Kelly Shaw tiptoed into Idaho’s bedroom. The bedside table clock in Uncle Kurt’s room had shown 7.50 in the morning and he had slipped downstairs, instructing the blonde teenager to roose Idaho and get her down to the torture chamber. The 18-year-old crept up to the 38-year-old slave’s side of the bed. Kelly’s father, Brad, was snoring soundly along the lovely blonde woman. Kelly, naked save for a pair of black high heels, put her finger to her lips as Idaho opened her eyes.
“Shhh,” said Kelly. “Uncle Kurt wants you down in the torture chamber with me right away – just brush your hair and put on some lipstick he said,” the girl informed the sex slave. Idaho swept her legs out of the bed, allowing Kelly a glimpse of her lovely shavaged snatch. In the en suite the woman swiftly brushed her hair, then quickly applied a dab of crisis lipstick and walked out of the bedroom, following the pert-buttocked teenager.
Once inside the basement floor’s torture chamber, the two females found that a naked Kurt had pushed a bondage gurney into the centre of the room, its metal legs and black leather padding shining in the strip lighting. “Ah, good morning, Idaho, my dear, I trust you slept soundly?” the multi-millionaire beamed at his sex slave. “Yes, thank-you master,” the woman replied, hoping onto the gurney and lying back on it.
The bench was shaped like a letter Y, the upper strokes of the letter for the recipient’s legs and thighs, the lower part for her torso and head. Kurt attached velcro straps across the blonde’s superbly tanned bronzed midriff, then similar ones across her uppermost thigh region. Idaho placed her head on a raised rubber pillow and laid her arms on the benchmark. Straps then went over her arms and shoulders, pinning her upper body down. A pair of wrist straps completed Kurt’s task and he Surveyed her naked body with unabashed lust. His eight-inch penis was stiff and fully erect, despite an earlier energetic night with Kelly and her35-year-old mother, the voluptuous Karla. The millionaire then stepped between the blonde’s played thighs and put his foot on a pedal set in the base of a metal support on the gurney.
“The last person to use this bench on Idaho was shorter than me, must have been my wife,” he told Kelly, “so I’ll raise her a little to get the height correct.” Kurt then pumped the pedal two or three times until the Gurney was raised to a perfect position for cock-to-cunt placement. Kurt looked down at his watch and placed his hard-on against Idaho’s vaginal lips. “Two minutes to go and the punishment curfew is over and we can get started, my dear,” he smiled down at the big-breasted beauty. “Kelly, do you think there’s a part of Idaho’s body that looks, how shall I put it? – unoccupied?” Kelly smiled down at the blonde: “Do you mean her mouth, uncle?”
“Exactly,” said her “Uncle” Kurt. “Why don’t you ask her nicely if she’d let you sit on it?” Kelly lowered her face to the blue-eyed beauty’s and whispered: “May I please sit on your face, Idaho?” The sex slave quietly replied: “Of course, Mistress Kelly.” Kelly grinned: “Oh thank-you Idaho, you’re such a good sport!” And with that the 18-year-old placed one foot in the stirrup hanging from one side of the head of the gurney and stepped over the slave, placing her other foot in its counterpart, ready to reverse face-sit the pinioned prisoner.
Kurt looked at his watch and said: “Thirty seconds to go. How’s the view from down there, Idaho?” The blonde was gazing up at Kelly’s neatly trimmed fair-haired pubes, glistening with arousal. “Lovely, thank-you master,” she replied, and the words had hardly escaped her lips than Kurt called out “8am on the dot, we can start Kelly!” And with that the 45-year-old’s cock Slid up Idaho’s cunt, while at the head of the torture benchmark the 18-year-old pussy settled squarely down on the woman’s mouth. Kelly watched her “uncle’s” slow fucking with interest, then realized this was the first time Idaho had tasted her pussy unsweetened by the “perfume” of urine. Raising herself off the woman’s mouth, Kelly inquired: “How’s that Idaho? Nice and tasty?” The woman replied, perfectly truthfully: “It’s gorgeous, Mistress Kelly!”
The teenager sat back down and wriggled her seeing snatch across the mature woman’s mouth. As Kurt pumped his cock into his slave, he cupped her lovely heavy breasts, then leaned forward, planted a full-lipped kiss on Kelly’s mouth and then traced his tongue across her pert 34-inch breasts.
This was the catalyst for Kelly and with a low groan which later developed into a full-blooded roar, she came on the slave’s mouth. As she did, Kurt could hold back no longer and pumped his semen deep into the beautiful blonde’s love tunnel, grunting his pleasure as his ejaculate spurted into her. Kurt pulled his cock from the woman’s dripping cunt and indicated to Kelly that she get off the slave’s face. After she did, he stepped into the stirrups andplaced his pink-tipped cock – its foreskin now pulled back to the ring thanks to the confines of Idaho’s cunt – to her mouth. Idaho sucked him dry.
