We Want To Watch

I had an unexpected day off and seeing the weather was quite good I’d shot down to one of the local beaches for a bit of relaxation. Being the middle of the week there weren’t many people around but that didn’t worry me. I got in a bit of exercise swimming and just relaxed.

For some reason or other the people who were at the beach all just seemed to drift away until the only people left were a group of five girls and myself. Oddly enough I found that I knew the five girls. Only casually, but I did know their names at a minimum.

I’d give their average age as about twenty and they were all reasonably pretty and quite nute, as young women of that age tend to be. I’d never actually dated any of them, just run into them at various places when out and about. Perhaps it wasn’t so odd that I should know them; it was a local beach and they all lived in the general area.

I wasn’t on the prowl so I generally just ignored them, but it just so happens that I do have exceptionally good hearing. Or perhaps the girls were talking a bit loudly.

It quickly became obvious that there was a bit of a tiff going on, with four of the girls ganged up against the fifth. To be really accurate, I’d have to save that the one girl was having a go at the four, putting them down and making nasty inventions, practically gloating over her own rightousness.

I’m sure you’ve all met that type of person, superior and smug, knowing that they’re better than you and quite ready to make sure that you know it too.

From the various comments I heard, Michelle, the saint, was sneering at the others for not being virgins. At age twenty I would have been surprised if they were. Apparently Michelle was still a virgin, or so she claimed. She put it down to strong moral fibre and a proper sense of What was right. The others seemed to put it down to the fact that she was either a frigid bitch or a lesbian, opinion being evenly divided.

Michelle eventually went in fora swim, leaving the other fulminating about her. There was a comment about the lack of sharks and such when they were required and a few other remarks of this type. The comments were ended by the devout wish that Michelle would have an unhappy encounter with a gang of drunken sailors. Large, randy drunken sailors.

One of the girls suddenly spotted me relaxing enjoying the sunshine and the conversation and she turned on me, happy to have a new target that would let her work off some of her bad humour.

“What are you sniggering about?” she demanded.

In my own defence I would like to point out that I don’t snigger. I may have been smiling at their little spat, but I was not sniggering.

“I’m just feeling amused by your naivety,” I said casually. “May I point out that the Only proof you have of Michelle’s virginity is her word for it. Even if your solution of a gang of drunken sailors meeting her some dark night came true, how would you know? Do you really expect herto front up to you and say that while she was visiting Snow White, the seven dwarves came home drunk and had their wicked way with her?

You’ll find that Michelle could get raped on a nightly basis for a month but she’d never admit it and she’d deny it if asked. The only way you would find out is to have a witness.

And before you ask, the answer is no, I don’t know if she’s a virgin or not. For that matter, I only have Michelle’s word for it that none of you are virgins, although I am willing to find out.”

“And just how would you expect to find out if any of us are virgins or not?” snapped one of the girls, and then blushed at the pointed look I gave her.

What a dumb question. My investigation would very quickly prove that they weren’t virgins, even if they had been before I started investigating.

About then the girls went into a huddle. One of them had apparently had an idea and they were discussing it. There was a fair bit of giggling and a few surreptitious glances in my direction. I was suspicious. When girls get their heads together like that a wise man departs. So, I’m not wise and I am curious. I stayed and waited.

Finally the girls reached a decision and turned back to me. They didn’t beat around the bush. Apparently they were a lot angrier and even more upset about Michelle than I had realized, and they quite frankly wanted blood.

“How would you like to test Michelle’s virginity,” one of the girls asked me. Sandra was her name if I remembered correctly.

I blinked at that.

“Let’s be blunt,” I said. “You’re suggesting that I rape Michelle. Why on earth makes you think I’d want to do that. I could get into real trouble doing that sort of thing.”

I knew why I would Like to have some private time with Michelle. She was a honey with a very nice figure. But why would the others think I’d rape her just because they asked me to. And what was the logic behind their asking?

The girls were quick to justify themselves. They’d obviously put some thought into it. The basic reason behind wanting Michelle to have sex (rape optional) was to get her off their backs. She was constantly making snide remarks about loose living women, no better than they ought to be.

