After Tara had gone I checked on Tina, still sleeping off the whipping she had received the night before. I let Ella sleep until midday, then went to wake her with a cup of tea and two slices of buttered toast. She lay sprayed in the disarrayed bed, the duvet half-thrown off, the floor littered with items of clothing, sex toys, a discarded lube and Ella’s buttplug. She still wore her slave collar, but otherwise she was naked. The bedsheets were stained and smelled with, I imagined, a mix of body fluids and lube.
“Ella,” I said softly. Gently she stood, then opened her piercing green eyes, like a flashlight being switched on. She smiled when she saw me.
“Good morning Master,” she said. She yawned and stretched.
“Afternoon,” I corrected her. She frowned slightly;
“What time is it?”
“Just after midday.”
“I’m sorry Master, I didn’t mean to sleep so late.”
“It’s fine. It sounds like you had a late night.”
“Yes Master; Mistress was veryenthusiastic and energetic.” She smiled again at the memory.
“Well when you’re ready have a shower, make the bed and tidy the room, then come down to the library and tell me all about it.”
“Yes Master,” she said, “Shall I dress?”
“No, stay as you are for now.”
“Yes, Master.”
My iPhone pinged with a message from James;
Back from Dubai, will come and get Tina around 3pm.
She’s ready and waiting, I replied.
Has she given satisfaction? he asked.
Many times, I replied, And I have the video to prove it.
I sent him the url for the video of the face-fucking session on the staging server.
Thx, I’ll look at that in the taxi home, he replied.
See you about 3.
I checked on Tina again; she had woken up now and I led her up to my en-suite bathroom, removed the chatity belt and hood, let her use the toilet, shower and dry, then had her suck the plugs clean before lubricating and re-inserting them, snapping the chatity belt shut once more. I replaced the hood.
“Your master is coming to get you this afternoon,” I told her.
“Yes, sir,” she replied.
“He’s been without for for several days now – I imagine he will want to use you as soon as you get home.”
“Yes, sir.”
I led her down to the kitchen, fed her porridge and soft fruit through the hood, let her sip water Through a straw; then led her back to the cellar, put back on the mittens she had arrived in and put the yoke back on. I retrieved her high heels and put them on her, so she looked exactly as she did when she had arrived the Sunday before, except for some fresh marks on her body. I would have made her suck me off, but I wanted to save my energies for the evening. I tethered her to the wall and left her there.
I made myself a coffee and spent some time doing accounts. It was month-end, and a piece of software calculated the amounts that needed to be paid to partners for videos they had supplied or appeared in, then presented those amounts to me for approval. My cut was 50% of all revenues to cover the costs of running the website and the server, the other 50% went to one or more parties depending on who was in the video and/or who had made it. Ella got a share of quite a few videos, and I approved the payments into her bank account. While she was with me she had no need of money, but of course one day she may decide to leave, and if she did so I would buy her a place to live, or set her up in a business of her choosing, or both if that was what she desired. She would also have a very sizeable chunk in her bank account – currently several thousand pounds a month were going in, a figure that had been growing month-on-month from nothing since she had arrived with me two years before. I’d suggested to her that we invest her money in bonds and she had agreed, so each month the balance grow organically in addition to any new deposits. She had left everything behind to come and serve me – she had quit her job, given notice on the lease of the flat she rented, said goodbye to friends for she knew not how long – and if and when she left I would give her a life back. As the number of videos she appeared in increased the Long Tail effect came into play: each new video created a spike in views and revenue when it was released, and although that amount reduced over time, over time there were more videos in total. The company I had started for the website business, Control Productions Ltd, turned over about half a million a year, and after costs and commissions I came out with about two hundred thousand. Not bad, added to the proceeds of the Forex trading and various other bits and pieces.
Nearly an hour later Ella padded into the library, arms behind her back as she walked. She was shown, had dried her hair, and it was hold in a ponytail by a hair-band. Without being told she knelt before the desk, awaiting instruction.
“So, tell me all about it.”
Ella related how the had spent the entire night fucking. Tara had spanked Ella some more, telling Ella to finger herself while she did so, then had ordered Ella to spank her, and then to fuck her with a variety of the dildos and vibrators. She had even told Ella to use one of the smaller dildos in her ass, while Ella held one of the vibrators tight against her clip. She went down on Ella, then had told Ella to lick her for a very long time, coming twice from the oral alone. Altogether they had both reached many orgasms, and had finally fallen into an exhausted sleep in each other’s arms as the dawn broke outside and the first birds began to sing.
