Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch. 03

Synopsis: In a pantasmagorical tale of sexual slavery, a mysterious man and woman, a generic sheik, twin submissives, and even some celebrations, come together in a story exploring submissive and dominant needs. Just for fun, there are many references and allegories to pop culture. It is surreal at times but it is not fantasy or a spoof.

The story begins with a dance of dominance and submission Between two strangers on a plane, Wolff and Nikita, and moves on to unravel a sinister plot brewing in the bowels of the aircraft. The intensity of events grows with each chapter. The scenes include the sacrament of a sadistic communication between the generic sheik and The Catholic Girl, a female switch turned to slave, a pair of twins separated at birth, one who is Wolf’s pet and the other is Nikita’s slut slave.

This series is a work in progress because our perverted imaginations take us to unknown destinations. We hope you enjoy the journey with us.

Chapter 3: CatAnd Dog © 2006 Nikita and Wolfwerks

This section was written by Nikita.

“THAT belongs to me!” said the Wolf, “However, such beseeching plea should be answered. She deserves a fitting name.”

He cupped Nikita’s face and looked her into the eyes inquisitively, “Don’t you think?”

Pushing her face so she was looking into tear brimmed Mary’s eyes, Nikita saw the sweet slut was becoming by her posture alone.

“Yes, name her Nikita,” he said, petting Mary on the head.

“You are so good at it!” Wolf insisted. “What IS slut’s real name? Do it! Then we’ll see about other flailing impertinent brats. Perhaps have another name for you.”

Nikita stared into the waif’s forlorn, expected eyes, licked her lips, and said “Cat.”

“Come Cat.” said the Wolf, “I need washing.”

He whispered something into Mary/Cat’s ear and swaggered out, leaving Nikita helpless on her back, totally immobilized. Cat rushed back to Nikita and rubbed something in andaround her mons. It had the faith aroma of beef.

“Be still Nikita, don’t worry. Enjoy your little pet. I will be back soon,” she said excitedly as she skipped out.

The pattern of padded feet was so soft. It took the sound of silence for Nikita to pick up on it. A beribboned shiatsu, brown and white, leaves to lick her lips and panted gently against her face. Pleasantly Surprised, she cooled to the little pet who came to keep her company. It’s cold nose took a tour of her body, and stopped to sniff armits, neck, ears, breasts, and pussy. Nikita’s ears flushed from the tickling and she screamed in frustration.

“Stop. Stop it.” she hissed as she twisted about.

The bed was the arena of the age old battle of cat and dog. Unable to be nice to it anymore, she barked, and it moved away from her head. The puppy trampled her breasts and accidentally scratched her nipples, adding to the pain and pleasure capacitor. Finally, thanks to Cat, the mutt settled in to munch on her pretty pussy that reeked of roast beef. She was a picture of a restrained, angle, cobra, at the height of anxiety, and unable to excite itself. Nikita compromised as the cold tongue lathered up the folds of her labia, making sure it got every last bit of salty beef flavor. Tremors flamed up her body. She hunted her pussy to chase the teasing tongue. The dog turned around to attack the steak from a different angle. Its cold tongue flicked and pressed against her hardened bud, digging into every bump and indentation. Her head whipped back and forth in delicious torture. The pup’s moppy head deliciously flogged her tongue thrashed gas, and kept Nikita’s password at fever pitch. No one hear her squeals.

“Yes, stop there…no come here…yes…that’s a good boy…hey, where are you going?…come back.” she wailed.

The puppy settled in the space between her spread thighs and propped its head on her wet mons, and looked at Nikita expectedly, occasionally licking its chocolates.

“Come on Fido, move off or do your job.” panted Nikita as she hunted her pussy suggestively, causing the mattress to move beneath her.

A wolf whistle caused the pup to skitter off. The aroma of patchouli mixed with vanilla circled Nikita’s face. Her eyes flew open to the shadow of the Wolf leaning over her head. He sniffed her just like the puppy did. He checked the spreader bar for bruising and called for Cat.

“Wash her.”

Cat was prepared with a basin of warm water, soap, and a thirsty towel.

“Sir? May I speak to her while she is bathed?”

He nodded a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Cat settled in beside her on the bed and spoke animatedly, “Oooh Nikita. I will be sooo gentle with you, but if you make it hard for me, you will get it back in kind.”

