five —
I acknowledge the purity of your candor and thank you for it, but I am deeply shocked and dismayed at your behavior. You have adhered to the letter of our contract but have shredded the spirit of it. In your relationships with the sub Celeste, you’ve shown sadly little loyalty to me and displayed exceptionally poor judgement. Domination is a delicious art and, even at its most fleshly, a careful intellectual and emotional balancing act. You have shown not only little talent for those nuances, but a reckless disregard for them.
It was, it is now obvious to me, a huge error to declare you a domme in training.
I must consider next steps. More soon.
With grave disappointment and anger,
Mistress Diana
Dear Diana,
It was so nice to hear from you but I’m sorry it was under such unfortunate circumstances. I should have kept a closer eye on her. I had no idea things had gotten so out of hand, or Richard and I would have either stepped inor at least promptly informed you of what was going on.
We agreed with you, on looking over her contract, that no changes were needed at this point. Whether they will be once she gets home — well, that will be up to you, of course. Because you are a valued and regular client, the unused days of her stay here will be reimbursed to your account.
We used the master key to enter her room around 1 a.m. and pulled her out of bed.
“What the fuck?” she said.
We handed your note to her and allowed her to check on her tablet that it was a printout of one that had been sent directly to her only an hour or so before.
“It should be clear then, Five,” Richard explained, “that you’re to do exactly as we say as we are acting on behalf of your mistress.”
“I’m not Five to you. I’m Mistress Sharon,” she protested, too used to her Ranch status after only a few short days.”
I slapped her. “No longer, slave. You have been here under the generation of your mistress,Our client.”
“I’m your client,” she said indignantly.
I slapped her again, this time on the other chef. “No, you fool, you’re not. Your little domme charade with a sub or two doesn’t make you a domme and it doesn’t pay the crazy bills around here, believe me. This has been a domme vacation as a gift from your mistress. I supposed she didn’t tell you because she wanted you to be able to luxury in the delegation that you were a true dominatrix. We weren’t helping you train in flogging, bondage, electricity, and so on out of altruism, you moron, we were paid by the hour for that, as we were for your little equestrian fantasy with Celeste the other day.”
“I didn’t know,” she stammered.
“That’s because you don’t know shit. Take off your nightgown and put your hands behind your back.”
“No, this is crazy. This is my room.”
“Not any more, darling,” said Richard. “Your mistress stopped paying for it as of midnight. Take off the gown or I’ll rip it off.”
She stood solly, not moving a muscle. I grabbed her arms behind her head and Richard, as promised, ripped the delicate gown top to bottom. I throw her arms down and pulled the gown over her arms to the ground. She was in something of a state of shock I think, standing there naked, her lower lip trembling, as Richard attached a collar and leash and I leather-cuffed her hands behind her.
“Shhh,” Richard said. “It’s the middle of the night and we wouldn’t want to wake the other subs.”
We led her downstairs to B1 and down the hall.
“What room are you taking me to?” she asked miserably.
“No buns available,” Richard whispered. “But we have some space in the storage closet.”
There we’d placed an unused cage, not large enough to sit up in quite but large enough to curl up in on your side if you weren’t too tall, and lucky for Five she isn’t. I throw a ratty old blanket in there too.
“What happens now?” she asked, now weeping uncontrollable.
“Dommes know what happens next,” I said. “Submissives don’t, remember? Be quiet or you’ll be punished for your noise. I’ll throw this tarp over the cage to muffle any crying nonsense and keep it a little darker in there so you can catch a wink or two. We’ll see you in the morning.”
Then, closing the closet door behind us, Richard and I headed to bed. We appreciate the time and a half night pay you’ve generally give us, but still, a person’s got to get some shut eye, right?
Best wishes,
Dear Diana,
We miss you around here! We see a lot of dommes and a lot of “dommes” come and go but I don’t know any, with the possible exception of your twisted pal Cecelia, who has your presence, not to mention you grace, figure, and imagination, if you don’t mind my saying so.
