Slave of Desire Ch. 02

Matilda was roaming the halls, looking for Casper when she suddenly found him, but wished she hadn’t. He was in his study, but there was someone else in there with him: a maid. She was naked, kneeing before him saying, “I’m yours master do what you want with me.” Matilda turned away with disgust and jealousy, it was clear they hadn’t seen her, and she just wanted to escape, but unfortunately she came face to face with another maid, Susan.

“Wow, you look terrible,” she said, “Oh, did you just walk in on your husband with Abigail? I’m surprised you didn’t know, but judging by the look on your face, I’m guessing you didn’t,” she said with a cruel laugh and started to walk away.

“Didn’t know what, that Casper was sleeping with Abigail?” she asked to the retreating maid.

“Yes, but not just Abigail, Casper fucks all of us. Well, not as much since you came around, but he always gives the new ones more attention, once he gets tired of you, he’ll come back to us,” she said, pretending like she didn’t care, starting to turn again.

“The new ones?” Matilda asked, still not understanding exactly what this Susan was telling her.

“You mean you don’t know? Casper’s not just your master; he’s all of ours. We were all new once, and he fucked us like crazy until he grew tired of us, just like he will grow tired of you, then you will be back to cleaning house. But don’t worry, he’ll still fuck you, but less often when he gets a new slave,” this time Matilda let her go when she turned to leave.

All this new information was spinning around in her head. All the maids here were once her, and she would one day be one of them. Now she understands their jealousy, it would be hell to be rejected by Casper, and she dreaded the day that would happen. Could she really stand by and watch as Casper trailses around with some new girl?

No, she loved him too much. The thought was surprising to her, but as soon as she thought it she knew it was true. She loved him with all her heart. She tried to think back to when she had first started loving him. Was it when he had first made love to her? Or when he had stayed up reading her mother’s book to her? Or when he had rescued her from the maids? When he had first made her strip in front of him? When he had taken her shoes? When he had first guided her up the walkway to her new home? Or was it when he had carried her out of her father’s house? Matilda felt as though she had loved him forever.

But he didn’t love her. He was only using her.

Matilda walked back to their room, the room they had shared, and knew she had to leave. She had to leave before he had a chance to reject her; she knew she wouldn’t be able to stand it.

She put on her coat, a beautiful one he had bought for her, and grabbed up her book. She knew he had a little bit of money in his room, and took it, knowing it wouldn’t be missed. She wanted to leave a note, but he still hadn’t yet taught her how to read and write. Oh well, he would figure out she had gone soon enough.

There was hardly anyone around, as usual, and she had no trouble singing out the back door. She borrowed a horse from the stable and hoped on, riding away as fast as she could, not really sure where to, though.


Meanwhile, Casper was in his study. He had walked in on Abigail, kneeing down offering herself to him. He had once fucked all the maids whenever and however he chose, and they were all too willing. But ever since Matilda came into his life, he hadn’t touched one of them. They no longer held any appeal to him once so ever. He only wanted Matilda.

And now this evening, with Abigail naked in front of him, he felt no desire at all, he had just made her get dressed and sent her away. Why was that, he wondered? He only wanted Matilda, but not just sexually. He wanted to spend all his time with her, and he thought about her constantly when he wasn’t with her. He wanted to make her happy and give her everything she wanted. He loved her. He loved her? But as he asked himself the question, he knew he did. He loved his sweet little Matilda, more than anything else in the world. But did she love him?

Casper, needing to know, went off in search of her. She wasn’t in their room, nor kitchen, nor library. “Matilda!” he went about the halls shouting, “Matilda!” but she didn’t answer.

He checked outside, and asked everyone he ran into if they had seen her, none had. Finally, he returned to their room, wondering where she could be. She wouldn’t leave the grounds without asking him. Then he saw it, or lack of it, rather. The nightstand, where her mother’s book had been in its place of honor since her first night in his room, was empty.

