Slave is Exposed Pt. 01


“Look Barbara, it is time you learned how to make a man useful in your life. These so called men you have been dating for years now are never going to provide proper satisfaction,” stated Laura.

“I know, I know, but I never seem to be able to hang on to the good ones, you know the ones who can provide a decent life for me,” lamented Barbara. “How long has your new lover being living with you anyways?”

“Almost six months now, dear, and he is finally able to please me properly, does the all the house chores, laundry, etc. You need to come and meet him. What about this Friday evening after work?”

“Alright, I do need to meet this guy and see if he is really as domesticated as you claim!” chuckled Barbara. “Pick me up at the bank where I work around 6 if that is OK.”

With a big smile Laura replied, “That would be great. And maybe you should bring an overnight bag with you as you might want to spend the weekend once you meet him.”

And with that, the two longtime friends left their lunch date and went back to work places.

On arrival home, as Laura entered the house she found David in his proper place, on his knees in the front hallway, stark naked save for his heavy leather neck collar, wrist and ankles cuffs and of course his ever present chatity device. And of course he was holding her glass of wine. Without bothering to even acknowledge him, Laura took the wine and went to relax in her favorite chair in the living room. David went into the kitchen to prepare her dinner.

As Laura started to think of the fun she hoped to have in a couple of days with her longtime friend (and occasional lover!) her pussy started to feel moist and she slipped a couple of fingers under her panties and began to stroke her outer lips and her clip which was starting to swell rapidly. Realizing she wanted a good orgasm, she yanked her panties off and hollered “Slave, get your ass in here now!”

As her slave entered the room, he saw her sitting there with her skirt raised around her waist, her panties dangling from her finger and her legs spread wide over the arms of the chair. He immediately dropped to his knees and crawled across the hardwood floor until he was between her knees.

“Now eat me good slave, I want a good hard orgasm and I want it NOW!” barked his mistress. And grabbing him by his ears, she drove his face into her pussy and ground against his face good and hard, making it difficult for him to breathe. But being the well trained slave he had become in the last few months, he licked and sucked her clip until his glorious Mistress had a powerful orgasm, drinking his face with her juice. But she continued to hold his face tight to her pussy so he continued to eat her until she rewarded him with second drenching. Finally she released him and pushed him back on his haunches. Slave David sat there waiting to be prayed for delivering exactly what she wanted, but all he heard was, “That was satisfactory, now get your sorry ass back in the kitchen and finish dinner before I decided to whip your ass raw!”

Smiling to herself, Laura thought she would hardly be able to wait until Friday evening. If her slave only had a clue about what she was about to do to him, he would worry himself sick all week!

Friday Morning

As slave was dressing his Mistress after her breakfast, she looked down at him and with that sadistic grin of hers announced that she felt she had been easy up on him way too much and that tonight would be the night she would ratchet up his slave training! Mistress Laura described how blistering his ass every morning when she awoke, forcing him to swallow her golden nectar at all times, having his mouth washed out quite often and the 24/7 chatity she had made him endure were just the Beginning of what she expected him to endure for her pleasure.

As she was leaving, she again looked down at him kneeing by the front door, and spoke, Slave, tonight will be a start to showing you what real slavery is all about. Now don’t get all worked up today worrying about what I might to do to my little bank vice-president. Just be grateful that nobody other than me knows about your slavery. Imagine what your co-workers would think seeing you kneeing naked every evening just waiting for me to abuse you for my pleasure!”

As his Mistress left, slave David felt somehow reassured as he knew his Mistress understand his need for total secret about his position under Her. His career could be ruined in the banking world if other people knew what perversions he was involved with outside of work.

Friday Evening

Laura picked up Barbara at 6 p.m. as planned and as they traveled the 30 minutes to Laura’s house, Laura explained that Barbara was likely to see things she had not seen before, but Laura asked her to keep an open mind, and to go with the flow and enjoy another new experience as they had often done before. Although a littlenervous, Barbara agreed that she was up for whatever Laura had in mind!

As they walked up to the front door, Laura leaned over to whisper in Barbara’s ear, “Allow me to introduce you to my new house slave.” And so saying swung the door open to expose slave David on his knees, stark naked and holding a glass of wine for his beloved Mistress.

“Oh my God, Laura, he is naked and on his knees! Is he like every night when you come home” excerpted Barbara.

“Of course dear, if he is not in his proper place he is given a serious ass blistering” Laura calmly explained.

Looking at her slave, she noticed that he was trembling and in danger of spilling the wine. Being exposed like this was extremely embarrassing for him and Laura thought his face was turning a beautiful shade of red. She finally took the wine glass as she really didn’t him to drop it and have it break. But then she encouraged her friend to more closely examine her newest slave.

“Look at him Barbara, he is petrified that you are seeing him like this. I have never let anyone see him as the lowly slave he really is before. Feel free to check him out, he knows better than to disobey me, don’t you slave?”

Without looking up, the slave tried to answer, ” Y-y-y-ya- yes Mistress.”

Barbara broke into peals of laughter, “This is great Laura! I have heard about men like him but I never thought they actually existed. So he is really a slave to you and not a lover?” queried Barbara.

