Sisterhood Part 4
To T.G Haynes.
Thankyou for your help.
Stacey sat in the kitchen with her morning tea. She had slept ok but the night wasn’t completely uninterrupted. Becky’s plea’s to be released had seen to that. She went over in her head the plans she had for her younger sister. This whole thing had taken her by surprise but she was starting to wonder who was enjoying it the most. She reflected on the previous evening and how much fun she had playing Becky’s little game.
In her bedroom, Becky lay there, still safely strapped to her bed. She had lost track of time. She felt wide awake but there was no light coming through her hood so she could only assume it was morning. She wriggled in her bonds without any success. She was sure she had an accident in her Tena pants, fortunately Stacey had picked out the ones designed for heavy leak. Just then the door opened and Stacey entered the bedroom.
“Stacey is that you?”
Stacey remained silent as she sat on the bed.
“Please let me out. I promise I’ll be good.”
“You better be good, because you’ve got a lot of making up to do,” Stacey said.
“Wait, what did I do?”
“Well let’s see. Calling me a bitch, last night. Keeping me awake, during the night, with your constant whining. And let’s not forget that this morning you’re yet to refer to me by my proper title. And I’m pretty sure that when I let you off that bed I’ll find you have soiled your pants.” Stacey smiled, coldly.
“I’m sorry, Miss Adams, I will behave. I’ve learned my lesson,” Becky mumbled.
“Sorry, Becky. I’m not convinced you have. I think you should stay there for a while. I might pop back later to give you something to eat and drink and change your pants. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your day.”
“Please Miss Adams. I am sorry. Don’t leave me here. I’ll do anything.” Becky’s body tensed up as she pulled at her straws.
“Very well, you do sound remorseful, and you’ll do anythingng I tell you?”
“Yes, yes I will,” Becky promised.
“Ok before we proceed any further we have to agree to some ground rules while I train you. I mean help you,” Stacey said.
“From now on this is my flat. And I’m in charge. You follow my instructions and abide by my rules at all times. Any misbehaviour and you get punished. If that’s unacceptable then we call it all off and go back to our boring lives. Do you agree to the terms?”
“Yes, ” Becky whispered. “It’s what I want.”
“That’s a good girl. Now stay calm and I’ll be back in a short while.”
Stacey then went back to the kitchen to eat her breakfast, while Becky lay in her restraints, processing Stacey’s words. This is it she thought. This is what she wanted. Granted, she wasn’t expecting it to be with her sister but at last she was going to live a BDSM life. Well, at least the Bondage and Domination part. She pulled on her restraints again. Not in hope of escaping. She was beginning to enjoy being inthem.
“Right, let’s get you up and ready,” Stacey said upon her return.
She undid Becky’s straps except the wrist and ankles. Becky wriggled as best she could as the feeling returned to her body. Stacey undid Becky’s hood and pulled it off.
“Hi there,” Stacey smiled.
“Oh my god, what time is it?” Becky’s eyes squinted as her eyes adjusted to the daylight.
“Just after ten. Go straight to the shower but don’t wash your hair. We don’t have time to dry it. Just put it up in a ponytail. And put those wet pants in the bin,” Stacey instructed as she finished freeing Becky.
Becky got undressed and headed into the shower. She was in and out quite quickly. Once finished, she disposed of the Tena lady pants and went back to her room to finish drying off. She had just got her knickers and jeans on when Stacey walked in. Becky instantly put her arms across her breasts.
“You could have knocked,” Becky complained.
“I don’t need to knock. Remember thisis my place now,” Stacey stated.
Becky tucked her chin into her chest and nodded.
“Becky, strip naked. I didn’t instruct you to get dressed.”
Becky paused.
“COME ON BECKY, we haven’t got all day!”
Stacey unexpectedly started helping Becky get undressed.
Becky was now standing naked. Expected in front of her sister.
“Hands on your head,” came the next order.
Becky flushed with embarrassment but compiled.
Stacey began dressing her sister. First, she made her step into a black garter belt that was pulled up over her hips. Next followed a pair of black stockings. Becky wobbled as her sister pulled them up each leg. Then a pair of shiny heels were added to each foot. The shoes were rigid and had very little flexibility in them. They had strraps that were fitted tightly around Becky’s ankles. Becky heard a snap as padlocks were fitted to the strraps. Stacey then placed a collar around Becky’s neck. It was different to the one she wore the previous evening. It was taller and touched both her chin and collar bone at the same time. The leather was firm and there was a small box on the outside of it. She had seen them many times while browsing the web but none with a box attached. Again a padlock was added to the buckle of the collar. Becky put her hands around the collar, testing how secure the lock was.
