Slave for a Night Pt. 01

Slave for a Night, Part One

Kaitlyn was even more gorgeous in real life than in her profile picture.

I recognized her the second I saw her across the bar. The first thing I noticed, as she had warned me I would, was her height. She towered over all the women she passed in the bar, and even some of the men. Her profile said she was 5’9″ in her stocking feet, and she wasn’t in her stocking feet Now. Her heels were enormous, and my first incongruous thought was how can she walk in those things?

She recognized me and smiled, moving over to where I’d seated myself on a sofa below the spiral staircase. As I stood to greet her I got a better look at the woman who had, until just moments ago, been simply a face on a Tinder profile. Her long dark hair framed a heart-shaped face, and the Minimal makeup she wore enhanced her natural beauty. She wore a wine red cocktail dress that ended a demure two inches above her knees. Her stockings were black andsheer and her heels showed off a pair of legs that had me instantly jealous. She topped off the outfit with a leather jacket, which had the intriguing effect of adding a slightly dangerous edge to her appearance.

Oh my god. She’s stunning.

She smiled warmly at the sight of me. “Jenna?”

I shyly returned the smile. “That’s the password.”

She leaned down and Surprised me by kissing me on both cheeses. “Your pictures don’t do you justice,” she said, “you’re beautiful.” My disbelief must have shown on my face because she said, “No, you are. Don’t be unkind about yourself, it’s not becoming.”

I grinned at the authority in her voice. She was just so commanding. “Yes, Ma’am.”

Her delighted smile widened. “Mmm, I like that. Maybe I should get you to call me Ma’am all the time.”

And she took my hand as we sat down together on the sofa.


My name is Jenna Scully. I’m twenty-four years old. I have dark hair and eyes, I’m a bit under averaage height and I am, as this story begins, horny as fuck.

I think I’ve always known I was gay. All my childhood crushes were on girls. I’d had boyfriends in college but each time it had been deeply unsatisfying. And again, all my crushes were on girls.

I finally admitted it when my best friend at the time dared me to kiss her one drunken night in the dorms. It was the most wonderful kiss of my life, and from that point onward I stopped thinking about boys completely. I just knew this was me for the rest of my life.

I’d had a couple of casual girls during college but since getting a job I wanted something more. One of my friends had suggested Tinder might be a good place to start, and Kaitlyn had been one of the first women who caught my eye.

And she had caught my eye in a big way. It wasn’t just that she was gorgeous. I loved the naughty glint in her eye when she smiled. I loved that we had a lot of the same interests. When she had suggested meeting, I had jumped at the chance.


Kaitlyn insisted on buying the first round of drinks. It was clear from the beginning that this was a girl who didn’t take no for an answer and that was fine with me. I’ve never considered myself the submissive sort but Kaitlyn was the sort of leader I’d have quite happily followed.

We got the drinks and retired to the sofa to begin. I was worried it was going to be awkward — it was my first time meeting someone like this — but Kaitlyn made it easy. She was relaxed and funny and easy to talk to. We hit it off quickly. Before too long she had slide closer to me in the chair and, after she reached out to put her drink on the table, let her hand brush against my knee.

Her touch was electric and I couldn’t help but let out a small gasp. Kaitlyn smiled as she saw it.

“Do I make you nervous?” she asked.

“A little,” I admitted.


“You’re just so…”

I competed hopelessly in her direction, hoping it would convey all the words I couldn’t articulate. Beautiful. Confident. Sexy. My hopelessness amused her because she smiled.

“You’re cute, you know that?”

And she leaned over and kissed me on the lips.


After that we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. It was nice to stop pretending. We both so clearly wanted each other it was palpable, and when Kaitlyn suggested we should go back to her place I nearly squealed with delight.

The cab ride seemed interminable, with the dirty old man driving constantly eyeing us in the rearview mirror. I was starting to get really uncomfortable with his constant attention when Kaitlyn reached over and took my hand.

“He’s just jealous,” she said, “because I get to have you and he doesn’t.”

Her words were loud enough for the man to hear. I started to protest but Kaitlyn silenced me with a finger to my lips.

“Let’s show him what he’s missing,” she said before kissing me hard on the mouth.

We made out on the back seat all the way back. Immediately Kaitlyn made me feel safe. When we climbed out of the cab in front of Kaitlyn’s house, the driver muttered, “Lesbians!” under his breath, causing Kaitlyn to round on him and give him her prettiest smile.

“That is not an insult, granddad!”

