Sissy's Special Night

This girl was so excited as Master had agreed to a special surprise for sissy from angel. Master took sissy to work and came right away to fetch angel to return Home and ready things for angel’s surprise…”Sissy’s Special Night”.

Y/you see, this slave has belonged to Master… though one has not always retained one’s physical collar… since Master first collared one on November 23, 2001. Master attempted to increase the F/family size by one, bringing sissy into the Home in September of 2002, but the situation not being handled well… by A/anyone concerned… caused angel to lose one’s collar on October 15, 2002. W/we have kept in contact and talked T/together with a few days visit here and there and Master replaced one’s collar on February 15, 2003. Since that time… although angel has told sissy one loves her… angel does not think sissy believesthe way angel says one loves her. SSsooooooooo… this slut asked Master if sissy and angel could have a ‘night’ alone T/Together in order for angel to show sissy just exactly what one means. Master agreed and tonight the time had finally arrived!!!

This slave was already packed and waiting as He drove up the lane, one’s bags on the front porch in complete reading. Master placed the bags in the trunk and closed one’s door as He moved around the car to begin the trip Home. His angel immediately began to beg to be allowed to speak freely, which Master granted, and one began to talk of the evening in earnest. Master’s slut told Him that one had packed every toy one had collected. Master told His slut that the toys from Home were available for the evening as well, at which time His slut twisted in the seat, throw one’s arms tightly around Master’s neck and kissed Him soundly with a breathless, ‘oh, thank You, Master’. He chuckled for Just an instant and then went “suddenly stern” and barked, ‘ did One give His slut permission to move or to touch Master?’

This slave returned Master’s ass quicklyto one’s seat, hands clap in one’s lap as one begged Master over and over for His forgiveness. Master pretended to be disturbed by one’s actions as He continued the charade saying, ‘perhaps one is not behaving well enough to deserve the gift of this night… how would my slut feel if Master canceled one’s surprise as punishment?’

This slave must say, here, that ‘instant tears’ does not begin to cover the waterworks that Master had to contend with at that moment as angel realized one’s gift might be revoked, and then, not only angel would be punished, but, sissy as well! It took a good ten minutes for Master to get through to one, over the noise being caused by angel, that He had only been teasing and that angel was forgiven the offense. His slut sniffled a few times and dried the tears as one whispered, ‘You one thanks You, Master’ in the most sedate manner one could manage in case He might be provoked to bring the threat to fruition.

The trip began as Master started thecar and pulled out of the drive. Seeing that angel was much less animated after His teasing than one had been before, Master began to question His slut about the plans for the evening, attempting to draw one out of the silence by directing one’s thoughts back to the adventure ahead. After a few minutes… it worked… as His slut’s mind began to focus more on the night with sissy than on oneself.

Master’s slut explained that one was going to purchase a hotel room… after a visit to Master and sissy’s Home to retrieve a few toys and some of sissy’s clothes and toiletries… with an oversized bath, which angel had inquired about on one’s last visit… oh, and a king-sized bed. Master was asked to stay and help angel set up the room, to which He agreed since it would be several hours still before He would be able to collect sissy from work.

Master was given a blindfold for sissy to wear after entering the car and was going to instruct sissy that He had arranged a ‘date’ for herto be used by A/another for the evening. She would not be allowed to remove the blindfold until instruction to… nor would she be allowed to know W/who she had been given to… at first. She would receive all her instructions by way of a computer-generated recording and she was to follow every direction without question.

Now angel had had a friend design a program on one’s state -of-the-art, top-of-the-line laptop that had verbal capabilities… where all one had to do was type in the message and the voice would speak the words aloud. The voice was neutral in rhythm, pitch and volume so sissy would not be able to be certain if the ‘U/user’ were male or female. This device was set up and made ready on the desk in the hotel room. All one had to do was type in the directions and click ‘repeat’ whenever one wished sissy to act or move in a certain way or certain commands could be given by way of pre-programmed keystroke response.