“Mistress said to say goodbye,” I told Ella when she had finished; “And that she hoped to see you again. I’d be surprised if she doesn’t come back. I think we really opened her eyes.” And some other orifices too, I added to myself.
“Yes, Master,” she said, and I thought she sounded rather wistful.
I feel like a lazy afternoon and it was anotherer beautiful day, so I pulled two sunloungers from the garage into the sun, and Ella and I spent a few hours sunbathing. Ella spend a lot of time inside, what with being caged in the library or tethered in the cellar and it was important her skin got at least some sun; but she was naturally very pale, so I took great pleasure in ensuring she was well-covered in high-factor sun-cream, spending plenty of time massaging the lot into her breasts, belly, crotch, legs, face and arms, and made sure she turned over regularly.
I let Ella have her weekly internet access as we sunbathed, her oiled fingers leaving smokes on the iPad screen as she swiped and tapped out messages to friends by email and on social media and updated a blog she maintained – The Diary of Slave E. Most of her friends know where she was and why, and staying in touch this way, Even if only once a week, was an important way of them reassuring themselves she stayed both safe and happy. There had been no complaintsso far. During the first eighteen months Ella had been with me, five times she had requested she be allowed an overnight trip to London to visit her friends and I had agreed, seeing her off at the station in the morning and picking her up in the evening of the day after; but the gaps between visits had grown longer and longer and she hadn’t asked recently, which I took to mean she had fully adjusted to her life in bondage, that she felt safe and secure and happy with her life in Dorset and didn’t want to leave, not even temporarily.
At half-past three I heard a car in the driveway, and walked out to see James getting out of his car.
“Hi,” I said, “How was Dubai?”
“Sorry I’m late,” he said, “Accident on the motorway. Dubai was very interesting. And lucrative. Looks like they want to invest many millions into UK property, and I talked them round to a 3% finder’s fee if I can locate suitable places to buy.”
“Sweet! Get a chance to watch the video?”
“I did. What a total fucking whore! I’ll make her pay for that when we get home.”
“She’s had a couple of hundreds strokes since you left,” I said; “Bullwhip and lash, mainly.”
“Well she’ll get plenty more before I’m done with her.”
I led him through to the cellar. He unhooked the wall tether and told her to stand. He slapped her left breast, hard;
“Hello, whore,” he said.
“Hello Master,” she replied softly.
“I watched the video of you taking all those men into your mouth, guzzling their cum like the slut you are.”
“I did as I was commanded, Master.”
“You enjoyed it too, though, didn’t you?”
“Yes, Master.”
James turned to me; “What’s the point of degrading them when they enjoy it so much?”
I shrugged. “I guess the challenge is to come up with new and more imaginative degradations.”
He led her up to the car, pushed her into the back seat.
“Thanks for that,” he said.
“No problem. Do you want that video to go live onthe website, and we’ll split the profits?”
“God yes. Let everyone see what a filthy cum-slut she is.”
“OK, I’ll put it up this afternoon.”
“Great.” He looked around, “By the way, where’s Ella?”
“In the garden, sunbathing.”
“You allow that woman far too much leeway,” he said; “You’ll spoil her.” He waved at Tina; “Never let them forget what they are.”
He got in the car and drive off, and I returned to the garden, settled back into the sunlounger’s cushions.
After five minutes there was a ping as a txt arrived; it was taken in James’ car; Tina in the footwell of the passenger seat, her head pressed into James’s crotch, his cock disappearing into her hooded mouth, his left hand forcing her head down as his right held the camera to take the picture.
Couldn’t wait til I got home, the txt said.
As I lay there sunbathing I txtd Jade.
Still on for tonight? I asked. She took a few minutes to come back, she’d obviously been doing somethinging, maybe she was behind the bar in the Kings Head.
Can’t wait, she said. Been wet since I woke up this morning thinking about it.
Before we meet, I want you to think about your limits, things you don’t want done to you.
Like what?
Anything that doesn’t turn you on. Anal, golden shows, girl/girl, double penetration, caning, being gagged or hooded, whether you like being humiliated and called names… If you don’t tell me something is a limit I’ll assume you’re OK with it; but of course you’ll have safe words to stop an activity anytime you like.
