We Want To Watch Ch. 02

If you read my stories in sequence you’ll know that I’d arranged a little deal with some young ladies I know to do a little service for them. Due to the nature of the services rendered I’d also extracted promises from them regarding our future relationship.

I have to admit the deal was rather one-sided in my favour, which just goes to show that you should never come to terms over something while you’re angry. Cool off and have another think. You may not only get better terms but you may realize that you’re being rather silly.

I’d already seen a couple of the young ladies regarding them holding up their end of the bargain and the matter had been dealt with. I was now heading around to speak to the third of the young lovelies to see if she was willing to comply with my terms.

I pulled up at Prue’s place and knocked. She went pale when she saw me and started chewing on her lip but invited me in anyway. I could see at a glance that she was scared rigid of going throughwith what she’d promised but I sensed that she was also too scared to not go through with it. She really shouldn’t have agreed to my terms in the first place, and she knew it.

I wasn’t going to make it too easy for her to get out from under her promise, but I had every intention of at least throwing a bit of a scare into her. Without actually stating it I insinuated that we should move right through to her bedroom Without further delay.

Once there I looked hard at her and said “Clothes,” and she winced and slowly stripped off. It didn’t take long. All she had on was a sundress and panties as she’d just been relaxing at home. I have to admit that all a bra would do for her would be to act as adornment. Her breasts were high and firm, confidently standing forth and ignoring the law of gravity.

Touching her arm I turned her to face the bed and then pressed against her shoulders to get her to bend over, leaning on her hands. I could see her gulping nervously as I nudgedher ankle, easy her legs further apart.

She was definitely not looking at me, and when I ran my hand gently over her bottom I could feel her trembling. My hand slipped between her legs and settled on her mound, cupping her and squeezed gently. She cringed slightly and I heard her give a faith whimper. It must have taken a bit of nerve for her not to scream out loud.

Gently massaging her pussy, I broke the news to her.

“You do realise that you don’t have to accept a spanking and ravishment if you don’t want to? All you had to do was show that you’re willing to keep your word, and you’ve done that. If you decide you want to back out now you can. I’ll just delete your photo and we’ll call it quits.”

Prue sort of shuddered as my words sank in and the she seemed to completely relax. Oddly enough, part of that relaxation means she settled down onto my hand, letting me claim her pussy without protest.

I continued to gently massage her. She was actually ratherexcited and I could tell that she was hot and, from the easy way her lips parted when I gently pressed against them, she was probably wet and ready. And saved that she wouldn’t have to yield unwillingly.

Prue finally turned to look at me, her relief plain to see.

“Do you mean that you’re not going to insist on spanking me if I say no?” she asked.

I nodded to show that this was so, while I continued warming up her pussy. She wasn’t paying much attention to what I was doing at this stage, but her pussy was responding to my touch, albeit unwittingly.

“And that means you won’t be, ah, ravishing me afterwards?”

By this time I’d slipped down my zip and let my erection out to play.

“That’s correct,” I told her, “and your photo will be deleted. You can even do that yourself if you want to ensure that it’s gone.”

By now I’d eased her lips apart and my cock was gently pressing home. Prue seemed to wake with a start as my erection started sinking in deeper.

“Wait,” she gasped. “You said I didn’t have to.”

“That’s true,” I told her. “Do you want me to go ahead and spank you?”

“No!” came the fast reply, while I sank even deeper.

“And you don’t want me to ravish you the way I said I was going to?” I asked, and by now I was gently rocking inside her.

“No!” Prue was equally emphatic about that.

“Fair enough. I won’t. One last question. Do you want me to stop what I’m currently doing?”

While I was asking this question my hands had slid around Prue and captured her breasts. I was rubbing her nipples and squeezing her lovely globes as I spoke.

Prue was breathing hard, but she was at least consistent with her answers.

“No,” she whispered. It was a lot less certain than the other no’s, but as far as I was concerned it suffered.

I continued to move gently, rocking slowly and gradually encouraging Prue to move with me. It didn’t take long. A touch of lust had tapped on her shoulder and she was matching my gentle thrusts very quickly.

We played silently for a while, letting a pleasant tension build between us, and I could hear Prue giving little mumble of satisfaction. It wasn’t enough of course, and after a while Prue was asking for something more.

