Slave Court Ch. 02

[I’m putting this on top this time:

Hi, this is my very first attempt at writing a pornographic story and I’m not a native English speaker. Therefore, any and all feedback, positive or negative, would be highly and truly appreciated.

Furthermore, I have had this story in my head for some time and plan on keeping it going for quite a while. Because of the episodic format, I can easily add additional things. So if someone likes the story and has any ideas or scenarios he or she would like to see in it, tell me, and I will do my best to work it in. ;-)]


Case #4 “The sneaky slave”

A 47-year-old business man was suing his male and female slaves, ages 27 and 23, for gross disobedience.

The male slave had been a minor competitor of the business man before his enslavement, the woman his wife. After he had gone up against his future owner in a risky transaction, in which both he and his wife had guaranteed with all their possessions, includingng their bodies, he had crashed and failed and both had ended up as his erstwhilerivals private property.

They sat on the sides of the court now, both conventionally attractive, both stark naked. Both had not only their public hair, but also the hair on their heads and, in the man’s case, the bear completely removed. The only accessory on either of their bodies was the penis cage the man was wearing. It was one of the Pricier, heavy, metal ones with a sizable urethral insert installed from what I could glean and secured with a large padlock. Though they were both immaculately groomed, I thought I could discern traces of encrusted sperm on both their faces. If true, I considered it highly indecorous to bring slaves into my courtroom that way. Nudity was normal, but signs of use were just crass.

Once more, it was the master’s turn to speak first: He had been incensed by the upstart competitor going after him so bravely and had been intensely satisfied, when the affair had ended with him possessing both the other man and his wife physically.

“I have owned and sold or manumitted a lot of slaves during my life, your honor. But this is the first time I have owned a couple that was married before and in addition to that was only recently enveloped.” (Enslavement, of course, voted the marriage.) “So I decided to enjoy this circumstances to the fullest. I therefore used my new acquisitions quite vigorously, admittedly.” He waved to the male slave. “The first thing I told him, when I put the chatity device on him, was that his cock would never again see any use, unless I allowed it, which wouldn’t be for quite a long time, if ever. Maybe I should tell you, how I use my slaves on an average day to illustrate the general situation.”

The crowd of spectators oohed and aahed. This was what they were here for.

I nodded for him to go ahead.

“Usually, I like to be awakened at 5 am, by slow, luxurious blowjob given to me by both my slaves together. By the time they manage to bring me to full ejaculation I am awake and upright. Since I expect my slaves to be fully prepared for the day at this point, I forbid them to clean their faces after I came on them, to mark them as my possessions for the rest of the day.”

Wow, he even admitted it. I raised an eyebrow at this, but he seemed not to notice.

“In the morning I have regularly quite a strong Appetite so then I order the male to lick the female’s pussy wet for me. He’s accustomed to this from his old life, after all. If watching this doesn’t bring my member back up, I have him then help the rest of the way with his mouth. Then, I proceed to give her a good hard fucking. In the meantime the male draws me my coffee and has to compliment the way I fuck his ex-wife and compare it favorably to the way he used to do, on the threat of whipping. After coffee is ready, he has to join in, by sucking my balls. After I come inside the female, I have her then clean my cock andbring it back to full erection with her mouth. Then I proceed to pound away at the male’s rectum while the female has to lick my ass crack. After my third orgasm, I then usually start my day. If I feel unusually charitable, I go to the loo to piss. Generally, however, I save myself into the male’s mouth.”

His description of his daily routine went on a lot more. While I didn’t find the middle-aged man Particularly likable, one just had to admire his virility. The gist was: He rode both his slaves hard and especially enjoyed sexually humiliating the former husband.

“And how has your wife received all of this?” I interjected impatiently at some point of the plaintiff’s bragging.

Anger flashed across his face at this.

“She… wasn’t very keen, your honor. In the past she was rather OK with me owning slaves. We use them as marital aids, to some extent. Things like, the male or the female eat out my wife’s pussy while I bang them up their pussy or ass at the same time. Of course, she can generally get cunnilingus from either of them, whenever she feels like it. Plus her contribution to domestic work, by now, consists only of whipping the two slaves in my absence, if they don’t perform it adequately.”

