Slave In My Own Home Ch. 03

Completely mastered and unmanned, I was the submissive slave of my wife and her young lover, my own nephew by my brother’s marriage to a diplomad woman. Fifteen years of what I had thought to be a healthy, happy marriage was in an instant of discovery revealed to be pure illusion. Claire, my wife, had in a single stroke prove my inadequacy to stand as her equal in our marriage and I had accepted the proof. I had always have attracted to Claire. From the very beginning she had commanded my desire. Now I had to accept that in all of our years together I had never satisfied her needs so well as I did now by standing aside to let another service her in my place while I served them both. She glorried not only in the natural prowess and youthful endurance of Matthew which forced her to withstand extended and powerful orgasms, the boy who was now my master, but almost equally in my degradation before them.

And God help me, I glorried in the gutter of my servitude as much as she did.

I can’t say I am proud of the things I have done these past several months. The man in me hates the submissive tool I have become in the service of the wife who has betrayed our marriage vows and the boy who has cuckolded me. I should be avenging these injuries against my pride, not being aroused to mind-blowing orgasms by them. I have been forced to watch over and over again as the Master has taken the Mistress (as I am bound to refer to my wife) in every way imagine, including several that were never allowed me when I was her equal. I have been forced to lick his sperm out of her cunt and to swallow every drop while they mock my service. I have been forced to allow my own violence with intrusive sex toys in ways that a heterosexual man should never allow.

Well, I say I have been forced, but how can I say it with any conviction? The truth is worse. I have been commanded and I have obeyed. No force was required. God forgive me if I forgive myself, but I offered no resisstance, was too aroused by all I saw and endured to do anything but cum, usually all over myself and even into my own mouth upon request.

Over the months, a dread has risen in me of what kind of man I must be to allow this to continue, even to anticipate what humiliation will follow the last. When I watched another man fucking my wife and was turned on by it, I tried to tell myself it was a voyeuristic thrill. When I licked the semen of another man out of Mistress’ pussy, I told myself I was getting off on the act of submission alone, an extreme fetish. But now that I had been violent by the Mistress’ sex toys, thrust into my ass and mouth and repeatedly climaxed in mind-numbing waves of pleasure, to Claire’s accusations that I was gay to get off so on imitation dicks, I had begun to truly wonder what I was. Was I a man at all?

Most recently she had been making me suck on her dildo and take it up my ass and tell her how much I liked it, how much I really wanted to pleasecocks instead of cuns and that it was for this reason that I never could please her enough. Now, this did please her, got her off. But worse, it got me off too. Hard and fast and frequently.

I had never had any hint of homosexual thoughts before, but now at her instigation I had begun to truly crave cock. Was it merely that I was so susceptible to suggestion, so sexually submissive, that she could turn me into anything she wanted, even change my sexual nature completely? I didn’t know. What I did know was that now I had entered a new phase of my submissiveness. Not only did I enjoy my Mistress getting off from the Master’s ministers, but now I found I enjoyed watching the Master just as much.

The question was, what could I do about fulfilling my new desire, satisfied this unexpected appetite? And could I even do it?

I should have known that the matter was not for me to decide.

One of our afternoon sessions was in full progress. It was one of those days when the Master was particularly keen on my humiliation, something he enjoyed and frenzied the Mistress with lust for his dominance. I had been commanded to simply sit in a chair and watch as my wife pleasured him in a variety of ways. I knew that this usually began with her giving him a tongue bath, followed by oral and if he didn’t finish in her mouth, he would drill her pussy until he filled it with his cum before commanding me to lick her pussy clean. This excited me considerably despite the fact that it should rather have infuriated and disgusted me.

Today would prove out a bit different.

I sat and watched, forbidden to relieve my sexual tension in any way while the Master enjoyed a sloppy blowjob from the Mistress. I was only to watch as Claire’s beautiful head bobbed over the Master’s loins, to listen to her longing moans of desire and pleasure as she stroked her own pussy. Matthew himself was looking at me, telling me to watch how my wife could please a real man strong enough to break her to his will. In itself this was not so unusual; they often made me watch while reminding me of my weakness. But the difference was in what happened next. Claire suddenly stopped blowing the Master and looked at me over her shoulder. She smiled and said, “you’ve watched enough.” Matthew was as surprised as I was when she said, “now, do!”

