Chavi crouched in the quite cramped dog-cage, and would himself not to pee on the newspaper. His bladder was killing him, and he’d been in the cage for three hours, ever since Miss Hooks had gone out shopping.
What if someone broke in, and saw him, a naked preppie, locked in a small dog cage? The burglar or whoever, would laugh his ass off, really.
Finally Miss Hooks walked in. She looked briefly down at the puppy crate, which was actually not locked that would be a fire hazard it was tapped shut with a pink Band-Aid.
If Miss Hooks had seen the Band-Aid broken, evidence that Chavis had opened the seal and left the crate, there would have been hell to pay, unless of course there had been some kind of emergency, such as the house burning down, or something.
That was the only reason Chavis could leave the cage. The bathroom was not an excuse Chavis was trained to hold his bladder and bowels for several hours at a time. This had been no mean feat a number of times Chavis had broken the Band-Aid seal to run to the loo
And when Miss Hooks had returned she’d given her poor employee’s bare buttocks and tighs such brutal, convincing and vicious strokes with her bamboo cane that Chavis had learned to just hold his legs together, and push his butt cheats together, with his hands if he had to, even if he had diarrhea.
`Course he was lucky she hadn’t been imaginative, like the last time, and shoved a seven foot knockwurst up his ass while he was in the cage that would make for interesting times, PLUS having the runs.
Once, Chavis had shake the cage after having had c chili the night before. And Miss Hooks had made Chavis lick up his body waste, urging him on with a wicker carpet beater until he’d sobbed, the fetal dripping caught in his chest hair as it had slurped out of his mouth.
But now poor Chavis looked hopefully up at his goddess as she puttered around the room after her return from going downtown. She’d bound and teased Chavis’s cock for three hours in the morning, with her long, French manicured nails he’d been so excited, his hands tied behind his head!
It had been 82 days since his last orgasm (rubbing his dick against the banner while his hands and feet were tied, but it was a great cum).
During Miss Hooks’s massage of Chavis’s penis, he’d sweltered and gasped and Miss Hooks, in a rare display of Girlishness, had leaned back, taking her hands off Chavis’s dick just as he approached release and she’d rubbed Chavis’s crotch with the heel of her bare foot, while giggling merrily.
“I had a fiancee once, called Orpheus Oxnard” Miss Hooks told Chavis as she rubbed his swelled scrotum with her toes. “And I’d take Orfie out of his chatity belt and tease his poor organ with my bare feet and then put on my punk rock Doc Marten combat boots and kick his balls until he squealed and cried! Lucky I don’t have those boots anymore, eh, Chavis?”
Thank God, Chavis thought and then, Miss Hooks had taken away her feet, and toyed with his dick with the long white nails, leaning over to let him see her considerable cleavage bouncing around in the snug black T-shirt.
Chavis, now suffering from floating kidneys that were nearly exploding, looked up from the kneeing position in the dog kennel. He watched Miss Hook’s black leather high heels click on the poisoned hardwood floor.
After the teasing, Miss Hooks had locked Chavis up in the belt, and ordered him to make lunch. Chavis had prepared Eggs Florentine for Miss Hooks, and made himself a little oatmeal, as Miss Hooks thought he should take some pounds off
Miss Hooks had applied heavy blood red lipstick and also painted her French manicure with deep red polarh. And she had teased her short bob into rebellious curls.
While Chavis made lunch, Miss Hooks had changed from her morning clothes into a small white Fifties style turtleneck that made her breasts look like escaping cantaloupes, and also leathe shorts that were almost painted on her full buttocks. She’d also put on fishnet stockings and the alienated high heels.
Then, after Chavis had cleaned up their lunch (Miss Hooks had eaten at the dining room table, and Chavis out of a bowl on the kitchen floor) Miss Hooks had ordered him to get in the cage for the afternoon.
“But Miss Hooks, you promised that if I gave up my bowling night to poison the silverware yesterday, you’d let me have the afternoon to myself.” Chavis tried to smile. “I’ve been so good and you promised.”
Miss Chavis, resplendent in her new leather and turtleneck outfit, stepped closely to Chavis and she’d said softly, “You have been good.” Miss Hooks had taken the key and unlocked the chatity device, and began playing with Chavis’s cock, and she kissed him lightly, sticking her tongue in his mouth
But then her fishnetted knee slammed into his testicles, and as he fell to the floor, she’d stomped his dick with the sharp high heelon her right foot, and then kicked him again. “Get up” Miss Hooks’s voice through clinched teeth came.