After the clean-up job performed on his cock, Kurt stepped away from the gurney and picked up a dildo-shaped electron shocker from an equipment table set against one wall of the finely-equipped chamber. “Time for your orgasm, my darling,” he said, approaching the woman’s snatch. He switched the tool of torment on and was just about to begin his devilish foray into the folds of Idaho’s pussy when the door to the torture chamber opened and his wife, the lovely 35-year-old Barbara walked in. She was, like Kelly, naked save for red patent leather high heels. “Good morning, everyone,” she smiled cheerfully, stepping up to Kelly to plant a kiss on her cheese, then to Kurt, whom she kissed full on the mouth. Then glancing at his cock remarked: “Come already have we?” Kurt nodded and laughed: “And so’s Kelly!”
“That’s the way to start the day,” said Barbara, then she walked to where Idaho’s head lay on its firm rubber pillow.
“And speaking of coming, little Timmy’s just had his enthusiastic way with me and I’m just full of his cum juices, so before you give me an orgasm, I’m afraid you’re going to have to do a bit of cleaning down there, Idaho.” Barbara swung herself into place above the blonde slave, her buttocks pointing down towards the slave’s breasts and settled into the stirrups.
“Hope that’s OK with you, my dear?” she teased. “Yes, Mistress Barbara, that’s fine,” Idaho said. Barbara informed her: “I think there’s some of his cum on my inner thigh, too, so you’d better clean that up first.” Idaho started her hygiene task, first on the bronzed woman’s tights before starting to work on the semen seeing from her cunt itself.
Five minutes after Idaho had begun her task, Barbara sank her pussy lips onto the woman’s mouth and started to graunch and wrong her way to sexual fulfillment. After her noisy orgasm, Barbara raised herself slightly and smiled sinisterly down at the moist face beneath her.
“Oh dear,” she said, in mock sympathy, “I’ve just come and you know what effect the first orgasm of the day has on me, don’t you my dear Idaho?”
“Yes, mistress,” the slave muttered softly. “But I don’t think Kelly knows – will you be so kind as to inform her, my darling?” Idaho took a big gulp and then explained to the teenager: “After madam’s first orgasm of the day she is usually bursting to have a pee, Mistress Kelly.”
Kelly, knowing what was coming, giggled. “And let me guess – she uses the toilet upstairs?” Kurt and Barbara both joined in Kelly’s little joke. “Nah,” laughed Barbara, “I figure why go all the way upstairs when I’ve got a perfectly good little pee pee potty right here, eh Idaho?” But Idaho did not reply; her mouth was wide open for the strong stream that jetted down her throat.
Kelly watched the display of ultimate female domination over anotherwoman with fascination, then, when his wife had finished her ablutions, Kurt went to work on Idaho’s pussy with the electric dildo, soon provoking her into a threshing, screaming orgasm. Putting the dildo back in its place, Kurt – stiff-cocked once more – started to unstrap his slave. “And now it’s time for breakfast, I think,” he said, and they all trooped upstairs.
After everyone had shown and generally tidied up they all arrived at the breakfast table. The adult males w shiny PVC thongs, all the women except Idaho, who was nude, of course, wore skimpy little PVC bikinis. The exception to the cover-up attire was Timmy, who sported a racy little red open-fronted thong, through which his eight-inch erection jutted proud and stiff. “Timmy,” said his mother, wearily, “I do wish you could dress for breakfast like the rest of us.”
Barbara, who was seated on one side of the teenager, patted him on the hand. “Now, now, Karla,” she respected, “I think he’s just trying toput on a bit of a show for Idaho.” Timmy blushed and Kelly laughed.
“Anyway,” said Barbara, “I think he looks lovely. Don’t you think he looks lovely, Idaho?” All eyes turned to the naked blonde. “Er, yes, yes, I do, Mistress Barbara, he looks very lovely, indeed,” she replied. “In which case you will wish to thank him for going to such lengths to impress you – When you’ve finished that piece of toast you can go down on him!” ordered her mistress.
Timmy felt his heart pound – his penis certainly did. Idaho chewed on the toast for as long as she dared then, catching a glare from Mrs Hunt, pushed her chair back and walked around the table to where the young man was seated. Timmy obligingly turned his chair out, away from the table, and presented his cock to her. Idaho knelt on the floor and took his penis into her mouth. Soon he was in grave danger of coming, but Barbara saw this and instructed her slave: “OK, Idaho, pull off now!”