He paused sullenly.

“I had to deal with a certain measure of jealousy from her for some time. She doesn’t see me anally raping the male as competition, and she is OK with me getting oral sex from both of them, since I grant her the same, but she really loathes me fucking the female.

However, since I’m the breadwinner in our family, I consider this simply something she has to put up with. After all, I’m the one maintaining her standard of living. And if sexually things between us hadn’t cooled down for some time already…”

He trailed off, caught himself and started with his main accusation. As he claimed, his wife had used his long periods of work related absence to exactly perfidious revenge on him. As he told it, she had somehow found out the combination to the safe, in which he had stored the key to his male slave’s chatity device. For some time, she had used the key to unlock the male slave’s penis, whenever her husband was away, to amuse herself to her heart’s content with the young man. He only had found out when his wife had glotatingly revealed everything during a marital argument that had devolved into a shouting match.

After that, he had abstained From immediately punishing his slave, in cold rage. Instead, he was now petitioning the court for permission to torture the man for no less than 12 months, given the total disobedience and insubordination the slave had displayed. For the woman slave he demanded no less than three months, for failing to report the goings-on.

After the plea had been made, I called the accused slave to the stand in the usual fashion. Being asked, whether it was OK to remove the cock cage to fasten the torture clip, the man’s owner refused, on principle. So I hadthe bailiff clip the cable to the cage itself. The joke was on the master, when the electricity was distributed across a wider surface area, the torture was less painful.

After giving the slave a truly severe treatment over several minutes, appropriately given the severity of the accusations and the importance of his testimony the case, I had him start his telling of events:

“I’m completely innocent of any wrongdoing in this whole affairs, Your honor. At no point of any of this was I anything but a dutiful, obedient slave.

It all started about five months ago. I remember the day in question very well. Mistress and Master had had some serious argument before and weren’t speaking at the breakfast table at all. Master was somewhat late for work, but right as he was about to rush out of the door, he turned around and screamed at mistress, his head red, ‘AND *THIS* IS THE RESPECT YOU DESERVE!!’ At this, he took my ex-wife, who was clearing the breakfast table at the time, naked as always, and slammed her, face first, unto the table, scattering plates and food on the floor.

Then he dropped his suit pants and fucked her very quickly from behind, while her face was smoked into the butter. May I add, honorable court, that Master was fucking her so much better than I ever could, when I was still a free man. She is very lucky, that she finally can enjoy the pleasure of sex with a real man. Slavery is a small price to pay for the privilege of being pleasured by such a magnificent cock as master’s.”

He bowed in the direction of his owner with abject humility, that neither I, nor, judging by the dark impression on his face, his owner, could take quite seriously.

“Master came within minutes and spurted his sperm already while pulling out of my ex-wife’s still dry pussy. I had by that time rushed dutifully to master’s side, in order to heighten his pleasure by stimulating his balls or anus with my worthless tongue, as is my general task. However, becho master decided to come so quickly this time… – and I want to add, honorable court, that this is hardly indicator of master’s usual performance. Indeed, you would be hard-pressed to find someone more virile and masculline than master and generally he lasts incredibly long when he is raping my ex-wife and me in all of our five orifices in and out all day long. Master’s grandiose penis…”

“The court GETS IT!!” I interrupted harshly. It really, *really* did.

“Stick just to the facts from now on,” I ordered, underscoring my point with a strong jolt to the slave’s lower body.

After the slave had recovered himself, he continued:

“Well, anyway your honor, I came too late to join into the intercourse. Instead, master turned around to grab me and smoke my face to the floor. He then granted me the great honor of licking up his glorious sperm, still dripping from my ex-wife’s cunt to the floor, with my worthless tongue…”

My hand moved back into the direction of the dials on my desk, but the defendant caught himself in time.

“Um, I mean, your honor, he had me then lick up his jizz from the floor. Mistress, meanwhile, had been deliberately ignoring all that was going on and had risen from the ruined breakfast table in silent rage. Then she had planted herself on the couch and demonstratedly switched on the TV, while Master was still finishing rage-fucking my ex-wife. Then, while I was obediently licking the jizz from the floor, master yanked her by the throat from the table and on her knees, stuck his dick in her butter-and-marmalade-covered face and had her clean it with her mouth. Then, he pulled his pants back up, re-buckled his suit and stormed out of the house, leaving the entire mess behind.