Always willing to be of service I gave her something more, driving in quicker, feeling her bottom bounce up to meet my harder strokes. Now Prue was squealing and her bottom was gyrating as she strove to get the maximum enjoyment out of what we were doing.

The internal tensions were still building but not so slowly now. They were coming along in leaps and bounds, setting fire to our nerves and holding us in the fires.

Prue was squealing and emrithing under me and I felt like squealing and emrithing myself. I pressed home harder, an overwhelming urgency driving me forward until I feel myself ready to exploit. A final hard thrust and I was hosing down the fires, and the way Prue went up in flames you’d think I’d tossed gas on them.

Prue literally screamed and convulsed around me, shrieking her head off while I continued to pound on her pussy. Finally, with a series of small shudders, she sank down onto the bed and I settled down next to her.

After a while Prue started to show signs of life.

“I think I was conned,” she muttered. “Were you ever going to actually spank me?”

“Of course,” I told her.


I could see she was wondering what it would have been like, and probably remembering seeing Michelle get her tail paddled.

“Everyone handles it differently,” I told her. “I’ll give you an example of how your spanking might have proceeded.”

She was lying on her back, naked, and before she could say yes or no I’d reach down and caught her ankles. I hoisted then skywards and then back down next to her shoulders, effectively leaving Prue looking at her own pussy.

Prue squealed in surprise and then squealed again, a lot louder when Istarted delivering a series of short sharp slapses to her pussy. It was completely exposed and defenceless and I rained a quick series of spanks against. It didn’t take long for what I expected to happen.

Prue was just recovering from her climax and her pussy was still feeling highly sensitive and the sudden assault made all her nerves flare back to life. As far as Prue was concerned one moment she was lying relaxed on the bed and the next she was ben double and I was literally spanking a climax out of her. She shrieked with surprise, wailing as she compromised under my slapping hand.

Surprising myself, I positioned myself above her and Prue shrieked again as she watched my unexpected erection driving straight down and into her.

I apparently hadn’t been as spent as I thought and Prue was really feeling sensitive. In only moments I was climaxing (even if only in a small way) while Prue was plathing and shrieking as she was hit by yet another climax.

After that Prue lay on the bed trembling for about five minutes before she was coherent enough to talk. I got in first.

“Of course, that was only a sample of what I would have done if you’d agreed to a proper spanking and ravishment,” I told her calmly. “Perhaps you might feel inclined to explore that sort of thing another time.”

I received a very speaking silence from Prue but I suspect that she’s now seriously wondering what if?

– – –

The last of the young ladies I had to see was Andrea. She just made a sort of grunting noise when I rocked up. You know the type of noise I mean. An ‘Oh, it’s you’ grunt. She didn’t actually say anything, just opened the door to let me in and then turned and walked through to her front room.

“I know why you’re here,” she grumbled.

To my surprise she then lifted her skirt, yanked her panties down to half-mast and bent over the nearest chair with her skirt hoicked up around her waist, bottom jutting out.

“Hurry up and do it,” she snapped at me. “I’ve got things I have to do.”

Her blasé attitude, her matter of fact acceptance of a quick spank followed by a quick fuck had all the sexual appeal of a kiss from your grandmother. I couldn’t tell if she was generally bored with the whole idea or quietly furious at finding herself in such a spot.

“You might as well pull them up again,” I said, with a note of disdain in my voice. “I don’t think I’ll waste my time. Why don’t you just check my camera to make sure your photo is gone and then I’ll be gone.”

Andrea blinked at that, then hastily pulled up her panties. It must have been embarrassing for her to be offering her all only to have it knocked back.

“What do you mean, waste your time?” she snapped.

“It was obvious that you could’t care less about the spanking and as for having sex with you! Who wants to have sex with some girl who’s probably wondering what colour to paint her nails or texting her girlfriend while you take her? Not worththe effort for either of us.”

“What makes you think I don’t care about the spanking? Do you think I want to be spanked? And I don’t text my friends while I’m having sex.”

“Well I don’t know, do I? Do you want to be spanked?”

“Of course not. Why would I?”

“Then why worry if I decide not to both?”