She took my hand and led me to the front door without looking back.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” I whispered as Kaitlyn unlocked her front door. “He knows where you live now.”

“Not worried about him,” Kaitlyn said. “Men like that are pathetic. He’s going to go home and beat himself off while thinking about us now, and that gives me the power over him, not the other way around.”

“You like that?” I asked. “Having power over people?”

Kaitlyn’s eyes shone as she looked back at me. “Oh my angel, you have no idea.”


Kaitlyn locked the door after us. I’d barely got my bearings inside the hallway of her house before I feel her hands on me. In seconds I found myself shoved against the wall, Kaitlyn’s hands grabbing my wrists and pinning them high over my head as she kissed me, forcedly and passwordately.

As she did so my mind was whirling. This wasn’t what I’d expected. I’d thought we’d chat, flirt a little, maybe a kiss goodnight if it went well. Things were going a lot faster than I’d anticipated. Kaitlyn seemed to sense my shift because she stopped kissing me and pulled back just slightly.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I am, of course, it’s just…”

“It’s fast?” When I nodded she said, “I learned a long time ago that if I want something I should just take it. Saves a lot of time and heartache, and it’s much easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.”

“And…” I swallowed. “And you want me?”

She took my chin between her forefinger and thumb and raised my face until my lips were just an inch from hers. “Darling Jenna,” she said in a whisper, “I’ve wanted you since thesecond I saw your profile picture. Now I’ve seen you in that dress I want you even more.”

I smiled at that. The dress was dark green. Not new, but a favourite of mine. I’d wanted to be comfortable as well as look nice. Kaitlyn’s other hand was running down my sides towards the hem of the skirt.

“If this is too fast,” she whispered, “we can stop.”

“No,” I said quickly. “No, I don’t want to stop.”

Her lips moved closer to mine. I could smell her lipstick.

“Are you happy to let me lead the way?” Kaitlyn asked.

I nodded quickly. “Yes.”

Her smile broadened. “Good decision.”

Strong hands gripped me and she spun me around and pushed me face-first against the wall. Before I could really comprehend what was happening, she had pulled my hands behind my back. I felt cold steel encircle my wrists and snap shut as the handscuffs locked into place.

“What the–?”

I tried to pull away but she easily pressed me against the wall, holding me in place with a single hand.

“Jenna,” she whispered, slow and authoritative, “listen to me. If this isn’t what you want, say so now. I’ll take the cuffs off, call you a cab, send you home and you’ll never hear from me again.”

She sounded sincere. Even over the sudden pounding of my heart I believed her.


Her finger was tracing up the inside of your tigh.

“You can stay here, take a chance, satisfy your curiosity, and maybe enjoy yourself in ways you never thought possible. But the choice is yours. What do you want to do? Go… or stay?”

For a moment my mind went in two different directions at the same time. Every sensitive instinct I had told me to run, to get out of there, but at the same time I stayed stock still for reasons that had nothing to do with Kaitlyn’s hand on the small of my back and also everything to do with Kaitlyn’s hand on the small of my back.

I didn’t think I was in any real danger. Had a man tried this crap on meI’d have been out of that door and screaming bloody murder from the second the handscuffs went on. But despite the fact that we’d only met less than a couple of hours ago, I didn’t think for a minute that Kaitlyn actually means me any real harm.

But still…

“What do you mean by ways I never thought possible?” I asked.

I felt Kaitlyn’s hand brushing my hair away from the nape of my neck. Her fingertips brushed lightly over my skin, sending excited jitters all the way down my spine.

“The only way to know is to stay and find out,” she said. “You’ll be safe, don’t worry… but if you leave now, you’ll always wonder what you might have walked out on. So. Do you consent?”

Part of me still thought I should say no. That would have been the sensible thing to do. But at the same time, that voice was silenced by a louder one, one shouting in my brain Stay. This is what you want.

I took a deep breath.

“I consent,” I whispered, wondering if thoseTwo words would lead to something wonderful or the worst mistake of my life.

Or perhaps both at the same time.

I could feel Kaitlyn’s smile as she leaned in closer to whisper in my ear.

“From now until six AM tomorrow morning, you’re my slave. Obey me, behave yourself, leave your preconceptions at the door, and you’ll enjoy it as much as I will. Resist me, be a brat, and I’ll torture you without mercy the whole time. Am I clear? Say Yes Mistress.”

I felt myself shudder in pleasure. “Yes Mistress,” I said. The word felt odd on my lips. Frightening… but also exciting at the same time.

“Good girl.” Kaitlyn took me by the upper arm. “Let’s get you ready.”

