Slave Cleaner Ch. 01


This is a work of pure fantasy, nothing in this is real, all are adults, this story is about body modifications on women, as are all my stories, if that isn’t your thing then find another story.


Chapter I

I’ve always been really into piercings, tattoos and body modifications on women. After many relationships wanting to find a woman who likes that sort of thing as much as me I admitted defeat in finding someone the conventional way.

I initially had put out an advertisement for a cleaner as I needed a cleaner but also as a way to meet women and see if I could find someone who likes the same things as me. Ultimately this plan got me to meet some nice people but none which shared the same passages as me.

My next thought was to just be up front and put an advertise out there that would only get the attention of a like minded female.

Wanted: Live-in, full-time, Submissive Slave. Paid a very very good salary and will want for nothing. Mustbe into piercings, tattoos and other forms of body modification and to be able to fully submit.

And this is where the story begins.

I had a knock at my door.

“Hi I’m Rose, I’m here about the online advertisement that you placed,” said a pretty black haired woman with a lip piercing and a nose ring.

I thought to myself, well she could be into the same things as me as she has some visible piercings.

“Hi I’m Edward, but my friends called me Eddie, would you like a tea, coffee or something else to drink?” and let her into the house.

“I’d love a coffee, strong and dark please.”

“Like your hair then,” I joked.

She looked at me and laughed and said “Nah, more like my personality! Could I have a quick look at the house as Your house looks really interesting,” Rose replied.

“Of course, go and have a wander whilst I fix us up some drinks,” I replied.

I made the coffee and had the contract out on the table ready along with a set of locking bangles with matching anklets and collar.

As Rose returned and sat on the sofa opposite me she said, “you have a really lovely house, could do with a bit of a clean though,” and turned at me.

As she reached across to pick up her coffee she noticed the stainless steel jewellery on the table, “what are they for?”

“Well, being a Submissive Slave you’ll have to wear the permanent slave jewellery and sign the contract,” I explained.

She looked confused but not scared, “I was here about the cleaning job that you advertised, there was nothing about this in the advertisement”.

I laughed and said “I see what has happened, you had seen the old advertisement from a couple of months ago. That job didn’t really work out as there were some personal issues so I created a new advertisement,” and showed her the latest advert.

As she read it I could see she was getting a little turned on by it and her breathing quickly a little. She picked up one of the locking bangles and looked at the locking mechanism. “So tell me more about what this other role entails?”

I looked at her and could see that she was getting a little excited, “be careful with that as it has a one-time only lock, once it’s closed and you hear the click, it is permanently locked.”

Rose let out a little groan at this point and was biting her bottom lip and was obviously getting more turned on.

Noticing that the more she thought about it the more she was exuding signs that it was getting her turned on. “It’s the same locking mechanism on the anklets and the collar, although you can imagine that the collar is much more visible and noticeably heavier. I’d like my slave to be permanently aware of their status and with them permanently attached and feeling the weight of them you really will be.”

At This point Rose let out a louder groan and know that I heard this one.

“So what exactly is in this contract,” she asked.

“It’s all very simple, you’d sign your entire life over to meand full control of your body for me to modify however I please. In return you’d live here in our house, I’d pay off any debts you have, you’d never need to pay for anything ever again. You will have experiences and orgasms like you could never imagine even in your wildest dreams, all you need to do is sign the contract and put one of the bangles on and lock it permanently in place.”

As she started to look through the contract I could see she was getting more and more lost in her thoughts, and moved one of her hands between her legs and began stroking her clip. The more she thought about it the more aggressive she started to play.

I took the opportunity to hand her a pen and without a second thought she signed, I then put one of the bangles near her and started playing with it and opened it and started to play with it. She put it through one of the tunnels in her ears and was careful not to close it, and heard the rattle, which brought her even closer. I hadn’t even noticed the tunnels in her ears but I know I will have fun with them too.

“I have other locking rings if you’d like some added through your tunnels as well,” I said.

This was met with a really loud groan and her breathing was getting really quick and shallow. She moved the bangle out of her ear and back down to her wrist.

“So are these really permanently locking, and I’d commit to being your slave if I just close this bangle?”

She moved the locking ends closer so that they were touching and enough to make a little noise.

