Slave Ella Ch. 03 – The Party

I opened the door to the first of my guests – Michael Cisse and Amanda. Michael was in his late thirties, Nigerian by birth, but has been living in the UK for many years. He ran a successful import/export business, importing Nigerian agricultural product into the UK and exporting British furniture and luxury goods to Nigeria, for the country’s growing rich class – or ‘kleptocracy’, as he called them. I met him at a sex club, where I had let him fuck Ella one evening: he had the most enormous cock I’d ever seen, and it didn’t surprise me when I later learned that his nickname was Monster Mike. He had jet-black skin, worked out, was over 6 feet tall, and was ruggedly handsome. Although his nickname he was a very friendly, charming guy. Apart from being a sexual sadist, of course.

His property, Amanda, could not have been more different: petite, blonde, early twenties, stunningly beautiful with long legs and small, high breasts. Her sweet smile and open face hidden the fact that shewas utterly corrupted, and enthusiastically engaged in every perversion Mike or his friends could imagine. That night she was dressed in a schoolgirl outfit; green blazer, sheer white blouse thin enough to reveal the black bra underneath, a green and red plaid skirt short enough to show the tops of her tan stockings, and black high heels. Her outfit was perfectly convincing, except for the jewelled slave shouter she wore. Her blonde hair was plained into pigtails on either side of her head.

Their relationship was one of dominant-submissive, but Mike allowed her more freedom than many masters allowed their slaves. She had more freedom to talk, for one thing: Ella was restricted to only speaking when spoken to, while Amanda was more spontaneous in conversation. Mike also allowed her to go out to work, and she had a good job in an estate agent’s in a neary town. Secretly I think it turned Mike on sending her to work, knowing that every man she met wanted to fuck her but that he wasthe only one who could. He’d told me once that he had ordered her to tell him every time a man chatted her up, and her frequent evening confessions turned him on and gave him a reason to punish her – not that he needed one, of course, that’s what slaves are for. He said that when she got home from work she immediately got changed into something less comfortable, confessed who had tried to sleep with her that day, and then accepted her punishment, whether it was a whipping or taking Mike’s monster cock into her mouth or arse.

Sometimes he let her fuck other men; but only after he had met the man in question and made clear that she was his property and the fucking was done with his permission – and on condition that the session could be filmed. Not many men tried to disagree with the hulking Nigerian, although more than a few suddenly lost interest in Amanda. Some didn’t though, and they had an extensive collection of such encounters, and sometimes held film nights for theirFriends. Many was the evening I’d sat in their locke, Ella slowly sucking my cock as I watched a strange man fucking Amanda on a projection screen. Sometimes it was just straight sex, but some of the men had kisses of their own – one film had shown Amanda being strapped to a frame, caned hard and repeatedly while she pleased for mercy, and then being hogtied so she couldn’t move and sodomised. That was a great night.

“Evening Dan,” Mike said, shaking my hand.

“Hi Mike,” I answered. “Hi Amanda,” I added, pecking her on the cheek. It seemed a strangely formal greeting considering what we’d be getting up to very shortly. Still, you needed to break the ice.

“Where’s Ella?” he asked

“Downstairs, waiting for us,”

“Ah, say no more,” and he turned. Amanda giggled.

I fixed them both drinks – a bottle of beer for Mike and a vodka tonic for Amanda – and we sat in the locke making small talk until there was another ring on the door. I opened it and James and Tina Althwaite were there.

James worked for the law firm who had handled the conveyyancing when I’d bought the house: when it completed I took the firm’s partners out for champion (I had been drinking then, as I had no slave at the time) and over the course of the evening, as everyone else drifted off home, only James and I remained. After hints and innuendos Our mutual interest became clear, and in the five years since we had become firm friends and partners in crime, so to speak. This evening he was dressed casually in slacks and an open-necked white shirt.

Tina was a painslut, as simple as that, the more you hurt her the more aroused she became, and she couldn’t orgasm unless her blood had been drawn by whipping or caning. She had a hatty aristocratic face, a long neck, and no tits. Flat as a board, and a pain tolerance beyond anything else I’d ever seen. Men got tired of caning her before she got tired of being caned, and sometimes masters had to take it in relays to whip or cane her until her entire back, front and legs was one big bruised and bloodied mess. Only then, howling like a banshee, could she come, fucking herself with the largest dildo available, ideally while being butt-fucked as well. She carried a telescopic steel whip in her handbag, just in case she met someone willing to oblige. She wore a severe white blouse, buttoned to the neck just below her collar, which had the legend SLAVE in bold silver capitals, a grey skirt, black stockings with a sea running down the back and flat brown shoes. She looked like a stern schoolmistress.