After the breakfast things were cleared, Timmy was now even more achingly randy to play with the statusesque blonde than ever. “Er, excuse me, Aunty Barbara,” he asked, “but do you think Kelly and I could go out and play with Idaho?” Barbara smiled: “Why not, my darling. You may take her out for a trip around behind the jeep, if you wish – nothing too fast, though. Idaho, fetch the rubber cuffs and the tow rope, put Your boots on and the children will have the Jeep round the back, off you go now!”
And as Idaho walked to fetch the implements for her bondage and sex-chafing punishment, the 18-year-old twins whooped, both gave Barbara excited kisses on the cheeses and ran outside to get the vehicle from the garage.
“I don’t know about you, Karla,” said Barbara when the trio had left, “but I think it’s about time for a swim?” Karla agreed and looked at Brad. “No, I think I’ll get some binoculars and go upstairs and keep an eye on those kids.”
“Great idea,” said Kurt, “I’ll join you.” The two women departed fortowels and a lazy swim, while Kurt and Brad went upstairs and with a pair of glasses each, knelt on the window seat’s cushions to watch the kids playing the Jeep game with the tall blonde.
As their wives frolicked in the pool, Brad and Kurt saw Kelly below them drive the Jeep into place on the gravel drive leading up the slight hill of the punishment trail. Then she hoped from the vehicle. “Hmmmn, interesting,” said Kurt, eyeing her little young body with interest, “bra still on but panties off!”
Then Timmy, his cock still jutting heavily from his open-fronted thong led the lovely blonde out. With her hands cuffed behind her the pair of teenagers then tied the tow rope to the cuffs and passed it through her legs to the high back roll bar at the rear of the jeep.
“Sensible kids,” remarked Kurt, “both nicely oiled with suntan lotion.”
“But no hats,” said Brad, opening the sliding window and calling down to his children: “Hey kids, hats on, it’s hot out there!” The pair curried inside, leaving Idaho tied behind the Jeep, hatless in the already steamy Nevada morning.
The Shaw kids returned, both wearing baseball caps now, and Kelly swung herself behind the wheel, Timmy sat down in one of the two rear-facing seats and the Jeep set off, forcing Idaho to walk briskly, then trot to keep from being dragged off her feet. Both men trained their glasses on Idaho’s jouncing buttocks as she sweated and struggled with the chafing rope rubbing against her sex lips.
At the crest of the hill it appeared that the slave had enjoyed her first orgasm because Kelly halted the Jeep and Timmy stood from his seat and Idaho walked towards him. The lovely blonde slave then felled the 18-year-old until, as Brad remarked, “Here comes my boy!” and the men saw through their binoculars the youth close his eyes in pleasure as his ejaculation flowed from his cock into Idaho’s mouth.
The lad then took Kelly’s place behind the wheel and his sister pumped herself down in the rearwards facing seat. The Jeep then turned right and went straight across the crest so the spectators had a profile view of proceedings. “Ah, now I see the reason for no bikini bottom,” said Kurt, as, after about another 600 yards, Idaho panted to her second orgasm. Kelly was now standing and pulled on the tow rope, like an angler landing a fish and dragged Idaho to the back end of the Jeep, then the men saw her face bury itself in Kelly’s snatch.
Timmy kept on driving and – with one more stop for Idaho to recover from an orgasm – they finally drove up to the starting point. As they climbed down from the Jeep the men saw that their wives were waiting. Kelly and Timmy handed their baseball caps to the naked Karla and Barbara and ran inside the house to shelter from the heat, while the wives set off around the torture track Once more, Barbara doing the first stint behind the wheel, Karla in place for the inevitable stop after Idaho’s orgasm. After Idaho had performed cunnilingus on Brad’s wife, he lowered his glasses and asked Kurt a question.
“Kurt,” inquired the property millionaire, “is it possible to tow Idaho around the track without giving her an orgasm?” Kurt pondered for a moment or two. “Theoretically, yeah, I guess it is,” he answered, “only you’d have to go at a fairly slow speed and stop whenever she was close to coming.”
Brad grinned: “What says we try to do that? Go at such a speed that she nearly comes, but not quite, and when she’s on the verge of an orgasm she has to call out for a ‘comfort stop’, as it were. And during the comfort stop she fellates whoever is in the spectator seat.” Kurt thought a moment and then laughed: “Brad, that’s such a great idea, I wish I’d thought of it!”
And so, when their wives bring the panting, sweating Idaho back after her second lap of the torture trail, there to greet them were Kurt and Brad, both naked, save for baseball caps on their heads, both sporting thick edicts.
