Candy was going to be a hard girl to break. She had been in Juan’s harem for over a month now, and still she resisted. Tonight, though, she would learn to obey. Tonight, she would learn what it means to be totally controlled. To be owned.
The fresh young woman was bound, hand over head, to a beam in the dungeon. Her long, dark hair hung down in front of her to cover her chest, an act of either modesty or rebellion that lit a fire inside of Juan, a fire that could only be quenched by her tears for mercy. She didn’t react to his entrance, making it a point not to turn her head or address him.
“So rude…” he shook his head. She would learn better by the end of the night. He moved towards her, shears in hand, for the first stage of her punishment. He grabbed a handful of her hair, and closed the scissors on it. She flinched, as if he’d struck her. He lopped off another part, uneven and close to the scalp. It was obvious that she was on the verge of tears as he clipped away,but she refused to break.
“You vein, pathetic bitch!” He hissed as he cut. She was lucky, lucky he invested so much in her, or he’d rather just be done with her there and then. He unleashed his fury on her flowing locks, watching in fiendish delight as they cascaded to the floor.
When it was all shorn off, she looked smaller. She looked fragile. She looked so deliciously breakable. Still, her lips stayed stiff. He could tell she was trying not to follow him with her eyes, but the feeling of chasing her gaze away was almost as powerful. Taking his time, he strolled over to a wall on the dungeon where his floggers were held. He picked up a Bullwhip, running his finger over the ornate wooden handle.
He then called for Cherry, his head slave. Cherry was a petite redhead in her mid 20’s who he’d purchased from an Irish broker on her 18th birthday. He’d been drawn to her by her sunny, singsong accent, but time away from home had caused it to fade over the years. Still, shewas one of his favorite girls; pleasant, polite, and willing. He reminded himself to buy the next girl from her trainer; this one who’d sold him Candy was a total snake, selling him a girl from one state over who could still (and often did) recite her home address.
Cherry’s entrance finally got a reaction from Candy. The younger slave looked confused when Cherry knelt down and, very gently, parted the girl’s legs. She didn’t try to clamp them shut like she did for Juan. His suspicions were true; the bastard had sold him a lesbian. No matter; a slave was a slave, and as a slave she would learn that her preferences mean nothing.
Cherry wasted no time diving into the younger slave’s pussy. She stuck her tongue out, teasing the saden folds with fine, snake like movements. The soft tissue satisfactions with sweet juices when she sinks her tongue between them in darting laps, causing the pink bud to swell and redden.
When the first moans of pleasure escape Candy’s lips, theybreak off into a cry of pain. The whip cracks as it cuts across her rounded backside, breaking the toned flesh and leaving a fine ribbon of blood to mingle with the witness that drips down her thighs. Cherry licks faster to counter the new girl’s pain, wanting to ease the transition. Juan was a rather beneficial man, not a sadist by most people’s standards, but all of that changed as soon as he was defied.
He brought the whip down again, this time across her pointed shoulderblades. Her body jerked with reaction, causing her to buck into the more experienced slave’s mouth. The tongue swirled around her clip, enveloping it fully in a cyclone motion that captured her so completely that when the whip came down again, she couldn’t tell if she was yelling out in pain or pleasure. The two became one, merging into one hot white ball of madness that incinerated the very core of her. She could feel herself, her identity, being burned up within it.
Cherry’s mouth felt so good that shewas ready to let it. She felt the embers of herself smoldering as two long, dainty fingers slipped inside of her, strumming with a steady, purposeful rhythm. Her soft, pink walls twitched and tightened, devouring the digits. She could feel herself close to orgasm, so close, when suddenly the stimulation was withdrawn.
She didn’t have time to be confused before Juans long, hard cock was plugged into her virgin asshole. His rough entrance sent a shockwave of sickening pain through her, as if she were being split in half. Her throbbing pussy gushed, a spurt of sweet liquid that drenched Cherry’s face as her master pounded into her.
Hungry for more, cherry once again began to devour the wet cunt in front of her. She plunged both hands between her own legs. One hand disappeared almost entirely inside of her own neglected wetness as she drank the other girl’s cum. The other was reaching further, into her asshole, She could feel the fingers bump into each other from inside theirdifferent holes, alternative to work the wall between them.
Juan picked up pace, rocking candy into Cherry’s mouth with every thrust. Both girls were dripping, understanding masses, a sight that Juan found irresistible. As he felt Candy’s body clnch up for a second time, he shot his hot load into her. Cherry had been watching her master and knew the language of his body. Knowing that he’d just cum made her Insanely hot, and so she quicklyned the pace and fingered herself to completion. However, she was careful to stop licking the emrith woman before her as soon as her master pulled out of her. Candy looked confused, doe-eyed, and Cherry almost pitied her. She got to her feet, and began to follow her master out, leaving the girl in the dungeon.
‘W-wait!” Candy became, “I didn’t-“
“When you learn to be a good girl, I’ll let you cum on my cock,” Juan scoffed.
“Please!” She was so close it was painful, cunt swollen and dripping with unfulfilled anticipation.
TheTwo left the room and turned off the light, deaf to her please.
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