We Shouldn't Have Trusted Her Pt. 03

(If you’re transphobic, then this chapter isn’t for you.)


Dipa -> the main character; dom; she allowed Eleanor to join her and Aeron

Aeron (xe/xim/xis) -> Dipa’s life partner; switch; xe introduced Dipa to Eleanor

Eleanor -> the “third wheel”; dom; she trapped both Dipa and Aeron

NEW CHARACTERS (Eleanor’s friends):

Keenan -> a total sub; Irfan’s S.O.

Irfan (he/him/his) -> typically tries to take control of a situation, but isn’t too careful

Lyosha (they/them/theirs) -> a go wherever/do whatever type of person; they sometimes find themselves in unexpected predicaments


I remained trapped as I grew more exhausted from Aeron’s cock moving in and out of me. I could feel myself growing drier by the minute and could hear my moans growing louder by the second. My muffled moans were accompanied by xis and I could feel (and hear) the two of us melting inside. Eleanor had disappearedared briefly to make the both of us sweat worrying about what would happen next–though I anticipated that this event would soon include more than just the three of us.

I would be soon be proven correct upon Eleanor’s return. Who had announced that three “friends” would be joining us. These friends, Keenan, Irfan, and Lyosha, would be with us shortly, and they had “some ideas of their own”–something I was most certainly to find out the meaning of.

Both I and Eleanor heard Aeron shriek in panic soon before Lyosha entered the room. Eleanor told the two of us to stop, and she took a moment to examine Aeron’s dick, which was almost completely dry. Xe moaned in relief when Eleanor separated the two of us, after which she re-attached the leash she had used on me earlier. She then guided me to the room’s entrance which she opened to let Lyosha in–and boy, were they GORGEOUS.

Their short hair and subtle breasts completed their sealed privates, which completed their nicely-sized dick, which was a bit larger than Aeron’s. I wondered if xe would envy it if xe’d seen it.

“Isn’t she adorable?” Eleanor asked them, referring to me. “She was originally in charge of this situation, but well, there was a change of plans.”

“That seems to have worked out well,” they answered, griping my breast. “Say, where’s the other one?”

“Xe’s in there,” she said, pointing to Aeron, who was still trapped in the chair behind me. Xe was squirming, but was rock-hard from xis fruitless attempts to escape.

“Mmmfph!” xe exceled in frustration. Lyosha licked their lips in anticipation as they made their way over.

“Mmmmm mm mfph mm?” was an attempt to ask Eleanor what her plans for me were. Instead, I felt tight-fitting leather connect with my face as Eleanor slapped me. She was now wearing black 3/4-length leather gloves, a black leather corset (which wonderfully exaggerated the size of her breasts), and a set of black leather boots that stopped justshort of her lovely ass. Her pussy however, was completely exposed.

“Do you want me to release you?” she asked me. I nodded excitedly. Perhaps too excitedly, as my request was soon rejected. “That’s too bad! There’s still much fun to be had!”

I was turned so that I could see what Lyosha was doing to Aeron, who was helpfully trapped in xis prediction on the other side of the room. Xe was released from xis chains and from the chair, though Lyosha then added the black leather transport jacket that I’ve always wanted to use on someone, which completely enveloped xis arms and rendered escape impossible. And if that wasn’t enough, a metal bar was then added to xis straight- and transport jacket, collar, and hood, which prevented xim from moving xis upper body almost entirely. Xe was Also moaning profusely from the vibrator that had been secured to xis balls. Ly then took xim over to where I was standing with Eleanor, who was playing with my breasts as she watched Ly do their work.

“Keean and Irfan should be arriving about now,” they giggled with Eleanor, who I could sense was starting to grow a little bit suspicious of Ly. As if on cue, Irfan led Keenan into the room, who was wearing a latex hood (covering her eyes but leaving her flowing waist-length hair exposed), a nicely-sized ring gag, what appeared to be an extremely tight-fitting gray satin or navy spandex catsuit, a corset, a black leather armbinder, and ankle-high ballet boots. I was shocked that Keenan could even move, considering that the catsuit seemed to even accent her massive breasts. I was in wonder as to how she could even get her arms that close together, as the armbinder had a tightness I had never seen before, which was completed by tight leather belts securing her arms in place. Irfan on the other hand, was almost completely nude, with the exception of a red leather lace-up, short-sleeve top and wrist-length red leather gloves. HIS pussy however, was something I deeply envied.

Before I could fantasize further about him, I noted a smile form on both his and Ly’s faces.

“I think I’m excited for this next part,” he told Lyosha.

A look of alarm formed on Eleanor’s stupid face as she protected something that I myself didn’t see coming. Lyosha grabbed Eleanor from behind while Irfan shoved a red rubber ballgag in her mouth, accompanied by a set of handcuffs and thumbcuffs. The ballgag was locked, and she too had a collar put on her, which Irfan used to drag her over to where Keenan and Aeron were seated, on the bondage table. She was released briefly released from her cuffs, after which she attempted to escape, only to be grabbed once more and tied up with red rope. I was still stupidly standing there, drooling, waiting to be toyed with like before.

“Now who should we play with first?” Irfan asked Ly.