I fixed a white wine for James and just a tap water for Tina. I drank an orange juice. After we had finished our drinks I said “Shall we adjourn downstairs?”

“Oh yes please,” said Amanda. We left our glasses, and descended the staircase to the cellar.

“Oh!” said Amanda, when she saw Ella strapped to the cross, the dildo in her arse, helpless and awaiting our pleasure. She looked at me: “May I?”

“Yes, of course, help yourself. Just don’t make her come. She’s being edged, and won’t be allowed an orgasm unless she performs flawlessly this evening.” I said this knowing Ella could hear me. She’d been there for more than an hour, strapped to the cross, still in darkness because of the blindfold, thinking about what was going to happen. I noticed that her pussy lips were still distended with excitement. Good – let’s see whether it lasted through the pain.

Amanda crossed the room and began caresing Ella’s helpless body, running fingers across her back, her neck, her arms, her buttocks, straying just close enough to her cunt to evoke the first quivers but then moving on. Ella began to breathe more slowly and deeply, but it was going to be a long time before she was allowed to reach orgasm.

Not wasting any time, Tina had removed her blouse. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but she was already wearing nipple clamps, actual miniature vices done up very tightly indeed. The skin of her torso was a mass of old scars and marks from whips and canes. She kicked off her shoes and removed her skirt, revealing a suspender belt but no knickers. Her cunt lips were pierced in many places with rings, and James had told me once that he would close up her cunt for weeks at a time by threading laces through the rings and drawing them tight. At such times she was ‘anal only’; at other times he would fit her with a chatity belt with vaginal and anal plugs, and leave it there for long periods of time – then she was ‘oral only’. The fact that she found it so hard to come didn’t stop him spoiling his own pleasure, and he used her energetic. In truth she wasn’t that attractive – but her submission and bending to another’s will was such a turn-on it didn’t really matter. It’s not every day you get to whip a woman until she bleeds and she still begs for more, and for you to do it even harder.

Amanda was busystruggling Ella’s back and buttocks, and had reached around to stroke her breasts and nipples – considerably more gently than I had earlier, it must be said. Ella was starting to shiver and moan with pleasure.

Mike walked over and touched Amanda on the shoulder:

“‘Manda, I think James needs some attention. I’ll take care of Ella.”

“Yes, sir, of course,” she answered, and almost skipped over to where James was watching his wife disrobe with a mixture of lust and disapproval. Amanda kissed him full on the lips, slipping her tongue into his mouth.

“Hello handsome,” she announced brightly, a wicked grin on her face, “I’ve been a very naughty girl, and I must be spanked very, very hard.” She took him by the hand and led him over to the spanking stool, where he needed no further encouragement to begin strapping her down.

Tina dropped to her knees in front of me and began undoing the belt of my chinos, looking straight into my eyes the whole time. Although the factthat I had already come twice that day my cock started to stir to life again: there is nothing like the submissive look of a woman staring into your eyes as she takes your cock in her mouth – unless it’s a blindfolded slave who can’t, whose mouth you are using like the property it is.

I took off my shirt, and when I was fully hard I pushed Tina’s mouth away and stripped out of my trousers underwear and shoes so I was fully naked.

“I’ve got something special for you,” I said. “Wait there.” I walked over and took a lean from the racks – a simple dog collar, to add to Tina’s humiliation, because after all she was just an animal for this evening, fuckmeat to be used by any or all of us as we wanted without any say in the matter at all. I attached the lean to her collar, walked her on all fours across to the suspension frame.

“Stand,” I instructed, and she clambered to her feet. I did not in fact suspend her, just tied her arms and legs to the four corners of the frameso that she was spreadeagled, immobilised and unable to move. Then I bought one of the mechanical devices over and set it before her; it was a ratcheted device with a horizontal arm at chest height, and on the end of the arm I fitted a wicked, thin wire whip. Then I stood back, flicked the switch and turned it on.