If Michelle lost her virginity she’d have to shut up about it. (Not that sort of woman, in my opinion. She’d just find another point of Superiority to flaunt.) They said she probably wouldn’t report it, as I’d pointed out earlier. She wasn’t the sort of person to tell anyone that she’d been raped. She’d just keep her mouth shut and hope the rapist would as well. If she did hint that she was going to report it, the girls would all be willing to testify that she’d been willing.

It was the last bit that the girls were independent on.

“We want to watch and see her get fucked,” Sandra said. “Then she can’t pretend it didn’t happen. We want to hear her squeal as she gets shuffled.”

“Well,” I said. “I think it’s a rotten idea and you all deserve a good spanking. And probably a good bonking to go with the spanking, just to drive home the lesson.

So, as long as you understand that as a penalty I am going to visit each of you sometimes over the next week or so to deliver your spanking and a good bonking, I suppose I could start off by giving the same to Michelle. Then you’ll know what to expect when I come Visiting.


The girls went into a huddle again. While they were all in favour of Michelle receiving a spanking and then being ravished they weren’t quite so hot on the idea of ​​themselves having to undergo the same.

It turned out that Michelle had really got up their collective noses and they were out for blood and were quite willing to pay the cost. They accepted my terms so I pushed them a little harder, seeing if they’d back off.

“I want something as a show of good faith,” I told them. “Why don’t the four of you take of your bikinis and pose for me for a moment. There’s no need to be embarrassed as I’ll see it all anyway when I come to visit you.”

The girls looked at each other and back to me. Then Sandra shrugged and whipped off her top. A quick push downwards and she was naked and laughing at me. The other girls giggled and quickly shed their bikinis, leaving me admiring four naked smile lovelies.

Their smiles sort of faded when I lifted my phone and started taking a series of quick photos.

“Wait a minute,” Sandra snapped. “You didn’t say anything about photos.”

“Don’t worry about them,” I told her. “When I visit you, you can delete your photo from my phone. This way I have something that tends to say that you will honour your word.”

“How do we know you won’t put them on the internet?” came a nervous question.

“Enlightened self-interest,” I replied. “If I was silly enough to put these up on the ‘net, there’s no way you’re going to agree to my coming around. You’re more likely to come around and use a shotgun to explain to me the error of my ways.

It looks as though Michelle is heading back in this direction,” I added. “Are you going to put your bikinis back on, or leave them off and shock her?”

The answer was immediately and unanimous. Sandra summed it up.

“Screw her. Let her be shocked.”

Michelle came barging up, looking self-important and sure of herself.

She falsered a little when it dawned on her that the other girls were standing around a man, each one of them (except me) stark naked.

“What’s going on?” she demanded. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Ah, Michelle,” I said. “Glad you could join us. The girls came to me with a little problem and I offered to help them out. This,” I added, waving at the lovelies standing around, “is just a spontaneous show of appreciation for the help I offered.

It appears that you’ve been giving the girls a hard time so I offered to spank you for them. Just to let you know that you should be a bit politer.”

I silenced with a cold look a couple of the girls who’d been about to pipe up with something I was fairly sure I didn’t want them to say. Meanwhile Michelle was spluttering.

“I’ve been giving them a hard time?” she yelled. Before she could continue I butted in.

“And I’m sure you’re sorry for it now. However, I did promise the girls I’d give your tail a bit of a paddling so I’m sort of stuck with that promise.”

Michelle was preparing to back off and go elsewhere but the other girls had already closed around her. I was still sitting on my towel and Michelle was standing next to me. She was too busy glaring at the others to notice when I hooked my leg behind her knees and tugged sharply.

With her knees suddenly collapse under her, Michelle had no way to go but down. It didn’t take much effort for me to guide her fall so that she finished up sprayed face down across my lap. She scrapbled in the sand, trying to get her hands and feet under her, but my hand in the middle of her back kept her pinned there.

“You’ll have to excuse me,” I told her, as I swiftly pulled down the bottom of her bikini. “It’s just that I think a paddling should always be done on a bare bottom. Even if that bottom is one as pretty as yours.”

