It has been six months.
Six months since you last cried out, your insides spasming, the ripples of pleasure surging through you. Six months since you last moaned and thrashed, your eyes rolling with how good it felt, how peaceful and happy it made you feel afterwards. Six months since you last cried out, moaning his name in the night while you clung to him, sobbing out your ecstatic release.
Six months since your last orgasm. Your last relief.
Every day you are tormented. Your cunt lips are thick and swollen, your nipples achey and sore. You yearn, you burn, you hunger.
Sometimes you now feel he has reduced you to just your cunt, its endless hunger, its neediness. Your clip throbs, you are soaked, your pussy drools constantly. You change your panties often, when you can longer bear sitting in your own soggy mess.You cunt is a river he likes to say while you sit on his lap and he strokes and cares you over and over, tweaking your swollen clit and tugging on your nipples. You pant and squirm, pushing yourself against his fingers, longing for the release you know he will not give you. Ah… his fingers… they know you so well, experienced knowing fingers that play you like an instrument, each strum on your clip brings a note from your panting lips.
When you are close he stops, moves to cares your thighs or your belly, Somewhere safer. When you are calmer and can take more his fingers return and you whimper and pant and squirm once more. Sometimes he is not subtle, he just pinches your clip so hard with his fingers that pain fills you, your eyes water and the urge to cum passes.
How long do you sit in his lap while he cycles you this way over and over? How many times now? How many times has he sat Scotch in hand, sipping, while you made them sensitively before him stuffing three fingers up your dripping hole for his entertainment? You pull on your nipples, fuck your ass for him, stroke your lips until you are a moaning wreck who will do anything, say anything just to cum. Oh the words that spill from your lips, you beg to lick his cum off the floor, you hold your cheese apart and beg for his cock in your ass. You debase yourself over, and over. You are beyond shadow now. Hours of performing for him, months of edging without end have brought you to this.
You just want to cum.
Still he doesn’t let you.
You haven’t earned it yet. Maybe in a few more weeks, he says.
He mounts you often, sometimes several times a day he takes you. You are always excited now, you give yourself eagerly, hungrily each time. You fuck him hard hoping if you are good enough, wild enough that he might finally let you cum. Your mind is reduced to sex, cock and cunt now, you thrust hard against him, squeezing on him, clenching on him in your excitement, the smack of his flesh against yours, the squishing of your pussy as he thrusts deep, deep inside you is like heavenly music. You long to press againsthim, ride him hard bouncing on his fat swollen cock, wrap your legs around him as you shudder in blissful release. How sweet it would be to shudder so, the spasms racing through while you sob and clnch on him and milk his balls deeply.
You know better. You struggle, you fight, you resist. You are a good girl, you do not cum. It is not allowed.
He moans as he pumps jet after jet of hot cum inside you, singing out his release. In his eyes you see the pleasure, his satisfaction.
Ah that was a good one little slut, he says, I needed that.
Your just creamed pussy throbs, pulses in hot wet frustration.
Sometimes it is your ass he takes, burying himself in your tight bottom while your unused pussy throbs and drips.
Afterwards you sit beside him on the couch, he is relaxed, playful, happy from his release, all his worries, all his frustrations removed, pumped up one of your tight holes. You sit with him, his seed dripping from your pussy or your asshole. You are forbidden to wipe, you feel it there, thick and wet, it trickles from you, your thighs are sticky.
You have pleased him and you beg. Oh how you beg!!!
“Maybe in another month. We’ll see.”
His fingers stroke your swollen clip.
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