OK, let me think about it and I’ll get back to you.
Cool. Also, what’s your pain tolerance?
I’m not sure, I’ve never really had to find out.
OK, I’ll be gentle with you. For tonight, at least.
We sunbathed for another half hour, then went into the kitchen. I made Ella a small portion of porridge, eaten from her bowl, and sliced mango. She lapped water from her dog bowl. I told her to go and shower again to get the sun-cream off, while I considered how I was going to dress her for the dinner date with Jade.
While I pondered the question I went down to the cellar and rearranged furniture for the evening’s entertainment. I deconstructed the armature machines and stored them away, and pushed everything to one side so that the only furniture in front of the couches were the spanking bench and the cross.
I called a hair salon in town, and booked an appointment for Ella for 6pm. I walked up to meet her from the shower, and when she had dried off I told her to knee, fetched a tube of After Sun and massaged it all over her body and face. Her skin glowed from the sun she had received, and emanated an animal warmth. I let my fingers linger on her breasts, nipples and around her pussy, and I couldn’t resist slipping a few fingers inside her and moving them until she got wet.
Then I took her into the dressing-room. I selected a pair of rubber knickers for her toWear, but these were special; they had dildos moulded into them to fit both holes. Seeing Tina suffering with her chatity belt for days on end had set me to thinking: I’d bought these a while ago but Ella had never hurt them. As an added twist the plugs vibrated, and each ended in a small copper nub, so that shocks could be administratored. Both the vibrations and the shocks could be controlled from an app on my phone – each plug (‘Fore’ and ‘Aft’) had its own speed slider and ‘Shock’ button, so they could be vibrated at different speeds and shocked independently of each other.
“Do they fit?” I asked Ella, after the dildos had been lubed and inserted, and the knickers pulled up so they fitted snugly.
“Yes, Master.”
How do they feel?”
“Filling, Master.”
I left her legs bare, and put on her a black wet-look latex dress which came to mid-thigh, ending in a red frilled hem. It had a plunging cleavage and was sleepless, and I gave her elbow-length skin-tight latex gloves to put on: they were difficult to get into even after she had sprinkled talcum powder on her forearms, but eventually we removed all wrinkles and they looked smooth and flawless. Rubber ankle socks and black rubber ankle boots completed the look.
I stood back and admired my handiwork.
“Arms behind back,” I told her.
“Yes, Master.”
I took out my phone and started the app. I slid both plugs up to about a quarter of maximum.
“Oh!” said Ella, as she was vibrated anally and vaginaly at the same time.
“Close your legs tight together, side by side.”
“Yes, Master.” She did as she was told, so the vibrating dildos were pressed closer together. I touched the ‘Fore’ shock button.
“Ouch!” said Ella, her body jerking with the shock she had just received. I shocked her ass, then both together.
I turned both dildos off and put the phone back in my pocket.
“That seems to be working,” I said; “Now go and make yourselfup. Black lipstick, I think, heavy on the eyeliner.
“Yes Master,” she said and went to do as she was told.
When Ella had returned from making herself up she looked absolutely stunning: jet black lipstick, dark eyeliner which accentuated her shining green eyes even more than usual and just a hint of blusher to highlight her cheekbones. The make-up matched her black hair perfectly.
“Perfect goth princess,” I told her, and pecked her on the cheek; “You look ravishing.”
“Thank you, Master,” she said, glowing with pride – or was it the sun?
We arrived at the Shear Beauty hair salon just before the appointment time. I reflected that this was the first day in a very long time I hadn’t had a single orgasm by 6pm – but I hoped to make up for it later. Certainly the sight of Ella sitting in the stylist’s chair was a very arousing one – her long smooth legs emerging from the black dress, her ankles disappearing into the ankle socks, her wonderful tits pushed and shaped by the latex dress…
Ella told the stylist – a girl called Sam in her late teens or early twentyties, blonde, pretty rather than beautiful face – she wanted two plaits, and the stylist got to work. As she worked I took out the iPhone, opened the app and gently slide the Fore and Aft controllers up – not very far, and not making enough noise for the stylist to notice, but I saw Ella stiffen as she felt the viruses begin, before relaxing in to the sensing.
“You look amazing,” the stylist told her. “Going clubbing?”
“No, out to dinner, ” Ella said, smiling.
“Ooh, where are you going?”
“Le Chat Sauvage,” Ella told her.