Since Mistress didn’t show any signs of wanting to move off the couch, we started to clean up floor and table. Shortly after, my fellow slave, still trembling from the preceding events, dropped a plate from her still sticky fingers.On this, Mistress leapt from the couch and flew at her.


She grabbed her by one boob and squeezed it hard.

‘First you FUCK MY HUSBAND and then you BREAK MY STUFF!!’

Mistress slapped her so hard across the face, she fell to the floor. While she still lay there sobbing, Mistress grabbed a lexan cane from the wall, which Master had hung there to remind us slaves of our duty, and started hailing blows down on my ex-wife’s back and ass.

Then, while the slave lay whimpering on the floor, Mistress yelled at me, ‘Get the wooden block!’

So I hurried to the basement and brought it up. The wooden block is a punishment device for female slaves, a short, broad rectangular pillar of rough wood on which the miscreant woman has to crouch nakedly, so the corners of the wood cut unfortunately into the sensitive parts between her legs. It gets really painful with time, since…”

I waved my hand dismissively. Of course, I know what a wooden block was. It was classic punishment for slaves, going back to Roman times. Remembering my classical education, I was inwardly amused. Even back then, it was a favorite of jealous wifes, as Martial had attended in poetry.

“Well, then mistress had my fellow slave crouch on the block and fixed her ankles to its base with the menacles attached there, so that the wood dug into her sex with her full weight on it. Then Mistress turned to me.

‘Now *I* am horny,’ she said, grinning evilly, ‘Slave, come to the couch and eat me out,’ while pulling up her skirt and throwing away her panties.

I did as commanded. While mistress had turned on the TV again, I knelt before her on the couch and spelled the alphabet on her cliporis with my tongue, until it was well and truly engorged. Then, I started to take it between my lips and to suck it gently. At this, for the first time, mistress started to obviously relax, and she enjoyed my attentions on the couch for a while. However, soon she seemsed to get restless and started moving around. Then, suddenly, she pushed my head out from between her legs.

‘Oh this is so frustrating!’ she said. ‘I am too angry to come that way.’

She stared at the TV desperately for a minute. Then she seemed to get a thought, stood up and went away upstairs. Several minutes later, she came back holding up a key triumphantly .

‘HA! This will show him! Sit on the couch and spread your legs, slave!’

I did so, and this time, Mistress knelt before me and began fumbling on my cock cage. When I realized, what she intended to do, I was petrified. I wanted to protest and said, ‘No Mistress, respectfully, Master would never allow this! Please, Mistress don’t! Please, Mistress stopAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RGGGGHHHHHHH!!’”

I had taken a sip of water from my glass and then rested it on the button for the highest torture setting on the witness chair.

“The court is in recess for fifteen minutes. Everybody takes a break,” Iannounced standing up. I try to be fair to everybody, but I will NOT be lied to by slaves in my very own courtroom.

After we had reassembled, and the court physical had examined the defendant for possible burns, I had him resume his testimony:

“Well, your honor, now that I try to remember it more closely I was too dumbstruck to say a single thing, at that moment. In addition to this, it would Never have occurred to me to disobey my mistress. Anyway, she unlocked my chatity cage and removed it. When she pulled out the hollow steel tube out of my urethra, I winced with pain. The lubrication, with which Master had rammed it in there originally, had forgotten of months ago. However, almost immediately after the pain had subsided, I got a very strong erection. For almost a year, I had witnessed and experienced almost non-stop sexual actions without ever having the opportunity to body response, so this was only natural. Mistress saw this with abject glee. Without hesitation or foreplay, she mounted me while I was still sitting on the couch and rode my raging member with abandon. The only thing I heard from her then was her moaned command to suck her nipples, that, at the time, were still bouncing up and down in front of my face, which I quickly tried to follow. However, to my undying shade, right then I failed Mistress dreadfully in my duties.

