The gate is closed and locked behind them. In front of them is a courtyard with cobblestone, surrounded by high walls, and some buildings. On one side she can see some kind of half open spaces in the wall. They are closed with bars instead of regular doors and look like small prison cells.
In the middle of the courtyard she can see a woman sitting behind a long table. There are five baskets on the table, filled with Some kind of yellow clothes and something else, it might be sandals. She can’t really tell from here.
Her chain gang stops not far from the table. The woman in front is released from the four other slaves and led by her neck chain to the table. She is a chubby lady, not very tall, with light brown skin and black, curly hair, probably some years older than herself, most likely around 40.
Two of the men from the Committee start inspecting the woman. They report their findings to the strict looking lady behind the table with a large book in front of her, obviously some kind of protocol. She must be some kind of official. Her long, jet black hair is gathered in a bun and she wears a white blouse with many buttons. The lady also wears a long, black skirt and high heeled black shoes can be seen beneath the table.
The men keep on inspecting the woman and comment on every mark or blemish they see on her skin. The lady behind the table makes notes. Then one of the men grabs the woman’s jaw and opens her mouth as if she were a horse. Both men look into her mouth and check her teeth and fillings. Finally, they inspect her head, hair and scalp thoroughly. After the inspection, the lady hands her the content of one of the baskets. It’s a yellow clothes, a large, wooden ring and a pair of leather sandals with leather straps. Then she is led by some slaves dressed in grey into a building adjacent to the courtyard.
Now the man right in front of her is released from her and the others and led up to the table. He is a tall, skinny man with dark hair and lots of dark body hair. To her he looks French and probably a little younger than herself. He is also inspected thoroughly by the two men, and the lady behind the table takes notes of their comments. They seem to be very engaged in the man’s body hair, and the lady does not seem happy. After the inspection, the man is given the same items as the woman before him, and then he is taken into the building as well.
Now it’s her turn! The chain connecting her to the two others is removed and she is led to the table.
The lady behind the table is looking at her over the top of her glasses while the two men start examining her body. One of them grabs both her breasts and comments to the lady that they are heavier than they look. She can feel her face burning with shame. The other man squeezes her ass hard with both hands. She startles and barely manages not to scream. The man laughs and makes a remark to the lady about her ass being even firmer than her breasts. The men also both comment on her very fair skin.
Suddenly one of the men grabs her jaw and forces her mouth open. She had seen this coming and had been quite nervous about them checking her mouth and teeth, because two of her molars have been removed. As expected, the two men make many remarks about her missing teeth, and the lady leaves the table and walks up to her in order to look for herself. The lady looks into her mouth and is apparently not happy, but she doesn’t say anything, just returns to her seat and goes on taking notes.
After that, they start examining her long, blond hair and her scalp. She is glad she has no problems with dandruff. Then they quickly examine the rest of her body without many comments, so hopefully they couldn’t find any more flaws.
Finally they are done with her and she is given the long, yellow clothes, sandals and that strange looking wooden ring. She still hasn’t figured out what it is for, but she is blind to find out sooner or later.
Alady and a man from the Committee lead her into the building where the other new slaves – or candidates, as they are called – entered earlier.
Behind her she can hear the second man, who is a dark, mature man with thin hair, being released from the last candidate, who is a young woman in her twentyties with short, dyed red hair, and he is led up to the table.
She is taken into a building which seems to be a kind of bath house. She can see some kind of old fashioned looking tubs filled with water, and there is a row of shows on one side. The air is hot and damp.
She can see several slaves who obviously work as cleaners in the bath house. They all wear the same kind of clothes she has been given, but theirs is grey. Now she finally understands what the large wooden ring is for: the clothes is drawn though the ring and the ring holds the clothes in place. The slaves in grey also wear a metal collar, just like herself, but these slaves don’t wear wrist- or ankle cuffs. They also all have very short hair, both men and women.
The lady from the Committee pulls at her chain and leads her into another room. The “furniture” in the room makes her gasp. It’s a gynecological chair. Her chain and cuffs are removed, but not her collar. She is placed on the chair and her legs are spread and locked into the leg rests with leather straps. Then her arms are forced behind her head and locked to the headrest. A lamp, which resembles a dentist’s lamp, is drawn down towards her abdomen.
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