I could not believe my ears. She wanted me to blow another man. I had been dreading this as much as anticipating it. Matthew was swift in overcoming his surprise; very little seemed to shock him. He and the Mistress shared a mischievous look. He smiled at her, obviously admiring this latest ploy to humiliate and un-man me further. “Well,” he said authoritatively, “you heard the mistress, didn’t you? Come over here and blow me!”

“I can’t,” I said weakly.

“Oh, but our little worm,” Claire said, “You can and you will. And you know that you want to.” To prove her point, she jumped off the bed and came over to me, grabbingthe cushion out of my grap, the cushion I had been using to hide my hard-on. A full erection that had only stiffened at the suggestion of being ordered to suck the Master’s dick for the Mistress. “Ha,” she laughed. “You see, Matt? I told you he wants to serve you personally.”

I was humiliated, blood in my face as in my rigid cock. But I could not deny to myself that this latest humiliation had the usual effect of all their humiliations. I was aroused beyond desperation. I wanted to suck the Master’s cock and I knew it. Why, I asked myself even now. Was I a closed gay? Or was it simply that humiliation was my sexuality, subservice my greatest aphrodisiac?

Of course, Claire would never leave me alone with my thoughts. She told me to say it out loud and I could not fail the Mistress. “Yes, I I want to suck his cock. I want his cock in my mouth. I want to make it feel so good that he can’t stand it. I want to swallow his delicious cum.” Matthew was amused. But the MistressDid not let me off that easily.

“Oh, so you want it, do you?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered dutifully.

“Well, maybe we shouldn’t let you then.” I looked up at the Mistress in shock as she stood over me, slouched down in my chair. This chance of a reprieve had a strange effect on me. I knew I would be disappointed not to have a chance to please the Master in this way and I know how sick that made me. But as ever, I should have known there would be no reprieve.

She laughed out loud. “It shouldn’t be this easy, you little worm!” She looked back at Matthew, who was enjoying the sight of my wife humiliating me in his presence. He was keeping hard without effort. “I guess he’d better beg for it, don’t you think, Master?” Matt only nodded.

She addressed me again. “Do you want it, Worm?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied.

“Want what?” she asked.

“His cock,” I said.

“What do you want with it?”

“To suck it.”

“Do you think you deserve to suck the Master’s cock?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer this. Any answer could be wrong.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Oh, you do, do you?” She laughed. “Why should a little half-man like you have the chance to even see a real man’s cock like the Master’s? I think you should beg for it. Beg for it now.”

I didn’t both to resist. “Please, Mistress, please may I suck his cock?”

“Is that any way to beg, sitting in a chair?”

“No, Mistress, I am sorry.” I pushed myself out of the chair and got on my knees before her. “Please, Mistress, may I lick and suck the Master’s dick?”

She would not answer, would not look at me. I continued to beg. “Please may I roll my tongue over the Master’s cock and balls, lick him until he Wants my mouth over it, pump him with it until he can’t hold back and let him fill my mouth with his delicious cum? Please? Please?” I was kissing her feet.

“Very well, Worm,” she said. “You have begged and you have my permission. You may blow the Master… if he wishes it.”

I thanked her, continued to kiss her feet a moment, and hoped to my own feet, headed for the bed. I was strangely eager to set myself down to my task.

“Stop!” It was the Master’s voice and despite my desire I obeyed without delay. “Back on your knees,” he commanded. I obeyed this as well, kneeing where I stopped. The Master now perched himself on the edge of the bed and commanded me to come to him on my knees, to crawl to him in fact.

And God help me I did. I wriggled over to him like a worm, my cock dripping pre-cum and leaving a worm-like trail in my wake.

Once there, I knelt between his open legs and looked up to the Master’s face for approval. He told me to begin and that he wanted a perfect blowjob.