“Yes they are very permanent, from a specialist German company that makes very secure jewellery ( Other modifications that I will do to you will also be permanent, if you cum it will be the last orgasm you will have Without me giving them to you.”

I opened up the collar and put it around her neck and closed the mechanism up so it touched but didn’t click to lock and let her feel the weight. This was enough to finally tip her over the edge and her body shook violently with a powerful orgasm, as she did this she accidentally closed the bangle and heard the loud click as it permanently locked.

“I didn’t mean to click it shut, please tell me that there is a way to remove it,” Rose frantically said.

I was still standing behind her “I’m afraid not, they are all very permanent locks,” she then heard the loud click of the lock on her collar as it permanently locked around her neck.

As she started to realize the situation that she now found herself in and that everything was totally out of her control she started to cry. As I went around her body locking the other bangle on and then the anklets she was sobbing and in shock of her situation.

I picked up another set of locking rings similar to the other jewellery just a little thinner and showed They to her then put them through the tunnels in her ears and looked at her. She looked at me and nodded to say yes, and gavea wry smile as she heard them click and lock.

She shook her head to hear them rattle and was surprised by the extra weight that she now has in her ears, as she shook her head not only did they rattle in her tunnels, but they also made a louder noise as they hit her collar.

“I guess you’ll always be able to hear me wherever I am from now on then,” Rose said jokingly.

“Even more so when I add More modifications to your already beautiful body,” I replied.

“Before we continue I will need the keys to your apartment so that I can get it cleared out and put all of your stuff into storage and then give your landlord the notice that they require. Then I will need details of all of your finances so that I can make sure that everything is in order. Then finally we will work on the story that you will tell Your friends and family so that they won’t wonder where you have disappeared.”

“I can’t, it’s all happening so quick, I need time to process what is going on,” saidRose.

“Sorry, since you signed the contract and secured the bangle on your wrist, you are now mine to do whatever I want, but don’t worry it will all be very orgasmic for you. By the way, that is the first and last time that you don’t immediately accept my order without punishment.”

I picked up a ball gag and said “open wide.”

Rose immediately compiled and opened her mouth, as she opened it I could see that she also had a tongue piercing, which made me think perhaps that she might have more hidden elsewhere. As her mouth was wide open I quickly put in the ball gag and securely fastened it.

“I see you also have your tongue pierced, but sadly only once, at least you’ll know what it feels like when I modify it some more.”

Her body started to betray her at this point as I could see and smell that she was getting excited again.

“Now I have you a bit quieter, let’s have a bit more fun with you to ease you into your new life, put your arms behind your back.”

As she did I joined them together with a padlock, as she heard the click of the padlock I could feel her getting turned on again.

“It was just a padlock to lock your arms together, it wasn’t a permanent locking ring like the ones now through the tunnels in your ears or like the ones that will be all over you soon enough.”

Again her breathing started to quickly, all of her worries about the situation that she was now in had very quickly disappeared and she was quickly getting very turned on.

Next up was a blindfold which took her initially by surprise but then soon added to her arousal.

“Stand up, I am going to take you somewhere special.”

As she stood up she was very aware that not only was she blind and unable to speak but she also didn’t have her hands to protect herself. Normally at This point she’d have been scared and screaming but rather than that it was adding to arousal and losing all control.

I led her down the stairs into the basement, a room that she didn’t know existed as the entrance just looks like a cupboard until you push a fake wall and shelves to the side.

As we entered the dimly lit basement I took her blindfold off, she could see all of the equipment on the walls and shelves with little drawers in them and a chair in the middle. As I unlocked the padlock to release her arms she went to walk over to sit on the chair as that was the obvious reason Why I had taken her down here.

“Wait, I can see you are very eager, and rightly so, but before the next part I need to take your gag off and then you’ll need to take all of your clothes off.”

Rose quickly and very eagerly compiled and was sitting on the chair.

“The next thing to ease you in will be the permanent removal of all body hair, I think you’ll be happy about removing most of it permanently as you seem to remove it in most areas yourself.”

The chair had shiny steel clamps for the wrists and ankles which she happily put herlegs and wrists into to avoid the anklets and cuffs that were her permanent fixtures. Then there was one surprise on the chair that she didn’t notice, it had another clamp, but this one went around her neck. As it closed on her neck it was tighter and wider than her collar and nearly made her cum the moment it closed.