With that I delivered a healthy spank to that pretty bottom. Then I paused, considering the situation.

“You know, it seems silly for you to be wearing just your top when everyone else is completely naked. If one of you would be so kind as to help Michelle take her top off?”

All four of the girls seemed willing, but it was Sandra who bent down and untied it, stripping it away and leaving Michelle naked across my lap.

I settled down to delivering a nice little spanking, but conscious that my main task was to give Michelle a good rogering I thought it only sensible to prepare her for the fun to come.

Michelle’s legs were kicking up and down and she was squealing and protesting as my hand warmd up her bottom. The legs stopped kicking and clamped together the first time that a spank slipped between them and landed on her pussy. This made it easier to spank her bottom, but that wasn’t my main target.

I started slipping down spanks that landed where her legs were clamped together, stinging the sensitive flesh there. It wasn’t long before Michelle conceded defeat and let her legs hesitantly part, giving me access to her moon again.

Now the whole tenor of the spanking changed. My hand was still warming up her bottom but my fingers, and I have long fingers, were slipping between her legs and teasing and rousing Michelle’s pussy.

To the watching girls it would look as though I was just giving Michelle a simple spanking but both she and I knew that I was committing a determined sensitive assault upon her love mound, building her internal excitement, causing heat and moisture to rise within her.

I could see her pussy flushing with colour and her lips were parting, inviting me in. Not wanting to drag things on too long and spoil it, I decided to accept the invitation.

I rolled Michelle over and laid her upon my towel. She knew what was coming and she didn’t even try to resist. Her eyes just drifted down below my waist and she watched, scarcely breathing as I dropped my bathers, revealing my rod of correction. I heard a couple of muttered comments from our audience, but ignored them. Michelle was ready for me and I was certainly ready for her.

I eased Michelle’s lips apart and pressed gently against her. All five girls were holding their collective breath as I moved into Michelle, her pussy yielding happily, eager to accept its present.

Michelle may have been getting carried away with what was happening but she still had enough of a sense of self-preservation to give a sharp squeal as I slid into her. From the approving sounds that our audience made they assumed that I was puncturing her virginity. From the smooth way I glided straight past her hymen I assumed that she was hoping to convince the girls that she had just had her cherry popped, and from the look in her eyes she was asking me not to let on.

That was fair enough. I was demonstrating she was no longer a virgin which was what the girls wanted. I didn’t have to say that I wasn’t the one who made her an ex-virgin.

Now that I had fully entered Michelle I started moving slowly within her, seeking a response. I both did and didn’t get one. I could feel her twitching against me, wanting to respond but deliberately stopping it. I suspect she was scared of what the other girls would think of her if they saw her industrially humping her tush.

Whatever the reason, I was having none of it. My hand wandered to that point just below the ribs where most girls have a ticklish spot. Then I jabbed it. Michelle squealed and bucked, and I’d timed it so that I was driving down hard when she bucked.

From that point on it was a lost cause forMichelle. Her body enthusiastically entered into the game I was playing with her, rising eagerly to meet me as I thrust down hard and fast.

Michelle didn’t even try to resist my onslaught. Her legs came up and clamped around me and her hands dug into my shoulders as I rode her hard. Our audience were laughing and cheering, yelling advice that I didn’t need. I was hammering Michelle and she was responding in spades. What else was there?

Not much else, really. Michelle was humping her bottom and squealing in excitement and I was driving home just as fast as I could go. I could hear Michelle’s squeals reaching a crescendo but that was OK by me because I was fast reaching a crescendo of my own.

The way we came together at the end there you’d think we’d practiced it a thousand times instead of Just being the first. (And hopefully not the last, but I wouldn’t count on it. Girls can get funny about giving a repeat performance, especially if they hadn’t known they were goingto be starring in the original performance.)

Michelle just lay there afterwards, breathing deeply. I shooed the others away. I saw no reason for them to hang around and gloat.

When Michelle finally settled back into the land of the living she calmly informed me that I was a bastard. I didn’t say anything and she shut her mouth for a few moments. But she was aching to know something.

“Did you tell them that I wasn’t a virgin when you took me?” she asked.

