Slave of Desire Ch. 01

“Please sir, I don’t have the money,” Mr. Havely said shaking in his boots. He had done it again, gambled more than he could pay. And this was the worst man for it to happen with, too. His ruthlessness was well known to everyone.

“Well, what do you suppose we do about that?” Casper Jenkins asked, bored with the man’s pleading and begging, he just wanted to collect his money and go home.

“Please, I can get you the money. Just give me a little time,” Mr. Havely begged, he didn’t want to be in debt to this man, but it was the only way.

“And what if I don’t feel like waiting? I think I shall just take the price out of your flesh now,” came the cold-hearted response. And Mr. Havely knew that he would, too, and there was no chance of fighting back with Casper Jenkins’s henchmen around.

“Please sir, I’ll do anything. What do you want?” Mr. Havely was desperate now.

“You have nothing that I want,” Casper said, realizing that he wasn’t going to get his money, and curious what this man would offer to save himself.

“There must be something,” Mr. Havely said, then paused, presumably to think, “I have a very beautiful daughter,” he said at last, “and she would gladly do anything to save her father, even allow you to sample her charms.” Casper couldn’t believe the depths this man would sink to, making his daughter pay for his debt.

“Yes, I’ll take your daughter,” Casper said, and Mr. Havely breathed a sight of relief, “But not just for a night, I want her forever. You will give up all rights to her and she will be mine,” he finished.

“That’s not what I mean,” Mr. Havely said, now just realizing what an asset his daughter could be in these situations and not wanting to lose her just yet.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did You have something to say?” Casper asked. Mr. Havely shut up and shook his head. Oh well, at least he got out of this one. “Now take me to your daughter.”

Mr. Havely got up and they walked the short distance from the saloon to his small, run down house. Casper followed Mr. Havely upstairs, into a tiny, musty room, with a leaky room and a distinct chill. He saw the girl sleep on the wound, patched covers. My god, he thought, he had certainly got his money’s worth with this one. She was beautiful with that alabaster skin and curly red hair, but couldn’t be much older than eighteen or nineteen, barely a woman.

“Matilda,” he heard Mr. Havely say, and the girl popped up instantly.

“Yes poppa?” she said before seeing the rest of the men in the room. He watched her eyes grow big as she looked around, and she drew her covers up under her chin. “What’s going on?”

“I need you to go with this man here,” Mr. Havely said, gesturing to Casper.

“What do you mean? I don’t want to go with him.” Casper watched as the girl slowly started to panic. “Please, I want to stay here,” she said desperately.

“Pack up your things, you’re mine now,” Casper said by way of explanation.

“No, I’m not. I belong to no one,” she said getting up and attempting to run for the door, but Casper reached out and grabbed her. She struggled in his arms, “Let me go!” but it was to no avail.

“You have one minute to collect what you want,” Casper said.

“No, no,” Matilda muttered, sinking away from him. “What’s going on, poppa?” she addressed her father. “Why are these men trying to Take me?” But her father just looked away from her and didn’t answer.

Coward, Casper thought. Matilda just stood there, looking about the room, as if she could read an explanation from their faces.

“Minute is up,” Casper said, grabbing for Matilda. Her hand snaked out and grabbed up a small book sitting on her nightstand. She hugged it tightly to her chest as Casper lifted her up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried her outside to his waiting carriage.

Neither of them said anything on the ride to his home, Matilda was still trying to wrap her head around what was going on, but her eyes widened as she saw the massive size of his house.

“Welcome to your new home,” he said as he hoped out of the carriage, helping her down. He gently guided her up the walk to the house with a hand on the small of her back.

“We will get started with your duties tomorrow. You must be tired tonight,” he said, leading her upstairs. “This will be your room,” he opened a door, showing her a wonderfully ornate room, with a big lush bed and decorated chairs and furniture. He pushed her inside, and she was in aw of what was happening. Maybe this wasn’t so bad, she thought, until she heard the door lock behind her.

After carefully placing her book on the nightstand, she climbed into the big, comfortable bed. But despite the comfort, she found she had trouble falling asleep. What were her duties going to be tomorrow?