The machine was designed to mimic the action of a human master whipping a slave; the controlling gear would Turn, the whip would draw back and then spring forward, delivering a stroke. I let it deliver two strokes – each of which left a singing red line across her non-existent breasts – then turned it off again to add the finishing touches.

“Please, ” she pleaded, “More.”

“I really don’t want to hear about what you want, slut,” I said. I crossed to the racks, selected a medium-sized gag and a full leather hood, and walked back over to her.

“Open, slave,” I instructed, and when she had opened her mouth I fitted the ballgag and strapped it tight. ThenI slipped the hood over her head and secured it around her throat. There were nose- and mouth-holes for her to breathe, but she could see nothing and hear very little; and with the ballgag she couldn’t breathe through her mouth anyway.

One last touch before I turned the machine back on: a metal rod, a secure concrete base and a hitachi fitted onto the end. I positioned the hitachi so it was tight against her cunt and clip, throwing a loop of rope around her legs and the hitachi’s supporting rod to ensure it was pressed hard into her clip, turned it on, then turned on the whipping machine so it could begin its remorseless work. The whip began to leave red lines across her chest, the hitachi – on a low setting for now – vibrated against her clip, and weak moans began to emotional from beneath the hood. She could see nothing and hear little, trapped in a world of darkness with only pain and pleasure. Eventually, if they hadn’t already, the two would become the same thing, so it would be impossible to experience one without the other.

My work done for the moment, I turned to see what everyone else was up to.

James had strapped Amanda to the spanking stool, like a low wooden horse, wrists and ankles secured so she couldn’t move.

“Why have you been a bad girl?” he asked her.

“Please sir, I’m sorry sir, I was caught sucking off one of the boys in the toilets sir.”

“That is very serious indeed. I will have to notify your unfortunate parents that I have no choice but to explore you.”

“Oh no, sir, please don’t sir. I’ll do anything you ask sir.”

“Yes, I know you will. But first the punishment. Count each stroke and say ‘I’m sorry sir’.” He walked over to the racks, critically appraised several heavy wooden and leather paddles, selected a wooden one, and walked back. He lifted her skirt up and over so it lay against the small of her back, exposing her stocking tops and white lace panties. He left her panties where they were for now, but I know that after a while – a dozen strokes twenty, thirty, fifty – he would pull them down and spank her bare bottom.

He drew back the wooden paddle, brought it down hard on Amanda’s left buttock. She yelped:

“One. I’m sorry, sir.”

“You will be. Very sorry.” Another hard stroke on the other buttock.

“Two. I’m very sorry sir.”

I spoke to James: “Do you approve?” He paused from what he was doing, looked over at Tina’s bondage and torque, gave a curt nod.

“It’s what the who deserves. If it was up to me she’d be left like that forever.”

Mike, meanwhile, had selected a three-finger tawser, and was applying it vigorously to Ella’s back, buttocks and legs, leaving oblong red marks all over her body. She still had her gag in, and he wasn’t making her count; he was hurting her because he enjoyed it – and so, in fact, did she. With each hard stroke she quivered slightly, and I worried that my hourly fingerings through the day had made her so aroused that she would be useless for punishment, that even being thrashed would make her come. Still, it couldn’t be helped, Mike was having too much fun to stop now.

After a few minutes observing I walked over to where Mike was lashing Ella.

“Do you think we should turn her around?”

“Good idea, let me put some marks on those titties as well.”

I uncuffed Ella’s wrists and ankles, and turned her around so she was facing into the room, where previously she had had her back to it. Then I retreated her. The dildo remained in her anus the whole time.

“Before you began again…” I said, and slipped the blindfold up over her head and off.

Ella squeezed her eyes shut against the sudden light. The cellar was only dimly lit, but she had forgotten the blindfold for three days and nights so even the dim light was blinding. It took her eyes a minute or two to adjust, and then I saw her taking in the scene before her: Tina suspended from the frame being whipped harmsElessly by a machine and having her clip vibed by another machine; and Amanda face down on the spanking stool, still fully clothed but being spanked hard with a wooden paddle by James. And standing before her, a sadistic sneer on his face, the black giant Mike, holding the tawser in his right hand. She had felt it but not seen it. Of the men, I was the only one naked – Mike and James were still fully clothed, Although the giant bulge in Mike’s trousers suggested he wouldn’t be for long.