I put my hands on his thighs and divered into my work. I was determined to get some satisfaction for this by giving him a mind-blowing orgasm before I was through. Don’t ask me why, but I wanted to be a better cocksucker thanClaire… I wanted the Master to prefer me even if it means I would be doing this again and often. I began by licking the insides of his thighs, gradually working my way towards his groin area. I licked and nibbled around his balls and in the bush of his public hair, inhaling his scent deeply and finding to my surprise that I liked how he smelled. I didn’t torture myself over this. I was enjoying this and I just accepted it. I took his balls in my mouth one by one, caresing them with lips and tongue, and was rewarded when the Master’s heavy breathing became sharp and suddenly as I found his pleasure points.

Behind me, my former wife was enjoying the show. I could her own heavy breathing as she fingered herself and fumbled for her toys.

My own cock was twitching and oozed with pre-cum. I was Deeply aroused and finding it difficult to control the impulse to envelop the Master’s cock with my whole mouth and blow it to a swift climax. Still, I was determined to make this last a while, to make it very good for the Master.

Finally, the Master told me to stop playing around and get onto the dick itself. He was a little annoyed, but I could tell that he was annoyed with himself for responding so favourably to my efforts and not at me really.

I obeyed. I pulled my head up out of his groin and looked into the Master’s face. Without a word, and never releasing my hold on his eyes, I opened wide my mouth and began to lean forward slowly, enveloping his sword-stiff cock with my open mouth until it hit the back of my mouth. Then I closed my mouth softly over it and began to pump my head up and down over it, sucking to create a vacuum of suction in my mouth and caressing it with my mouth. I was rewarded by an obvious look of pure ecstasy on the Master’s face. He closed his eyes a moment and when he opened them they had rolled back in his head. I was giving him great joy indeed. I was awake in my own excitement. Secondually, yes, and in some other submissive way,for I simply wanted to please the Master and I was succeeding in this strange new way beyond my wildest dreams. My head bobbed wildly on his cock and the Master was beside himself with pleasure, and I could be sure of this when he lay back on the bed and throw his arms out to his sides. He was writing with his stimulation and I was pumping and sucking faster and faster on his dick. My own hips were twisting and grinding against empty air. I was full of desire too and my cock was desperate with the need to be touched, more desperate than it had been even before when I was aroused by the sight of the Mistress sucking this same cock which I had so desired. I could taste tantalizing hints of the familiar cum I had lapped out of Claire’s pussy so many times before and I knew that he was going to ejaculate soon. I couldn’t wait.

Behind me, Claire was Watching her submissive husband fenate her lover had driven her mad with password.

Suddenly, Matt sat bolt upright. I didn’t stop what I was doing, didn’t slow down a notch. Nor was I intended too. He was breathing hard and fast and it was plain that he was in the final build-up to his orgasm. He grabbed my head by the hair and immobilized my head over his dick, now thrusting upward himself, up into my mouth, faster, faster, faster. My body was still gyrating even trapped thus in his grapp and I could feel the sperm boiling in my own balls and prepare to boil over into one of those occasional orgasms I experienced without being touched myself. I was breathing hard and fast now, sensing the onset of my own coming ejaculation. His breathing too was faster and he was grunting louder and louder, faster and faster and then with thrusts so deep and hard into me that I thought he was going to put his cock through my palate, he shouted out the release of his tension and blasted into my mouth. Bursts of cum shot inside, running down my throat faster than I could swallow, filling my mouth and dribbling out the sides of my lips, down over my chin and across my cheeks. Just as I began to feel the tremors of his cock’s exploration in my mouth, so far down below that I had nearly forgotten my own need, I suddenly felt the volcanic eruption of my own cock and my own eyes must have rolled back in my head as my mind rebelled Against the overstimulation of this erotic encounter. My mouth was full of the Master’s cum, a pure and unadulterated nectar I had waited so long to savour and my own cock was pulsing with abandon. Oblivious to my own powerful orgasm, the Master pulled his fingers from my hair and while he was still coming pushed me to the floor onto my back. As quick as I fell, he was there, kneeing over my chest and still sending string-like cum-blasts across my face and into my hair while my own cock continued to eject my own hot semen all over my belly.

Claire was beside herself, still coming loudand long as she watched this.