The next morning, Matilda awoke later than usual. She saw a complete outfit lying on the end of the bed, and she put it on. Itwas nothing too exceptional, but it was still finer than anything she had ever forgotten.

After dressing, she walked to the door, and was surprised to find it open. She walked outside, and came face to face with Casper.

“I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced,” he said, “I’m Casper Jenkins, but you will call me master, and I already know you are Matilda Havely, but I shall call you slave, and you shall respond to such,” he said in such a polite tone, completely contradicting to the words coming out of his mouth.

Matilda didn’t say anything and he continued, “You’re duties will be to wash the floors and windows, dust the rooms and just make sure that everything in general is in tip top shape,” despite his scary words of wanting to call her slave, he only wanted her to be a housekeeper. Matilda breathed a sight of relief, this would be no different than home, the only thing was the house was bigger and nicer. She could be his housekeeper no problem. “If you are good atYour job, you can keep it,” he ended, but Matilda was not too worried about that.

She spent the rest of the day learning the ropes from one of the maids. And was dusting a shelf, when she accidentally knocked over two vases. She stared down at them in horror, and bent to pick up the pieces when she heard him.

“Oh look what you’ve done now,” Matilda was scared of what he would do to her for breaking the vases, but “Give me your shoes,” was all he said. Matilda just stared at him dumbly, “I want both shoes, one for each vase you broke,” he explained. He was taking her shoes to punish her? It was the weirdest thing she ever heard, but not so bad as punishments go. Matilda then simply slipped off her shoes and placed them in his out stretched hands. “Be careful around those shards, and get back to work,” he said leaving the room.

Matilda cleaned up the vases and finished that day with no more trouble. The next day she expected to have her shoes returned, but they were not, so she went about her duties in her stockinged feet. At the end of the day, she saw Casper again.

“Just look at your feet,” he said looking down. And when Matilda did, she saw that her stockings had gotten dirty from walking around in just them all day.

“You can’t keep your clothes if you don’t take care of them, give me your stockings,” he said holding out his hand.

“But the only reason they got dirty is because you took my shoes from me,” she said.

“When I tell you to do something, you do it without question, do you understand?” he said in a stern voice.

Matilda felt helpless against him, “Yes sir,” she said.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, master,” she corrected, letting the word slip out of her lips for the first time Since she’d been there, hating the sound of it, knowing that it showed his ownership of her.

“Good, now hand them over,” he said once again. Matilda had to hike up her dress to undo her garters to let her stockings down, and she avoided his gaze, feeling ashamed at being put in this position. She rolled her stockings down and handed them to him. He walked away without a word.

The next day, once again, neither her stockings nor her shoes had been given back to her. Matilda felt ridiculous working in her bare feet, and it was painful when she had to go outside to fetch water. Although the size of the house, he had very few servants working inside, and her chores were vast and varied.

On the way back inside with a bucket of water, she accidentally tripped, letting about half the bucket’s contents slosh over the side. And as Casper seemed to only appear when she made mistakes, he was there to witness this one. “Tsk, tsk, it seems that you can’t stop messing things up, give me your garters,” he said calmly.

“What?” Matilda couldn’t believe he was asking for her garters.

“Give me your garters,” he repeated.

“But why?” she asked.

“I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet, when youmake a mistake, I take an article of your clothes as compensation. Now hand them over.”

“But, but,” Matilda sputtered, “I’m not wearing garters.”

“Well why ever not?” he asked with a grin, knowing very well why she wasn’t wearing them.

“It would be pointless without stockings,” she answered.

“Oh well, I suppose you’re right. I guess I just need to take something else, your dress then.” Matilda stared at him, horrified. She knew he planned to take her dress and not return it, make her work in just her under things.

“No,” Matilda said.

“My slave, I believed we discussed this. Do I need to punish you for disobeying?” he asked. Matilda shook her head and slowly took off her dress, and like he had done before, he left without a word, and Matilda finished her chores.

The next day, Matilda was sure to wear all the clothes she had, and didn’t expect to see him till towards the end of the day like she had before, but today he was there in the morning.

