Now that after fifteen years of marriage, I had suddenly become the submissive in-home slave of my wife Claire and her lover Matthew, I was experiencing a whole new and varied sexual life. I had never thought such a scenario could excite me, but innocent orgasms and a near-constant state of arousal forced me to accept the simple truth. I had struggled over the past few months with the newly-discovered fact that I was totally submissive to their wishes, even to their whims. Although every manly trait that should have rebelled at being ordered about and cuckolded in my own home, I liked being the slave of Mistress Claire (as I was now to address her) and the Master.
The Master was a nineteen year old college student and the son of my brother’s wife, sort of my nephew by marriage. Claire had manipulated me into hiring him to do work around the house and in the yard and now he lived in our house, an arrangement my brother and his wife were led to believe facilitated his daily commute to college since our house was forty minutes closer to his school than their home was. He was intelligent, handsome and strong, masculine and aggressive. He could fuck like a calmion and I had watched him please my wife over and over again at least a hundred times over the past few months. I was barely certain if even I had screwed Claire so many times in our fifteen year marriage and five year courtship as he had in just months. I knew she never came so hard for me once as she did every time for this young stud.
He possessed her as completely as they both possessed me. It had been made clear to me that I was only allowed to stay on in the guest room of my own house for so long as I submitted to their every single desire and obeyed their every rule, including the stipulation that I never so much as touch Claire without orders to do so. To my own astonishment, I had agreed. I had puzzled over my choice for months and had made peace with it in the same manner I supposed gaypeople come to terms with their sexuality.
Still, I could barely believe even now that I was excited and aroused by the things I had seen and done over these months. I watched time and again as the Master fucked Mistress Claire or she rode his cock to incredible orgasm after orgasm; watched as my wife licked this other man’s asshole and sucked his cock until she lapped up every last drop of his cum; watched as my masters stimulated themselves and each other with sex aids and toys to mind-blowing climaxes.
Of course, this voyeurism was required of me to prove my adherence to discipline for I was not allowed to partake of these activities nor even to masturbate for my relief until I was commanded to do so. Usually this would not be allowed until I had watched their entire session and for their comfort provided drinks and noblement to replenish their lost fluids and energy. Then as they lay back in the afterglow of their lovemaking I would usually be commanded to clean upthe mess, which entailed not only making the bed and straightening the pillows but also cleaning Mistress Claire’s pussy. Master would usually fall asleep to the sounds of my tongue lapping up her juices. I would linger over my work, licking her body clean of the Master’s ejaculate from her pussy and anus, dutifully licking away at her until she came one last weak time so that my mouth would be filled with the spicy cum of Both of them. On more than one occasion I came myself without even touching my cock but merely from desperate over-excitement. If I did not come in this way, I was permitted to withdraw to my own room and finish myself off when my work was done. If I was very lucky and Mistress Claire was feeling particularly playful, she would command me to masturbate myself in their presence and she would order me to position myself so that I would ejaculate into my own mouth. For reasons that elded me altogether, this act of self-humiliation made me come even more violently thanI normally would.
And so it went. Matthew continued to do yard work because (I assume) he enjoyed it and he continued to collect money from me for completing the chores while he paid nothing in rent. Claire and I supported the Master from our incomes. Life outside the house continued as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Only in the bedroom had things changed so completely, turning our dull and dying marriage into something passwordate and alive but no longer a real marriage.
I was the slave of them both, but Claire had a job as a nurse working an early day shift, Matthew’s tutorial and lesson schedule varied day by day and I worked a swing shift at the plant. Consequently, only on certain days would we all three be together for any substantial length of time. On Claire’s days off, she would often use me as her plaything in Matthew’s absence, a practice he was fully aware of and approved wholeheartedly.
Claire had many and varied uses for her slave when alone to givecommands. Sometimes she would demand no more than through massaging, tongue bathing and caressing and oral sex which after an hour of so left me desperate for relief from my lust and her in the throes of orgasm. I never made her come so hard as I did now, but of course, she would not allow me to fuck her and the sacrifice of my orgasm seemed to add proportionate strength to hers. She would call me worm and tell me to lick every last inch of her body, darting my tongue in and out of every crack and crevice. She would taunt me in my need by making me tell her how much I wanted to fuck her and how badly I needed to come out of lust for her. She would tell me it was just as well that I would never get to fuck her again as I could not handle a woman as password as her. She would make me tell her that I was underserving of her and deserved any abuse and misreatment that she could heap upon me. This would go on until she had all of the orgasms she could stand and she would send me away todeal with my need myself or if she were feeling particularly cruel she would order me to save myself for later and not to touch myself until then.
Mistress Claire designed other ways to torque me as she grew bored with these particular rituals. Sometimes she just wanted to watch me as she instructed me how to perform for her amusement. She would open the blanket box at the foot of the bed and display the full arsenal of sex toys at her disposal.
I actually resisted when she first ordered me to humiliate myself before her with the use of these foreign objects. She would tell me that I was no man at all and just a worm with no better use than to wriggle beneath her toes to give her pleasure and I would agree. I submitted of course to her every command, allowing her to do things to me and doing things to myself that embarrassed me to the Very core of my soul.