The women dismounted from the Jeep, both hugely satisfied from the way their pussies had been serviced by Idaho’s mouth during the tour. “We’re going for another dip,” called Barbara, “you taking her around again?”
“Yup,” Kurt told his wife, “only it’s going to be a mere stroll in the park for her – so slow she won’t be able to come!” Barbara and Karla laughed. “Fiendish,” said Barbara, “and who’s idea?”
“Er, mine,” said Brad, modestly. “I’m hugely impressed,” said the 40-inch-breasted brunette, kissing him softly on the mouth. “In fact, I like the idea so much I’m going to hop on and watch – coming too, Karla?” Brad’s wife nodded keenly: “This sounds like fun, count me in!”
Both women jumped into the backwards-facing seats, while Brad stand between them, his penis jutting upwards and towardss the lovely blonde sex slave. Kurt got behind the wheel, but before he could put the Jeep into “drive,” Brad informed their slave: “We’re going to go nice and slow, Idaho, but if you feel like coming you’ve got to tell me so we can stop and let you recover. While you recover, you can suck my cock, OK?” Idaho nodded, her features showing exhaust.
Kurt put the gear stick into “drive” and the Jeep moved slowly up the incline. Karla and Barbara, from their perfectly-positioned views’ seats, watching closely as the tall blonde walked behind the vehicle, the tow rope rubbing into her sex furrow with every stride. “How long before she calls for a comfortable stop, do you reckon?” asked Karla. “No more than 500 paces, look at the strain on her face,” said her friend. “I reckon she’s done about 20 paces now, let’s count from here!”
And so the lush-breasted beauty trusted behind the slow-moving Jeep, her eyes glued ahead to where she could see the two women counting out “21, 22, 23, 24” and so on as Brad stand, hands gripping the roll bar for support, waiting with his erection ready for when the slave called for her first “comfort stop.”
Brad’s and Kurt’s wives had reached “556” when Idaho could stand the strain no more and cried out “Comfort stop, please, master, please stop!” The Jeep was halted and Idaho moved forward to fallate to fallate the thick nine-inch cock of the man who had enjoyed her during the night. Finally, she felt composed enough to continue and pulled away from his glistening stiffy.
Brad moved back to the driver’s seat, and Kurt – also sporting a fine hard-on – took his place at the rear of the machine. “Away we go!” she heard Brad call out, and the Jeep set off again.
This time the women began counting her paces as soon as the vehicle resumed its forward progress. Karla was doing the counting and Barbara was eyeing her intently. “I think it’s going to be less than 500 before she calls out for a stop,” Kurt’s wife cried, excitedly, “look, she’s sweating like the proverbial pig. Her pussy must be on fire!”
Indeed, thought Idaho, it was. The rope, even at this slow pace was chafing and irritating hersex lips maddeningly, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm with each stride. At last, as Karla tolled off “503,” Idaho could stand the pressure no more and cried “Comfort stop, please Master Brad, please!”
Once more the Jeep halted, easing the pressure on her pulsing pussy. After a minute or two of fallingating her 45-year-old master, Idaho pulled from his throbbing cock, and Brad replaced the multi-millionaire, who resumed driving the Jeep againisingly slowly down the slope to the finish point. Idaho managed to make it without crying out for relief, although with great difficulty.
The four naked passengers alted from the Jeep and Kurt informed Idaho that she could take a brief swim in the pool, then bring a portable flying frame out and place it in front of the recliners by the pool. Idaho relished the Short respite from her punishments, but after five minutes of blissful relaxing in the wonderfully warm water, she was ordered out by Kurt.
“Don’t both about towelling dry, my darling, the sun will soon do that – now get that frame!” The naked beauty emerged from the garage to find that Brad and Kurt were sitting back in the recliners, their wives seated on their erect cocks also facing her – except that Karla was on Kurt’s cock and Barbara on Brad’s. As she put the frame in place in front of them, Idaho realized that Kelly and Timmy were advancing on her – both now totally naked, saved for the 18-year-old girl’s knee-high booties.
The two kids helped pinion the 38-year-old into the torture frame, then stepped back and awaited instructions from their “Aunt” and “Uncle” and their parents. “Kurt,” said Brad, as he surveyed the stunningly beautiful lush body of the sex slave, “I’m curious. How did she get the name Idaho?”
Kurt smiled sardonically: “Well, we decided to deprive her of her real name as soon as she signed herself over to us as a sex slave. She comes from Ketchum, Idaho, and we thought of Ketchum for a while but then decided it was rather too long – anyway it sounded too much like ketchup, which would have been great for a Latino slave, but not for a pure blonde like her. So we went for Idaho.”
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