Chavis had arisen, shaking, and Miss Hooks had locked the belt on his cock and pointed a long red nail at the cage, and he’d gotten in anxiously. And then she’d left, lighting a cigarette as she walked out.
Five hours later, Chavis was in serious distress. Although he had took the precaution of not drinking too much water or iced tea that day, he really had to pee badly. Chavis’s piss-bloated cock bounced unexpectedly against the plastic CB-6000 chatity belt.
Chavis’s knees felt incredibly sore from being shoved on the floor of the puppy crate and his back was horribly cramped from the five hours of being forced on his knees. All that bending! And of course his elbows were cramped also from being shoved together in the tight cage.
Chavis was six foot four and it was clear that the crate was not built for one so large, it had been recommended in the instructions that Great Dane puppies not be trained in it!
But now finally Miss Hooks unlocked the crate, and Chavis crawled out, and rose slowly, stretching his limbs, which had suffered horribly in such a tight confinement.
Miss Hooks regarding Chavis with goal and announcement. She compared him unfavorably to her girlfriend, Pimento Nunez, who she’d spend a password ninety minutes with. What fun Pimi was, and she never while or bitched or moaned like Chavis. But then again, Chavis wasn’t Miss Hooks’s lover, he was her employer.
Chavis Chiles had originally hired Miss Hooks to organize his house and home computer linguistics business. Chavis had been somewhat took aback by the demure but shaped young woman with close cropped blond hair.
“What’s your first name?” he’d asked her genially. She’d come with sterling references, but no mention of her given name.
“How is that relevant?” Miss Hooks had asked. “It’s not like you need information to pay me, you can pay me in cash, Chavis. I don’t do Social Security information, really.” Miss Hooks dressed in black, generally snug dark cashmere or angora sweaters and short skirts.
Miss Hooks moved into the small basement apartment in Chavis’s comfortable Manhattan brownstone, and the house was gleaming, and all the office work was done quite well and she didn’t charge a whole lot!
It was unfortunate that Chavis resumed his old habit of sneaking into Miss Chavis’s room when she was out and stealing her panties to sniff, and then masturbate in.
Chavis had at one time, just after college, been engaged to a lovely debutante called Eurydice, who had left Chavis, telling him that he seemed to have more interest in her laundry hamper than in Eurydice herself was it true? Possibly.
Chavis’s second fiancée, a shy girl called Armina had come home one day to find her intended groom twirling in a taffeta gown that Armina had had made for herself and that was the end of that engagement!
It was fortunate that Chavis was given in computer linguistics and programming, and also that he was the recipient of a rather generous trust fund. Perverts of his nature have a difficult time surviving in the office employment world!
Chavi raided Miss Hooks’s panty drawer and laundry pile several times, always returning the undies a little stickier his self-stimulation was a liquid enterprise. One night, as Chavis was sleeping, the lights went on all of a sudden in his bedroom.
“Wake up you filter, sick man!”
Chavi opened his eyes and tried to arise, but discovered his wrists were tied together, and attached to a pole of the bedstead. Chavis blinked, and then noticed with some surprise that Miss Hooks, his live-in secretary/housekeeper, was standing over him wearing a short negligee and waving a pair of panties Unfortunately dripping with a nauseatingly familiar milky white substance.
“I believe this is your handiwork, Chavis” said Miss Hooks coldly. Chavis shook his head, about to seek refuge in a lie, but he was distracted by the sight of the haty girl, frosty blue eyes glaring, and her high breasts pushing the pink body stocking’s thin mesh out to the utmost.
“You are just revolting, Chavis. I am amazed. For a time, as you know, I was the manager of the famous Saudi Arabian figure skater, Parveen Iqbal-Maqbool Parveen also had a bizarre interest in my underclothes, she really did, and, like you, she was slovenly and filtered
And the way I cured Ms.Iqbal-Maqbool, and had her re-focus her interest away from my panties and onto more practice on the ice, was by beating her, Chavis I whipped Parveen’s breasts and buttocks regularly, and as you know, she is now an Olympic medalist for Mid-East. So what does that tell you?”
Miss Hooks paused. “And you know, Baird Afton, your precious second cousin he recommended me to you but the way I straightened Baird out after he’d embezzled nearly eight hundred thou from his fatherer’s investment firm was through a strict regimen of enemyas and horsewhipping he’s like you, just a weak, spoiled playboy “
Yes, that was right, Baird had told Chavis how much Miss Hooks would improve his life but this was crazy!