She led me through the house into a back room. As we entered I stopped in shock. It was a dominatrix’s dungeon! I saw bondage furniture, a cage and racks of things on the walls I had only ever seen in R-rated movies before. I turned to Kaitlyn in shock and she smiled at my surprise.

“My aunt’s apro-dominatrix,” she aid by way of explanation. “She’s out of town for the weekend.”

“And she lets you use this place?”

“Only when I’ve got a pretty little slut to play with.” Kaitlyn gave my ass a slap. It was playful but it still hurt. “And you need to remember to call me Mistress at all times, got it?”

“Yes Mistress,” I said hurriedly.

“Good girl. Don’t forget again. Now hold still while I take those cuffs off.”

She moved behind me. I obediently held still as I heard a key clicking in a lock and the cuffs were removed.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” Kaitlyn said as I rubbed my wrists. “They’re going back on in a moment. Right now I need to go get ready.”

She pointed to the corner of the room, where an ornate carved throne sat proud. A small laundry basket sat on the floor beside it.

“Get naked,” she ordered. “Fold your clothes neatly and put them in that basket. Turn your cell off so we’re not disturbed. Then knee before the throne and wait for me. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Oh, and Jenna?”


She tossed the cuffs to me. “I’ll want you wearing those when I come back. Hands behind your back.” She winded. “Don’t want you playing with yourself while I’m gone, do I?”

She was gone before I could say another word, leaving me alone in the dungeon. For a moment I just stood there. What are you doing? the rational part of my mind was saying. Why are you going along with this? Well… yes, it was true, this hadn’t been what I’d had in mind for this date, but at the same time…

I switched off my phone and put it in the basket. Then I undressed. Jacket and shoes first. Then my dress and finally my underwear. Once I was naked I picked up the handcuffs and considered them for a moment before nodding. Although the comment being designed to embarrass me, Kaitlyn had been right. The temptation to touch myself was pretty overwhelming. Yet I didn’t, because I realized part of me — a big part — really did want to obey her. It was all so deliciously kinky.

You’re here now. You’re committed. You called her mistress and stripped naked in her sex dungeon. No point half-assing this now. Taking a deep breath, I fasted the cuff around my left wrist, then put my hands behind my back and gropeed for a while until I managed to fasten the second one around my right. As the metal clicked close it suddenly occurred to me that Kaitlyn hadn’t said if she wanted me to cuff my hands in front or behind, but it was too late now. The cuffs wouldn’t come off without a key. There was nothing I could do about it.

Besides, I thought, if it’s wrong, I suspect she’ll punishment me for it.

Why was it that thought Suddenly seemed so appealing.

As I stepped before the throne, I caught sight of myself in one of the mirrors on the walls. I barely recognized myself. I saw a naked girl, face flushed with excitement, hands cuffed behind her back. To my own surprise I felt myself react to the image. God, you’re dripping wet already! I dropped to my knees in front of the throne and hoped Kaitlyn didn’t keep me waiting too long. I wasn’t sure where the evening was going but by now I was damn sure I wanted to find out.

Time passed. My heart pounded as I felt the anticipation build, and I wondered if Kaitlyn was deliberately being slow for just that reason. I was only just beginning to have second thoughts when I heard high heels clicking on the floor of the corridor outside, growing closer. I felt goosebumps prickle at my skin and I turned to the door just as it opened and Kaitlyn entered.

She had changed clothes. I had thought she was stunning before, but now… She wore a shiny black leather dress that barely covered her panties. Her long legs were bare, and her shoes were black, strappy and had huge siletto heels. She wore long black silk opera gloves on her hands, though on closer inspection I sawthe fingertips had been cut out. Her dark hair was teased up high and she wore a black picker around her neck. She carried a riding crop in one hand and a leather collar in the other.

“You look gorgeous, Kaitlyn,” I blurted before I could stop myself, “just like I imagined a real mistress would look.”

I regretted it instantly when I saw her eyes darken. “I am a real Mistress, and by tomorrow morning you’ll know it for certain.”

I swallowed. “Sorry Mistress, I didn’t mean it like that.”

Her stern looked vanished after a moment and she smiled. She was enjoying herself, and that made me smile too. She made me kiss her shoes, then the tip of the crop, before fasting the collar around my neck. As she did so, she whispered a safe word in my ear.

“For in case things get too intense,” she added.

I nodded. I’d already decided I wasn’t going to use it. I trusted Kaitlyn and I was excited to see where this was going to take us.



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