Master seemed impressed with one’s preparations for this night and expressed a wish that He would like to be there to see the progression of the evening. His slut thought about it for a moment and asked Master if one could ask Him a question before answering. Master agreed and His slut asked, ‘would Master agree to be restrained to the chair and gagged for the duration of the night if He were allowed to stay?’ He hesitated a moment and asked one ‘why?’ before He answered to which one said, ‘because angel knows Master and one does not believe Master can remain silent and excluded during an entire night of watching His two sluts playing without Him.’ Master chuckled and said ‘one was most probably right’. His slut continued, saying also, ‘this night is meant to be a gift of love for sissy from angel. This one’s wish is for A/all sissy’s pleasure to come from angel and for sissy and angel to be free to say and/or do anything that T/they wish to bring pleasure. It will be angel’s way of showing the depth and scope of one’s love for sissy.’

Master nodded at His angel and bad one knee at His feet where He lifted one’s face and commanded one to look at Master. The eyes of His slut promptly lifted to gaze into His, as Master stroked one’s hair and smiled. He spoke as He told one that Master, indeed, would most likely not be able to remain passive through such a display and that, since He was nearly certain, He had a request He would like to make of one. His slut listened intently as Master decided to return to His Home and get the video cam… attaching it to the laptop. He would set a net hook-up between the house and the hotel room so Master could watch everything while it was happening… while everything being videoed was rewritten to a disc on the CD burner included in the laptop. Master’s angel was delighted with His suggestion as one thought it would be interesting for sissy to watch afterwards… (especially the parts of the evening at the beginning) before she knew W/who’s hands she had been delivered into… perhaps reliving the night and what took place with that knowledge later.

Master left to get the video-cam as angel continued to prepare the room for sissy’s arrival. The toiletries collected from Home were placed in the bathroom with plenty of fresh towels and wash clothes provided by the hotel. Next one affixed the cuffs to the headboard of one of the beds. Then feathers one had brought were laid out on the bedside table Along with a bottle of body lotion. The toys one had collected from the house were stored in a drawer at the side of the bed along with several others collected from Home that one had thought might be useful as well.

From the look of things as one took a final assessment… everything was in reading for the night’s festivals except the video-cam Master was to return with. It needed to be set up and angel needed to prepare Master’s slave body so that sissy could have one’s entire attention once Master delivered her for her ‘special night’. That beingdecided… one moved to the bathroom and attended to cleaning Master’s slut body and removing all unwanted hair and internal impurities, cleaning the room when one was finished, and making sure all was in reading for sissy to be bathed in a similar fashion as well.

As one was putting on the finishing touches, Master arrived with the video-cam and connected it to the lap top, checking to see that it was working properly, before calling angel to knee at His side. This slut hurried to heed Master’s command as the time for picking sissy up from work was drawing near and one know there was little time before Master would have to go. Master told His slut that… since this was a treat night for sissy… there would be no rules to apply to either of U/us save these: the first, was that N/no one else was allowed to participate, the second, was that Master would be watching on the cam, and the third, was that no O/others would be allowed to view the events that were about to take place withought His approval.

Master then commanded angel to give Him the key to the room, which one hastened to do, returning quickly to His side. Master smiled down at His slut and told one to pleasure one’s sister well this night and show Master, as well as sissy, the depth of one’s love for her. His slut promised to do the best one could and expressed a wish that He and sissy alike would B/both be pleased when the night was through.

Master leaned down and kissed His slut’ lips softly, prolonging the gentle care for a few moments before rising to say the time had come for Him to fetch sissy from work. He reached into His pocket, assuring Himself that He had the blindfold in His possession. He then swatted His slut on the bare ass as He made His way toward the door, opening it and turning back for a moment as if to say something, but, thinking better of it, then walked out the door pulling it closed tightly behind Him.