The Master, weakened by the force of his orgasm, fell off of me to lay on the carpet between Claire and I. I dutifully rolled over, though nearly spent myself, and did as I had often seen Claire do, licking him clean around his cock. It was almost too much for him to endure, and for a few moments I thought he would stop me, but I would not stop myself unless commanded.

To my surprise, the Master’s dick did not fully soften as I expected after so exhausting and through an ejaculation. Rather, after just a few minutes, he began to harden again and started to moan as I continued to lick over his belly and around his groin.

This was not lost on the Mistress, who continued to watch fascinated. “So, Worm,” she said, “Seems I was right: you did crave cock all those years after all.” I still don’t think she was right about that at all, but I could not deny that something about the taboo nature of the act and the total submission of it had combined to make me want to please the Master in this way and to a degree I would not have believed possible. She let me continue for a few moments, lick and caresing the Master’s cock, until she had decided enough was enough.

She commanded me to come to her for she was in need of a good licking herself. I obeyed only reluctantly, not because I did not get off on submitting to the Mistress as well, for I certainly did, but Perhaps I did not want to end this new experience, this new phase of my submission. I did not know that the Mistress was not intending to end it, but rather to enlarge that experience.

She lay back on the floor, her head propped up on a pillow and I lay face down between her legs and began to lap at her pussy. The Mistress was enjoying it already and the Master, perhaps disappointed to have lost his own lapdog, sat up to watch. I was looking at her face out of the top of my eyes as I licked her pussy and nuzzled her clip, caresing her breasts with my hands,and so I could see her smile at Matthew and reach behind her pillow for something. First she produced her favourite vibrating dildo and second, a bottle of lubricant. She tossed these in turn to Matthew and laughed. “Your tongue doesn’t move fast enough, Worm”, she said, “but I think we can put your heart back into your work.” I knew then what was going to happen next and I didn’t knock myself out about it. I knew now that there was no humiliation too degrading for me to find some pleasure in.

I continued to lap away at her cunt and after a moment as I knew would happen, I first felt the Master pull my legs apart, then the cheeses of my ass and a moment later I could feel the lube being poured generally onto my anus. Then as one hand continued to pry my ass open, I felt the plastic intruder pressed gently against my anus, rotating in small circles against my opening. I could feel my cock stiffening beneath me and the Mistress was right, I was licking her faster and harder by thesecond with ever-greater and growing password.

She laughed out loud at my face when the Master turned the vibrator on. I am sure that the look of pleasure on my face must have been nearly pathetic, but it never slowed my work on the Mistress’ pussy and after a moment she lay back to enjoy the sensings her slave was being inspired to bring about in her. The victory on my anus, combined with the effect of the lubricant, was allowing the Master to introduce the dildo farther and farther into my ass. It was so gradually it did not hurt at all. My God, it felt good, so good. With a shove it was in all the way and I moaned in my ecstasy to the amusement of them both. The Master kept it there a moment, vibrating against my pleasure-producing prostate, and then slowly he began thrusting it in and out of me, slowly at first and then faster and faster.

“That’s right, Slave,” he said. “I control everything you feel.” He jerked the artistic dick in and out of me a bit roughly for a moment to ensure I got the point. I had the impression that the Master was not in on the planning of this particular little session, but he had certainly improved nicely.

“Yes, Master,” I moaned, pausing only a moment in my duties to the Mistress, who was moaning herself under my vigorous lapping.

Unconsciously I had raised my assup up toward the Master to make myself even more susceptible and submissive to his assault on me. My own cock was hard again given the dual excitement of licking my Mistress’ cunt and being taken from behind by the Master. I groaned therefore when the Master pulled out the dildo and tossed it under the bed. I didn’t want to lose the sensing. Claire too was surprised; I could see it on her face. Her surprise seemed to give way to amazement and I wondered what the Master was planning next.

Once more I could feel the Master’s rough hands pulling my buttocks open and again I could feel a splash of lube over my throbbing anus. A moment later an inTruder was once more at that gateway, but I was astonished when I realized that the warm prod probing my ass this time was warm and fleshy. My God, the Master was going to fuck me with his own cock!


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