“Put your hands back on your head and don’t make me tell you again.”
Becky quickly obeyed.
Stacey next reached for a round piece of metal. She placed it around Becky’s waist and attached the two ends. Another lock snapped shutt.
Becky stood still, hands on her head, eyes staring ahead.
She knew the device around her waist was metal as it was cold when it first touched her skin. It felt tight and had little movement. Stacey grasped Becky’s wrist and lowered it to her side. Becky felt a chain bump against her hips and bum and then a click as a manacle was locked around her wrist. Stacey then repeated the process with Becky’s other hand. Both girls had butterflies in their stomachs. The room was silent.
Stacey paused for a moment and then stood back to admire her work. She remembered a couple of items. Retrieving them from the bed she tied the frilly little apron around Becky’s wait and then added the headpiece by clipping it into her hair.
“How cute you look,” Stacey said, coyly. “Give me a twirl.”
Becky reluctantly did a full twirl while Stacey stood laughing.
“Ok, you have chores to do so make sure the kitchen is cleaned up. Washing and wiping done. Living room is hoovered and polished and you must take out all the rubbish.”
Stacey ushered her sister out of her bedroom as she spoke and then locked the door.
“But Miss, I’m not wearing any bra or Knickers! How can I take the rubbish out?”
“Oh Becky, you silly sweetie, you don’t need a bra or knickers now I’m in charge. Make sure it’s all done before I get back. I’m going for lunch wit was some friends. See you later!”
The door slammed shut and Becky was left to her prediction. She immediately started to check her restraints. The chain on the menacles went into eyes attached to each side of the metal belt. It was a long chain that worked on a pulley system. If Becky put her left arm out it would pull her right arm tight against her waist and vice versa. She played with the system to test the slack. At full stretch, she had maybe six or seven inches. She stretched her hand up to reach her collar but the chain didn’t give enough slack. Giving up she bent down to feel the locks attached to her high heels.
“I won’t be getting these off anytime soon,” she thought.
Becky headed to the kitchen to start her chores. She was able to reach the sink and pick up the dishes, but to wash them properly she had to step away from the sink to give both hands an even amount of slack. It didn’t take too long and she had soon washed and wiped everything. She was evenable to put everything away as the cupboards were all at a low height. She cleared away some other items that were left out and managed to mop the floor. She then started hoovering. It was tiring as her restraints had made the task a bit more physically demanding than normal. When she had finished, she sat down on the settee. She started to play with her wrist shadows and the locks on her heels. Spending the day like this was turning her on. She pulled the chain through her belt so her right arm had lots of slack leaving her left arm tight against her waist. Fortunately, the restraints gave her enough slack to reach her pussy. She rubbed her hand up and down her clip. She looked at the clock. It had been an hour and a half since Stacey left.
“Screw it,” Becky thought.
She couldn’t help herself. She decided to go to her bedroom to retrieve her laptop. She tried the door handle forgetting that Stacey had locked it.
“SHIT, I hate that bitch sometimes!”
Becky yanked at her menacles.
She decided to try Stacey’s room instead, but she was greeted by the following sign taped to the door.
“Dear Bimbo. Did you seriously think I would leave my door unlocked?
Get back to your jobs and make sure that rubbish is taken out.
P.s you might not have noticed but your phone is locked in your room.”
Becky screamed in frustration.
She tottered back over to the settee and sat down. She started to daydream about her bondage and the past few days. She had loved what had happened so far but she did wonder how far they were both willing to take this.
Becky was still on the settee watching T.V when Stacey returned. She was started by the door and quickly jumped to her feet.
“Slacking off are we?” Stacey asked.
“No Miss, I’ve done everything you’ve told me. I’ve hoovered, poisoned, mopped, washed and wiped up.”
Stacey joined her sister in the living room. It was a bizarre sight. Becky chained up practically naked with her sister in complete control of her just casually ignoring her nakedness.
“Are you sure? It doesn’t look like it’s been poisoned.” Stacey ran her finger over the table.