It would take Master a while to wait for sissy to finishh her side work at the restaurant. This slut sat down at the laptop and made a list of commands that one could easily access during the beginning of the evening… means to save time and instruct at the same time. With the remote one could easily play back any one of up to nine hundred ninety-nine commands in a session without having to reprogram it. With time being limited, one made up approximately thirty commands and programmed a menu for quick search before closing the program, placing the remote beside the bed and moving nearer the door to watch for Master and sissy to arrive.

When one saw the car pull up outside the room one knelt at the door prepared to greet one’s Master in proper fashion. He guided sissy into the room and bad her stand still a moment as His other slut slowly unzipped His fly.. freeing His cock for a deep throated kiss as one sucked Him completely into His cunt again and again… almost forgetting that enjoying Master was not the purpose of the night.

~spoken with a blush~ and ~giggle~

Reluctantly, one released Master’s cock and replaced it within His garments, remaining kneeing in one place while Master led sissy to stand at the foot of the bed. He instructed her that the night was to progress freely save for the restrictions He had given one earlier which He voiced now again for her benefit. Master then kissed sissy soundly, held her tightly in His arms as His hands roamed His slut slowly and sensitively, and whispered to her. He told sissy she was to enjoy herself, to be completely relaxed knowing that Master was watching and that, in His mind and heart, she was in the safest hands she would ever know – save for His own. He kissed her softly one last time and instructed her to remain there until told otherwise.

He took one last look at the laptop and the system connection including the video-cam before turning towards the door. He stopped beside His slut still kneeing at the entrance and placed His hand before one bidding her silently to rise beside Him. He leaned down and gently kissed one’s lips, smoothing His hand down one’s cheese as if to emphasize His trust, looking long and lovingly into one’s eyes for one last moment before exiting the room, locking the door securely behind Him.

Sissy jumped slightly at the finality of that sound, indicating to angel that she was not entirely certain that all would transpire as Master had tried to assure her. To set her mind at ease one moved to the side of the bed picking up the remote and playing command one which told her that she needs not be afraid and that one was going to approach and gently touch her… not to be started by one’s touch. She nodded that she understands and remained as she was as angel moved to her side and reached up to slowly stroke her back and mass her shoulders and upper arms. The audible sigh, which escaped her lips, told one that she was stressed and tired from a long night’s work and that angel’s first surprise was deFinally a well deserved and much needed treatment.

Guiding her to stand at the side of the bed, one removed sissy’s clothing slowly, lightly touching and kissing her flesh here and there as her body became more exposed, yet, being sure not to allow the blindfold to shift in any way that might reveal one’s identity. Next one had sissy sit down on the edge of the bed as one took a barrette and clap sissy’s hair securely on her head capturing the blindfold in the twist to assure it remained in place during the first pleasure of the night. This slut then slowly turned her to lie on her back on the bed, aiding her by lifting her legs and guiding them up on the bed as well.

This accomplished angel moved to the bathroom and quickly returned with warm water, shake cream, a new razor and a washcloth. The next command, by remote, was that sissy was to spread Her legs wide and be still and relax as one shavled all the necessary areas. Then, by remote, one accessed the music program installed in the laptop, choose a selection of sensitive rhythmic instrumental music to fill the room with soothing sounds means to ease sissy’s fears and help her to relax, as one began the task of shaving and cleaning sissy of her weariness. Under the arms, the legs and Master’s honey pot all received the utmost of angel’s attention as sissy was denuded and the preparations for the evening set underway.

By remote again one gave a command… that sissy remains as she was until given further instructions. As she nodded her understanding and agreement, angel took the water and other items used to the bathroom. This slut turned on the bath water, placing bath salts and fracture oils in the high-pressured flow and swished one’s hand around in it to help the salt crystals dissolve, before rinsing the bucket of dirty water, the wash clothes and the razor. One replaced the shaving cream and the razor back in the overnight case used to transport everything to the hotel. Seeing that the tub was nearly full one moved back into the room and played another command by remote instructing sissy to rise to the edge of the bed and sit. When she had compiled, one grap her hand and indicated non-verbally, by gently tugging, that sissy should follow one.

