Synopsis: In a pantasmagorical tale of sexual slavery, a mysterious man and woman, a generic sheik, twin submissives, and even some celebrations, come together in a story exploring submissive and dominant needs. Just for fun, there are many references and allegories to pop culture. It is surreal at times but it is not fantasy or a spoof.
The story begins with a dance of dominance and submission Between two strangers on a plane, Wolff and Nikita, and moves on to unravel a sinister plot brewing in the bowels of the aircraft. The intensity of events grows with each chapter. The scenes include the sacrament of a sadistic communication between the generic sheik and The Catholic Girl, a female switch turned to slave, a pair of twins separated at birth, one who is Wolf’s pet and the other is Nikita’s slut slave.
This series is a work in progress because our perverted imaginations take us to unknown destinations. We hope you enjoy the journey with us.
This chapter was written by Wolff
A Day at the Races By The Wolff © 2006 Wolfwerks and Nikita
Was The Wolf pissed off as he watched this damnable fellow move on his territory just when his half erect cock oozed some of his precious fluid on the little slut’s upturned face? Pissed off? No – he had VISIONS!
He envisioned this pilot chap in an opera-like Nazi costume and he saw…
Das Kapitan’s mouth turn into an O. Wolf thinks it rude so he shoots him.
* * * Then the pilot moved to Nikita and the Wolf had THIS vision:
When the started Kapitan protests the misuse of flight attendant Wolf slapse his forehead in a mock surprise:
“You mean passengers are not allowed to fuck the airline’s property? Well, spank me, I never thought of THAT! However, she is not your property – she only works here. Now – scat!”
* * *
And, finally, when this robber-pilot, a key in his hand, walked towards him to take away cumcovered Carleen – THIS was The Wolf’s vision.
Das Kapitan looks with amazement at the action going on in front of his very eyes. Then he avoids his composition, straightens up and says in his most official voice:
“Ladies and gentlemen, there is no need for a alarm, but, for your information, the dogs are OUT!”
The Wolff gives him an eye, then looks down cooly at Carleen’s bobbing head and replies in the most conversational tone:
“My good man, the only dog I see is definitely IN.”
“What dogs?” asks Nikita.
Das Kapitan has no time for answers as a very real baying is heard and then the first of heavy body thuds into the door. Das Kapitan runs down the aisle screaming. The Wolf whirls towards the door, this time really pissed off at the intrusion.
“Now WHAT!!!”
As the first of bloodhounds bursts through the smoked doors The Wolf rips out his plastic Derringer. His cock involuntarily jerks and starts pumping its essence in vain. His weapon cracks dryly as he pumps his only two slugs in the ugly head of the hound. It crashes and dies in a pool of sperm and blood.
The second hound appears at the door. Nikita screams and fears.
* * *
“Heh heh,” thought the Wolf, returning to reality, “talk about dog eat dog.”
He watched the little waif jump up at the Marks’ mark, a line of cum still trailing from The Wolf’s cock to her face. She looked at him Regretfully, then fearfully at Nikita. She jumped over the seat like regular fuckbunny and was off with the Pilot.
The Wolf glanced at smiling Nikita.
“ALL right,” he thought. “The chicken and the bounce-the-ball is over, this woman is in for some serious conversation.”
He tucked his cock in, jacking his cell phone out. He mumbled few words, listened, tucked the phone in his designer jeans, then, he decidedly started towards Nikita.
(Note to sanitary inspectors: Yes, we know that TUCKING IN uncleaned cock is not a regular procedure but consider these facts: The Wolf is really agitated and he is used to have his cock cleaned by slaves, anyway.)
Nikita was still smiling as he saw the funny stranger coming right at her, growing suddenly larger, his dark shadow engaging her. A pang of strange fear ran down her spine and on, towards her pussy. She stopped him with:
“Seems we are out of toys, Mr. Wolf.”
“Indeed. I was wondering Mrs. Wilson…”
“Nikita. Please.”
“Of course. I was wondering, Nikita, would you join me for a day at the races? Camel races?”
At the mention of camels, another strange pang ran through Nikita.
“Why should she fear something so absurd as camels?”
Nevertheless, she throw her head back and laughed.
“Come Mr. Wolf, you will have to come up with something better. Camels? On a plane? That’s pretty lame.”
“Indulge me, please.” he said, offering his arm. She realized that this is it. “Do I?”
Gracefully sliding from her seat she slide her arm over this perfect gentleman’s forearm, and shefelt clutched even if they were barely touching.