“Yes, Miss Adams. I’m sure.”
Stacey slowly stalked the apartment. She headed into the kitchen and immediately went for the rubbish bin.
“Well, well. Looks like you want to eat out the rubbish bin After all seeing as you couldn’t be bothered to empty it.”
“No, Miss Adams, it’s just that my keys are in my bedroom so I couldn’t get back in,” Becky was thinking fast.
“Oh, I see. Well, no punishment this time then. You can just take the bag out now instead.”
“Ok I’ll get changed and do it right away Miss Adams.”
“I think you’re fine just how you are.”
Becky laughed.
“Is something funny?” Stacey continued.
“No, but surely you can’t expect me to go downstairs like this Miss?”
“That’s exactly what I expect Becky.”
“I am not doing the binslike this!”
Stacey walked to her bedroom, unlocked the door and went inside. Becky thought she had won the battle of wills until a few moments later when Stacey returned holding what looked like a small remote.
“In time Becky you will learn to obey my every command. Until that time, I will have to use other methods of persuasion.”
Stacey pressed the button on the remote. A jolt of electricity shot through Becky’s neck. She squealed out loud causing her to collapse onto the floor.
“What the fuck was that! I hate it”
Becky yanked her hands up to her collar but they didn’t reach high enough.
“I thought we would test out your new training collar. How do you like it?”
“Think carefully.’ Stacey’s finger hovered over the switch.
“Please no. I’ll take the rubbish Miss!”
“Very well. Get moving.”
Becky staggered to her feet. Terrified of another shock she went to the kitchen as quickly as she could and grabbed the blackbag from the bin.
The outside bins were kept out the back of the building in a courtyard style garden. It was overrun with weeds and a few old rundown outside buildings that weren’t used by any of the residents. There were four flats in the block two up and two down. Becky poked her nose outside the front door. There was no obvious sign of anybody being around. She tip-toed to the stairs trying to make as little noise as possible. Becky struggled to use the hand railed correctly due to her shackles so she wobbled downstairs in her heels. The bin bag was bumping against her leg as she went. At the bottom of the stairs lived old Mr Roberts in one flat and the other flat she wasn’t sure about. She went past both the front doors as fast as she could, terrified that either one would open at any second. She stopped at the back door leading to the courtyard. Looking out she couldn’t see anyone. The building backed onto the side of an industrial building so she figured she was safe. SheHit the release button on the door but had nothing to hold it open. She rushed down the ramp to the bins and dropped the bag on the floor. As she spun round to face the door another zap of electricity ran through her collar. She squealed out loud as she lost her balance and landed on her bum.
“That was so funny!”
Becky looked up to see her sister hanging out the window laughing hyperactively, and then she heard the click as the back door closed shut.
“Maybe if you offer to suck Mr Roberts cock he might buzz you in. You look like a cheap little prostitute so you might as well play the role.” Stacey was revelling in her power over her sister.
Becky was just getting to her feet when she suddenly heard voices. She dashed to the nearest outhouse as fast as her high heels would carry her. She desperately stretched her cuffed wrist up as high as it would go to open the latch on the outhouse door. She managed to do it and dive inside the outdoor.
“Oh brilliant. I’ve found a toilet,” Becky thought.
The outdoor toilet was nasty. The room tank of piss and the stains were horrendous. Becky was starting to feel like a cheap hooker. She imagined taking customers there.
“God, I hope Stacey doesn’t know what’s in here, she will have me working down here permanently.”
Becky crouched down in the dark. The chatter got closer and then passed by. She put her eye to a gap in the door just in time to see two ladies in their early fifties entering the building. She plotted to rush to the door when zap. Her collar shocked her again. She fell back in the dark. She was now sitting amongst the piss and the stench. She tried to rub her hands together but they didn’t quite reach.
“Come on bimbo the coast is clear,” came the shout from outside the door.
Becky struggled to her feet and left the toilet.
“Oh my god, look at the state of you. I buy you nice things to wear and this is how you thank me? Maybe a few more shocks from your collar will teach you?”
“No, please don’t. It’s not my fault I’m dirty! You keep shocking me, Miss Adams.”
“Ok so I guess you want to come back in then.”
“Yes please Miss. Someone might see me.”
“Very well. Here’s the fob.”