Still not wanting to believe it, he tore the room apart; it wasn’t there. He ran over to her old room and tore that one apart, but still no book. He knew she couldn’t be off reading it somewhere, she didn’t know how. He finally let thetruth sink in; she was gone. She had left him.

“Damn it,” he shouted, throwing a lamp across the room, watching as it shattered against the wall, then picking up the nightstand and throwing that too. Why? Why had she left him? Maybe something had happened. Maybe she was kidnapped. But he instantly cursed himself a fool as soon as the thought flew through his mind. Of course she wasn’t kidnapped, you pathetic idiot, her book is gone. She left you.

He had searched her out to find out if she loved him, and he guessed now he had his answer. No. Fine then, he thought, he didn’t need her. He had gotten along just fine without her before, let her leave.

No, he thought again. She was his god damn it! She belonged to him, and she wasn’t escaping that easy. Love or no love, she was his slave, and she would be his forever. He would find her and bring her back.

He set off to carry out his plan, and felt oddly comfortable. When he realized that she was gone, his world had crashe down around his ears, but now having decided that he would stop at nothing to get her back, he felt better knowing that he would have her in his arms once again.

Where to look first, though? Not her father’s house, she wouldn’t go right back there, too obvious. He decided to just go into town and ask around. None of the first dozen people he asked hadn’t seen her, and he was beginning to feel Discouraged, until he came upon a man who said he saw a girl riding alone, he didn’t know if it was the girl Casper was looking for, but she went into the Inn.

Of course, he thought, that had to be Matilda. He went into the Inn, and due to his reputation, had no trouble getting the owner to take him up to the young girl’s room. He saw her sleeping in bed, and felt a moment of relief that he had found her and she was OK.

He walked over to the bed and shook her awake. “What are you doing here?” she asked upon seeing him.

“Fetching a runaway slave. Or had you forgotten that I’m still your master? He said lifting her up out of bed and over his shoulder in a repeat of the way he had first taken her. He saw her book lying on the bed and shoved it into his pocket.

“Please, my book,” she said as he carried her out the door.

“You should have thought about that before you decided to run away,” he answered.

“No, please, Casper,” she said to him, but Casper felt nothing but rage. How dare she leaves him? he thought. How dare she not love him?

“That’s master to you,” he said and he slapped her butt, right there in front of the innkeeper. He carried her downstairs, and the curious innkeeper followed.

“So she’s your slave?” the innkeeper asked Casper, “A pretty little thing, ain’t she?”

“Yeah, but a real troublesome thing, too,” he said.

“Yeah, if you give her to me and the boys, we could beat the spirit out of her right nice for you,” he offered. Casper wanted to punish Matilda, and he knew how much she would suffer at being gang rapid. He also wanted to prove to himself that he could watch and not care.

So at the bottom of the stairs, right in front of the innkeeper and the few men that were still up drinking, he set Matilda down and tore her nightdress from her body. He loved the way she blushed and tried to cover herself.

“Whoo-eee, look at them nice ripe titles,” said a man from the small crowd, “take your arms away, sweetheart, so we can get a better view.”

Casper could feel Matilda shaking, but he just pulled her arms up and away from her body, leaving her exposed, and a cheer went up among the men.

“Yeah, I’d sure like to get my hands on those,” said another.

“Well, come on then,” Casper invited him, and the man popped up out of his seat and drunkenly dumped towards Matilda. Casper still held her arms, and the man had free reign to reach out and grab her breasts. He pinched them and bruised them, and Matilda screamed out in pain.

Casper did not like this other man touching Matilda one bit, but he knew that she was in pain and humiliated, and that’s what he wanted. He wanted her to suffer; she needed to be punished.

Now another man had stood up and pushed the first man out of his way, “My turn,” he said, grabbing her tender breasts. He squeezed her nipple and she cried out in pain again, her knees giving way. But Casper just pushed her arms to her sides and held her up.

