The ladies could hear the slave scrambling around in the kitchen and judging from the number of banging pots and pans felt he must have been trying to be sure they were pleased.
Barbara asked Laura, “So he really does do whatever you demand! I can’t believe how quickly he bet over when told even though he had to know you were about to inflict a lot of pain on his ass.”
“Well sweetie, that is Because although he hates it when I want to beat him, he fears more the thought of pissing me off by not following my orders quickly. When that happens, he suffers tenfold what I gave him this evening! And he has often told me he never wants to irritate me enough to have to suffer another session like that. I think the last time he really displeased me was about four months ago. Believe me, the corporate discipline Lasted nearly three hours and it took several days for all the marks to fade away!”
Laura continued, “Although tonight he is really embarrassed being seen by anotherwoman as the slave he really is, instead of as a bank vice-president. Would you like to partake of all he has been trained to provide, like giving him a good hard paddling, making him worship your feet, maybe humiliate him when I take off his chatity so you can see how pathic his little tiny cock really is? Maybe we should even give him a lovely lesbian lovemaking demo??”
“Oh you are so cruel, but I love it!” exclaimed Barbara. “Count me in for whatever you have in mind…my panties are already getting a little damp!”
Looking at her good friend smiling, Laura pulled her close for another long, sensitive kiss, forcing her tongue deep into her mouth. When she looked up, Laura noticed slave David kneeing near them.
“What is it boy?” demanded his Mistress.
“Mistress Laura and Mistress Barbara, dinner is ready in the dining room.” And so saying turned and crawled to the dining room while the two Mistress watched his reddened ass sway. He overheard his Mistress tell Mistress Barbara how much redder his sorry ass would be before she was finished with him tonight, filling him with more dread over how much of his slavery tasks would be revealed to this other woman, who was really still a stranger to him.
Entering the dining room, the slave held the chair for each Mistress in turn and then served them each a nice plate of salmon with red potatoes and a garden salad. Then he quickly knelt next to Mistress Laura keeping his head down.
About halfway through the meal, Barbara deviated from the chatting about mutual friends, stating “Laura, this is quite delicious. It seems that lowly slave of yours has some talent after all. Probably a good thing since you say he has a little pin dick for a cock!”
As slave David felt his face turn red again, he heard the boisterous laughter of his two Mistresses. His feeling of humiliation turned to dread as he heard his Mistress speak again, “Slave! Mistress Barbara’s wine glass is EMPTY! What is wrongg with you, you know better.”
Scrambling to his feet he quickly refilled the glasses of both Mistresses, apologizing profusely to Mistress Barbara for his failure.
“Oh shut up, slave. I have heard enough of your pathetic excuse. Rest assured that I will be giving you 30 strokes of Mistress Laura’s lovely razor strike on your bare ass later.” barked Mistress Barbara.
As he dropped back to his knees, he again felt fearful that this evening was going to be very difficult to say the least as it now appeared that his Mistress was going to allow her friend to discipline him as well.
“We are finished eating slave, now anxious up clear the table, wash the dishes, clean up the kitchen and get your sorry ass back into the living room. I can’t wait to see Mistress Barbara tear up your sorry ass with my razor strip!” exclaimed Mistress Laura with a huge grin on her face.
Slave remained kneeing until the two superior women had exited the room before he moved out of position and started his after dinner chores. As he toileted in the kitchen he could hear laughter from the ladies for a while, then it got rather quiet, which added to his fear that they were planning on how they would be using him later. The longer it took to finish his chores, the more his appreciation increased. He just knew he was going to be be beating hard.
Finally finished with his kitchen duties, the slave crawled back into the living room to face the music as they say. He knelt there for a full five minutes with the two ladies just staring at him, not saying a word. The longer he knelt there in the silence, the greater his fear became until he nearly started to cry. Fortunately for him, he was able to control himself as Mistress Laura really got annoyed when he cried without her laying a single whip stroke on his ass.
“Stand up slave. Mistress Barbara is going to take the razor strip to you and I just know it is going to hurt like hell, but first she wants to see something.”