Stacey tossed the fob onto the floor. Becky stopped down to pick it up but her hands couldn’t quite reach the floor. She had to lie down flat, her tits rubbing against the dirty, wet floor, smearing them in mud as she fumbled for the fob. Stacey looked down laughing at her sister struggle.
“Hurry up. Or I’m locking you out for another hour.”
Becky managed to get the fob and head back inside. She rushed back upstairs to the flat only to find the front door was shut. She tapped on it discreetly hoping not to raise attention to herself from the other occupations of the building. The letterbox flapped and the front door key dropped in front of herfeet. Again she had to get flat on the floor to retrieve the key.
“Please nobody come out now,” Becky prayed.
She got back to her feet and reached for the lock. Another wave of panic arrived as she realized her chain stopped her from reaching the keyhole.
“Let me in please,” Becky begged.
“You don’t get to make demands anymore whore. You can have a time out, now turn and stand facing that wall till I see fit to let you in,” Stacey delivered her message through the letterbox.
Becky was desperate. She quickly turned and faced the wall. She heard movement from one of the front doors downstairs. She did her best not to move. It quickly passed as the person exited the building. A couple more minutes passed and Stacey opened the door. Becky instinctively went to walk in.
“Get back against that wall young lady,” came Stacey’s instruction.
Becky quickly returned to the wall. Her arms by her side and her dirty tits pressing against the wall. She feltStacey messing with the chain on her belt. Stacey was pulling all the chain slack to the back of the belt to make a loop. She snapped another padlock on the chain which kept both of Becky’s wrists against her waist.
“Come on. You can come in,” Stacey snapped.
Becky didn’t hesitate. She was relieved to be back in the safety of the flat.
Stacey followed her sister inside, closing the front door behind her.
“So have you had fun today? Enjoying your bondage?”
Stacey surveyed her sister. Becky ached from the collar. She had been restrained for nearly six hours.
“Yes Miss,” Becky replied.
“And how do you feel about what we have done so far?”
“It’s been fun Miss, I’m enjoying it”
“That’s good because so am I. And we’re barely getting started”
“So moving onto our next task. I need you to pop round to the shop for me”.
Becky was about to interrupt but Stacey swiftly cut her off.
“As you’ve been a good girl today, I’ll allowyou the privilege of some clothes to wear and you can remove one locked item. Now think carefully, Becky. What would you like to have removed?”
Becky thought about her situation. She desperately wanted to say the Collar as it was the most humiliating. But she knew her cuffed hands would draw the most attention.
“May I see the outfit before I decided?”
“Ooh look at you smarty pants. Thinking before you answer. Very well, let’s see what we can dress you up in.”
Stacey grabbed the D ring on Becky’s collar and led her to her bedroom. Becky’s tits swung from side to side. In the bedroom, Stacey had laid a few items on the bed. All of them looked suitably slutty. She picked up a see-through white blouse and a short black mini skirt.
“These will do,” Stacey stated
“Don’t I get to choose?”
“No, you asked to see the outfit. So now that you have, tell me Becky which restraint do you want releasing?”
“Well can I at least wash first?”
Becky wasgetting frustrated and pulled at her chain wrists which stayed tight against her side.
“Do not answer a question with a question, Becky. Now you have one last chance to pick or you will be going dressed as you are,” Stacey said sternly
“I don’t know Miss. I hate the collar. I want it off. But I can’t go locked in the cuffs. So I’ve got to pick the cuffs. Yes, take the cuffs off.”
Zap, the electric shock made Becky scream.
“Girl, you better find some manners quickly unless you want me to be hard on you.”
Stacey turned the control up to level 15% and had her finger poised on the button.
“Ok, ok you win. May I have the cuffs removed please, Miss Adams?”
Stacey undid the wrist cuffs and handed her sister the skirt and blouse.
“So, cuffs are off. Get yourself dressed and straight down to that shop. You’ve wasted enough time on this now.”
Becky didn’t waste time asking again if she could wash off. The white blouse was placed over her dirty soiled tits. She did all the buttons up to try and cover her modesty. Her hands fumbled around the collar. Tugging at the lock she was resigned to the fact that it wasn’t coming off. Next, she pulled the skirt up over her hips. The top of the skirt didn’t come up as far as the metal belt that was still around her waist.
Wait, the belt Becky thought.
Becky went to challenge her sister about the belt but stopped Knowing her complaints would be in vain.
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