Andrea glared at me. She’d have been all set to suffer in silence and I wasn’t playing my part properly.

“It’s the principle of the thing. I agreed so I think I should go through with it. You’re the one who insisted in the first place.”

“True, and when you took off your bikini and stood there smiling I’ll admit that I found you very attractive and sexually stimulating. But you’re not really interested so why should I both?”

“It’s the principle of the thing,” Andrea muttered again. “I don’t like being forced into such a position. But I said I would so I will.”

“And I said you don’t have to, so any participation from this point on will be voluntary. No force involved. I’m letting you off the hook.”

Andrea was confused. “Did you let the others off the hook?” she demanded.

“I made them the offer,” I told her. “Whether they accepted or not is strictly between them and me. If you want to chicken out then that will be between us and I wouldn’t be telling the others.”

“I wasn’t chickening out,” protected Andrea. “I said you could go ahead and do it.”

“With all the grace of a prisoner choosing the rope they’ll use to hang him,” I murmured, and Andrea blushed.

I got off the chair I was on and walked over to where Andrea was standing and started undoing the buttons on her blouse.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m undoing your blouse,” I told her.

“I can see that,” she yelled. “Why?”

“I’ve decided to take off your clothes. When you’re naked I’m going to take you into the kitchen, choose a nice chair, sit down and put you over my knee. Then I’ll give you that spanking you’re wondering about.”

While talking I’d continued with the buttons. By the time I’d finished, Andrea’s blouse was gaping open and the buttons and zip of her skirt were undone.

“But you just said I don’t have to,” she protested.

“True. You can stop me at any time until you’re across my knee being paddled.”

By this stage I’d pushed her blouse off her shoulders and had reached around and was undoing her bra. Andrea was staring at me confused, and I was pulling off her panties before she finally found her voice.

“Why do I have to be spanked in the kitchen?” she asked. “Why not here?”

“Because I want to,” I said.

“But what is Susan comes home? She’s my housemate. What’s she going to say if she comes home and I’m naked in the kitchen getting my bottom spanked?”

“If she’s polite, she won’t say anything. She’ll ignore it and go to another room. Of course, if she’s a voyeur, she might stay to watch.”

I was leading a flustered Andrea through to thekitchen. Apparently lowering her panties and bending over for a quick spanking was far different to being striped naked and bent over someone’s knee for a good spanking.

Andrea was dithering and raising little objects which I just ignored. Pulling a chair out from the table I spun it around and sat down. Andrea missed her last chance to back out when I encouraged her to bend over my knee, bottom brightly shining.

I suspect she was about to say no when my hand came down with that first spank. Andrea squealed and tried to cover her bottom with her hands. I just calmly took hold of them and pushed them up to the middle of her back, holding her firmly while I spanked her again.

Then while Andrea squealed and wriggled I gave her a proper spanking. “Hurry up and do it” indeed. Well I was doing it but I wasn’t anxious. I dusted her bottom good and hard, giving her bottom a nice red glow.

Andrea was almost waiting when I finally stopped. I flipped her off my kneesand onto her own, having her knee in front of me.

“And now the ravishment starts,” I told her. “Are you going to cry off?”

She had nervous, I’ll give her that. She shook her head, ready to take whatever I might dish out.

“Then you can start,” I said, unzipping. I tugged her head towards my open fly, suggesting what she should do now.

Andrea glanced up at me and flushed. Then she reached forward, drew my erection out of my trousers and lowered her head over me.

I gasped. It was blatantly obvious that this wasn’t the first time that Andrea had had a cock in her mouth. She knew just what to do to get its full attention. Her teeth scraped democratically over the head while her tongue lashed it, tantalising and teasing. I very quickly realized that things would come to a very sudden halt if this continued.

I lifted Andrea back up and drew her across my lap, straddling me. With what sounded like a sight of relief she settled upon me, my erection sliding neighborly into her welcoming pussy. She nestled against me for a moment, apparently just enjoying the feeling of me in her. I know I was enjoying that feeling.

Andrea lifted her head.

“Not here,” she begged. “What if Susan comes? I can’t be caught here like this.”