“You like that don’t you baby?” the drunken man said as he continued to maul her. Then another man came up and started to feel her, too, then another and another, until everyman in the room was surrounding her, touching her breasts and pussy and ass. And Casper had stepped back let them have better access.

Matilda cried and cried, she didn’t know why Casper was doing this to her, she hadn’t even Thought that he would come after her. But there he had been, shaking her awake; she had been surprised but happy to see him. Maybe he did care, she thought, thatis until he started being so cruel to her.

Matilda felt trapped and vulnerable, naked and surrounded by all these strange men. They were touching her most intimate spots. She cried out as she felt a finger being pushed up her butt hole, then one being pushed into her vagina.

“No, stop please, stop,” she became crying. She didn’t like having these strange foreign fingers inside of her, helpless to do anything to stop it. She didn’t like having all these men see her naked, she didn’t like that Casper had put her here.

She felt more fingers at the entrance to her pussy, like the man was going to attempt to stick his whole fist up into her. She cried out and tried to get away, even though she knew it was useless. Then she let out a scream as she felt one man lean his face in and bite her nipple. Please, God, please, she Begged, get me out of here. More hands grabbing and mauling her tender flesh, and Matilda just sobbed, helpless.

Casper watched what was going on with more anger and pain and jealousy every second. As much as he wanted to punish Matilda, he was punishing himself just as badly, he heard her cry out in pain, and reached out and started pulling men off of her.

“Okay boys, that’s enough,” he said and he picked her up like a baby, and without so much as a glance back at the grumbling and swearing men, he left the Inn. In his carriage he sat down with her in his lap. Matilda was bawling her eyes out, and Casper hadn’t the heart to push her away. Oh God, what have I done? he thought. His poor little Matilda, she just cried and he kept on holding her, stroking her back.

“Shh,” he said, trying to comfort her, but she kept bawling. She cried all the way home, and Casper was starting to get worried about her, she was going to make herself sick.

“Come on, stop crying sweetheart. I’m so so sorry. Please stop crying baby,” he said. She continued to bawl. He lifted her up and carried her, crying, upstairs to their room. He satdown on the bed, still holding her in his arms, and took her book out of his pocket and placed it on her lap, but she still continued to cry. “Please, Matilda, I love you. Come on baby, you’re scaring me,” he became, never had he seen someone cry so much. But it finally seemed to do the trick, and she slowly quietly.

“You love me?” she asked when her tears stopped.

“Of course I love you. How can anyone not love you?” he asked her, holding her tight.

“If you love me,” she sniffled, “then why did you let all those men molest me?” tears started to flow again.

“God, because I’m a first class idiot. It was hurting me just as much as it was hurting you, but I wanted to see you paid for leaving me,” he said.

“But I only left you before you had a chance to get tired of me.”

“Get tired of you? What are you talking about?” he asked.

“I saw you with Abigail in your study. Then Susan told me how you did this with all the girls, and you would eventuallygrow tired of me and get someone new.”

“Those god damn maids, I should have gotten rid of them a long time ago,” he said, “Abigail offered herself to me, but I didn’t take her up on it, I could only find myself wanting a certain little red head I know,” he said and ruffled her hair.

“But what about what Susan said?” she asked.

“It’s true that I used to fuck the maids, but not since I met you. You’re different than the rest of them. When I make love to you, it’s something special, something deeper than just fucking. They mean nothing to me, but I love you.”

“Oh Casper, I love you too,” she said and kissed him, “That’s why I left, I loved you too much, and couldn’t bear to see you with someone else.” She wrapped her arms around him, just wanting to be held. And they hugged each other for a long while, basking in each other’s love.

Finally, Matilda pulled away slightly, but still sitting in his lap with her arms loosely drawn around his neck. “What happened to the room?” she asked, noticing the mess for the first time.

“I didn’t find your absence exactly agreeable, you could say.” Matilda smiled and hugged him again, “I love you,” she said.

“I love you, too,” he said back.


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