‘YOU CAME WITHOUT PERMISSION, SLAVE?!? *INSIDE* OF ME?!?’ she screamed at me in a mixture of disbelief, living rage and sexual frustration. Of course, by then I had already thrown myself on floor in front of her and was frantically kissing her feet.

‘Pleaseplease Mistress, forgive me, all these months, it’s just biology, I’m so sorry mistress!’ I yammered between kisses. ‘Why, as soon as master gets home, I will *immediately* confess my failure and beg him for the most severe punishment yet!’

At this, she calmed down at once and stared down at me coldly with folded arms.

‘You will do no such thing, slave,’ she said icilly. ‘Down into the cellar, at once.’ She pointed to the stairs down and gave my still kissing face a kick.

I, knowing the procedure, hurried down immediately, stumbling, with my cock still only half limp and leaking sperm. In the basement, Master had reserved a room for instruments of punishment to remind us pathetic slaves of our duty. From there, I had also gotten the wooden block, on which my ex-wife was still suffering upstairs, almost forgotten by everybody.

I went into this very room and laid myself across the whipping block in its center, face down on the block and ass in the air, as I always had to do in these situations. Shortly after, mistress arrived and wordlessly fixed the attached straps to my arms and legs. I heard a few whooshing sounds, as Mistress was testing various punishment implements. After she had decided, she went on to give me the severe beating I truly deserved.

She started with thirty stokes with a steel cane, whichshe had me comment in the usual manner (‘One Mistress, thank you, Mistress. Two Mistress…’ And so on). After that, she laid 80 strokes with a small but mean rubber paddle studied with little spikes on my then bleeding ass. Fully finished, she paused uncertainly for a moment. Then she suddenly ran off. I was still wondering what that was about, when she hurried back and I suddenly felt an object penetrate my anus, deeply and with force. Mistress had gotten a toilet pluger from the adjacent supply room and used it to pound away at my asshole. Then it made sense to me: Master always fucks us anally after punishing us on the whipping block. Even my ex-wife.

‘The pussy is for well-behaved slaves and you’ve been bad,’ he likes to say on those occasions. I know this, because he Always has me assisting when punishing her, and vice versa. In these situations however, he never has me eat out his anus, because, ‘This isn’t for fun, this is just to educate you.’

So, Mistress was meRely imitating what she knew. After about ten minutes of rough penetrations, she pulled out the bloodied pumper and untied me. When she throw me on the ice-cold floor of the cellar with my back, I turned as my bleeding bottom touched it.

‘Do it better this time,’ she said, pulling up her skirt again. She rode me again and this time it ended satisfiedfactorily for her, several times.

Much later, Mater came back into the front door. My ex-wife and I prostrated ourselves before him and each of us kissed one of his feet, as usual.

‘Hu? You punished him?’ Master said to Mistress when he saw my ass.

‘Mhm. Her too, she dropped a plate. I used the block because I know you hate it, when I mark her,’ Mistress answered, without rancor, but barely looking up from her phone.

Master seemed puzzled but pleased at the sight of his wife seemingly having calmed herself.

‘Oh, well,’ he said to me, ‘anyway, after the drive home I have to piss.’ Dutifully, I unbuttoned hisfly and took his cock in my mouth. Master let out a stream of urine, which I swallowed to the last drop, never once breaking eye contact with Master. ‘Now blow me, slave.’ Obediently I began to fallate Master until he blew his load into my mouth. Of course, I swallowed this too.

‘Ahhh, this is the life,’ Master said, again closing his pants. He didn’t inquire into the events of this day any further, your honor.

From then on, Mistress ordered me to pleasure her in this way whenever Master was away. And while I did justly comment Master’s sexual potential, I have to laud Mistresses’ even higher. Indeed, she fucked me much more often, much longer and much more vigorously than Master ever did my ex-wife. Furthermore,…”

“I’m going to FUCKING KILL YOU!!” his owner roared. He had risen from his seat and stood there, face red and veins bulging.

“Enough!” I thundered, “You!” I said to the plaintiff, “I hereby fine you one thousand dollars for contempt of court. And if you don’t sit down immediately, you can spend the weekend in jail.

And you!” I turned to the slave, “I’ve had quite enough of your chef. However this case ends, I hereby sentence you to two days of torture for contempt.”


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