And to his horror, he felt Mistress Laura unlocking his chatity device! She quickly and quite roughly removed the device inflicting considerable pain to his cock and balls which caused him to moan in ago a little. As she finished removing the device, she grabbed his wrists and buckled the cuffs together behind his back and attached a short strap to his collar.
“There now you won’t be able to interfere with Mistress Barbara as she exams your precious little dinner and blue balls!” exclaimed Mistress Laura with what he thought was a little too much enthusiasm for his liking.
“Oh my God Laura, this is without a doubt the tiniest little cock I have ever seen. No wonder you call it a dicklette! My 10 year old nephew is bigger than him, how has he ever satisfied a woman with this pathetic excuse for a cock? Although his balls look too big for the tiny dick he has!” enthused Mistress Barbara.
Hearing all of her verbal jabs about his inadequacies as a male just added to the fire of humiliation he felt. Just as he wondered how much worse this could get, he feel Mistress Barbara grab his balls and squeeze them hard and hearing her cachele about how full they feel, and how full balls were such a waste on a slave with such a miniscule little dick. And then things took a turn for the worse!
Grabbing his little dick, Mistress Barbara exclaimed, “I know what’s wrong, he just needs to get it hard for us. Laura please be a dear and release one of his hands so he can jerk his tiny pindick and get it hard for us!”
Releasing his left hand, Mistress Laura said, “You heard Mistress Barbara, now starting jerking off and get that pathetic thing fully erect. And don’t you dare even dribble any cum out of it or there will be hell to pay!”
“Oh my, look at him stroke that little piece of meat! Come on slave get it hard for us to see it in all its glory! What’s the matter, too embarrassed for it to get hard? I just know it must get bigger than that, jerk it harder boy! Oh for God’s sake, stop! You are such a wimp you can’t even get it hard, are you embarrassed doing it in front of us, huh?” taunted Mistress Barbara. “Now get your slave ass in position for the razor strip.”
With mounting trepidation, he moved to the end of the couch and bent over the end as he had been trained to do so well by his loving Mistress who he felt lock his ankle cuffs together eliminating any chance of him getting away from Mistress Barbara.
“Alright boy, get that ass up nice and high for Mistress Barbara, give her a nice target! And do keep your while down to a minimum, we are really not interested in hearing your histrionics tonight” into his Mistress.
Making him wait for nearly two minutes for the first stroke, Mistress Barbara then pulled back and let the first stroke hit his ass with a loud smacking sound.
“Arrrgh, owwww” was all that could be heard from the slave. Then the sounds repeated themselves nine more times asMistress Barbara laid into his ass with great gusto.
“Oh this is so much fun Laura! I can’t believe how much I am enjoying this. His cries of age are like music to my ears!” crowed Barbara. “Now slave here comes the next ten strokes, hope you can make it through them.”
Although he cried out with each stroke, on the sixth one he actually screamed in age, which only drive Mistress Barbara to land the next four with even more force, reducing him to a sniveling, bawling, sobbing little boy. As she ran her hand over his ass to feel the wonderful heat she had created, Mistress Barbara could not resist and reached between his legs and gave his blue balls a vicious squeeze! His high pitched squeal had his own Mistress laughing raucously at his reaction.
“Would you like the honors of giving him the last ten whacks, Laura” asked Barbara. “I want to see the reaction on his face when the strop bites his ass again and again.”
“Anything to please you dear!” and so sayingpicked up the razor strip and took her place behind her slave while Barbara moved to the other end of the couch. “Now boy these are really going to hurt as I am going to hold back nothing and since Mistress Barbara has done such a wonderful job tenderizing your ass already, you just know each stroke will feel like a hot iron is being held on your ass. Here goes!” and then his Mistress, true to her word, landed the first stroke in what really did feel like a hot iron hardly giving him three seconds to fall it before she landed the next. And then before he knew it, Mistress had given him the full ten strokes. But he still heard screaming and crying and after a minute or two he realized it was him making the entire ruckus!
“Oh for heaven’s sake slave, stop acting like you have never been beaden before!” barked his glorious Mistress. “Now stay in position until Mistress Barbara and I come back. Think about what else we might do with you tonight!”
And then he saw the two of themLeave the living room and turn down the hallway, giggling like two girls up to no good. And the feeling of dread quickly returned.
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