She told me to lay down on the floor as she locked on the bed with the items she had specially selected for meto use for her entertainment. That first time she had chosen two of her favourite dildos. One was a flesh-coloured cock and balls, life-like down to the veins about eight inches long. The other was a heavy-duty vibrating dildo, black and silver and making no pretence of reality. It was wired to a remote control which governed the intensity of the victory and this was obviously going to stay in Claire’s hands.
“So, Worm,” Mistress Claire began. “I have been thinking. For a long time I have known you aren’t much of a man. You were a pathetic fuck for years and you only have any use at all now as a slave.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I confirmed eagerly, deeply aroused in spine of myself in anticipation of my coming humiliation.
“Now as a slave, you have become a decent pussy-licker I must says.”
I was surprised at this compliment. I could not remember the last time Claire said anything particularly nice about my sexual prowess.
“But then, you are not excited by the pussy, are you?” She asked. I was confused by this question, but she made it clear to me. “You like to use my pussy as the vessel from which to drink the Master’s cum, don’t you?”
I shook my head violently in denial “No, Mistress.”
She laughed out loud. “Oh, yes, you do. I think we have found your problem. You haven’t been much of a man to be with because you have really wanted a man all this time yourself.”
Again I denied it. Yet, my cock didn’t go down, even twitched at her words, betraying me now as it had when I had the chance to avoid this whole path of slavery in the first place. I might have kept my freedom had my cock not shown the masters how aroused I was at the very suggestion that I should become their slave. The betrayals of my cock now sold me into a new experiment for the Mistress’ amusement.
“Oh, don’t pretend, Worm. I have listened to you moan and groan as you suck the Master’s seed out of my pussy. You don’t miss a drop, licking every last drop out and from all around. We’ve seen how your cock twitches at the thought of it, how you can’t wait to get to licking man-goo out of my cunt. If you don’t want cock, why is yours so hard?”
I didn’t know why. I said so.
“Yes, you know. You want it and you know it. Say it.”
I flushed crisis. She was going to make me do it. Claire always was perceptive. She had noticed my own surprise at my enjoyment of licking Matthew’s cum out of her and she had noticed my own confusion at enjoying what ought to have revolted me. I liked pussy too much to be gay. Or was it only cock-frosted pussy I liked? God! What was wrong with me? Was I so submissive that I would let Claire turn me gay upon request?
“No, Mistress Claire.” It took a lot of nervous to say no to Claire after so many months of training.
Claire’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll see, Worm.”
She throw me the fleshy dildo with the cock and balls. “Play with it, Slave.”
I didn’t resist the command, but I was determined not to enjoy it. I didn’t even know what to do with it.
“It’s bigger than yours, isn’t it, Worm?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Feel the balls,” she said and I began to pinch and knee the replica’s tests. “Hold them and run your hand over that cock, Slave.” The dildo was soft and spongy, but except for the lack of body warmth, it felt very much like my own cock. I did as Claire asked and then I did it again. I was kneeing in full view of Claire and she was watching my cock dripping pre-cum in a long. thin thread-like trail to the carpet. She laughed. “Oh, no, Slave, cock doesn’t turn you on at all.”
I looked at my twitching cock and the tell-tale pre-cum at its head. Why? Why was I reacting this way? Was I really gay? Did I want cock all this time? Now I was sure that what had never occurred to me before my enslavement would leave me wondering the rest of my days.
“Rub the head of your cock on the head of the dildo. I want to see pre-cum at its tip.”
I obeyed. The touch of the dildo on my cock turned me on even worse as I rubbed the tip of it against mine in order to get as much of the sticky fluid on it as I could.
“Good. Now keep struggling it, but make sure you don’t rub any pre-cum off.”
I obeyed, struggling the spongy cock and squeezing the balls, stopping only occasionally to add more pre-cum to the tip of the dildo.
“You are enjoying This, Slave.”
She forced me to admit it. “Yes, Mistress.”
Not good enough for Claire. “Enjoying what?”
I cleared my throat. “I am enjoying struggling this cock, Mistress.”
“You like cock.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Say it, Slave, tell me about it.” I looked over at her and observed that she was lying face down at the bed watching me. She had slipped a hand under her pussy and was rubbing herself. I was even more turned on to see her masturbating at the sight of me playing with a cock. My purpose was to please her and my inhibitions were fading fast thankss to the toy, its effect on me and our effect together on Claire.
“I like cock, Mistress,” I declared and with every second it gained truth as if stating it made it a reality. “I like stroking dicks, Mistress. I like to pull them, massage them, rub them. I like to look at them. I long to suck them. I want to suck cocks in front of you. I want to eat their cum. I want to suck them dry and choke on them. I want buckets of cum poured into me!” By this time I was shouting out this recitation, repeating those phrases and similar ones over and over, and I was stroking the cock very fast. “I am horny for cock!”
