As Heidi lay there quietly sobbing from the spanking I had given her, Heather, her sister, sat there in stunned silence as I explained why she had been brought here. Her eyes flashed and she stood up and looked at me her face reddening with anger.
“How dare you.” She fumed. “I am not like this little slut lying across your table with her ass beet red and I am certainly not like that slut of a little sister who would fuck a billion goat if she was horny enough. I am leaving.”
“Wait!” I said firmly and as she shudder slightly I smiled. She was not as angry as she wanted me to think. “It was not I who lied to you Heather. It was your own sweet sister. Perhaps you should ask her why she did this to you.”
“Did what to me?” She gulped slightly.
“Brought you here to be taught to be a slave such as she has become.”
“I am no fucking slave!” She screamed.
I stepped close to her and hissed firmly. “You will never again curse in my presence.” She shuddered agoin and nodded.
“Now perhaps you would like to direct your anger towards she who is responsible for your prediction.”
She looked down at her sister still lying quietly across the table. She had not been told to get up and would lie there until told to do so. I left her standing there staring at the pink, upturned ass of her precious little sister. As I returned I offered her a ping-pong paddle. It was the kind with the thin layer of rubber covered in tiny dots.
A flash of recognition blinked through her eyes as she took the paddle and stepped up to the table.
“You fucking…” She looked up and me… “… little bitch. How dare you think I am like you? Always want to be fucked, always wanting to such a hard cock, always wanting your cunt full of those balls you wear, or that butt plug you wear to work all the time. How dare you think I want that.”
She drew the paddle back and slapped her sister hared across both ass cheeses. Heidi jumped for she had not been watching as I had given Heather the paddle. “Oh God.” She moaned as Heather landed another slap across her fine ass.
“I’ll teach you to lie to me.” She hissed. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. “Look at this little slut.” WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. “She loves it. She fucking loves it.”
I had sat down in a chair next to where Heather was standing as I watched her spank her little sister. At the utterance of the next curse word I slapped her hard across her ass with the second paddle I had brought along with me but had not let her see. She sucked in a deep breath as the paddle claimed her ass for the first time and I followed it up quickly with two more hard slaps of the paddle.
She almost staggered as she stepped back, looking at me dumbfounded. I smiled at her and nodded slightly. “Yes my dear, Heather. It is I who allow you anything and everything while you are here.”
Her eyes narrowed as she backed up a bit farther. “I’ll not be apart of this. You sick fucks. I am leaving.” She stormed out the door and slammed it shut. I moved over to the side of the table and looked down at Heidi still lying there, naked, ass in the air. Her ass was polka dotted with the blows for the paddle her sister had inflicted on her for the lying.
“I am sorry my master.” She whimpered.
I nodded. “I am not displeased except for the lie you’ve told your sister.”
“Yes my master but I knew she wouldn’t come if I told her the real reason. I beg to be punished even more for the falsehood.”
“It is good you beg the punishment but for that you have already been distributed for that infection and seem your sister has given you what she thinks you deserve.”
“Yes my master.” She whispered. “Thank you my master.”
We heard Heidi’s car trying start and I chuckled softly, as the next thing we heard was my vehicle trying to be started. I had removed both of the coil wires from the engines before coming to the front porch. Both vehicles could not be crane with thispiece missing. Within a few minutes a very angry Heather returned to the warmth of the cabin. With the setting of the sun the late fall air was quite chilly.
“Neither of the cars will start.” She stated matter of factly.
“Yes girl.” I replied. “This is know to me and it was by my design. You will not be able to leave the cabin until I am quite ready for you to do so.”
“GIRL!?!?!?!???? How dare you call me that.” She screamed.
“Yes girl. It is what you are and what you will learn to be.”
“That’s kidnapping. “I’ll have you both arrested. You can’t do this to me.”
“Quite the contrary, sweet Heather.” I smiled. “By the end of the weekend you like your sister will be begging for my attention.”
“No fucking way you pervert.” She screamed again. “I am not the kind of slut like my sister.
I looked over to Heidi still lying naked across the table. “You may get off the table, don the camisk and go and fetch your sister’s clothing.”
Heidi obediently got off the table. “Yes my master.”
She returned with Heather overnight bag, knelt before me, thighs played open again showing her naked, cleanly shaven pussy. She held the bag out to me as I watched Heather watch her sister open herself completely. Again a look of desire mixed with disgust flashed across her eyes.
I moved towards my chair near the fireplace, which had a roaring fire blazing away. I looked over to Heidi who remained kneeling where I had left her and smiled.
“Observe Heather.” I looked from Heidi to heater and spoke softly yet firmly. “Heidi crawl over to me and lie across the rug as you were taught.”
She obeyed instantly and laid flat on her belly across the rug, here arms above her head and her legs spread widely apart. Heather gasped as she assumed the proper position. I open the bag and began removing items. The carefully folded clothes I removed and placed across my lap and set the bag down between my feet. Unfolding the first item,a very nice silk blouse, O wadded it up suddenly and tossed it into the fireplace.
‘What the hell!” Heather screamed. “Those are my clothes.”
“You will not need then Heather, my dear.” I smiled as I tossed the rest of them into the fire.
“You bastard. I am not going to stand for this. I am calling a cab.”
“That is entirely impossible, girl. There is no phone service up Here and cell phone unfortunately have no signal source this far out of town. I am afraid you are quite venerable and stuck here until your sister sees fit to allow your release.”
“My release?” She sputtered. “Until Heidi allows my release? How is it that she has the control of this?”
‘Because my dear sweet heater,” I smiled, “it is she who wishes you to become my slave.”
Heather’s mouth dropped open and as I turned my gaze to the prostrate girl on the rug I saw the tiny devilish grin that crossed her lips.
’Remove you clothes heather.” I said sternly. “You will not needthem.”
“I will not take off my clothes.”
I rose slowly and went over to the chest in which I kept some of my toys, and removed the flogger. I turned back around to face her and moved slowly towards her.
“You will remove your clothes or you will be whipped.”
Her eyes widened as I slapped the flogger against the palm of my hand. She lowered her eyes to the floor. A large grin spread across my face.
“I can’t.” She whispered.
“Then, we will assist you.” I smiled. “Heidi, remove our sister’s clothes.”
She rose instantly with that devilish grin playing across her lips. She moved quietly and began unbuttoning her sister’s blouse, pushed it back over her shoulders. As she unclasped the front hook bra she fondled her sister smalllish breasts. A swift slap across her naked ass from the flogger elicited a squeak from her lips.
“I did not say touch her.” I hissed. ” Just remove her clothes.”
She quickly obeyed and stripped her sister completely.As soon as all the clothes lay in a heap on the floor she knelt down by her sister, holding onto her hand. Tugging her sister down beside her she whispered. “ You will love this sissy.”
I smiled as I watch Heather knee down beside her sister, the only difference being, her knees were tightly pressed together. I was not displeased. She would soon learn to spread them widely and crave doing so.
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