“Weren’t you?” I asked. “I wasn’t really paying attention to that. I was just so totally enthralled by your body and your responsiveness that I didn’t notice.”

She gave me a dirty look. She knew that I knew, but it seemed I wasn’t admitting it so she was satisfied with that. She couldn’t claim virginity in front of her friends anymore but at least she could claim that it had been an involuntary loss as they damn well knew.

– – –

It was a few days later that I dropped around to visit Sandra. Sheand Yvonne, another of the quartet, lived in a unit by the beach.

Yvonne answered the door and she looked a little nervous when she realized who was there. She invited me in anyway, calling out to Sandra. Sandra came bustling in and ground to an abrupt halt when she saw me.

The two girls looked at me and the Sandra addressed the issue at hand.

“You’ve come to collect the way you said you would, haven’t you?”

I grinned at her, and inclined my head to indicate agreement.

The girls looked at each other again and the Yvonne asked, “Who did you come to see? Sandra or me?”

I looked at the two young women. They were both young and attractive and currently dressed in much the same fashion, wearing yoga pants and boob tubes.

“I hadn’t actually made a choice,” I told them. “I thought I’d let you two decide who’s first. Why don’t the pair of you talk it over or toss a coin or something to decide who’s the lucky one. One tiny suggestion. Why don’t the pair of you take of your yoga pants while deciding?”

“Why should we take of out pants?” demanded Yvonne.

“Because I’m naturally going to spank a bare bottom, and so they’ll have to come off anyway. I’m just saving time for you.”

“But you’re only spanking one of us today. Why should we both take of out pants?”

“To please me, of course.” I smiled innocently at them.

Sandra sniffed. “And I suppose you want us to take off our tops, too?”

“Off course not. I don’t need your tops of to deliver a spanking. I can always take your top off after the spanking when I’m ready to ravish you. No, I don’t mind seeing the pair of you standing around in your tops.”

Yvonne laughed. “You’ve got more gall than anyone I’ve ever met,” she told me. Then she nudged Sandra and calmly pushed down her pants and panties and stepped out of them. Sandra gave a wry smile and did the same.

I was quietly amused. It was incredibly erotic having the two girls standing there naked from the wait down. They were arguing as to who was to be the lucky one. I interrupted.

“When you say the lucky one, do you mean the one who gets her paddling over and done with or the one who manages to put it off for a while?”

Yvonne throw up her hands, which caused her breasts to bounce in and interesting manner.

“OK. I’ll call myself the lucky one and get it over and done with. Then I won’t have to worry about you coming around any more.”

Sandra nodded her acceptance of this. She didn’t mind waiting. She could quite easily put off getting spanked for a year or so. She turned, as though about to leave the room so I could entertain Yvonne in peace.

“Hold on, Sandra,” hissed Yvonne. “If I have to go through with this, you’ve got to stay and watch.”

Sandra stood there looking at Yvonne, holding her pants in her hand. She shrugged and nodded. She looked as though she was going to get dressed again so I spoke up again.

“Um, leave them off forthe time being, Sandra,” I suggested. “It’s really quite erotic seeing you standing around like that.”

I copied a typical female look for that comment, but Sandra had a smug little smile on her face as she dropped her things back onto a chair. I turned to Yvonne.

“I’ve decided I will take your top off before I spank you,” I told her, taking hold of it and tugging it slowly upwards. “It will be interesting to see your breasts swway in time to the music.”

Yvonne didn’t resist, letting me lift her top up and off. Now that she was naked I had her turn around and bend over the side of one of their armschairs, hands resting on the seat of the chair. I edged her legs apart, letting me trace the crack of her bottom down to where it changed into the slit of her pussy and around to the front of her love mount.

I reached between her legs and cupped her pussy, slowly trailing my hand along following the ground, pressing lightly against it.

“You have a beautiful curve here,” I told her, my hand traveling back around, finishing on her pussy and gently squeezed.

Yvonne gasped, but not as loudly as Sandra. Yvonne was expecting me to play with her but Sandra was taken completely by surprise when I reached over and lightly cupped her pretty little pussy.

I turned at her and then turned my attention back to Yvonne.


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