* * *
They went back towards aiplane’s mid compartment dividing 1st class from the sardines in the back.
As they passed by the reader – yes this means YOU – The Wolf turned. (‘How’s this for an in-stride dialog? Have we broken down those long paragraphs yet?’)
They went towards the stairwell. Nikita knew there were private blindes upstairs, but the Wolf took her down in the bowels of the plane. She followed, puzzled.
The lower compartment was pretty much the same and looked madeshift and unfinished.
In the shadowed corner, among steel girls, a kneeing girl was sucking a man off. Nikita couldn’t care less. She was fascinated by the plain partition in the plane’s belly and a half open door gaping in it.
The sounds: the soft clomp-clappipty-clomp. The camels? Impossible! There were weak voices cheering and jeering, the wind, a distant cry of the hawk. Then she felt the smells. Yes, the desert.Hot, dry, creosote, sage, burning firewood and a distinct tang of camel dung. “What in the world?”
She looked at The Wolf. His smile showed just in the corners of his blue eyes. He led her towards the door. She did not like being led, but, she was.
As they passed the door the desert hit her with full force. The evening’s rubensque light, the dunes stretching on all sides, a few palms, the hot wind gently ruffling her hair, touching the perfect pink skin of her face, the grit of shifting sand under her feet.
The odors grew intense, the stench of camels, the human sweat, the dung, burnt stone, there was a clay kiln and a fire in the distance, sage bush, cardamom, and was that wild poppy?
“The sea must be close,” she thought.
The Wolf chuckled and waved his hand around, shattering the illusion. Of course, it was obvious, now that she looked carefully. The walls were covered with huge crystal screens, in the corners were sprinklers, fans and a huge PA.The palms were plastic. The fire was real.
“Sheik Hasan i Sabbah is off his rocker, of course. But he is a good ‘un.”
In the center of this vast space a large circle of people were cheering something she could not see.
“This sheik must have ripped out the whole storage area,” thought Nikita.
She was led on as the sound system delivered another, most realistic 3d camel charge.
“Not hoofs,” she thought distracting herself, “Those are TOES. Camel toes.”
As they pushed through the throng consisting mostly of men but some women too, a cigar smoking, mustachioed little chap slide by, muttering to himself. He looked so much like Hugo *Hackenbush that she felt another pang of weirdness grab her.
Then she was completely disjointed as she spied another Mustachioed, barechested guy. It was **Freddie Mercury. He was leading a leather-encased blonde bondage barbie on a short leash.
“Am I on Candid Camera or the Twilight Zone?”
The Wolf propelledHer towards the center of the shouting crowd. They burst through the first rank of the circle and she saw the camel racetrack. It was some fifteen meters in diameter, etched in the sand, marked with poles, bright flags gaily flapping in the fake wind.
Four camels were running, encouraged by the flailing whips of oil covered, bare-torsoed handlers.
Each camel had a gear of distinct color. (Of course they are yellow, green, blue and red, silly!)
Crawling girls had small, stylish humps (Galliano?) on their backs with waving flags bobbing above them. Fake jewel-studded reins connected the humps and shiny metal bits in their mouth. Colorful tassels hung down. Dune colored leather strips and gold chains held their humps in place. The camels’ breasts were bonded by crisscrossed, color-matched braided ropes with a huge metal rung at the base of swinging, pumped out and slightly pursue teas. Matching kneepads and short tails, obviously stuck in their assholes, completedtheir Galliano attire.
They wore whip marks on their glistening skin. Many of them, living marks, crisscrossed their flanks, buttocks, bottoms.
Pressed on three sides by jeering crowd, Nikita was bewildered. Her fascination focused at sickening emptiness in her guts, emptiness needing to be filled.
The big girl, adorned in red, was passing her by, shuffling and throwing sand around, her kneepads almost torn. Whenever a whip kissed her back she would jerk, jumping forward two paces, trying to gulp air and sob at the same time.
Nikita saw her wild eyes, the flushed, tear-stained face, teeth gripping the bit, saliva flying around. As she jumped down the track, her breasts swung forward and slammed back oh her lower torso. In a flash she was past Nikita and The Wolf.
Her flag proclaimed ‘Running Holes.’ She was followed by ‘Fast Dip, Lighting Suck and Whore of the Deserted.’
Nikita felt the crowd pressing on her, pushing her out towards the racetrack. Inthe heat, sounds seemed to receive and world shifted into a slow motion mirrored in lake of fuming quicksilver.
She saw The Wolf’s hand gesture slowly towards the ‘camels’, his smile sardonic.