“I had such fun with Baird, I made him wear thigh high stockings, garter belts with no panties, and then I invited his friends old fraternity boys over to watch the Super Bowl. I made Baird serve them beer and Fritos while wearing the ridiculous clothes, as well as full make up and red nail poisonous on his fingers and toes!” Miss Hooks reminisced as Chavis lay on the bed, bound and terrified.
“Of course while his cronies watched the game Baird couldn’t see any of it, as he was kneeing in the corner, and then I’d urge him with the cane to get up and get the boys more beer Baird’s poor wee dangling and flipping as I swatted him into the kitchen. His old friends were in hysterics over this!”
Miss Hooks smiled. “I explained to Baird’sbuddies that since Baird was too immature to keep accounts without stealing at his father’s brokerage firm, using the profits to dabble in heroin, cocaine and strippers, how would he be entitled to be man enough to watch the football game wearing clothes and drinking beer with his friends? One of his close pals was an investor at his father’s firm, and was so angry, he took his belt off and whipped Baird’s buttocks until they were nearly purple!”
Chavis really wondered if Miss Hooks was insane. True, Baird had turned his life around but why would Baird recommend this crazy woman to look after Chavis’s house?
“I also put Baird into Depends diamonds towards4d the end of the evening and fucked several of his friends on the floor as poor humiliated Baird knelt and cried in the corner.” Miss Hooks said, pausing and reaching over and struggling Chavis’s hardening cock absently.
“Poor Baird was in love with me, of course. But I told him that he was a sissy crybaby faggot, not manenough to enjoy the fruits of my body, and then I made him lick the excess semen and juices off his friend’s penises after they fucked me and made him actually harden them up to screw me again!”
Miss Hook’s nimble fingers stroked Chavis’s penis until it swelled and engorged. He couldn’t believe that he was excited by this horror.
“Baird was such a vicious homophobe, he told me about bashing gays in high school and college he really hated having his friend’s penises in his lipsticked mouth, but it was good for him. But it was truly the end of his friendship with his college pals to be sure!”
She paused
“My cousin, Master Jabez has taken over Baird’s training, and it’s done him a world of good. But now we have you to contend with!”
Chavi grew a bit alarmed as he watched Miss Hooks reach for a long, thin bamboo cane that was lying on the dresser.
But then she turned away from it, and returned to touch Chavis’s cock softly and sensitively.
“You see, Chavis” Miss Hooks said, struggling Chavis’s penis steadily, “All your issues are around this little pink organ, which you seem to reveal as the core of your being.” Miss Hooks ticked the underside of Chavis’s swelling member.
“But your penis has caused you so many problems, dear. Ostracization from your family Baird told me that you’ve lost engagements, been explored from schools, and cannot work in an office setting. This dick of yours is a little pink tyrant, a Napoleon of destruction, and it needs to be reined in.”
Miss Hooks’s massage of Chavis’s penis became more fevered, and he moaned with pleasure. He could not believe he might be getting lucky with his secretary/housekeeper like this, although she seemed a bit um, “off.”
“What you need is just a bit of discipline, to show your little tyrant who is boss, Chavis.” With this, Miss Hooks’s released Chavis’s cock and she picked up the bamboo cane and whacked his tip sharply with it, and the knob of his cock sang wit pain and agoy.
Chavi tried to get loose, but of course his hands were quite locked behind his back. He looked at the girl, desperate. Was she going to kill him?
Miss Chavis raised the bamboo again and whacked his sweltering member, and then whacked it again, and Chavis screamed as the sharp sting of the cane lashed his engorged organ.
“See, now your little disobedient Napoleon has met his Waterloo.” Miss Hooks said, regarding Chavis’s deflated and marked member. She reached down and began stroking his penis again.
“And you have to give it some love affection, so your dickie wickie can k now that there’s a sweet side a carrot to the stick and all that. Though you still must dare to discipline.”
Suddenly Miss Hooks pinched the tip of Chavis’s cock sharply, right where she’d hit it with the cane, and she keep her claw-like nails pinching the glans until the blood in the tip congealed and it turned purple. Chavis began to scream and understand but his handswere too well tied.
After a minute, Miss Hooks let go of Chavis’s penis and then returned her fingers to the erotic, arousing massage. As her skilled fingers swirled around Chavis’s cock, it stood straight up, thrusting up his scrotum and Miss Hooks began playing with Chavis’s testicles.
