “date” together in the same sentence again, she was to immediately beat her over the head with the nearest blunt object.

Sasha closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she steeled herself to return to the table. Silently she gave a plea that Tanya would get the message and Call her soon, so she could politely excuse herself and anxious to her friend’s “aid”. She moved easily through the restaurant and sank gracefully into her chair. Lewis told her that in her absence he had ordered dessert and coffee. She smiled at him, singing internally as she thought he could have at least had the decrease to ask her what she would like before ordering. Another reason they were not compatible, Sasha thought.

The waitress silently appeared at their table and set a delicious looking consistency of chocolate and strawberries before Sasha anda slice of what appeared to be apple pie and ice cream before Lewis. “How did you know to choose this for me?” Sasha asked Lewis as she watched him scoop a huge bite of pie onto his fork.

He smiled and replied, before popping the fork into his mouth; “I saw you admiring it when the table over there ordered it” Sasha nodded as she lifted her fork to taste the dessert. Then her blood chilled as she heard a voice from the table beside them.

“Oh! Look Simon! Look! That is the woman I heard on the phone in the washroom! She was calling a friend to rescue her from ‘a date from hell’! That woman there in the black dress!” The woman’s voice carried clearly to the table at which Sasha and her ‘date from hell’ were seated. Her companion’s muted hushing of her drunken giggles did nothing to break the tension now in the air.

Sasha’s eyes widen and she flushed in shade. It was bad enough that she had, indeed, done as that accursed woman had proclaimed but to be discovered! Her head was down and she took a deep breath before lifting her eyes to Lewis’ face.

His eyes were glittering and there was a hardness in them that Sasha had not seen until this moment. There was also a grim set to his jaw which made Sasha’s heart pound.

“I…I…I’m sorry” she managed to get the words out.

“For your words? Or for being caught out?” His voice was no longer teasing but hard with a bitter edge.

Sasha looked directly into his eyes, even though all she wanted to do was run away, “For both actually.”

Lewis’ only response was to grunt noncommittally and to return to eating his pie. Sasha watched him chew, her appetite completely gone. She laid down her fork, the slight clatter of the metal against china making her jump slightly. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she thought She saw a smile flash briefly across Lewis’ face. Surely he couldn’t have smiled, she thought. What was there to smile about? She was ashamed of herself and her actions. She cleared herthroat softly, and taking a breath spoke quietly.

“Lewis, I know what I did was unforgiveable. I am ashamed of myself and I want you to know that I am very sorry. I don’t expect you to forgive me; I just want you to know that I am truly sorry.” Her dark eyes were shining now with unshed tears and she waited quietly, with her eyes fixed on Lewis, for his response.

There was none. He continued to eat his pie and, if anything, seemed to be enjoying it immensely. Sasha blinked, then clearing her throat once more, tried again.

“I am sorry. Really sorry. And this has been a big lesson for me. I will never do anything like that again.” Sasha knew as she spoke that she would, indeed, never make such a mistake. She was ashamed and had never felt so disgusted with herself.

Lewis lifted his eyes from his plate and stared at her for a full minute before speaking. “I believe you. I believe that you will never do anything like that again.” He dropped his eyes as he cleared the last of the pie from his plate, and then looked up at Sasha once more, “Are you going to eat that?” Mutely she shook her head and he reached across the table to lift her plate. She watched as he sparred a strawberry and held it to her lips. The juicy fruit brushed her lips and slide over the gloss she had applied just a few dreadful minutes earlier.

Silently she opened her mouth and felt Lewis slide the strawberry between her lips. She bit down and he withdraw the fork. He watched her contemplatively as she chewed, the juices of the berry bursting over her tongue.

“I don’t like that gunk on your lips. Take it off.” He sparred another berry and ate it as he watched her as though waiting. Sasha blinked several times, her mind whirling. He didn’t like that “gunk”? That “gunk” had cost her a fortune. And who did he think he was telling her to take it off? Then she blinked some more as she realized that she had just smelled her lip gloss over the linen napkin as she had involunirally obeyed him.

Lewis nodded once then pressed another berry to her lips. This time he held the stalk between his fingers, the fork discarded on the plate. Wide eyed Sasha opened her lips and bit down on the fruit, juice squirted down onto her chin and she started to bring her napkin to her mouth when she felt his hand stop hers. Eyes locked on each other Sasha sat immobile as she felt Lewis scoop the juice from her chin then watched as he sucked it from his finger.

She felt mesmerised. Just five minutes ago she was beginning her friend to rescue her and now she was sitting here while he finger fed her strawberries. What was going on Sasha asked herself.

Sasha tried to drop her gaze from his but found herself unable to. Lewis had a slow, lazy smile on his lips as he watched her. It was almost as though he knew how she felt, Sasha thought. Almost as though he knew she couldn’t move her eyes from his.