Glancing quickly at the Wolf, Cat gave her nipple a twist.

“Ouch…” she said under her breath, “bitch.”

Cat smiled at her like a brat.

Not so angry at the tease from Cat, she settled back to enjoy until she saw the Wolf sitting near by to enjoy her humiliation.

“Don’t forget the OTHER hole.” he reminded Cat, and pointed with his finger.

Nikita’s eyes popped open. Cat smiled as if she ate the canary. Of course, the ass hole, Wolf’s favorite orifice.

“Oooh Nikita, you will be in for a treatment. He is through and unrelenting. You will want to die and sing when he uses you. I know,” she whispered in her ear.

Nikita, was a picture of controlled password trying to retain the smallest amount of dignity in her bondage. The Wolf knew she would never totally submit to his control and perhaps, die, trying to resist. He hoped she wouldn’t.

As Cat’s delicate fingers lifted the her head, the warm, soapy washcloth began it’s interesting journey around planet Nikita. Frequently refreshed, it anointed all of her, right down to the spaces between her toes. The spreader bar was a difficult obstacle to work around as were the bound arms, but, Cat was goodat it.

After the wet came the toweling. Gently, Cat fluffed all over Nikita’s skin and left goose bumps in its wake. Warm, fragrant oils were massaged into every exposed inch of skin as well as the skin beneath the metal. Nikita was relaxed, comatose, and oblivious, as endorphins ran rampant in her brain.

The Wolf watched the tableau unfold. He thirsted for the repositing Venus and envisioned the helpless Figure knotted on his cock. Unable to quell his desire any longer, the Wolf fell onto the remember goddess and crushed the bound woman’s lips with his, muffling her cries. His tongue thrust deep in her mouth, sucked her tongue, her essence into him. She was overwhelmed with desire but fought against the wave. He ignored her resistance and continued the deep kiss until both of them were out of breath.

He slide off the bed to knee beside his new property. As his hands roamed all over her body, touching, pinching, hefting, he caressed her nipples, making note that they would be easier to grazp if ringed.

Once he reached her honey pot, he commanded, “Look at me, Nikita.”

She could not refuse. His cold, blue eyes bore holes in her soul, and for a moment, she could ride the wave of abandon. A single, cold, finger grazed her pussy lips. ,The finger was replaced with his tongue. Her eyes were locked to him as he bit her with his lips. The tender skin burned and she fussed a bit. His hand covered her mouth.

The erotic picture could have been titled, The Wolf and His Prey. He easily turned Nikita onto her stomach and pushed her knees up under her torso. He unbound her arms from behind her back and attached to the spreader bar with leather strips. The bar made it easy for him to have access to all the noses and crannies of his new toy. She didn’t struggle too hard and he took this as a sign of acceptance.

“What is it, Nikita? Not fighting? Am I being too easy on you?” he teased. “Don’t get too comfortable.”

She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand. The cool, rough fingers traced slow circles on her ass cheeks as she heard Cat bringing something to the Wolf and quickly scanpered away.

Swat! Her head snapped up to attention. He laughed as he swung the wide leather strop again and again. It whistled in the air as it connected.

Her screaming continued every time the strop connected. .

The Wolf did not lessen the Intensity of the relentless stropping which left Nikita gasping. She squirmed as best she could, but could not dampen the strength of the repeated blows. Her ass was a bright red crossword puzzle going one way.

He salivated at the prospect of taming her and had worked himself up to a fever pitch, unaware that Nikita dropped off to the no pain zone. She was silent. He had pushed her too far, too fast.

“Master…please…” risked Cat.

“Cold water! Move!” he said in a controlled voice.

The spreader bar made it awkward to examin Nikita. He wanted to kick himselff.

Nikita was not a waif. Surely, she’d been beaten before. Perhaps she’s not been in this position.

Cat rushed in with a pitcher of water and promptly splashed Nikita’s face, hovering over her like a mother he fussing over one of her chicks.

Nikita revived, madeder than a wet he and sputtered, “You are a barbarian! No better than a dog. You moron!…you…you…”

He smiled. She’s back. The little bitch is back.

“Let’s begin again, shall we?” He smiled wickedly and cast her onto her knees again.

“Count, Cat.”

Little Cat began to count, setting the pace for her master, “One…two…three…”

As the blows rained down on her back, she ceased her screams and focused on the blows. The Wolf was placing the marks in precision locations, decorating her body, adding balance to the painting.

