My Dearest Mistress Cecelia:
I behaved unforgivably in hesitating to follow your commands and showing undue empathy towards the slave in training, Six. I felt that I had been becoming a more confident domme, and offer as proof my confident retrieval and binding of the slave during transport, preparing him for punishment with the tranquilizer pill, and applying the chatity device to his penis. I attribute my poor conduct to working with him as his personal trainer and becoming friends with him and his former financee, now known as Five.
I would do ANYTHING to get back in your good graces and to become a domme in training with you again. I love you, I worship you, and see you as a role model. I hope that I’ve come a long way from the marshmallow slave I first came to you as. But I will tough up more, I SWEAR. Just please, PLEASE gives me one more chance. I beg of you.
Miserably, humbly . . .
Your once and I fervently hope soon again devoted domme in training,
Samantha –
I take some solace from your apology. Perhaps you’re not a lost cause after all. I hope not because I’ve become quite devoted to you. I will remain so, I expect, but whether as your trainer or your owner remains to be seen. I have an idea, but need to consult with Mistress Diana. I’ll be in touch. Meantime, please see the attached amendment to your contract. It is non-negotiable.
Mistress Cecelia
Dear Diana,
Please call me soonest possible. I need to discuss contract amendments for Six. His future as well as Sam’s depend on it. You know where to reach me.
Per our phone chat, please find attached Six’s contract with the amendments we discussed. I think these changes will be good for him, ultimately, if off-putting initially, and that they will fit his natural inclinations.
It sounds as though you were very tough on him, and on Sam, but I trust your vision, and I wouldn’t have sent him to you if I weren’t confident that your strict – sometimes, let’s just say it, brutal – approach would benefit him.
Thank you for working with him.
Dear Mistress Diana:
I am told you’ve been brought up to speed on my progress, or at least I hope Cecelia feels that I am progressing.
You probably heard that I inadvertently got Sam into very hot water with Cecelia, not through anything I did really, but because our friend compromised her objectivity and severity in disciplining me. I felt horrible about that and told her I would do anything I could, if it wasn’t presumptuous for a slave to hope for such minimal influence, to restore her to Cecelia’s good graces. Sam, looking tired and miserable and hopeless, just shook her head, told me to get out of the taxi from the station, and to walk the rest of the way home reviewing in my mind all the little ways I’d fucked up.
“You still reek of attitude, Six. You’re not a slave yet,” she said. “You’re a showboating asshole. You’ll hear from me.” I’d never seen her so angry and bitter.
Then a few days later, following her texted instructions, I went jogging after work and on the loop back through the park’s south gate stopped and awaited further instructions. It was a beautiful spring evening and as I stretched, a man about my age, dressed in an elegant suit, came over to me.
“You’re Six?”
“Michael. Nice to meet you. Hey, we share the same haircut. What a coincidence.” He grinned. “You’re to follow me. We’re not to speak further.”
He took me to the Nesmith Hotel and Sam was waiting for us in the lobby.
“Michael, nice to see you. Thank you for being so prompt.”
“Mistress Samantha, my pleasure,” he said.
“We’re going to the eight floor. Follow me.”
The room was large and elegant, old fashioned with large mirrors on the armoir and above the king-size bed. Samantha told me to go shower off. With nothing clean to change into, I came back into the room wrapped in a towel. She ordered me to sit down.
“The gentleman who came to your office, Six, and drew your blood did so for me and for Michael as well. These are lab reports for the three of us. Look them over, make sure you understand them, and ask me if you have any questions.”
I shook my head. No questions. Labs were clean.
“The three of us are now exclusive to one another sexually. There will be no dating, no sleeping with anyone, no sexual contact of any kind with anyone else until I say otherwise. … When was the last time you ate pussy, Six?”
“Mistress Diana allowed me to service Five for the last time about a month and a half ago. She had my cock and balls in a humbler and teased me for a while, keeping Five’s groin just out of reach, pulling me backward painfully when I tried to lick her. When I was done, Mistress Diana told me that I’dnever get to pleasure Five again, and that not only our engagement but our relationship was over. Five was hers now, the Mistress said. Any further contact I would have with Five would be strictly as a slave, not as any sort of love.”
“How did that make you feel?”
“I cried. I’d been with Sha- forgive me, with Five – for several years. I loved her. And it was over. She took her things from the apartment and moved in with Mistress Diana about a week later.”
“Whe is Five now?”