“May I remind you that you are only allowed to cum when I give you permission, and orgasms without my permission will be punished.”

Unfortunately for her those exact words tipped her right over the edge and she tried to hold it all in but let go in one almighty screaming orgasm.

“Well I wasn’t going to use these dermal punches straight away on you but after that indiscretion I have no choice.”

In her post orgasmic state she was barely aware of what I was about to do as I leaned over her eyes were still glazed over as I inserted the dermal punch up her nostril and against her septum.

“Remember this was all your own fault,” as I pushed and twinsted the dermal punch, cutting a 5mm section out of her septum.

The pain from that certainly brought her out of her post-orgasmic state and screaming in pain with blood running from her nose down onto her chest. I quickly replaced the dermal punch with a 6mm tape to stretch up to ensure the jewellery exactly filled the hole to help with the bleeding and put a tunnel in it. I then inserted a large diameter 3mm ring through it that landed heavily on her top lip as I let it drop.

“That was your first lesson and as you have found out it was quite a painful one, you may want to learn more control in future.”

Rose just nodded as much as she could with the clamp holding her neck tightly, but it was just enough to make the locking hoops in her ears jingle, which brought a smile back to her face.

“Let’s get on with the hair removal, I can see that you have a very neighbor brazilian but it will all have to come off, there won’t be a trace of any body hair anywhere on your bodyy after today.”

I liberally smoothed removal cream all over her mound and labia ensuring that everywhere was amply covered, I then moved onto her underarms which again had very very tiny stubble on them.

“Now onto those eyesbrows of yours.”

Which raised a few eyesbrows, I don’t think she was expecting that but had already learned once today to not disobey me, and sat there quietly as I put the cream on.

I then went behind her and put her beautiful long dark curly black hair into a ponytail, much to my surprise the back of her head was already shavled to about 1 cm length with the shorter hair dyed a rose pink.

“I see you have an undercut already then, that will make this a bit easier then.”

Before she knew what was happening I had the electric shaker set on 0 shaving the back and going up in sections. She was ok with this until she could feel that I was now into the thicker parts of her hair and actually cutting all her off. She went very quiet and I could see from the look on her face that she would really miss her hair. As it was all tied nearby in a ponytail, none of the black hair was falling to the floor, just the pink short hair from her undercut.

After I had finished cutting her hair off I stood in front of her showing off the big ponytail of thick black curly hair that used to be attached to her head, and just throw it in a bin bag in front of her.

Whilst all this was happening the cream had done its job and had burnt away all of the hair on her pussy and was now really uncomfortable. Rose’s focus had returned to the burning sensing now that her focus had gone from losing the hair on her head. After removing the cream from her underarms I removed the clamps that had locked her wrists to the chair.

“Here is the hair removal cream, I want you to put it all over your head to remove every trace of hair whilst I sort your pussy out.”

Rose reluctantly took the cream from me and started to put it over her bald head, and I returned to between her legs to wipe away the cream from her now singing pussy.

As she was smoothing the cream into head and I was rubbing away the cream from the folds in her labia I could see she was getting wet again. I stopped wiping and just watched as she moved her hands over her bald head and she was getting more and more turned on by it.

“You don’t want to have another orgasm without permission with me down here, I have plenty more dermal punches I could use.”

“Whe will you use them?” Rose said breathlessly.

She seemed to be getting turned on by the thought of it, so I picked up another 5mm dermal punch and showed it to her.

“What this little dermal punch!” as I held it out in front of her.

“Haven’t you got anything bigger?” she said breathing really heavily.

“What about this 8mm, well I could put it here,” as I held out her inner labia and put it against it.

“Or here,” as I held her other inner labia.

“Or here,” as I held out her outer labia and put it against it.

“Go on then, do it, do it master, punch a big hole in your slaves pussy,” she screamed.

As I pushed and twisted the cutting edge of the dermal punch through her outer labia she screamed and squirted all over me and her body shook violently. I quickly put an 8mm tunnel in and pierced the other side the same to give her a matching pair.

I unclamped her legs and neck and carried her limp lifeless body back upstairs and put her into bed to recover.

I gave her a little kiss on the forehead, 2 tramadol for the pain and said goodnight.

“Good night master, thank you,” was her reply before nodding off to sleep.


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