“Good morning slave,” he said cheerfully, and outright laughed when he saw the garter ribbons hanging down her legs, “I was not happy last night, slave, when I went to put logs in my fire, I found that there were none. I believe that it is one of you duties to replace the wood for the fire, and I’m afraid that I will have to take your hoops for that.” Matilda sent but removed her hoops and Handed them over to him without a word.

“I also regret to inform you that the hall windows are completely filtered. It’s like you didn’t even attempt to clean them, and for that I need your stays.” Matilda took off her stays and handed them over to him as well, wondering when he would stop, and blushed to think that he wouldn’t until she was completely naked. She wouldn’t allow that though, she would just Make sure that everything was perfect, and not give him a reason to continue taking her clothes.

He stared at her for a moment, in just the thin shift she wore, then left the room.Matilda worked like crazy, she cleaned everything to the best of her ability and then more, and at the end of the day she was exhausted.

“Matilda,” her heart stopped as she heard his voice. “Everything looks very nice today,” and she breathed a sight of relief, “but,” Matilda cringed at the tiny word, and thought she might just start crying right there. I asked you to sort out my mail, and it is not done.

Matilda could not believe she had forgotten this one duty. “Give me your shift,” he said. Matilda’s entire body started to shake at his words. She would be completely exposed without her shift on. “Did you hear me?” he asked. Matilda couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her face.

“Please, I’ll go do it right now,” she said.

“No, it’s too late, and you must be punished for your thoughtlessness,” he said holding out his hand. Matilda knew that there was nothing she could say, and her fingers shook as she reached up to remove her shift. She paused for a long moment then forced herself to pull it up over her head.

Casper saw her legs first, then her sweet little patch of fur was exposed to his eyes, then finally her small little peach colored breasts, tipped with rosebud nipples. Her entire body seemed to be consumed up in a blush. He felt his cock harden at her naked body, and how embarrassed she was.

Matilda had worked so hard to keep this shift, but now she Found herself placing it in his hand. She was completely humiliated at having this man see what no other man had seen before. She felt cold, and she attempted to cover her nakedness with her arms, and he just smiled. “Matilda, you are not turning out to be a very good housekeeper. Many more mistakes, and I think that I might just have to find a new position for you,” he said and laughed, leaving the room.


The next morning Matilda stayed in bed. She attempted to get up and go to work, but found that she could not leave the room, naked as she was. She only gotas far as the door handle before crawling back into bed.

Suddenly the door opened, “Matilda,” she heard Casper’s voice, “What are you doing still in bed? Are you sick?” Matilda, thinking that he was giving her an out, nodded. Casper walked over to the bed and put his hand on her forehead, feeling for a temperature.

“I don’t think you are sick, I think you just don’t want to work today. And for sleeping in late, and lying to me, you will have to be punished. Now come,” he said, but Matilda didn’t move. “Come Matilda, if you disobey, your punishment will only be worse.”

Matilda reluctantly uncovered herself and got out of bed. “Now, knee down over the bed, that’s good, don’t move,” he said and left the room. Matilda stayed there, humiliated with her but hanging in the air for what felt like forever then until she heard him come back.

He came and stood behind her, and she wondered what her punishment would be, until she felt the sting of a whip on her bare bottom”Ahhh,” she couldn’t hold back her scream of surprise. The whip came again and again. He stopped after what Matilda counted as ten lashes.

“Have you had enough Matilda, or do you need more?”

“I’ve had enough,” she managed to stammer out.

“Good, then put on your clothes and get back to work.” Matilda put on the only thing she had left to wear, her garters. As she left the room, a small crowd of maids giggled and gawked at her nakedness. She hated the fact that they were fully clothed, yet she was naked and exposed. And when she turned to leave, they only laughed harder at her bare bottom, with the red welts from her whipping on it.

She worked cleaning the house, going into rooms she knew would be empty. She felt ridiculous and exposed in just her garters, working as a maid.

Later in the day, Casper walked into the library where she was cleaning. He stared at her nakedness, her little round butt and heaving breast, Matilda refused to meet his eye. He walkd around inspecting her work, and ran his finger over various shelves, until he stopped at one. “Slave, come here,” he said. Matilda walked over to him, she couldn’t keep a blush from her face, “What is this?” he asked showing her his finger, so Matilda could see the little bit of dust on it.