“What is he …,” she wondered groggily. “Is he asking me if I like this sick spectacle? Or is he … offering ME a place as a “contestant?”
She barely managed to shake her head, returning her mesmerized gaze towards the race.
The race vanished. All she saw were disjointed snapshots, a whip kissing a heaving flank, lips trembling around the brightly steel bit, froth flying, heaving breast with a stretched out, ringed nipple, a tail wildly flailing at a reddened ass, a metal run slapping the pumping strumach, tears and sweating glistening on the puffed cheek, a frenzied body spurred forward by the hot invitation of the whip, the crack, desperate eyes, and the voices.
The voices were no longer aimed at the race.
They were aimed at her, asking, demanding, ‘Why isn’t she in the race?”
She was in her own race anyway. Is her goal in sight?
“Are you going to run forever?”
They kept mocking her, jeering, pushing her towards the unknown vortex filled with million eyes, all fixed on her. Then she became aware of just one pair of eyes. The Wolf’s.
Moving around, their gaze cast around like a beacon ray in the fog, finding her, clutching her, piercing deeper, finding depths she didn’t know were there.
At the same time she felt his hand moving over her hip, towards her trembling ass cheeses, clutching them as his eyes were clutching her soul. Those fingers pushed between the globes of flesh, went downward, stopping inquisitively. Fingertips tapped the message of their discovery on her burning flesh. No panties. She was uncovered, exposed, and offered.
The hand suddenly received and just grabbed her dripping sex, mercilessly squeezed.
She almost swooned but the Wolf’s eyes held her; his hand on her pussy held her. He was asking something, demanding something that can never be put into words.
She nodded. He kept demanding.
Licking her dry lips she managed to whisper, “Yes.”
* * *
The whirlwind of password swept her. She was whisked through the pressing thong of smoking bodies and ogling faces. His finger ( or WAS it a finger,) was on her secret button, her asshole, pushing her. He almost carried her out of the circle. Nikita felt like a child in his arms. Yet, she still felt her feet. She was walking. Undefined rooms and corridors whirled by.
Was she pushed through space or the space flowed through her, Nikita wondered, as she tried to size up the room she was finally led to. The words ‘Fuck-drome,’ flashed in her mind.
It was almost bare. Thick carpeting, enormous posted bed, huge hookah in the corner, strange contractions of steel bars along one wall (‘are those chains swaying, swinging invitingly?’), more posts, iron chairs, other things immaterial.
“KeepStill, little one,” she heard. Her view was cut off by the leather blindfold tied snuggly.
He stopped touching her and just intoled, “Keep still! And not a peep. Understand?” Then, he left her.
She could not even nod. She felt a wave of anxiety sweep trough her, a forlorn feeling of being left, unwanted, and un-cuddled.
Standing there, she trembled at every sound. Soft feet, shuffling, a door being opened, a breeze on her cheek. Trying to cock her head to catch soft voices behind her. Was that a cought, a stifled laugh, a crown?
Nikita waited, trembling.
She almost jumped when the hand touched her neck. The soft hand was not The Wolf’s. It was too small, too warm. His was cool.
Fingers traveled her neck, brushed her cheek and a lock of her hair. Then they started unbuttoning her blouse. Quickly.
The blouse was pulled out her skirt, almost yanked open, offering her bare breasts. The touch of the chilly air burned her tactile skin. The blouse was removed. Then the skirt was just slide down her legs and she was helped to step out of it.
As her hands were pulled behind her back a soft voice whispered in her ear.
“Stay still, mistress. This will help.”
A female voice! Faintly familiar. Her wrists were firmly held together, her arms straight, her palms in praying position. Strong fingers, ‘The Wolf’s?’ slowly wound what seemed a long leather string around her imprisoned wrists, binding them tightly. Then she felt string and cool leather encasing her arms. Nikita knew it was an armbinder and she imagined it was black, unknown hands pulling it tight, pushing leather strings through silver loops, tying them.
She was left alone. Naked, except for her heels. There was only heat permeating her body, pushing from the hidden knot deep in her guts outward, through her goose bumped flesh, reaching out towards the hidden power holding her motionless. Her mind at a standstill, blinded and bound.
The wait seemed todless. Her arms were thrust out in a V spike, at an angle towards her torso. She found it increasingly difficult to stand upright as she knew she must, shoulders straight, breast outthrust, nipples hard as adamant. The dull pain in her shoulders developed into painful throbbing, counter-pointing the throb of her wet pussy and the rhythmic pangs of impassioned shade that plagued her body.