“I have no idea. I assume at Mistress Diana’s or, since Mistress Diana is away, that maybe Five is with her, perhaps training, as you are, to be a domme.”
“I hope you were paying attention to all that, Michael,” Samantha said. “A little backstory. You see, Six, Michael’s never met Mistress Diana or Five. He’s owned by Cecelia and I help discipline him. … I’ll hold on to these,” she gathered up the lab results, then put some other papers on the desk.
“Your contract has been amended, Six. Read it carefully. As usual, you are under no obligation to sign, but if you don’t your time with us is over, you can put your sweaty running clothes back on, and mope back to your sad bachelor’s pad. Your choice. Note in particular the highlighted areas. And do understand that Mistresses Diana and Cecelia, not I, prepared this amended contract. There’s no appeals process.”
I’d assumed such a moment would arrive, but I didn’t expect it so soon. Not until, perhaps, you returned from your trip, Mistress Diana. But I understand that beyond my own development as a slave, there might be other issues involved, between Mistress Cecelia and Mistress Samantha. And I did indeed now think of Samantha as Mistress Samantha, even if we’d also been tortured together as a couple by Mistress Cecelia, Josh, and Emil.
I signed. I had no real choice. My old life felt like a distant memory.
Sam handed me and Michael simple leather eye masks and helped us secure them tightly.Then she put on her own. She brought a laptop to the desk and opened it, keying in some passwords and turning on the video camera. “We’re being watched in at least two states,” she said. “Maybe more. After all, they don’t tell me everything.”
She had me undress Michael down to his briefs and to rub my face against his hard cock behind the thin fabric. He moaned a little. She stripped off his briefs.
“Have you ever had a penis inside of you, Six?”
“No, Mistress, I haven’t.”
“Would you like to now?”
“If it pleases you, Ma’am, then yes.”
What happened next I assume you already know from the video, but then I never really know who sees what.
She held his cock up gingerly and had me tongue-bathe his balls. I liked the exotic little folds of them, the slightly briny, musky taste, as though I were sampling some exotic new dish.
She had me lick the shake. Michael shivered and moaned and a touch of pre-cum oozed from the beautiful mushroom top. Ilicked it off with little flicks of my tongue. In for a dime, in for a dollar.
“Good job, Six,” Samantha encouraged me. She told me to stop and to undress her. She lay back on the giant bed and had Michael and me kiss her for a long delicious time. I hadn’t tasted a woman’s mouth for weeks, as I’d told her, nor a woman’s breasts, nor a woman’s ass cheeses or thighs or cunt. Michael and I licked and sucked the gorgeous topography of her, and then she had us kiss each other and stroke each other’s cocks for good measure.
His hand hesitated, at one point, when it touched a still healing stripe across my left buttock from an overzealous float stroke the weekend before. I’d let out an involuntary “Ow.”
“Sorry,” he said, kissing my neck tenderly.
“Shut up,” Sam told us both.
Finally, as you know, the two of them spitroasted me, he in my mouth, she with a lubed snapon in my ass. Perhaps to prove to Cecelia that she could be rough with me, she banged me extra hard and spanked and cussed at me too. Michael was a little gentler, advising me to relax my throat.
“Tell me when you’re about to come, Michael,” she ordered. “I want you to withdraw and show me in the mirror as you squirt onto his tongue and his face. It’s his first blowjob. Let’s make it memorable for him.”
As inspired, he withdraw. I turned my head just for a fleeting moment to see the three masked, taut figures in the throes of sensitive tension, understanding together like one big strange animal. Then I turned back to his cock, stuck out my tongue, and let his sweet, salty, ammonia tinctured jism splash across my mouth and my cheeks and my tongue. Some squirted in to my eye and in my hair too. Mistress Samantha, I suppose bring over the edge by the site in the mirror and the throbbing of the double-sided strapon, gasped in pleasure soon after.
Sam showed, packed away her things and, on the way out, suggested that Michael and I spent the night together and chat freely.”After all, Six, the room’s on your tab,” she said, “and believe me it isn’t cheap.”
When Sam had gone, Michael looked at me tenderly, took my face in his hands, and kissed me gently on my now less-innocent lips.
“I just came on your face,” he said. What do you say we get to know each other better, and then maybe fuck some more. I had no idea you’d be this cute. Sam should’ve told me.”
Yes seemed the only appropriate answer as I lay on his chest and wondered who, or what, I was becoming.
Humbly, and curious and anxious about my slave future,
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