Still, Jenny’s no slouch in the domination department, at least not bad for a switchable, and I guess I’ll pick up where she left off in the telling because she pretty much took charge of things.
It was around 9 the next morning when we returned to the B1 storage room and lifted the tarp off Five’s cage. She held up a hand to shield her eyes from the bright hallway lights. When her eyes adjusted, she saw Jenny in a full latex body suit, neck to toe, with boots over it. Long sleeve, shiny, the full get-a-load-of-me domme aura. She looked pretty fucking great, if you ask me, her musculature outlined and flattered by the shiny rubber. (Hell, she should have looked great. It took us a half hour to get the damn thing on her. She even had some makeup on, eye shadow, lipstick, mascara, and whatever it is y’all like to wear when you’re about to scare the shit out of someone.)
Anyways, Five still had her collar on, so we attached her leash and led her to Chamber 2. It’s small, if you’ll recall, but nicely equipped. She looked exhausted and had obviously been up crying much if not all of the hours after her early morning shock. We tied her to the rotating X-cross (which, by the way, I’d recently lubricated and which turned like a charm — people take for granted the maintenance of all this shit and it doesn’t happen by itself, ya know).
Jenny gave her a stern star and told her she could ask one question before the session began.
Five gulped. Then she said: “Do you think Mistress Diana will forgive me and will she take me back?”
Jenny squeezed Five’s nipples hard. “That was two questions. So I’ll answer the first one. No, I don’t think she’ll forgive you.” She oiled up Five’s front, rotated the cross so that she was upside down, and flogged her for a good 20 minutes, not savagely or anything, just enough to get her attention. Five counted off like a good girl, the understanding sinking in that she was back to Square One. She was a slave, pure and simple. No anything-in-training.”
Then we rotated her head up again, turned her around with her ass facing us, and we oiled up her backside and strapped her back on to the X-cross. Once more we turned her upside down to enrich the experience. Jenny this time used a paddle. When Five started to wail a little too loudly Jenny gagged her.
We brought in Celeste, dressed for the occasion in her best latex. Not just the hood with the cute ponytail hole and the legs and the shoulder-length gloves but a latex lootard too with holes cut out for the nipples. She was a lovely sight, I gotta tell ya. Just for kicks, we handed her the flogger and told her to get in a few licks. She said no — that whatever had happened to Mistress Sharon, she was still mistress to her.
Peeved but not surprised, Jenny strapped Celeste tightly to a bondage benchmark with a good view of the proceedings. Then she helped Five off the X-cross, undid Five’s gag, and helped her to put on the latex electric dildo panties you overnighted us. Jenny helped Five squat and very, very slowly insert the lubed internal dildo extension, then pulled the rest of the panties on.
She madeFive knee and cuffed her wrists behind her neck collar. Jenny offered me the remote, but I was content to watch, so she pressed the activation button and Five cried out at the dildo’s vibrations. She continued to administrator short, irregular bursts of vibration for some 10 minutes, refusing to let Five come.
“I’m going to come, Mistress Jenny. I can’t help it,” Five said, looking at her wit’s end.
“Fine. Then when you do,” said Jenny, “I want you to shout out to Celeste exactly how you feel about her.”
With that, Jenny held the red button down for a good 10 seconds straight and Five’s words, sun almost as much as shouted, rang through the room: “I’m sorry, Celeste. I wanted to be your dream come true. You’ll find your mistress Some day. “
As you instructed, we put Five on a plane that night, explaining to her that we’d shipped her things back to your apartment and that she could bring her carry-on with her with wallet, toiletries, and other essentials.She wasn’t allowed to return to your apartment, we said. Someone would meet her at the other end of the flight.
“And this is what I have to wear?” she asked. “What if someone I work with sees me or something?”
“Should’ve thought of that before you slept with a sub and fucked over your mistress, huh,” said Jenny.
And off she went, the hotshot lawyer, headed towards the airport security line dressed in flip flops, an old pair of cheap sweat pants, and a short trashy crop-top T that read “World’s Biggest Slut.”
Stay tough,
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