Mistress moaned, plainly enjoying my humiliating confession. She was rubbing lube on the black and silver dildo. I knew what that means, and it would not be true to say I didn’t care. I felt a completely unfamiliar throb in my ass, like a hunger pang, and I knew that I wanted that virgin part of me to be filled.
But not yet. “You want to suck cock, Slave… so suck it!”
I had my orders… thank God! I enveloped the rubbery head of the dildo cock in my mouth, immediately registering the now-familiar taste of my cum where it had touched the tip of my own cock. Within seconds I was pumping my mouth over the dildo like a man possessed. I was filled with desire for the real thing to my astonishment and I guess that I should not have been surprised that in my fantasy I was already imagining the dildo. to be the cock of the Master.
I was so lost in my excitement that I had almost forgotten about Claire. She was behind me now. “Bend over,” she said. I did, setting the cock dildo on the carpet in front of me and extending my arms out in front of me to support me as I continued to suck the standing cock. I felt her lubricate my ass and after a moment I felt the cool plastic rod probing my anus slowly, so slowly. She was teasing me with it and I was grateful if only because I knew that if she went slowly my anus might have some chance of adaptingto the foreign object about to be inserted into it. I continued to suck on the flesh-coloured dildo as if convinced that I could coax cum from this rubber bone.
It took several minutes, but Claire had inveigled the pleasure-giving device over an inch into my anus and was rotating it gently there, gaining greater depth slowly but steady. The sensing was unfamiliar but this slow invasion of my ass was not at all unpleasant. In fact, I was completely tantalized. I was aware that I was moaning and gasping for breath, still sucking away at that flesh-coloured dildo, an imposter which was starting to lose its fascination now that I was overwhelmed by its cousin in my ass. It was in further now and Claire was finding it easier by the second as my ass surgendered willingly, even pushed towards it, offering itself to the invader.
Finally, Claire had it in to the hilt. She began to withdraw it slowly, came part way out and thrust it back in gently. This she did several times, gaining speed as she did so. I was groaning under this assault on my senses. God, it felt so good and I shouted this to Claire.
“What feels so good, Slave?”
I stopped sucking the rubber dildo to answer. “Cock…” I grunted. “Cock… in my ass! Cock feels so good in my ass! Please don’t stop! Fuck my ass with that cock!”
“So you like it, huh?”
“Yes, Mistress!”
“Guess that means you are a pansy after all…”
“Yes, Mistress.” I was surprised to hear my answer. I guessed it was true after all. How could I enjoy this so much if I was not gay? “Yes, Mistress. I am a pansy slave, a slave to you and to cock. I am a cock-sucking cock-whore. I am a pansy-boy, faggot, gay boy toy to be used for your pleasure!” I was I was thrusting hard against the cock in her hand and back to sucking the dildo again.
“Alright, Worm,” she said thickly, obviously aroused herself. I knew that if I could spare her a glance I would see her fingering herself.”Now we are both going to have some fun….”
She deftly maneuvered me so that my ass and the dildo in it were propped against the leg of a heavy chair. In this way, I still had something to pump the dildo against to ensure that the thrusting sensing now deep inside me could continue. Then she walked around in front of me and kicked the dildo I had been sucking on so eagerly out of my grapsp. She sat down in front of me and provided her pussy as a substitute. She lay back and let me eat her out while I thrusted against the object invading me and providing me with such incredible pleasure.
Mistress Claire was deeply excited by the control she exercised over me and by the humiliating violence she had perpetrated. I knew the signs. She was moaning, groaning, gasping for breath the way she always did before she came. And then she surprised me, for I had forgotten the virus remote control which she turned on. I let out a cry of surprise and pleasure as I felt the virusComment deep inside my ass. What a feeling! It feel like a kind of orgasm itself, not centred in my cock where I was accustomed to feeling orgasms, but in my ass, and not the quick and all-too-quickly over cock-style orgasm, but a sustained one, a feeling of intense pleasure that was not burning, was not tickling, but felt like both and much more besides. I could feel my cock tingling in anticipation of the ejaculation that was brewing deep down inside of me towards an inevitable conclusion. Claire was in full throes of orgasm now and as she uploaded the victory in my ass, she screamed at me to come for her! I could not have done otherwise now and I felt for the first time a complete orgasm. That is to say, it feel like an orgasm from the inside out. I don’t know how to express it unless I say that every orgasm I had ever experienced before, even the most powerful one, was like one watched on television compared to the added dimension of this orgasm. Twelve great spurts of cum eruptedfrom me, blast after blast, and when I was spent of my sperm, my cock continued to spasm forcefully in a sort of orgasm equivalent of dry heavens. Until the moment of my first pulsing spurts, I had continued to eat out my mistress and she had been coming over and over again all of this time. We were both completely and utterly exhausted, unable to move of our own according, though I was writing in pleasure so intense as to be close to pain for Claire had not yet turned off the vibrator in my ass. Fortunately, the force of my orgasmic spasms were making my ass contract and expand, finally pushing the dildo out of my ass.
Our eyes snapped open at the sound of applause. “Well, well,” the Master said, as he entered the room and began to undress. For the first time, Claire was not the only one looking at him with longing and desire.
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