“Oh wow, I’ve heard the food’s incredible there. Never been, myself.”
“You should go,” said Ella, “It’s expensive, but worth every penny.”
“Not on my wages,” she said.
When she had finished a plait of Ella’s lustrous black hair hung down over each breast. It was the perfect finishing touch.
When Sam had finishedhed I turned off the vibrators, paid for the haircut, and gave her a £100 tip.
“Have a meal at the Chat on us with your boyfriend,” I said. She looked at the money unbelievingly.
“Really? For real?” she said, “Oh, that is so kind of you both. Thank you!”
“A pleasure,” I said, “Enjoy the meal.”
“Oh I will,” she said, “Thank you!”
We had time to kill, so we went and had a drink the Kings Head – diet coke for me, San Pellegrino mineral water for Ella. We sat at the bar and made small talk with Dave. None of the men in the pub could take their eyes off Ella, and several jealous wives or girlfriends nudged their men hard in the ribs to stop them staring.
“Hear you’re taking Jade out for dinner,” he said to me, Winking.
“Yes, we’re meeting her at 8.”
“She’s looking forward to it, hasn’t talked about anything else. She took the afternoon off to get ready.”
“Well I hope she’s not disappointed,” I said.
“Go a bit easy on her,” Dave said, lowering his voice; “She’s new to all this. I don’t want a damaged barmaid.”
“Don’t worry,” I said, “She’s in safe hands.” I glanced at Ella: “Four of them, in fact,” I added.
“Well have fun,” said Dave, “Wish it was me, you lucky bastard.”
“I’ve found in life that to a large degree you make your own luck,” I said, finishing my drink.
Ella and I left the pub and arrived at the restaurant where the Maitre D, Sergei, seated us at our favourite table, towards the back of the medium-sized room with a clear view to the door.
At precisely eight o’clock Jade entered. All eyes turned to her, although Sergei, unflappable as always, barely seemed to notice that she had forgotten to fully dress.
She wore knee-high purple leather industrial boots, nine buckles up the front, fishnet stockings and suspenders, with black briefs; all clearly visible under the sheer black negligée she wore – completely see-through and showing her glorious tits with their erect pierced nipples. Her bush of auburn public hair was clearly visible through the babydoll and her panties. Her hair was gelled and styled close to her skull – if it hadn’t looked so fantastic it could have been described as a pudding-bowl cut, but as it was it framed her face, the vertical of the hair falling past her cheeks contrasting with the horizontal slash of her vermillion lipstick. She had painted bright red varnish onto Her nails, and carried a black patent leather clutch-bag. Her bright, shining eyes were outlined with kohl and she wore a pale purple eye-shadow to match her boots. Where Ella looked formal and elegant in her gloves and latex dress, Jade looked wanton and slutty, and I loved it.
She sauntered across the restaurant, led by Sergei, and he pulled her chair out for her as she sat down.
“Hello Master,” she said. Sergei pretended not to hear, “Hello Ella.”
“Hello Jade,” I said, and Ella leaned over and planted a wet kiss on her cheek; “You look phenomenonnal. I approve.”
“Drinks, sir, ladies?” asked Sergei. I had an orange juice, I ordered tap water for Ella.
“Jade?” I asked, “What would you like?”
“A small white wine please,” she said. “But small: no more than two fingers.”
“Oh,” I said archly, “Surely you can manage more than two fingers?”
She snorted with laughter, “Well I guess we’ll see later on, won’t we?”
Sergei went to fill the drinks order and Jade turned to me, looking me straight in the eye:
“If you approve of the way I dress,” she said, referring to our previous txt conversation, “Does this means I don’t get a spanking?”
“On the contrary,” I said, “You are clearly a wanton and brazen little hussy, and you need to be spanked Very severely.”
“Oh good!” she said, “I was hoping you’d say something like that.”
Sergei returned with drinks and menus.
“You may eat what you like,” I said to Ella; on other occasions I had ordered for her when we ate out, but I was feelinggenerous – she had behaved superlatively recently, and such obedience should be rewarded.
To start Ella ordered a salad of pearl, roquefort, walnuts and rocket, Jade went for broccoli and stilton soup, and I asked Sergei for the scallops and black pudding; and for main Ella choose a dover sole meunière and a green salad, Jade poached breast of guinea fowl, and I had a fillet mgon, cooked rare, with new potatoes and vegetables for Jade and I to share.
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