Laura, beaming with joy at her friend’s acceptance of her slave, replied “Of course he is a total slave. But a lover, that is hardly his place! However, he is extremely talented with his tongue and can bring me to orgasm repeatedly whenever and wherever I demand such service. Now slave, my friend is here to enjoy herself and you will obey any command she gives you just like it came from me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress” was the meek reply from her slave.

“Good. Now we are going toadjourn to the living room. Bring us each a glass of wine, slave, and be quick about it or I will spank your ass!” boomed his Mistress.

As the slave curried off to the kitchen, Laura and Barbara sat next to each other on the couch and shared a nice long kiss. And then another. Soon Laura and Barbara were hugging and kissing like lovers who had been apart too long. As they pulled apart, the slave entered the room crawling on his knees with a tray containing two glasses of wine and some snacks.

Looking perplexed, Barbara inquired “Does he always crawl around instead of walking?”

Laura just smiled and replied “Whenever he is in the room with me, he knows enough to be respectful and remain on his knees. After he leaves the room I am in he is allowed to stand to do his chores more efficiently.”

“Wow I am impressed. He appears so well trained and so intent on pleasure you. Maybe I can learn some lessons from you on the proper way to treat men!” With that, the two ladies broke into more laughter and slave David’s face seemed to get even more red.

So noticed, Laura looked right at him, “Stand up slave, show Mistress Barbara your body and your uniform!”

Looking terrified, the slave started pleading, “Please Mistress, no, I am so embarrassed already. Please I don’t want to be shown off like some animal”

Laura stood and said, “I will be right back Mistress Barbara. I am going to show you what happens when he fails to comply immediately!”

As she left the room, Barbara looked at the slave and saw that he was trembling again. “Guess you are in trouble now aren’t you slave?”

A one word answer was all the slave seemed capable of delivering. “Yes.”

Just as he uttering his single word response, his Mistress strode back into the room carrying a heavy wooden paddle and a razor strip that, to Barbara, seemed quite well wound!

“How did you answer Mistress Barbara, slave? Just a single word and no proper address of her superiod over you?” inquired his Mistress.

“Yes, Mistress. It was a mistake on my part.”

“Damn right it was a mistake. So now instead of just 40 whacks of the paddle on your ass, I am going to have to punish you for that slip as well,” said Mistress Laura with a wide smile on her face.

‘Now stand up, bend over and grab your ankles boy. I am going to give you a good hard paddling.” As the slave bent over, his Mistress attached his wrist cuffs to his ankle cuffs, explaining to Mistress Barbara how this prevents the slave from standing until she is finished with him.

And with that, Mistress let loose with the first stroke, full force,

“Aaaah!” was the only response from the slave!

And then it was off to the races so to speak, as Mistress Laura delivered one hard stroke after another, leaving only a few seconds between strikes to let the pain sink in. By the tenth smack, he was already starting to get teary eyed! By the twentytieth, the slave lost it andstarted crying.

“Now we are getting somewhere! A paddling is not effective if there are not lots of real tears and bawling like a baby.” crowed Mistress Laura.

It seemed to Barbara that the second half of the paddling was even harder than the first 20 smokes. And the increased pitch of the slave’s crying and bawling seemed to indicate that his Mistress was really making an impression in his ass.

“Come feel how hot his ass cheats are dear. And don’t be gentle!” laughed his Mistress.

Emboldened by what she just witnessed, Barbara rubbed her hands hard all over the slave’s ass, then started squeeze and pinching as she went, adding to his torque. His squeals of age pleased both of his Mistresses!

Releasing his wrist cuffs from his ankles, Mistress Laura ordered him to stand up straight.

“Laura, does he always keep his body totally hairless? And do you keep his cock locked in that chatity device all the time? Like I said before I have heard of thesetypes of things but never thought I would meet a man who really was locked into one!”

“Well dear I locked his cock up the day he moved in. Although you cannot really call it a cock because it so small! It is more like a dicklette!” chided Mistress Laura, causing both ladies to once again break into laughter at the slave’s expense. “Maybe I will remove the chatity later so you can how small he really is!”

“And as for no hair on his body, I denuded him on the first day he moved in as well. I used hair removal cream a couple of times to get it all off. Now he is required to keep himself hairless. If I find any hair, well it is more paddlings and whippings. He really cried when I shavned his head a couple of weeks later. He was worried what his employees would think when he came in with a chrome dome! I told him he was lucky they didn’t know the half of it!!”

Looking at Barbara, Laura saw a huge smile and it relieved her that her friend was really enjoying herself at her slave’s expense.

“Now bend over the end of the couch slave. You need to take 20 strokes of the razor strike for failing to properly address Mistress Barbara earlier! You didn’t think I would forget did you?” cached his Mistress.

Pulling her arm back fully, his Mistress let loose with the first stroke full force. The scream that emanated from her slave encouraged her to give every stroke to him full force. By the time she finished with the last stroke, slave David was nothing more than a whimpering little slave, sobbing his eyes out. He was just the way his Mistress preferred him!

After giving a full minute to recover, she barked out her next command, “Get your ass in the kitchen slave. Mistress Barbara and I want some dinner. And we both better be impressed with your culinary skills or your ass will get twice what I just gave you. Now MOVE!”

As the slave crawled from the room he heard the raucous laughter of the two superior women and just knew that this evening was going to be very difficult to get through.


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