If that’s what she wanted. I stood up, not the easiest thing to do with a willing woman wrapped around you. Andrea’s legs wrapped around my waist and her arms went around my neck. She made a mewing sound as her weight settled upon my cock.

“Where’s your bedroom,” I asked, and then headed in that direction.

I trod heavily as I moved, sending a jolt into Andrea with each step. She was gasping and twisting about when we finally reached the bedroom. I laid her on the bed and slowly withdraw.

I paused for a moment and then drive down hard, feeling Andrea rise triumphantly to meet me. And that’s all she wrote.

With that hard downwards thrust and Andrea’s matching upwards hump we were committed and drivingI was bouncing hard upon Andrea, while she was squealing and bucking, clinging to me and trying to get even closer as our bodies ground together.

Eventually we climaxed, and the fact that we both came at the same time was lucky rather than skill. We were both quite happy to screw the other as hard as we could and the devil take the hindermost.

Have you ever noticed how noisy some women can be when they climax? I don’t know why they’re so independent on privacy. Everyone in earshot knows what they’re doing.

We finally dressed and wandered out to the kitchen to get some coffee. I needed something to revitalise myself before venturing out into the street. It turned out that Andrea’s housemate, Susan, had come home while she was entertaining me. I’m quite sure my face was suitable bland, but Andrea was blushing and Susan was looking amused.

We made small talk for a while, no-one mentioning the subject that the girls were going to discussas soon as I stepped out of the house. Eventually I said my goodbyes and went on my way. I hadn’t got more than a few steps away from the front door before I heard Susan shriek with laughter. I suspect that Andrea was busy ruining my reputation, but I’d survive.

I still had one more call I wanted to make.

– – –

The next evening I fronted up to Michelle’s place. She was home alone when I arrived and seemed somewhat started to see me. She made the mistake of opening the door before really checking to see who it was with the result that I was inside and standing in the hallway before she caught on. Then she reacted.

“What do you want?” she demanded.

I like it when you get a question that’s easy to answer.

“You,” I said.

Michelle seemed a little upset and staggered at that.

“What do you mean, me?” she demanded hotly.

I explained.

“Well, after that interesting little episode the other day I’ve been thinking of you a lot, so I thought I’d come over and give you a chance. In a moment I’m going to back you up against that wall and kiss you. While I’m kissing you I’m also going to be taking your panties down and pinning you against the wall. When I have you firmly pinned I’m going to take my time and strip of the rest of your clothes and then investigate to see if you feel as good as I remember.

Alternatively, You may slap me and send me about my business.”

I smiled at her and moved towards her. Michelle was spluttering and backing away but she was also remembering the feeling of me coming inside her. Michelle kept right on backing away until she was against the wall and my hands were resting on the wall on either die of her.

Still giving her a chance to say no, I leaned forward and caught her lip in my teeth, holding Her gently. From that point I leaned in and started kissing her, and Michelle wasn’t exactly backward about kissing me back.

I’d already noticed that Michelle was wearing tights and my hands latched onto them and started pushing them down, grabbing the waistband of her panties as I pushed. Michelle’s hands also darted down and hung onto them, but apparently her grip wasn’t as strong as mine as the tights slipped through her fingers and I rolled them down to her knees.

Now one of my hands was rubbing against her shaft while I unzipped my own trousers. I eased her slit open, and moved my head back so that I could watch her face. My cock pressed forward until it was pressing against her slit, easing between her lips. Michelle was pale and biting her lip while she stared at me, but she made no effort to tell me to stop.

I slip smoothly into her, filling her quickly, and all Michelle did was gasp. Not quite all, her eyes opened wide and they had a slightly glazed look.

I continued as promised, efficiently striping off her top before continuing to push her tights down her legs. Michelle lifted her feet, one after the other, helping shove the tightsoff. Suddenly she was naked, still pinned against the wall by my cock inside her.

My hands closed around her breasts, gently massaging them, while I rocked softly against her, easing in and out.

For some reason neither of us felt the slightest urgency. We just stood there, rocking together, letting it all build up between us as it would. Other times when making love there had always been a point where I or my partner has wanted to speed things up, to come together harder and faster. Not this time. We just swayed together at that slow sensitive pace and a gentle lust seemed to control us.


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