Once more a waitress appeared at their table, this time bearing coffee cups. Lewis smiled up at her and Sasha saw how the waitress reacted to his smile. And she felt a pang of jealousy. Jealousy? She must be out of her mind she decided, as she listened to Lewis cancel the coffee and hand a card to the waitress.

“Thank you,” Sasha began, “but I want to pay my share of the bill.” She paused, “It is only right, particularly after the way I have behaved.”

“I am paying for the meal.” Lewis stated, “But we can discuss you paying for future meals later if that is what you want.”

Sasha blinked again, ‘future meals’ she thought. What future meals? Surely after the way she behaved he would not want to see her again, and she had decided earlier she didn’t want to see him again.

“What future meals?” she asked, “Surely you don’t think we will be seeing each other again after this?” She moved her hands to indicate the table beside them where the woman who had spoken out was now talking about the difficulty she was having with the latestt nanny.

“But of course there will be future meals,” Lewis replied calmly and carefully as though talking to a child, “You will be hungry again, won’t you? So you will have to eat. And of course we will be seeing each other again. I plan on us seeing a lot more of each other in the future. I have quite a few plans for you actually Sasha.”

Sasha shivered as she heard him Say her name. It sounded so safe in his voice, the way he enunciated it, the way he emphasized the first syllable. It just sounded so good. And suddenly she realized that the thought of seeing him again sounded good too.

She smiled. “Yes, I will be hungry again, and yes, I would like to see you again. If you want to give me a second chance.”

Lewis looked slightly Surprised at her words, “But Sasha I have already told you that we will be seeing each other again.” He tilted his head slightly, “Give me that gloss you had on earlier.”

Sasha looked puzzled as she pulled the tube of gloss from her purse and handed it across the table to him. He took it and examined the tube for a moment before putting it down on the table. She reached across to lift it and his hand trapped her wrist. “No!” The single word spoke firmly and Sasha relaxed her arm in his grapp. He released her wrist and silently she drew her hand back. The tube sitting on the table untouched. He nodded once then told her it was time to leave as the waitress returned his card and he signed the slip of paper with a flourish.

Sasha rose from her chair and looked towards the tube of lip gloss sitting on the table. She wanted to reach out to lift it but at the same time she didn’t want to. Feeling confused and conflicted she felt Lewis place his hand on the small of her back as he came behind her and guide her towards the doorway. She looked up and him and saw his smile. “Good girl.”

Those two simple words filled Sasha with such a flood of overwhelming pleasure she wasn’t aware of anything until they wereoutside. The cool air of the night causing her to shiver slightly. The second she became aware of the shiver she was instantly enveloped in his coat as he dragged it over her shoulders. She smiled up at him and realized that she not only wanted to see him again, but needed to.

Lewis opened the passenger side door of his car, and as she started to protest that she could get a taxi he pressed firmly, yet gently, on her shoulder. Silently she gave in and sank into the leather seat of his car. It was a manual drive she noticed. A car for a man who liked to be in control at all times. That thought made her shiver once more, not this time from chill, but from a tingle of desire. What had started out as a disaster was rapidly becoming something Sasha wanted more of. She thought back over the evening and realized that the only reason she had wanted to end the date was Because she had thought it was a one date wonder. Now she contemplated it became a relationship. That thought made her smile and shiver again as delicious waves of excitement flowed over her.

Her reverie was disturbed by the sound of the driver’s door opening and Lewis sliding into the seat. He looked over at her, “Put on your seat belt Sasha. I want you to be safe.” He said as he reached over her body to grab the buckle. Sasha felt the heat of his body as he leant across, she smelt his aftershave, a musky, masculine scent, and most of all she felt his breath on her cheek. She turned towards him, their lips mere inches from each other. She wanted so much to lean forward and initiate a kiss but somehow she knew he would not approve. If there was to be a kiss, she realized, it would be at his discretion.

Lewis smiled at her. He knows what I am thinking, Sasha realized with a start. She shifted in her seat, embarrassed at being caught out twice tonight. She heard her seat belt click locked and turned to watch Lewis as he started the engine and confidently pulled out of the parking lot.

They did not speak, instead listened to a CD Lewis selected and slide into a slot in the console. His choice of music surprised her. Soft jazz wasn’t what she expected. She had never given him a chance she realized and she felt shame once more for her behavior. She opened her mouth to apologise once more and heard Lewis speak, “It’s over Sasha. Forget it but not the lesson.” She shut her mouth with an Almost audible snap as she pondered his words.

“Forget it but not the lesson”

What lesson? Sasha felt even more confused and shook her head slightly as she tried to figure it out. After what seemed to be only a few moments Sasha realized the car was pulling up. They were outside her apartment building and nervousness replaced the floods of confusion and excitement. Did she ask him to come up for coffee she thought. What would he think she means by it? And if she didn’t what would he think? She sat for a moment trying to decide what to do. Lewis’ voice broke the tension buildingin the atmosphere, “Ok I am dying for some coffee and since we didn’t have it in the restaurant why don’t you make it for me here?” Sasha smiled in both relief and pleasure.


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