Slave Birdie

23 year old Birdsell Ruskin hurried home from school. Auntie Marigold didn’t like it if he was late. Birdie had come all the way from the Midwest to attend Buttermilk State U. and living with Auntie M was much more arduous then he’d thought it would be.

Ah but Auntie had promised the folks at home she’d keep Birdie on the honor roll, and help him discontinue his interests in Black Sabbath and crystal meth .and, having been kicked out of eight prep schools and three other colleges by age 20, Buttermilk Falls U. was his last chance!

And of course he had been making the honor roll for the past three years with Auntie M’s loving supervision. The first year Birdie had attended Buttermilk U, Auntie M had insisted he go as a girl. “Girls get in less trouble, and we need to get all that macho bullshit out of your weak little head.”

There had been some truth on Birdie’s part, he had been quite the violent fellow in bar fights and slam dancing, but Auntie had taken Birdie’s asshole with her trusty strap-on and put him in Dr. Denton’s footie pajamas for the summer before school started, complete with a drop drawer, so she could pull the snaps down to apply her big wooden hairbrush, her enema tube, and more of the big long plastic strap-on “Reminder”.

She’d hung Birdie in the garage, suspended from the ceiling and hung heavy lead weights from his nipples and balls, and this seemed to Take a lot of the starch out of him. Birdie had never been subjected to much opposition from his liberal parents, and this was a new thing for him.

“I really think you shouldn’t argue too much with me, babe.” Auntie M said kindly. “Your cousin Fletcher came here a few years back, remember “Fletch the Retch” the big hell-raiser? I went whole hog with him darling, breast impants, pee-pee removal, and now Fiona is such a sweet little restaurant hostess in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I am telling it be temporary for you, but only if I don’t get a lot of crap, sweetheart.”

So Birdie got all his body hair removed, and began wearing pink lipstick and heavy blue eye shadow and a massive Lady Gaga wig, and nice skirt and blouse suits and it was true, he seemed to behave better. His falsies kind of strained his back, but he’d learned not to complain to Auntie too much.

Also no one was really flirting with him, as guys are not really interested in chickens who are six foot four and weight two forty (Birdie was a former linebacker at Syracuse.)

Auntie M had already put Uncle Rusk through transvestite training, and she began taking Uncle Rusk and Birdie downtown to clubs, where they could meet drunk married guys who didn’t mind a bit of a “heffer” when they were dating. First, of course she put both Birdie and Uncle R through extensive oral training at home using her huge strap-on dildo.

This had been quite trying for Birdie, because Auntie M would really grab his ears and skull fuck him, forcing the seven inch dildo down his throat. “I am thinking of having your gag reflex removed so you won’t spit or choke all over my nice stockings, Birdie.”

Birdie had bridled, and attempted to argue with Auntie M, who had used a bit of jujitsu to throw him on the floor and then she’d ordered him to strip, and wound out her bamboo on his butt and nipples, until he was crying and kissing her feet in obesance.

She’d taught Birdie to dance, putting down a little wooden dance floor, and putting on Michael Jackson and having Birdie dance around only in his heels as she urged him on with her long-tailed tawse. By the end of “Billie Jean” Birdie was covered in welts, but he was much more effective twitching his hips!

Since Birdie had cost his folks so much money with the school expulsions, drug rehabs and property damage, and Keeping his worthless ass out of jail, Auntie M had sold Birdie’s Suzuki ZR50 chopper, and his Mustang as well, to finance his education at Buttermilk State and then she took him downtown to suck cock and dance for tips Uncle Rusk was much better at it than Birdie, but he had learned fast!

Birdie’s cock was locked in a tiny pouch between his legs, and he told the guys who expressed interest that “Aunt Flo’s in town but you can do me from behind for a twenty, hon.” While Uncle Rusk was sucking another’s dick on his stocking knees on the wet pavement in the back alley of Pip’s Pickup Palace!

Two to five nights a week Birdie was out there bringing home little tips from the drunken revealers, doing especially well when there were business traditions in town. Once “she” even got a marriage proposal from a forklift truck salesman!

“Remember all the money your Dad put out, paying up when you deserted from the Marines thousands to keep you out of Leavenworth, Birdie well Now you’ll pay him back, like a man would, or rather a woman!”

Birdie’s focus on pleasure men was intense! He knew he had to please his darling Auntie, and he wanted his folks to be proud of himit was tough, though as he was so revolted by all the drunken men’s penises but if he didn’t bring home at least two hundred dollars in “tips” every night, sweet, wonderful Auntie M would break her cane on his bare bottom, and then send him back out to fulfill his quota!

And, at school, Birdie did quite well, and it turned out that he didn’t have ADD or dyslexia, he just needed to have his buttocks whipped and dildo-rogered when he brought home less than a 3.8 it was a remarkable academic training program.

Auntie M insisted that Birdie major in computer science, which was hard, but dealing with an annoyed Auntie was just a bit harder!

In Birdie’s junior year, Auntie M allowed him to return to male civvies, but things were strict around the house still even with Birdie as a guy again, and he had to hurry home fast “Zoom-Zoom” Ruskin walked home and took the bus now so he had to hurry!


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