We Shouldn't Have Trusted Her Pt. 02


Dipa -> the main character; dom; she allowed Eleanor to join her and Aeron

Aeron -> Dipa’s life partner; switch; xe introduced Dipa to Eleanor

Eleanor -> the “third wheel”; dom; she trapped both Dipa and Aeron


I thought Eleanor’s intermission would never end.

I don’t understand why, but she chose to release me first. I was allowed to remove my ballgag for a brief moment and told to drop to my hands and knees before striping nude again. As tempted as I was to jump Eleanor and take complete power of this situation, something held me back. Not feeling it necessary to question my willingness to remain subservient, I patiently waited for my next command from my (hopefully) temporary master.

“What shall I do next master?” I asked Eleanor. She paused for a moment, clearly loving my subservice, tapped herself on the chin with the riding crop for a moment, before answering.

“I really think I’denjoy playing with the two of you again,” she said with a mischievous smile. She handcuffed me to the post in the center of the room before returning to the room with the drawers she was in a moment prior. She soon returned with nipple clamps, a more secure version of the pink leather bolero straightjacket I’d hurt earlier, pink leather 26″ gloves, pink bond tape, pink leather bond mittens, black latex (full-length) ballet boots, a red and black latex corset, and to top it all off: a 2.75″ pink rubber ballgag. That was for me. For Aeron, there was something slightly similar: a black leather hood that covered a person’s eyes, ears, and nose, a black leather straightjacket, a black leather posture collar, black leather ankle boots (more like a shoe, to be honest), and the largest ballgag I owned: a harness gag with a 3 1/2″ metal ball attached to it.

I was instructed to put on my boots first, then the corset, and then the gloves. I was tempted to touch myself. Eleanor noticedme reaching down there, and quickly remedied this by wrapping the pink tape around each of my hands, then putting the mittens on over them. She then grabbed my cute reading glasses from my room and put them on me, followed by the daisy flower crown I had picked up the day before on my head. I badly wanted to be touched, and I badly wanted to be fucked…again.

“Please do something to me,” I whileed. Eleanor paused for a second.

“Not yet,” she answered.

“Please I begged, I want something. Anything,” I said.

“Okay,” she replied, shoving the pink ballgag into my mouth. She then set about releasing Aeron from xis bindings.

“Now, pet,” she told xim, “take off everything except for that garter belt and stockings.” She then handed xim the riding crop. “Why don’t you have a little bit of fun with her first?” She asked, pointing to me.

I was mortified. I was handcuffed to a post once more, and practically powerless to do anything. Now I was going to be Aeron’s bitch!?

I winced, waiting to be smoked hard on my ass, but was surprised when nothing came. And then, I felt it. Being grabbed by my ass while I felt something warm and wet from downstairs. I wanted more…more! I moaned, unafraid to show my pleasure. Though had I waited a moment more, I likely would’ve gotten more out of it, as Aeron was then instructed to begin xis predicament. First the boots, then the collar, and then locked into the straightjacket from behind. The belts attached to it were pulled tight before Eleanor locked them into place. Xe was completely immobilized above the wait, followed by a couple straps holding it in place between xis legs. I could see xis balls dangle, and xis penis far more erect than hours before. I could only think of how badly I wanted it in my mouth, how badly I wanted to suck on xis perfect balls. I got even hornier when Eleanor put ear plugs (wait, ear plugs?) in xis ears and put the hood on xim, blinding xim completely. She then addedthe final touch: the harness gag with secured a 3 1/2″ metal ball between xis lips. After securing a lean to xis collar, she led xim over to me.

“Finally!” I thought. “Finally!”

I was wrong. The teasing bitch knelt down and began jerking xim off, griping xis balls with her other hand, and playing with the head and shaft with her mouth. And doing so wearing firm leather gloves as well! The audacity!

“Mmmfph! Mrmfph mrt!” I protested. As Aeron moaned with excitement, Eleanor switched positions, stood behind xim and began jerking xim off.

“Are you enjoying this?” she whispered to xim. “Mhm hm! Mhm hmm!” he moaned, nodding rapidly in excitement.

“Lovely,” she told xim. “I’m going to move on to Dipa now.”

“MHM?” xe excemed in horror. “Mhmmmm!!” Eleanor soon after pushed xim into a chair, which she wrapped chains around, securing xis torso and ankles in place. Xe struggled, but soon stopped after realizing it was no use.

I was soon after releasedfrom my handscuffs, but my arms were soon after thrust into the new pink straightjacket that Eleanor had picked out, which was padded and tighter than anything I had forgotten before. My arms were pulled tight, and for additional assure, trapped in place with additional leather straps. My breasts appeared more gropable that I could have ever imagined possible as the straightjacket was pulled snug, and the padlocks and straps made it clear that I wasn’t going to be able to escape, even if I was Houdini. Regardless, I squirmed anyways, moaning “MMFPH! MMFPH!” hoping that Eleanor would have a change of heart.

Instead, A leash was secured to the metal ring around my neck, and I was led to where Aeron was seated. Before I could join xim, however, Eleanor put the nipple clamps on me and began grouping my breasts with Passion I hadn’t felt before. Shortly after, she inserted her strap-on into my ass and began fucking me with an incredibly ferocity. Aeron squirmed once more, not remembering that he was chained down, apparently. I submitted to the intruder and began moaning louder and louder. Before I could climax, however, Eleanor withdraw from me and moved me forward, to where I was seated on Aeron’s dick, facing xim. I was chained to the collar that Aeron had around xis neck, and my legs were belted in place.

I was then grabbed from behind by my wonderful braided hair. “You are to fuck xim until you are both dry,” she informed me. “If you don’t, I might invite some friends that would surely get it done for you. I know a lot of people who would be interested in fucking a slutty bookworm–a gorgeous, clean-shaven person like Aeron.” I began moving up and down, moaning almost as loudly as Aeron. I wanted to turn the tables on Eleanor so bad, but I was also enjoying this far too much.


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