At first this was glorious, but then Miss Chavis squeezed tightly and Chavis almost blacked out with the pressure to his balls. But then the gentle ticke began again and Chavis began once again thrusting his hips towards Miss Hooks’s little white hands once more. “I know your little wiener wants more, honey.” Miss Hooks said. Chavis watched as Miss Hooks stood up and undressed, marveling at her full breasts with pink, lilting nipples.
“Like these, Chavis?” Miss Hooks asked, cupping her boobs and jiggling them a bit. “Wouldn’t you like to suck and kiss them, sweetie?” Miss Hooks rubbed her breasts together and moaned, and oooh it was exciting.
Chavis watched as Miss Hooks tiltedone of her amazing tits to her mouth and licked the nipple with relish. “Oh, yes, Miss Hooks,” Chavis gasped “I-I really would like to kiss your breasts.”
Once or twice Chavis had attempted to peek in on Miss Hooks in the shower, hoping for a hint of nipple, but to no avail. But this was amazing!
“Well, I only let heroic he-men kiss my candies, Chavis” Miss Hooks said. Now fully nude, Miss Hooks rubbed her moist, hide vagina with one hand carefully as the other continued to toy with her now quite erect nipples.
“Are you a tough he-man, Chavis? I doubt you are.” Miss Hooks got up on the bed and mounted Chavis’s hard cock, which was sticking straight up and waving like a metronome.
The girl rubbed the lips of her cliporis on Chavis’s Empurpled glans, but didn’t let it enter her. She bent her legs on the bed, just rubbing the lips on Chavis’s penis, and rising lightly every time he tried to push his dick into her.
With her hands, she pushed her cleavage together, letting the full nipples peek through her fingers. “I know you’d like to suck these nipples, and push your Willy into me, and squirt in my pretty vagina, Chavis.
If you could prove to me that you had he-man qualities, I might let you Baird, your pathetic second cousin never really could prove his masculinity to me, you know.”
Chavis, still trying to push his dick into the cliporis, was mad with desire. He had to have her. Babbling, he offered Miss Hooks money, but she laughed and shook her head. “That’s not manhood, dear. That’s money. You need to clear up your reputation. I came in here tonight because I am annoyed with your perverted theft of my panties now if you want to impress me, you must prove your manhood, darling.”
Chavis nodded. “Yes, ma’am, I’ll do anything to prove I am man enough to fuck you and kiss your boobs.”
Miss Hooks leaned over and slapped Chavis’s face, hard, and hoped off the bed. “I just hate profanity. You’ll have to do betterthan that. Will you prove your bravery in any way I ask?”
Chavis’s face rang with the pain of the slap the girl could really hit! But he nodded, tears rolling down his cheeses. This was really something. He’d never been so excited in his life. What he would give to have his hands free he’d fucking rape her, man, and risk the prison time. She was HOT.
Miss Hooks took Chavis’s Swiss Army knife off his night table. She unplugged the lamp and then used the knife to cut the cord, re-plugging it after that. Chavis’s eyes bugged out as he watched the sparks fly from the exposed wires in the cord.
“Can you bear up to pain without crying, Chavis?” Miss Hooks demanded. Chavis had no idea what she meant, but he nodded his head avidly.
Miss Hooks smiled grimly and pulled Chavis up to a sitting position on the bed. Now Chavis was on the bed, feet on the floor and his hands still tied behind his back.
“Show me how brave you can be” Miss Hooks said, holding the cord withthe sparks shooting. “Be like the Spartan boy who burned the hand in the flame to show how tough he was. And then you may worship my breasts and fuck my pussy, darling Chavis.”
Unsure of what Miss Hooks was talking about, and slightly disturbed that the sparking wires might be a fire hazard, Chavis nodded his head again. What the hell was she doing with the cord? He wanted to make love to this crazy bitch, badly.
And then Miss Hooks thrust the sparking cord into Chavis’s tests, holding his penis up with the other hand, and the burning took him, and Chavis screamed, twisting around and rolling onto the floor, trying to climb under the bed.
Miss Hooks shook her head as she unplugged the lamp cord. “There’s no hope for you, Chavis you scream like a baby you are not a Spartan. If you want me to continue working for you, you will have to adopt certain measures to be trained.
Who knows why Chavis begged Miss Hooks not to quit? Or why she locked him in a chatity belt the next day, making him dress in a pinafore and high heels, like a sissy? But that’s what happened.
Eightteen months later, he faced his beloved Miss Hooks, and realized how lucky he was!
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