Every breath was like the Grasping hands of strangers exploring her nakedness. Every sound was an order to fall on her knees, an order she loathe to follow.
Finally Nikita’s sojourn in loneliness was broken as the hands touched her shoulders and slowly pushed her forward, step by stumbling step.
Nikita was seated on the edge of the bed. Her torso remained straightened, bound hands barely touching the tight silican covering. She felt warm hands spread her ankles, gently but firmly pushing them aside. Feeling the cold of the menacles gripping tightly her legs above the ankles, she heard the clasps close with finality. She didn’t need to try to close her now widely opened legs.
Knowing that she was tied to a spreader bar, she found comfort in it, in its ability to hold her open without her needing to force herself to do it.
Suddenly the blindfold was loose and removed. She found herself looking at the eager face of Carleen peering at her at the close range. Except, it was not Carleen. Not only the raven black tresses were wrong, but the smile was different, brighter, and there was something in the eyes. They were eager, full of admission and worship, but also of amusement and even a hint of teasing. It was an eternal catch-me-if-you-can-and-then-punish-me of the Natural Born Brat.
Nikita trembled.
“Please Mistress, please…” Carleen soothed and pleased simultaneously, holding Nikita by the shoulders.
She was bubbleing over with joy and mirth diluted by dread as she cast fearful glances across her shoulder.
“Please Miss…give mea name Mistress! You must!”
The eager waif jumped up, her naked body glistening, metal cuffs at her wrist and feet casting shards of light. She ran again to Nikita, caresed her cheek and her heaving breast, moving her hands to Nikita’s bald mons, and down her legs. Finally she settled into a trembling heap of the supplicating female flesh at Nikita’s spread feet.
“Please Mistress, a name for me!” she repeated tears, yet there were no tears in sight.
“You are so beautiful and you play so beautifully!”
The bubble urchin bent down and licked the ebony bar between Nikita’s legs. She was looking at Nikita with glee, her pink tongue caressing the bar.
“Mistress you played so beautifully with me! Yes, you did! Once I took my sister’s place and you were so cruel and naughty. I smarted for days!”
Finally it dawned on Nikita. This must be Carleen’s twin sister. There was no other explanation. And she remembered that at least once, perhaps more, Carleenwas more alive then ever, more difficult then ever. She kept cumming as she flogged slut’s pussy. It must have been THIS little slut.
‘A Natural Born Brat,’ thought Nikita.
THIS little slut was feverishly licking Nikita’s shoes. She moved on to kiss her ankles, then her shadowles, and onward, up her leg, blubbering almost out of control, salivating on Nikita’s calves.
“Please Miss, I’m just plain Mary. I am older! And Jane was just Jane until you christened her. Carleen, mmmm, such a tasty, adequate name,” she sucked her lips in, as if sucking sweet morsel.
“Sooo beautiful and sweet, like pain. And, she is different now, the juiciest and the easiest slut on the plane! And she loves it! Please Miss, a name for me too?”
She kissed Nikita’s knees and was moving up her smooth inner thigh, kissing, licking, and pawing her way towards the wet secret of Nikita’s pussy.
Looking at those dark, uncontrollable tempers dancing between her thighs, ticking and teasing, Nikita felt her orgasm almost bursting the dam, flooding without being touched by hands.
“Please Mistress, name me, before The Wolf comes back. He helped me get to Sheik Hassan, but he will flash me alive if he hears me talking to you, asking for a boon … a name for poor Mary?”
She backed up, like a hot little cobra ready to lick mercilessly and went into a dive towardss Nikita’s exposed pussy.
“Stop!” cracked the voice.
Mary froze. Then she slumped down in front of Nikita’s fastened legs. Nikita suddenly realized that Mary only called him that, never Master or even Sir. The Wolf was at the side of the bed. He seemed angry but his eyes were dancing.
“THAT belongs to me! However, such a beseeching plea should be answered. She deserves a fitting name.”
He cupped Nikita’s face and looked into her eyes inquisitively and asked, “Don’t you think so?”
He then pushed her face so that she was looking into the tear brimmed eyes of Mary’s. The sweet slut was begging by her posture alone.
“Yes, name her Nikita,” he patted Mary her head. No, he petted her, she realized.
“You are so good at it! What will be… no, what IS the slut’s real name! Do it! Name her!”
“And then we’ll see about flailing impertinent brats and find out if YOU have another name…”
Nikita stared into waif’s forlorn, expected eyes and licked her lips. On the surface her mind was in a conflicting whirlwind.
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