“Dust, Master,” she said looking down.

“I need your garters for this slave,” he said looking down at her. Matilda took off her garters and handed them to him, she was now completely naked. She was utterly humiliated, but she felt something else too, something that she was too afraid to explore deeper.

“Now go outside and fetch me some wood,” he said. Matilda couldn’t believe his cruelty. Outside was where all the men worked, and she would be fully exposed to their gazes.

“I can’t go outside Master, please,” she begged.

“Don’t disobey me,” he said. Matilda felt tears run down her cheeks as she walked to the back door. She took a deep breath before opening it and goingoutside. She kept her eyes on the ground, but she could feel the stars on her body. She walked over to the woodpile and picked some up, the rough bark scratching the naked flesh of her stomach and arms as she carried it inside.

“Now take it to my study,” he said and he followed her there. She placed the wood down and turned to face him.

“Very good slave,” he said. Matilda was surprised by the gentleness in his voice, she had gotten used to hear nothing but his sharp, halted commands. He reached out and softly caresed her cheek, before turning abruptly and leaving the room.

Matilda was continuing her work when she heard some of the maids gossiping, the very maids that had laughed at her that morning. “I don’t know why the master is so infatuated with her, she’s not that pretty,” one was saying.

“Yeah, and she could lose some weight,” another said, “I mean, no one wants to see a heifer walking around naked all the time.” Matilda didn’t let their words bothher, she sumised that they were just jealous, but for the life of her couldn’t figure out why. She just ignored them and kept on working, when she felt a sharp slap on her already abused posterior.

“Hey,” she turned around to face one of the maids, who had obviously slapped her. But as soon as she turned, she felt another sharp slap on her butt, from another maid who was standing behind her.

“So, you think you can come in here and take all the master’s time,” one said.

“No, I don’t even want to be here,” Matilda tried to explain, but the maids just circled her. Matilda didn’t know what to do, she was one to six, naked to clothed. Two of the maids suddenly tackled her and throw her to the floor, holding her arms.

“Grab her legs,” one said, and Matilda felt Each of her ankles being held and dragged apart. She realized that they could see her wide spread vagina, and feel a blush spread across her cheeses.

One of the maids that was not holding her down, rammeda finger up between her legs, causing Matilda to jerk and try to break free. “Oh my ladies, it seems that we have a virgin,” she announced to the group, which inspired a spurt of giggles.

“I think we can fix that,” said the other one not holding her down, as she grabbed up a broom. The maids laughed and cheered.

This caused Matilda to increase her struggles, but to no avail. “Let me go,” she screamed, but the maids continued to hold her. She was crying and screaming as the one with the broom positioned the handle at the opening of her vagina.

“Don’t worry, we are just trying to help you, Master hates virgins,” she said.

“Drop that this instant!” came a shout from the doorway, and Matilda never thought that she could be so glad to hear Casper’s voice. The maids instantly let go of Matilda, but still she couldn’t stop her crying.

“Don’t be mad Master, we were just having a little fun,” the one said.

“Shut up,” Casper said in response, “I’ll deal withyou later.” He then reached down and picked up the crying Matilda into his arms. She didn’t struggle against him, but felt oddly comfortable to be held by him. He didn’t say anything as he carried her down to her bedroom.

“It seems that you have made some enemies,” he said when he finally reached her room and was placing her in bed. Matilda’s crying had stopped by now, and she just glared at him with tear-stained cheeses.

“Come, go to sleep,” he said tucking her in. He then surprised her when he made no move to leave; he just sat down next to her on the edge of the bed.

“I’m not tired,” she said petulantly, which made him laugh.

“Then why don’t you read for a little while?” he said, picking up her book from the edge of the nightstand, but no sooner had he picked it up, then she grabbed it out of his hand and hugged it to her chest.

He chuckled, thinking the picture of her sitting there hugging a book incredibly endearing. “I don’t know how to read,” she saidavoiding his gaze.

“You don’t know how to read, yet you carry that book around with you?”

“Yes, it was my mother’s favorite book. She used to read it to me when I was little, before she died.” Casper could tell by the way she said it that she had loved her mother very much.


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