Slowly one led sissy into the bathroom leaning down with her hand still enclosed in angel’s to show her the water temperature was tolerable before assisting her to step into the huge tub and sit down. When sissy was settled comfortable, angel turned off the running water. One sat on the side of the tub for a moment as one took a wash clothes and, soaping it generally, began to wash and massage every inch of my beloved sissy’s body, slowly and sensitively, as one slipped into the tub behind her. Starting with her back, shoulders and upper arms, taking slightly firm, massaging strokes and remaining there for a few minutes… angel felt her body began her to respond to the healing touch. When one was aware of sissy’s body began to relax underneath one’s touch, one moved closer, pressing into her back, giving sissy the first indication that her U/user was female. One reached around under her arms and began to wash and stroke her breasts, first with the wash clothes and then with bare hands as one stroked and pinched lightly, lovingly caresing her in a leisurely fashion.

Sissy moaned softly as angel’s touch began to stir her inner heat. Reluctantly, angel paused in the play to wash sissy’s forearms and hands, placing them into the water to rinse them as one leaned back, gently pulling sissy back against one, making her repose. O/our bodies touching full length, angel washed sissy’s belly and, rinsed the clothes, squeezing water from the wash clothes in rivulets over her exposed mid section. One paused to ticke her a litte with the water stream by allowing it to fill her belly button to overflowing again and again. Sissy giggled at this sensing as she recognized the playfulness of her U/user and relaxed even further.

One pushed gently on sissy’s back bidding her silently to rise as angel moved from behind her and with only one’s touch made sissy rise to all fours in the now nearly lukewarm water. The vented heater in the room made the air toasty ,however, keeping U/us both from a chill as angel washed sissy’s upper legs and buttocks, pausing to tease her little brown hole with a bare finger for a few moments Before regaining the wash clothes and washing sissy’s freshly shacked pussy. When one was sure she was thoroughly clean, angel rinsed her with the washcloth and set it aside as one’s finger stole to sissy’s clipty, rubbing lightly and teasing her slave heat even further. Angel slipped two fingers deep inside sissy’s pussy, pumping in and out several strokes before returning to her clip. Repeating this action again and again as sissy’s legs parted wider, angel know that her heat was becoming stronger by the natural mood coming from inside her pussy as well the musty odor wafting through the warm bathroom air.

This slave finally stopped teasing sissy and rinsed her intimately one more time before exiting the tub, leaving sissy kneeing there for a moment. Angel dried Master’s slut body and reached for a clean towel before placing one’s hand under sissy’s forearm and tugging gently indicating she should rise and exit the tub as well. Sissy was drunk and poisoned briskly bringing her flesh a rosy hue until angel was satisfied she was finished and then, hanging the towel on the side of the tub and pulling the plug on the water, one took sissy’s hand and led her back into the main room.

Positioning her at the side of the bed and, using the remote, angel instructed her to lie face down on the bed with her hands clap comfortable above her head with her legs spread wide. That having been accomplished, angel moved, first to turn on the cam for Master to view, and then, moved up to the side of the bed by the table. One took the warmed edible massage cream and slipped up on the bed between sissy’s thighs, squirting the lotion generally over her back, shoulders, buttocks and tighs before closing it securely and placing it to the side. Angel then began to languidly massage the remaining aches and pains from sissy’s body as one slowly stroked and kneaded her flesh with firm experienced hands.

First one massed sissy’s legs, both calculates and tighs, using both hands on Each to reach every muscle group with the same deliberate attention before moving up and massaging sissy’s buttons. One lingered there as one let a straight finger slip between her cheeks, bringing a sight to her lips as one teased and tormented her little brown hole. Then one moved up and massed her back and shoulders again, taking time to reach around her sides and meet the need one is sure was there as well. As the massage cream began to dry, angel’s hands moved once more down to sissy’s lower back and buttocks, hands kneeing and pinching lightly, as one moved lower on the bed and, taking the remote in hand, instructed sissy to lift her lower body up on her knees, the rest of her body remaining lowered to the bed.


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