Cat spoke to the Wolf with her eyes. He stopped.

The marks of angry talons burned like hot coals. Cat cooled the flames with minty salve and appliedit with the gentle touch.

“Oooo Nikita, you did so well. He is so pleased. No one has made his work so hard before,” she marveled.

Nikita opened one eye in disbelief. She turned her head, it was the only assertive maneuver at her disposal.

Behind her, the Wolf was drinking water and dousing himself. His muscled body rippled as he moved and Nikita found herself looking at him in a discrete way, hair covering her eyes like a shade. He pushed her raw sensitive nerve, something no one else had ever done. This admitted weakness angered her.

Wrapped in a large bath sheet, a silhouette of his body, the Wolf’s image was captured like shadow on a canvas. She was mesmerized at the play of light on his mangled hair, the slopes of his face, and curve of his lips. Sensing her eyes on him, the Wolf turned to Nikita. His dick was hard. At his signal, Cat disappeared from sight. Nikita’s body tensed without her ally near.

He knelt as if in prayer behind the altar of herass. A single digit fingered her hole, the hole, the ass hole, and the invasion was not appreciated.

“Don’t!” she demanded like an intolerant schoolteacher.

Uncomfortable and stiff from laying on her stabach with her arms bound behind her, and legs held open by the spreader bar, she was in no position to object. He laughed at her grousing and parted her cheeks to taste her. She hissed. The warm, wet, probing tongue of the Wolf committed itself into her tight, pink pumper.

“No…” she said weakly.

“But I like your ‘don’t and no’s” he mimicked.

“Please…not there.”

Amused, the Wolf would not be denied. As he licked and sucked the nectar from her vortex, she flushed all the way to the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She had been breached.

He held her meaty buttocks apart and dove in to the juicy watermelon. The hungry sound of slurping reverberated against the cries of password. Her wails were heartbreaking and chirpy at the same time. He sensed her weakened resolve. She struggled to move away from the invader, but then, she was impelled to push back, inevitably, critically, and with rhythm. He plunged and she furrowed. They moved like two trains hurtling towards each other on the same track.

The momentum had built a great heat, but the Wolf was in control. Despite her protestations, Nikita’s sounds turned into mews of pleasure. Abruptly, Wolf stopped.


It could have been a scene out of a Fellatio 101. Cat scampered to her place in front of the Wolf and was well versed in her duty.

She knelt with her hands behind her back, her throat was perfectly lined up with his cock. It was a position that she was as comfortable with as eating. She began her slow walk down his shake with her tongue with practiced ease and teased his balls with staccato movements.

Nikita couldn’t help but watch the mesmerizing waif, wishing it was her that was being serviced. Better yet, she would have liked to be theone who hovered around Wolf’s balls, causing a little pain with his pleasure.

Tears of neglect and desire sprung spontaneously out of the corners of her eyes. The Wolf smiled to see this unexpected addition to his pleasure.

Cat had an amazing ability to hold her breath while the Wolf briefly contemplated whether or not he should cum now. The decision was made for him when he noticed Cat was almost blue. He pulled the cobra out of her throat and aimed it at the bound woman’s face, temporarily blinding her eyes with the salty spurts. Cat giggled. Nikita cursed.

The Wolf watched her scowl as Cat bathed his spent cock and licked her lips in appreciation.

“Thank you Sir.” she said looking at him wildly.

“You want to cum, don’t you.”

Cat smiled beneath her eyeshes, “If it pleases you sir.”

“Be quick about it.”

Cat stretched out in front of Nikita and gave her a front row seat to the Second Coming while she squirmed in frustration. Cat gavea good show and was totally uninhibited in entertaining the Wolf with her hand play. She maintained unshakable eye contact with the Wolf until he gave her permission to orgasm.

Watching Nikita struggle between desire and self-control, he slipped his fingers inside her to coat more essence out. He placed a pale blue handkerchief under her pussy after flashing it in front of her face.

“We are going to play Wolf’s game. It’s good game. If you complete the task, you will have a choice of two things. If you don’t complete task, you will most certainly see Mr. Strop again.”

He paused. She knew he wasn’t pausing for her to answer. It wasn’t allowed.

“The handkerchief must be soaked with pussy juice. I will decide if it is enough. You will have fifteen minutes. Cat, get timer.”

Cat had it ready.



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