“Take out her gag, so we can listen to her pleasures for mercy?” Mike asked, and I did.

“Carry on,”, I said, “But be careful, I think she’s close to coming, and I don’t want her to, not until the end. I thought that would be the finale, we can all watch the worthless who bring herself off.”

“Fair enough,” Mike said, “I’ll try not to hit her nipples or pussy,” and with that he went back to laying blows from the tawser on her breasts, well away from her areasas, her belly, her tights andarms. With each stroke she whimpered slightly, but know better than to ask for mercy, for there was none in this room.

I felt a bit left out, so I went over and adjusted the whipping machine so that the marks were placed lower on Tina’s torso, across her belly. Already beads of blood were beginning to trickle down from the scores of lashes she had already received. I selected the heaviest, most evil-looking cat-on-nine-tails I had, stood behind Tina, and began lashing her hard on the buttons. So now the whore was getting whipped from the front, lashed from the back, all the while having the relentless throbbing of the hitachi against her clip. I wondered how much of that even Tina could take. In a while we’d take off the hood and see.

After 40 strokes of the paddle, James paused. Amanda’s bottom was very Very red, contrasting with the glacial white of her panties. He walked around to the head of the spanking stool, undid his flies, and pulled out his quite small but very hard penis.

“Suck,” he commanded simply.

“Yes, sir,” said Amanda, and eagerly she took his prick into her mouth, began moving her head backwards and forwards, making small satisfied grunting noises.

After a minute he pulled his cock out of her mouth.

“I don’t want to come yet,” he said, “Anyone else?”

It’s a rule of mine never to look a gifthorse in the mouth – or More accurately, never to miss the chance to put my cock in a slave mouth. So I replaced him, and James began to undress. Amanda really was very good at giving head – perhaps not quite as good as Ella, but she was very enthusiastic, moving her tongue rapidly around my cock and putting real effort into jerking her head back and forth.

“I’ll have a go when you’re done’” said Mike over his shoulder, as he delivered another lash to Ella’s left thigh.

It didn’t take long for Amanda to bring me to the edge, but I managed to stop myself shooting in her mouth and stood aside, a small drop of pre-cum oozing from the eye of my penis.

Mike handed me the tawser, then stripped off his shirt, trousers, boxer shorts, pants and socks, folded them carefully and lay them on a couch. His cock was truly gargantuan, and was still only half-hard. He placed the tip of his cock against Amanda’s lips.

“Take it for me, baby girl,” he said, and she opened as wide as she could. He pushed it in, and began fucking her mouth with long , even strokes, getting a little more in every time. This was no blowjob, this was being fucked in the mouth, and after while it was throwing as his cock became fully erect and we could see its bulge travel down her throat with every stroke. With her hands tied there was nothing she could do except take it, and try to control her breathing through her nose so she didn’t gag.

I applied some more strokes to Ella’s thighs and belly, seeing her eyes flare with pain at every lash. Occasionally I would stop and put a finger or two inside her, but she immediately began to shake so hard I thought she would cum, and that wasn’t permitted.

When Mike had finished with Amanda’s mouth he pulled his drool-slick cock out, leaving her gasping for breath. He nodded over at Tina, who had begun to vibrate at a frequency not too far off that of the hitachi.

“What about her?” he said.

I crossed to the frame and undid the hood. Tina’s eyes were rolled back in their sockets, although whether with pain or pleasure – or both – was impossible to say.

“Take out the gag,” said James; “Let’s hear what the whore has to say.”

I undid the gag, but all Tina could say was “Please… please… please…” over and over.

I whispered into Mike’s ear, and he nodded assent. I walked to Tina’s front, turned the hitachi up to Its highest setting, so that a high-pitched buzzing filled the room, like a disturbed bees’ nest. Tina began to pant rapidly, making a low inhuman moaning noise. At the same time Mike walked behind Tina, approached her, grasped her ass cheats, spread them and forced his massive saliva-lubricated cock into her ass. It seemed impossible that she could fit that huge cock into her asshole, but with a lot of pushing it slowly disappeared and he began to thrust violently, forcing more and more in with every stroke, body lifting her off the ground with every thrust, then lowering her again to impale her ass on his massive tool. Amanda and Ella looked on wide-eyed, although whether from envy that it wasn’t them taking that monster cock into their back passage or relief, I couldn’t tell.


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