“That seems like a difficult choice,” Ly replied. “All four of them seem like fun.” Eleanor let out a “mmmmfph!” in angry protest.

Keean and Aeron were chosen. Keenan’s armbinder was exchanged for leather over-the-elbow bondage mittens. Her arms were then chained behind her, and she forced onto her knees. Ly thrust their cock through the center of the ring gag. Keenan chased briefly, but then evidently became hungry for Ly. She swayed as Ly moved in and out over and over. Aeron, was led opposite of the duo. I, on the other hand, struggled to remain still. To remedy this, chains hanging from the ceiling were secured to metal rings on my straightjacket, and my boots (which were locked on) were chained together in three places. I realized I had forgotten about the crrank in the room as I felt my feet leave the floor. So there I was, suspended and powerless, while I watched the scene(s) in front of me unfold.

I would be pleasantly surprised that I wouldn’t be the only one involuntarily sidelined, however. Due to Eleanor’s constant and annoying attempts to escape, Ly secured a tight-fitting leather blindfold onEleanor after they came the second time, in addition to the bitch’s current prediction. Ly was met with an outraged grunt, and from me received a giggle. Unfortunately, this was unwelcomed.

“If you make any more noise, I’ll put you in a sleep sack,” Irfan scolded me. I immediately went silent, and watched as he began to play with Aeron, beginning with the groping of xis balls while his other arm held xis leash and xim in place. I then saw his red leather-clad hand move to the shake of xis penis, and gradually tighten and loosen his grip as he masterfully stroked xis cock. I heard xim moan and melt, as xe had so many times with me. Ly continued to do as they had, though stopped after they came their fourth time. They ripped the ring gag from Keenan’s mouth. Keenan was then released from the chains securing her wrists behind her and but was then had her arms thrust into a heavy black canvas straightjacket, the kind with cargo straps to tightly contain someone. Lyosha put the ringgag back on Keenan, only to put an inflatable black panel gag on over it; both were greedily accepted.

A gray canvas hood was then put on over it (which the pump was threaded through), and Keenan’s arms were then secured in place. I almost giggled, as there was likely nothing more that could be done to keep Keenan from moving. I would soon be proven wrong. Off went the ballet heels and on went the tightest-fitting fetish platform boots that I had ever seen! On went a pair of 95cm black leather lace-up boots with a number of leather straps, a plethora of lacing, and 12 cm heels. And on over that went a gray canvas hobble skirt, which could be adjusted (loosened, tightened, and/or pulled down) to further impeded movement. Hell, even I wanted to fuck this helpless girl now. She too was then fitted with a transport jacket, though this one was heavier (and gray canvas). Her ankle cuffs were then swapped out for shades, which were connected with a heavy metal chain–just like what Irfan had just attached to her collar. As Irfan almost dragged her across the room, I felt myself began to drip as I imagined myself playing with Keenan, her terrified and wondering who it was that was playing with her tightly-secured form. I immersed myself in my fantasy as I closed my eyes and moaned softly–which apparently wasn’t softly enough.

Irfan, who was securing Keenan (whose metal chains and shades trapped her tall, but lean form), heard me as I nearly an orgasm. I was violently interrupted and torn from my fantasy upon Ly releasing me. They then removed my glasses and flower crown, along with everything secure my top half. I mistook their actions for a shred of kindness as they released me from the bindings on my lower body.

“Thank you, master,” I gasped and drooled at Ly.

“Oh, we’re not done with you yet, Missy,” Irfan said to me, grabbing my chin. “Our fun has just begun.” He then pressed himself up against my naked body and kissed me. The feeling ofhaving my breasts pressed up against his warm, leather-clad upper body made me moan, and I began to progress towards an orgasm once more. I grew hornier when I observed Ly grabbing Eleanor and took off her blindfold, untied her legs, and led her over to the two of us. I grew hungrier and hungrier for Ly and Irfan to do things to me, especially after seeing Ly don a pair of black, wrist-length leather gloves, cropchless leather pants, and 70cm boots similar to Keenan’s.

“I think our other pet needs a skirt,” Irfan stated.

“Yeah, she’s a bit too fiesty,” Ly agreed. Soon after, Eleanor was wearing a black tight-fitting leather skirt, and she was on her knees behind me.

“What’s next?” I asked Irfan excitedly.

“This.” A thin black scarf was wrapped around my head, covering everything but leaving me with my vision, and a red, hard-rubber breathable ballgag was thrust over it and into my mouth. Before I could react, Ly pressed himself up against me, joining Irfanand I.

“Shall I?” Ly asked Irfan.

“Indeed,” Irfan smiled. I squealed in protest. “Mmmmmfph! MMMPH!” ​​But my pleasure were ignored.

In a fraction of a second, Ly thrust their massive cock into my powerless ass, and Irfan continued to taunt me. Eleanor grunted with fury as she was forced to watch the scene in front of her unfold.

As I felt Ly’s massive cock destroy me, I watched with hopelessness as Irfan joined Eleanor’s lean with Aeron’s. His two pets (one of them oblivious to nearly everything that had happened) observed me alongside him as he watched Ly and I, thinking of his next plan.

“I think I’m going to get you dressed, Dipa. I think it would be fun to take you for a little walk.”

I could only wonder with horror about what he means.


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